Intrigue ~l.t.~

By autumn1324

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intrigue (noun) a mysterious or fascinating quality More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Author's Note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 7

182 8 16
By autumn1324

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"Bro we are so getting you laid tonight!" Harry shouts as he walks into Liam and I's room.

"It's really fine, you guys don't have to help me get laid," I reply, hoping they drop the topic but I know them and they won't.

"Seriously, how long has it been? I don't think I've seen you with a girl since Freshman year." Liam says. "You caught one look at Genevieve at a party last semester, and you haven't had an interest in an anyone since. It's seriously not healthy." Liam continues to tell me how pathetic my current love life is.

"Dude, how long has it been since you've been properly laid?" Harry asks jumping back into the conversation.

"I don't know, maybe sometime last year," I respond shrugging my shoulders. I don't understand what the big deal is. "Guys, we've gone through this, I just don't care about going out and getting laid as much as you guys do."

"You haven't slept with anyone since Emerson. When you guys ended things, for a reason still unknown to everyone, you were a wreck for so long, a normal guy would go out and get laid to get over a break-up." Liam says.

"Yeah, whatever happened to her? I really liked her." Harry says, suddenly looking up from his phone.

"You guys were it, you guys were so infatuated with each other it made everyone around you sick. When things ended between you two that was all anyone could talk about. The least you can do is tell us what happened." Liam says again, trying to get the reason out of me.

"I'd rather not talk about it, besides this has nothing to do with why I haven't slept with anyone since then. It's nothing, now can we drop it?" I say, not wanting to answer any of these questions.

"Okay, we get the hint, it's been dropped. You don't want to talk about it, so we'll go have a good time. Just like old times. I promise." Liam says, finally ending the conversation.

"Hey Liam, how about a change of plans? Instead of our Friday night route, what do you say we do something that doesn't involve Louis here being the designated driver?" Harry says, making both Liam and I look at him strangely.

"Woah! Who are you and what have you done with our friend?" I say jokingly, placing my hand on his forehead to make sure he was feeling okay.

Harry is not one to say no to a night out, especially if it involves alcohol and girls. One-time last semester he caught the flu and was on bedrest for a week and a half, but that didn't stop him from partying and sharing his sickness with everyone at the party.

Between the three of us, Harry is more of the partier, and he is always forcing Liam and me out as a way to "loosen up and destress from the craziness of the week". We were both shocked that he wanted to change the plans.

"Guys, I'm serious! Every time we go out, we always end up someplace and I get so drunk, that  I don't remember from that night and the next day is pure hell. Despite how amazing all that sounds, my mom is visiting tomorrow, and I don't need her thinking she spends all this money on my education just for me to party." He explains, revealing the real reason behind his suggestion to change our plans.

"What is there to do in this town anyway?" Liam asks no one in particular.

"There's a movie theater and a bowling alley not too far from here," I suggest.

"We could watch that new Avenger's movie!" Harry says, getting excited.

"No, Louis and I already saw it," Liam says in response, causing Harry to lose his excitement.

"You guys saw it without me?!" He cries, trying so hard to sound offended.

"In our defense, we did invite you about a month ago, but this is while you were hooking up with that one girl and you couldn't get out of whatever you were doing that night," I say putting my hands up to defend me and Liam.

"Oh yeah! We had a lot of fun, and she was really hot. Do you guys remember what her name was?" He asks with his eyes furrowed trying to think about her name.

"We try not to get attached to the girls you introduce us to Lad," Liam responds patting him on the shoulder.

"So, bowling then?" I say grabbing my keys, and my wallet.


"Louis, it's nice to see you again! We haven't seen you here in so long how's it been?" Barbara, the lady behind the desk and the owner of the franchise says.

"I've been great Barb, really busy with school, you know?" I respond.

"Are you still with - oh what was her name? I'm sorry, I've been so scatterbrained lately, must be because I'm getting old." She asks.

"Oh, stop it Barb, you are not getting old, you don't look a day over 25," I tell her giving her a wink. "Anyways, no Emerson and I broke up a while ago."

"Oh no, I should've known something was wrong when you stopped coming. What happened? I really liked her." Nancy says, voice full of empathy.

"We just wanted different things," I say carefully choosing my words, knowing that the two Noisy Nancy's were listening to our conversation and that Barb will understand what I mean. "Anyways Barb, can you hook me and my boys up with a lane and some shoes?" I ask.

"Oh of course! What size do you boys need?" She says directing her attention to the two boys behind me.



"Same size for you darling?" She asks me, and I nod.

"Alright, I have you boys on Lane 8. If boys need anything or more time, just let me know." She says pointing to our lane.

"How much do we owe you Barb?" I asked pulling out my wallet, knowing the boys will pay me back for their part later.

"Don't worry about it sweetie, tonight is on me." She says.

"Barb, I haven't been here in over a year, please let me pay for this," I say trying to get her to let me pay.

"Okay fine, but I am giving you the friends and family discount, so it's $18.29." She says and I hand her my card.

"You boys have fun, and I'm so sorry things didn't work out with you and Emerson." She says handing me my shoes. I grab my bowling shoes and join the boys at our lane.

Once I join them, I see that the boys have already ordered some nachos, and pizza, and a couple of drinks, and have picked out bowling balls.

"You're on a first name basis with that lady?" Harry says laughing, taking a sip of his beer.

"I think it's a great business strategy, I mean she is the owner, so if she can make you feel like family, people will come back and spend more," I say shrugging, not understanding the big deal.

"How often did you and Emerson come here?" Liam asks, "Because she seems to know more than I do and I'm your best friend." He continues.

"I don't know a couple times a month?" I say answering his question. "There's not much to do in this town that a college student can afford, so we'd alternate between here, and the movies, and once a month we'd go somewhere out of town really nice."

"Dude, enough of this depressing crap, we are here to have a good time! Let's get our bowl on!" Harry says, clearly already slightly buzzed.

"Harry, we've been here 20 minutes, how are you already buzzed?" I ask him.

"Duh! I had a few beers before we left!" He says, taking another sip.

"Yeah, we're cutting you off. It's for your own good, you'll thank us tomorrow when you see your mom." Liam says, taking the drink from him, finishing it. 

I really suck guys, I tried updating sooner, but I just started school back up and this was the fastest I could do so please bear with me.

Pretty boring chapter and it kind of sucks... but tell me what you think

Who is Emerson? 

What happened with Louis and Emerson?

Let me know what you think!

I think the next chapter will have some interaction between Louis, and Genevieve but I needed to have a "bro's night".

I'll try updating soon! 

All the Love, 

-Autumn <3

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