Waiting For Superman

By KayandBee

2K 204 46

"Watch it all fall onto the ground, no happy ever after, just disaster" More



48 6 2
By KayandBee

Worlds Apart

Oliver for the first time was running late. This seemed to worry me a lot more than anything else that was going on in my head at the minute, more than Dylan, more than everyone at home.

I was sat on the rocks where he first performed for me. When I was first here everything seemed magical; the atmosphere must have been created by him, because now it's dark, gloomy and really scary to be in.

"Neavah" he said in his beautiful Spanish accent.

I smiled as I turned to face him. "Where have you been Oliver? You're never late"

He shrugged his shoulders and grinned. "I have a surprise"

Well it all makes sense now.

He was like a kid at Christmas, making me act the same.

"What is it?" I stood up and ran towards him.

He held out his arms for me to run into and held me tightly when I did; I wrapped my arms around his body.

"Dinner" he announced.

I pulled away from him, seeing him smile just made me smile.

"But how would dinner make you late?" I questioned

He grinned at me as he squinted his right eye at the sound of a horse and carriage approaching.

I titled my head to the side, just looking past him to see the horse and carriage. "Oliver?"

He started nodding at me and I felt all crazy inside, I was so happy with him here, I am so bloody glad that I met him and wouldn't have wished for this trip to go any other way.

He held out his hand for me and stood to the side, allowing me to see the horse and carriage properly.

"My lady?" he attempted a British accent, but failed of course.

I held onto his hand as he leaned in slowly and kissed it.

"Neavah Collins?" The coachman called out.

"Yes" I smiled, holding up my right hand as Oliver was holding my left hand.

"We will be taking you to dinner and then back to your house. We hope this is okay with you and that you have a remarkable night" he explained.

The coachman opened the carriage door and I climbed into the carriage with Oliver following me.

The coachman closed the carriage door and sat in his position ready to guide the horse.

"You, Oliver, you are incredible" I smiled looking into his eyes as he sat opposite me.

"Only you would I imagine myself doing this for"

"What did I do to deserve you?" I questioned, looking into his big beautiful heartfelt eyes.

"I found you Neavah" he replied, looking back into my eyes.

I couldn't help but smile at that response. It wasn't something I would expect to hear, but it was definitely something that Oliver would say and I loved that. I loved that he gives me what I don't expect from people, yet accept that it is true as it is coming from someone who is genuine and honest.

He smiled back at me; both of us would always smile uncontrollably when we look at each other. It was as if I entered a brand new world here and everything back home no longer mattered.

The carriage stopped and the coach man opened the door for us both to get out.

I lifted both of my hands up placing them over my mouth in surpise.

Oliver placed his hands onto each side of my waist and leaned his head on my right shoulder.

"Perfect?" He questioned

"You are out of this world" I screeched as I ran towards his beautiful garden.

He followed me slowly with his hands tucked into his jean pockets, with a gentle but most charming grin on his face.

"Oliver!" I exclaimed. "I cannot believe you did this"

The garden was filled with fairy lights, in the trees, the bushes and hanging from the trees. There were pictures hanging from the trees leading us to the picnic that was on the floor with wine and food that Oliver brought.

This was perfect.

"These pictures" I pointed towards the photos hanging from the tree.

(For the photos look at the media for those)

"You're a photographer as well?" I screeched as I was exploring the garden and incredibly overwhelmed by what he had done for me.

He nodded in reply as he opened a bottle of red wine for the both of us.

I sat down on the picnic blanket and held my wine glass up to him.

He began pouring me some red.


He poured himself a glass and then placed the bottle down

"Yes" his response was followed by him taking a sip of wine.

"Why did you do all of this?" I questioned.

"Neavah, with me this is what you'll always get. Nothing less, I can give you a lot here. What you really deserve. You told me you spent so long giving to people and now I want to give it all back to you" he promised.

"Dylan" I stated

He nodded.

"I hate that you have him back at home"

I wasn't going to tell him how things ended; it was easier not to mention it.

I shook my head at him.

"I'm sorry Oliver, this is all beautiful and I am so sorry that you've developed feelings -"

He cut me off as soon as I dropped the 'f' bomb, but for different reasons compared to everyone else.

"I have fallen for you, this isn't me developing feelings, this is me knowing that from the moment I met you on that flight, I wanted to be with you. I'm in love with you, the thought of you, and the idea of you, everything you are and everything you do"

My eyes filled with tears and I just felt my heart pause. Was this good? I mean, usually my heart should race.

"I'm in love with you" he repeated that one line from his speech, although it was the one line that managed to stand out to me.

I didn't reply, I was still in complete shock that I was so oblivious to this actually happening to my life.

"I don't think I can do another day without knowing that once you're time is up, you'll forget this, you'll forget me and it will happen because you aren't with me" he explained

Now my heart was racing and it wasn't in the good way, I couldn't think straight and had uncontrollable butterflies.

Not the good butterflies either, I felt so sick.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

He sighed before speaking, no hesitation needed. I knew what was coming.

"I mean, I told you I'm in love with you and you were shocked, which means the feelings aren't mutual otherwise you wouldn't have paused, you wouldn't have flinched and you would have said it back" he explained.

I shook my head at him and he stood up opening the carriage door for me.

"Oliver, what are you doing?"

"You're going home" he said looking down at the floor.

"No don't do this, don't ruin this" I moaned.

I stood up and walked towards him, unsure of what I wanted to do or say.

"Go home" he demanded.

I stood close enough to feel him breathe on my skin.

"What do you want to do?" He questioned.

The old me before coming to Spain would have just kissed him, but me being aware, me protecting my heart and hoping that Dylan would want me knew not to screw up.

"Neavah" he whispered. He looked up from the floor and into my eyes.

I shook my head at him. "Nothing" I whispered back.

''What is your book called?"

I looked at him and couldn't even think straight. "Waiting for Forever"

He could hear in my voice that at the back of my throat I was holding back tears.

He nodded once at me before walking away from the carriage and back into his house.

"Oliver" I said. I didn't shout nor did I whisper, I just tried with what little energy I had left from all the hurt that I was feeling.

I looked at the scenery and how a remarkable moment just turned to nothing.

The journey back to my apartment seemed to be the longest. I didn't want to go back home knowing that things were not okay with Oliver, but I had never seen him the way that he was to know what to do to help him.

All I could think about was how I felt when I first left the carriage and how happy he made me. I mean, did Dylan ever make me that happy? Feel the incredible?

I just didn't want to go back to England and have us feel worlds apart. I wasn't ready for that at all.

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