Love me like I do: x j.jk

By kooblue7

147K 4.9K 1.6K

"M-master! Please, stop!" The frightened boy was slapped harshly on the bed as he sobbed. "No, liars get puni... More

~Eight~ 🤧
~Nineteen~ (M)
~Twenty-six~ (Jin's past)
~Thirty-one~ (M)
Shameful promo and a smol storytime
Can't write on my messgae board, so i'll write here instead :)
unimportant, but i'm in new york
~Thirty-seven~ (M)
author's note~
~Fourty-one~ (M)
a little heads-up on the next chapter, also known as a spoiler
character Q&A
character Q&A: answers~


3.4K 146 47
By kooblue7

(Previous chapter)

"Make him cry again, and I'll slap you until the depths of the Earth"

(Two months later)

"Alright Mr. Jeon, if you could just lift up your shirt to your chest please...." The doctor asked politely as she held a wand that was connected to the machine next to them. Jungkook excitedly grabbed the hem of his white t-shirt and pulled it up to his chest. The doctor held up a bottle that had a blue substance in it, making Jungkook quirk his eyebrow at it.

"Oh, this will be cold, brace yourself" The doctor warned before applying the substance on top of Jungkook's belly. Jungkook hissed and closed his eyes tightly in response, frantically grabbing for something until he grabbed onto something soft. Jungkook slowly opened his eyes to see Jin holding his hand tightly as he stared down at the younger.

Taehyung was standing behind them, giggling from Jungkook's reaction from the chilly substance.

"I apologize" She said as she chuckled at Jungkook's reaction as well.

"Now...let's see..." She muttered under her breath as she gently placed the wand onto Jungkook's stomach, dragging it around until her eyes lit up.

"There you are~" She cooed at the screen before she turned the sonogram around so all three males could see.

"Do you see that tiny little bean?" She asked as she pointed to a grey blob. Jungkook nodded his head "yes" as he tightened his grip on Jin's hand.

"That's your baby" She said softly as she smiled down at Jungkook who had tears in his eyes.

"T-that's h-him?" Jungkook squeaked out as he stared at the screen with adoration. The doctor nodded before she turned the screen to it's usual position, tapping some keys before she took out some tissues from a drawer and wiped away the remaining substance on Jungkook's stomach. Jungkook smiled widely at his friends as tears dripped down his cheeks, making them awe at how adorable Jungkook was acting.

"How do you know it's a he?" The doctor questioned once she gave him the sonogram pictures. Jungkook giggled before he rubbed his tummy softly, "I want it to be a boy, so I just..." Jungkook trailed off as he stared down at his unborn child. The doctor smiled at Jungkook once again before she stood up to walk them out.

After they said goodbye, they went back into Jin's white Mercedes Benz, driving off to take Jungkook back home.

"Jungkook-ah" Jin spoke cautiously as he focused on the road.

"Hmm?" Jungkook hummed as he looked out the window, watching the trees zoom by as he caressed his tiny bump.

"When are you going to tell Jimin?" Jin finished, he could see from the corner of his eye that Jungkook tensed up slightly from the random question. Jungkook slowly looked down at his tummy before he shrugged, making Taehyung groan loudly as he rubbed his temples.

"You can't just go in the house with a damn baby and say, 'hey, remember you took advantage of my body? Yeah, you got me pregnant and now you have a child. Please don't kick me out' " Taehyung said bitterly as he stared at the younger male.

"Taehyung" Jin warned.

Taehyung rolled his eyes before he shut his mouth and rested his head on the window.

"H-he won't kick me out..." Jungkook mumbled as he stared down at his shoes.

"Like hell he won't" Taehyung scowled as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Shut don't know what's it like anymore..." Jungkook whispered the last part, but Taehyung still heard him as he raised his eyebrow slightly.

"I still know he's an asshole, and he got you in this situation!" Taehyung said sternly as he glared at Jungkook.

Jungkook ignored Taehyung's comments once he felt tears prickle his eyes as he stared out the window.

"Jungkook-ah, you have to tell him sooner or later..." Taehyung said as he tried to make Jungkook look at him. Jungkook didn't move as he continued to stare out the window.

"Jungkook..." Taehyung repeated, he could feel his blood level rise as Jungkook continued to take no notice of his presence. Taehyung scoffed before he leaned back to his seat, shocking the two males in the front with the next sentence he said.

"Fine, abort the fucking thing if you don't want to tell him..." He spat out.

Jin gasped loudly at Taehyung's words before he turned around, thanking the gods that they stopped at a red light, "Taehyung! You can't fucking say tha-" Jin was interrupted by a loud slam. Jin turned his head to see Jungkook outside, running away to wherever his legs took them. Jin glared at Taehyung before the light turned green, stepping on the gas pedal as he sped off to Jungkook.

"Jungkook! Get your ass back in here!" Jin demanded once he was driving next to Jungkook. Jungkook was breathing heavily as tears streamed down his face, ignoring Jin as he ran to an alleyway, making Jin groan loudly.

"God dammit..." Jin mumbled as he watched Jungkook disappear around the corner. Jin narrowed his eyes before he quickly turned around in his seat, smacking Taehyung about 10 times.

"You dumbass, I can't believe you said that..." Jin breathed out as he breathed heavily from anger. Taehyung slumped in his seat as he stared down at his shoes, realizing what he had just said as guilt overflowed him. Jin rolled his eyes before he turned back in his seat, rubbing his temples briefly before he started driving.

(Time skip)

Jimin shot his head up from the couch once he heard the front door slam shut. Jimin instantly stood up from the couch once he saw Jungkook walk around the corner with tears descending down his cheeks. Jimin walked up to him and cupped Jungkook's face gently as he stared into Jungkook's eyes.

"Hey hey, what happened?" Jimin spoke worriedly as he looked at the state Jungkook was in. Jungkook was breathing rapidly, gasping for air as if he was underwater for too long. Jungkook choked back a sob as he clutched Jimin's shirt in his fists, creating wrinkles but Jimin could care less.

"Okay, Jungkook look at me..." Jimin said softly as he tilted Jungkook's head to look up at him.

"Breathe...okay? 1...2..." Jimin took in a deep breath, Jungkook coping his actions as well.

"That's it...good" Jimin spoke as Jungkook continued breathing slowly.

Once Jungkook's breathing was decently normal, Jimin engulfed him into a tight hug, softly raking his fingers through his hair as he whispered sweet nothings into his ear. Jungkook leaned into Jimin's touch, stuffing his face into the crook of Jimin's neck as his breath slightly tickled Jimin's neck.

"What happened Jungkook?" Jimin asked, he felt Jungkook tense up slightly in his arms before he shook his head.

"I can't help you if you don't tell me..." Jimin sighed softly before he placed his hands on Jungkook's shoulders. Jungkook removed himself from Jimin's warmth before he looked up in his eyes.

"Taehyung...h-hurt my feelings...." Jungkook mumbled as he averted his eyes from Jimin's, looking down at his shoes as he refused to look at Jimin. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows at that...

"How dare he hurt someone so beautiful?" He thought as he grew a tad bit upset.

"What did he say?" Jimin spoke, Jungkook could tell that he was getting angry from his tone, but he shook his head since he wasn't ready to tell Jimin yet...

"What did he say?" Jimin repeated as he emphasized the question even more.

Jungkook shut his eyes tightly as Taehyung's words came running back into his mind.

"Fine, abort the fucking thing if you don't want to tell him..."

Jungkook began to panic again once he realized he was stuck. Stuck between telling Jimin or lying to his face. Jungkook grabbed fistfuls of his hair, shaking violently as tears brimmed his eyes.

"I-I can't I-i c-can't...." Jungkook mumbled making Jimin worry as he tried to calm Jungkook down.

"Jungkook-ah it's okay, please calm down..." Jimin tried but his eyes widened at the words that came out of Jungkook's mouth.

"I-I'm I-I'm p-preg-pregnant...." Jungkook stuttered out, speaking in almost a whisper, but Jimin heard him loud and clear.


Jungkook broke down once again, spitting out words that were muffled due to him trying to hold back his sobs. Jungkook fell down to the floor as he pulled his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around them as he cried.

"I-I'm sorry! P-ple-please don't m-make m-me hurt m-my b-ba-babyyy!" Jungkook begged as Jimin stared down at him in shock.

"I-I d-don't want to k-kill my b-baby!" Jungkook whimpered as he stared down at his slightly swollen belly. Jungkook continued sobbing as Jimin stared at him, millions of thoughts were going over his head as he watched the younger cry hysterically.


"W-was it when...I hurt him?"

"I-I'm g-going to be a father"

Jimin snapped out of his daydream when he felt Jungkook tug on his hand. Jimin stared at his tear filled eyes before he felt his own eyes fill up with tears as well. Jungkook was about to speak before Jimin kneeled down in front of him, making Jungkook slightly widened his eyes once he felt Jimin's wrap his arms around him tightly.

Jungkook opened his mouth to speak before he felt soft drops on his shoulder, "M-maste-" Jungkook was cut off as Jimin tighten his hold around him, "'s Jimin..." Jimin sniffled softly before he unwrapped his arms around Jungkook, staring at him as tears flowed down his cheeks. Jungkook's breath hitched when he felt Jimin's hand caress his stomach gently.

Jimin hesitated but he gathered up the courage before he gently lifted the hem of Jungkook's shirt up to his chest, making Jungkook slightly panic before Jimin did the unthinkable.

He kissed his belly...

Jungkook felt his heart rise up in his chest once he felt Jimin's lips on his tummy. Jimin lifted his head up to meet Jungkook's eyes before he pecked Jungkook's lips, surprising the younger as he was still shocked from the elder's actions. Jimin softly chuckled before he tucked in a lose strand of hair behind Jungkook's ear, moving his hand to his cheek as he softly caressed it.

Jungkook leaned into Jimin's touch before he wrapped his arms around Jimin's neck, hugging him tightly before he felt Jimin's arms around his waist. They stayed like that for a while, wrapped around each other's warmth as they were met with silence.

"Thank you Jungkook..." Jimin broke the silence as he glanced down at Jungkook. Jungkook felt his face heat up as he responded with a soft hum.

"You know, I have experiences with babies right?" Jimin said cheekily before he tickled Jungkook's sides, making the younger giggle cutely as he thrashed in Jimin's hold.

Jungkook hit Jimin's arm to make him stop, which he did, before he sighed heavily laying his head on Jimin's shoulder, whining softly as he tugged on Jimin's shirt. Jimin rolled his eyes before he lifted Jungkook off of his feet, carrying him bridle style to his bedroom. Jimin gently laid Jungkook down onto the soft covers before he gently kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight..." Jimin mumbled before he turned around to turn off the light. Jimin froze in his place once he heard Jungkook whining again. Jimin turned around to see Jungkook sitting up on the bed, making grabby hands towards Jimin as he whimpered. Jimin chuckled softly before he closed the door and walked over to the opposite side of Jungkook's bed.

Jungkook immediately cuddled into Jimin's side, making the elder's lips curl up into a smile as he watched the younger get comfortable. It didn't take long for Jungkook to fall asleep as he had his face stuffed into Jimin's chest. Jimin rubbed Jungkook's back gently as he watched his chest fall up and down.

Jungkook moved to his side, sighing softly as he smacked his lips in his sleep, making Jimin hold in his laughter. Jimin sighed softly before he spooned the younger, gently rubbing soothing circles onto his belly before he kissed Jungkook's temple softly.

"Goodnight... my loves..."

Who else is UWUing?



Should I do a small filler chapter of the two months that past?




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