A New Era (Brendon Urie x Rea...

By Hey_ItsYeBoiBeebo

89.5K 2.3K 2.2K

Y/N: 22 years old, in a band called Crimson Era, can literally play everything, has lots of dude friends, hum... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Damn You Brendon Urie (not an update)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Author's Note
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32

Chapter 31

1.3K 35 62
By Hey_ItsYeBoiBeebo

You and Felix were walking back to your house.
"God, I can't believe someone would have the decency to do that." Felix said angrily. You shrugged, not caring.

Your phone started to ring suddenly. Felix watched as you hit the accept button without looking who was calling you. "Hello?" You said in a monotone voice.
"Look Y/N I can explain! Please listen to me-" you heard Brendon's voice. That was all it took for you to throw your phone at the ground of your street. "Y/N!" Felix said, frantically trying to piece your phone back together. "Don't bother bro." You chuckled. "But your pho-" you cut him off. "I can always buy another one." You reassured him. He stood up, letting your broken phone pieces fall from his hands to the ground. "I guess so..." he said, continuing to walk with you back to the house.

You two arrived back at the house at about 9:28pm. You unlocked the door and walked in. "Hey guys." You and Felix both said walking in. "Hey...." Derrick said, looking pissed off. You looked up at them to see someone else on the couches. "Look Y/N please listen to me-" Brendon said but was cut off by Felix. "YOU MOTHERFU-" Felix started to say, angrily walking towards him with clenched fists. "Felix." You stated. He looked at you. You shook your head at him, signaling "no". He looked at you and Brendon again, before angrily walking to his room, giving Brendon a glare before doing so.

You looked at Brendon with hurt and anger in your eyes. His eyes looked tired and regretful. "Please I'm so sor-" Brendon got cut off once again. "Don't even, Brendon." You said coldly, glaring at him. "Look it was a mistake!" Brendon said, walking towards you desperately. You walked backwards, trying to get away from him. "This relationship was a mistake." You said before walking upstairs to your room.


You stopped in your tracks at the top of the stairs, not daring the look back down. "ALRIGHT GET THE FUCK OUT." You heard Derrick scream at him, his anger clearly stating that he had enough. "Wait no please I'm sorry I didn't mean it-" that's all you heard before the door slammed shut. You ignored the tears streaming down your face at what he said, and continued to walk to your room, slamming and locking the door shut. You sat in your little corner of the room. You put blankets and pillows there because it was a tiny area between the wall and your bed where you could just sit and chill.

You sat down, your back and head against the wall. You closed your eyes, taking deep breaths. You let your emotions flow through, not caring if the guys heard you sob.

Felix and the guys were sitting in silence outside your door, making sure you were okay. Your heartbroken sobs and cries broke their heart. It made them sad. angry. Pissed off at Brendon. You were like their little sister. The sobs continued for awhile. It stopped after awhile, so the guys thought you had fell asleep. That was until they heard a sweet melody from a guitar.

The guys looked at each other, scooting closer to the door to try to hear. Everyone started to hear a soft and sweet voice sing.
"Help me...
it's like the walls are caving in...
sometimes I feel like giving up
but I just can't...
it isn't in my blood...
laying on the bathroom floor,
feeling nothing.
I'm overwhelmed and insecure,
give me something.
I could take to ease my mind, slowly."

The sweet singing continued for awhile. The boys heard her voice clearly breaking from crying. Felix suddenly pulled out his phone and pulled out the Voice Recording app. "What are you doing?" Jackson asked him. "Showing Brendon how much he fucking broke her heart." Felix spat in anger. He pressed the 'record' button as you kept on singing.
Near the end of the song was when you really started to break.
"I need somebody now..
Isn't in my blood!
I need somebody now..."
Your voice was now desperate. The hurt in your singing was clearly audible. You continued to strum your guitar as the end of the song was here.

Felix stopped the recording when you were done, and went to Twitter.
"@FELIX_ERA: (voice recording)"
He posted it without a caption. "It's to show everyone how much of an asshole Brendon is." Felix said looking at the boys as they nodded.

You were just sitting in your corner with closed eyes, trying to get your mind off of it, until you finally fell asleep.

Felix's phone blew up almost instantly after he posted the voice recording. The replies and retweets were exactly what he wanted.
"Omg I'm so sorry Y/N! @brendonurie you are a fucking asshole!"
"She sounds so heartbroken :( how dare he break our little bean!"
"Fucking asshole @brendonurie"
"Look how much you hurt her! I hope you rot in hell @brendonurie"
"Does she know she's being recorded? If she doesn't, this really shows how much he hurt her. I'm unstanning Panic! At The Disco now, burning all my merch. Fuck you Urie."

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