The Story Of Raven Lee *wattt...

By ImVampirekitty

531 69 83

Highest ranks Ive had: #2 in mistory #173 in loss #251 in powers #724 in tricks #792 in Fae "Not all things... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 19

9 1 2
By ImVampirekitty

The ice walls melt around us and the Fae all gather around. Their heads are bowed low many are on the ground forehead to the earth.

The Raven on my arm raises her head from my skin to look at me.

"You have done well my master." She says to me softly then her head falls back into my skin. My wings fold and close around me.

As the dust clears from the rage of my attack upon Fay, I see her bloody body laying in the sand. Her wings and horns gone. As my instinct to defend my own fades I run to her.

I lift her into my arms and her eyes slowly open. I look into their depths and know she's alive, but barely. Her hand grabs mine as a slow smile spreads across her bloody lips.

"You won my Queen." I hear her say in a raspy voice. I see her eyes close and hear her heart beat dangerously slow.

Everything around me fades as I focus only on Ray. Her body is riddelel with deep wounds that keep bleeding. Her skin turns the shade of ash her lips a odd blue.

"No you don't Ray!" A feeling comes over me and I wrap my wings around us. A blue and silver light form a new symbol under us as I place my head to hers and close my eyes. I listen to her heart pick up speed and then I'm inside her.

I have somehow slipped from my body into hers and I can clearly see all her devastating wounds. Not knowing what I'm doing I start to panic.

"Guide light to the wounds from your spirit." again my Raven speaks to me. I take a claiming breath and reach out to a deep gash in her left lung. Blinding light slowly stitches the mess and stops the bleeding. I turn to see one of the tubes to her heart have been severed through. Again I send the light.

I feel myself getting heavy and my eyes unfocus. I fight it and continue. I heal her liver and kidney as well before I start on the damaged muscles. They are in a state of shambles but I heal them quickly enough to keep her alive. I want to heal her broken bones but I hear mama's voice.

"Baby girl its time to return to your own body. If you dwendel longer you just might kill yourself and Clover. You must return. The Fae will heal the rest of her. She has only broken bones and torn flesh. She's not even bleeding anymore. Come baby girl." I want to stay but I know mama is probably right. I let go and feel myself fall backwards.

"Raven!" I feel warm wet hands touch my face. I open my eyes to see Dev leaning over me touching my cheek. With a weak hand I touch his hand.

"Oh thank the gods! Your alright!" He kisses me hard without thinking and I moan in pain which makes him jump slightly.

"Sorry." He says breathless like he ran a mile. A slow happy smile forms on my dry feeling lips. I feel them crack but don't care.

"Raven, my dear daughter, you have done it. You are now Queen of the Fae. You now have your birth right." Comes Saber's voice from next to me. He is instructing some Fae to carry Ray to a care center in the Castle of Elements.

With Dev and Saber's help I'm able to stand. As I do I hear cheers from all around me.

"Queen Raven!"
"Our new Queen has been made!"
"Long live Queen Raven!"
"Our Queen!"

I catch a few of what their saying and feel my heart swell with happiness. I try to bow but feeling weak I lean on Dev instead. I watch as everyone parts and let's someone walk to me. Her wolf ears and fluffy tail twitch with nerves.

"My Queen, I want to thank you for healing my mama and setting us free." I smile at her and lean down to her level despite feeling I'm gonna fall forward.

"Lady Fayra. I could never kill Ray. She is one of my own, just as you are. Just as everyone here is." I watch her bottom lip quiver and then the tears fall. I sweep her into warm embrace and kiss her head. Once her tears have stopped I release her and wipe her face with what's left of my torn and bloody tunic.

"By the way I want you to call me Raven." At my words she smiles brightly and bows slightly before running to the men carrying Ray. A tall man with white wolf ears and tail take hold of Fay's hand. I smile knowing its her father.

I stand back up only to nearly fall again. The next thing I know I'm in Dev's arms.

"Take her to the Castle of Elements and into her royal chambers. Have a medical mage come look at her." Saber takes my hand and kisses it softly before leaving me in the care of Dev and the other Fae.

I watch them walk with Dev as he carries a extremely weak Raven to the castle. I look at the ground where the battle took place and see the impact that Raven left.

"How extremely interesting. You have found your spirit animal and have unlocked even more gifts. Gifts very few have, let alone all at the same time."

I think back to watching her stand and the symbol made of blood glow under her as she summoned that elemental Raven. Its power was extremely strong, stronger then I've ever seen.

Then to when her massive wings close around Ray and her. She left her own body when that other symbol formed. She went into Ray and healed her! Her wings finally returned inside her thank the gods, but that tattoo. It can't be can it? It can't be Clover can it?

I walk around the battle ground and clear the space away with a wave of my hand. The glowing plants bloom again almost instantly. I heave a sigh and walk over to the mirror pond. I sit and look down into its silver blue waters. I watch her smile up at me. My sweet mate and her kind smile.

"You would be so proud of Raven today" I speak to the pool with deep longing.

"I thought for a moment I was gonna lose her. That would have made us both heart broken." Its almost like she can hear me because she looks at me in agreement.

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