Intrigue ~l.t.~

By autumn1324

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intrigue (noun) a mysterious or fascinating quality More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Author's Note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 5

213 10 14
By autumn1324

Don't forget to Comment and Vote! 


It is currently 8:50 am on Thursday, which meant that my presentation was in ten minutes, and I have not slept a wink. I was up all night, making sure that this project was at least C material. I was up somewhat memorizing the material, so that I know what I'm talking about.

I am on my way to the Oxford building, debating if I should stop and grab a cup of coffee on the way to class so that I can stay up and not fall asleep during the class. I grab my phone out of my pocket and see that three minutes have passed, and I am still not within eye view distance from the building and decided against the coffee.

I begin speed walking so that I can make it to the building, walk up four flights of stair, and get to the classroom on time. Professor Hopkins does not accept tardiness as an excuse. If you are tardy, she marks you as absent and uses up your free absences for the class. Once I make it up all of the stairs, in what feels like record time, I slow down my walking because the classroom is located right across the entrance to the floor.

Opening the door to the third floor, I quickly go through the material for my project one more time in my head. Once I reach the door to the class, I take a deep sigh, and slowly open the door, hoping for the best on this project. I avoid eye contact with everyone, as I continue walking to my unassigned assigned seat, in the front corner. I place my things down in the seat next to me, pulling out my laptop so I can go over the presentation with the slides one last time.

My professor walks in, and I ignore her presence so I can cram as much information into my brain. This professor is typically a few minutes early so that everyone has time to get settled, and so that she can mark you tardy when you walk in at 9:01, so it doesn't really matter if I pay attention to her anyway.

"Okay class let's get started," She claps, at nine o'clock on the dot. "Today Champion, Barnes, Ingram, Tomlinson, and Gomez will be giving their presentations. It does not matter what order you go in, but you have until the end of the class to do your presentation." She explains to us, as she does with every group of students on presentation days, as she walks to the back of the classroom to sit down so she can evaluate our projects.

"Okay, I think I'll go," some girl from the back of the classroom proudly says walking up to the front of the classroom. "Hi, my name is Jasmine Barnes, and I choose to do my project on the 9/11 Terrorist Attack because I felt like this was a pivotal moment in American history, and it was one of the few times, we stood together as a nation." She begins, and that is when I start zoning out.

About 3 minutes into this presentation the door to the classroom opens up, and the whole class turns to see Genevie slumping in, really late, which is odd because she seems like the type of girl that is punctual.

"Hey, is anyone sitting here?" She whispers to me, seeing that there was currently nothing but my backpack occupying the chair next to me, and most likely because she does not want to cause further disruption during the presentation to sit in her normal seat. She looks more frantic than usual, and there seemed to be something off about her today.

I move my items from the chair to the floor, and avert my attention back to the presentation because I do not want Professor Hopkins to take points off for me not "paying attention". I continue scribbling down answers to the questions she wanted us to answer for our evaluations.

"Sorry to bother you, but do you have a pencil I can borrow, I had an interesting morning, and can't seem to find mine," Genevieve asks, and I quietly dig into my backpack and hand her a pencil, causing her to mouth thank you.

"Very nicely done, as always, Jasmine. Nice of you to join us, Miss Gregory, is there anything you and Mr. Tomlinson would like to share with the rest of us since it seems to be so much more important than these presentations?" The professor speaks up, once the girl finishes her presentation.

"No ma'am, I was just asking for a pencil since I forgot mine this morning." She says politely, hoping that the professor will drop it.

"I sure hope you have a good reason for gracing us with your presence and distracting us from today's lesson. If not, you do understand that you will be receiving an absence." Professor Hopkins says, explaining her late policy one more time. If this lady hates tardiness, it makes me wonder what she is like outside of the classroom.

"Yes ma'am, I have a note from Coach Keller, but we can talk more after class. I don't want to take up any more of your time." She replies, and we return to the presentations.

I ended up going last because everyone else volunteered before I got a chance, but it didn't really bother me. I was going to present my information the same way regardless of when I presented it. The only difference is that I would have been more awake for my presentation, instead of sitting here nodding off every so often until Genevieve would slightly tap on my shoulder to wake me up.

"Okay, I assume everyone turned in their discussion posts, and if not please get it turned in as soon as possible, I will be grading that sometime over the weekend. Please make sure you check mylearningportal daily for assignments, and with that get out. Have a good rest of the week." Professor Hopkins tells us ending class early, which is unusual.

"Hey, Louis wait for me I have to talk to the Professor, then we can hang out for a bit or something," Genevieve tells me, and I nod packing up my things and waiting out in the hallway to give them some privacy to talk.

After about five minutes of waiting, Genevieve walks out with an irritated look on her face. "I can't believe this lady is still allowed to teach. Like seriously? I was like five minutes late, I had a meeting with Coach Keller, and he even wrote a note, but because I'm not on the boys' soccer team, she's not counting it! I'm a good student, I have never missed a day, and I never talk back, I can't believe how unfair she is being." She rants about everything that happened in that room, finally sighing.

"It's whatever now anyways. I've already had a rough day and a half, and this is just adding to it. I'm just ready for two o'clock tomorrow because I am going home." She continues, not really talking to anyone in particular. "Anyways, enough about me. What's going on with you?" She asks, suddenly becoming perky and her normal self again. She begins leading the way out of the Oxford building and towards the food court.

"Well me and some of my friends are going out this weekend. I not really sure what's going on, because I didn't really bother to ask. Most likely Harry is going to want to go somewhere he can get wasted and Liam is going to try hooking up with some girl way out of his league. So, I will most likely end up being the designated driver." I tell her, briefly explaining the routine of our guys night out.

As I finish explaining how I end up on hangover duty this weekend she turns to me. "I'm sorry but who are Harry and Liam? And why do they sound like such awful people?" She says, in a rather confused manner.

"Liam is my roommate, and Harry and Liam know each other from years ago. I promise they are actually decent human beings, they aren't all party, they can be serious at times as well. They are my closest friends here, and I'm sure if you met them you would love them." I say, lightly laughing at her first assumption of my best friends.

"That reminds me of how my boyfriend is with his best friend, Zayn. Together you'd think they all they do is party, and play soccer, but underneath the surface, they are huge teddy bears. But they would kill me if anyone knew I told them that." She says laughing.

I could sit and listen to this laugh all day, it was like music to my ears. It makes me want to be the reason she laughs. I imagine that she has a life full of laughter because you rarely see her down, she's always encouraging everyone around her, and helping them see the positive things of life.

"Don't you have class in like two minutes," I say referring to our awkward conversation from Tuesday that was unfortunately cut short due to her having class.

"Oh no! I have my lab every Tuesday at 11, and since it's not Tuesday I do not have a class during this hour. That's why I wanted to hang out with after class today. I really want to get to know you. I want us to be friends and what better way than hanging out in between classes?"

"Eve! I haven't seen you in ages! Where have you been?!" Some girl comes up to us giving her a hug.

"Lila, it has been a day, and besides I went to Niall's last night. I told you this," She says quietly, looking over at me, then back to her friend, as if she is trying to hide something.

"Right, how are things going with that?" Her friend, whom she calls Lila, says.

I choose not to interrupt or eavesdrop on the conversation between the two girls because their body language was telling me whatever they were talking about was serious, and Genevieve and I only started becoming friends. If she did not want me to know about certain areas in her life I was not going to push her into telling me. As a way to prevent me from listening to the conversation further, I pull out my laptop placing in on the table in front of me. I then grab my student i.d. and hesitantly get up from the table, to get in line to order some food.

When she sees me, she gives me a look that asked where I was going and I just nod my head towards the line that is quickly forming behind her, allowing her and Lila to have as much privacy as they need without having to worry about me overhearing something I should not.

"Hi welcome to Einstein what can get for you?" The lady at the register asks for my order. I think briefly before giving it to her.

"Can I have a plain bagel with butter instead of cream cheese, and-" I say casually looking over at Genevieve wondering if she would like anything. "And can I get a medium iced caramel coffee?" I say hopefully remembering her order from the other day in the café.

"One plain bagel, toasted with butter, and one medium iced caramel coffee. Is that everything for you today?" She asks and I nod. "Do want cream and sugar in the coffee?" She asks, and I tell her it's fine not really sure how she takes her coffee.

'Your total will be $5.75." She says and I hand her my student i.d. so she can swipe the funds from my meal plan. The lady hands me my id, and my receipt telling me it will be done shortly, and I immediately through my receipt away.

I stand by the pick-up window seeing there are only three students in front of me knowing that my order will be ready in a matter of minutes. "I have a plain bagel with butter." The lady yells and I walk up the counter to retrieve my food, receiving weird looks for the few students waiting for their orders to be ready. The looks are probably because I eat my bagel's with butter and not cream cheese, like everyone else.

I grew up eating my bagels this way, and I have never been into trying new things, so I just stuck with it. No one has ever tried to get me to eat cream cheese, and that is one thing I am okay with.

"Hot Chocolate, with peppermint and chocolate shavings" The lady shouts out someone's order, and a girl from the crowd of students in front of me walks forward while all of her friends start to laugh.

"What?! I'm not a coffee person!" She exclaims defending herself, in a rather annoying way.

"Iced Caramel Coffee." The lady says shouting out my final item, while the crowd of students looks annoyed that I got my items faster than they did. I guess it pays when you aren't complicated.

Once I grab the coffee, I walk back over to the table and see that the seriousness of the conversation between the two girls has decreased a lot, since they were now talking about what color Lila should die her hair.

"Let's settle this once and for all. Louis, what do you think? If she could dye her hair any color what color should it be?" Genevieve asks looking me in the eye. "I think she should go for something more auburn, but she wants to go beach blonde."

"Uh. I think I'll stay out of this, I just walked into this conversation and I have no idea what is going on, and I refuse to give a complete stranger advice on their hair color."

"Delilah, this is Louis, he's the guy from my world history class I was telling you about. Louis, this is Delilah, she's my roommate and best friend," Genevieve says briefly introducing us. "Now, can you please answer the question."

"Uh... I think, speaking from a guy's perspective and not knowing anything about hair, I think she should go more like chestnut or I guess an auburn would look good." I say, carefully picking my words to make sure I come off as hitting on her friend, or worse saying the wrong thing and having this one answer blow up in my face.

"See I told you! Louis has great taste. You should listen to me more often." Genevieve says, jokingly rubbing her victory in her friend's face, as her friend waves it off walking away.

"Yeah whatever, this discussion isn't over Eve! I'll see you later!" Delilah yells walking out of the food court.

"Sorry about that, sometimes we get in heated discussions about complete nonsense and we cannot stop until we get a third opinion." She says, turning to me apologizing about the conversation that just took place.

"Anyways, so what did you get?" She says, pointing towards my food.

"Nothing much, just a bagel with butter, and I didn't know if you would want something, so I got you a caramel iced coffee," I say handing her the drink I just ordered.

"This made my day. Thank you so much, how did you know what I would want?" She says as her face brightens up, and it makes my heart skip a beat knowing that I made her day by one tiny gesture.

"I didn't I just made a guess based on what most people ordered at the coffee shop I worked at this past summer," I say partly telling her the truth, but mostly omitting how I knew how she wanted it.

She takes a sip from the drink, and her nose scrunches up. "What is it?" I ask.

"It's nothing super important, and I don't want to make a big deal out of it because this is one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me, especially since we barely know each other, and I really don't want you to take this personally, okay. I just don't like sugar in my coffee, it makes it too sweet and takes away from the flavor, but it's not a make it or break it kind of thing." She says rambling on about how she likes her coffee, and I hear every word, mentally noting that she does not like sugar in her coffee.

"I truly do appreciate the kind gesture, and I will still gladly drink the so don't worry." She continues nervously, obviously trying not to hurt my feelings that I messed her order up.

"Genevieve, it's fine. I didn't take it personally, I just guessed, and I guessed wrong. It happens, now I know." I tell her calming her down.

"So, you're not mad?" She asks, with a confused look on her face. You could tell she was surprised by my reaction.

"Of course not, why would I be mad? I made a mistake, and I was wrong. What is there to be mad about?" I question, rather confused about why I would get mad at a simple mistake like that.

"Nothing, never mind." She says, pushing it away, and quickly changing the conversation. "So, butter and not cream cheese? You know, a wise man once told me not to trust people that put butter on their bagel over cream cheese." She continues trying to lighten the mood and trying to change the conversation.

So... thoughts on this chapter?

Which team are you on GENIALL or GENOUIS and why?

Do you think Niall and Louis will meet? And How? 

Predictions on the rest of the book?

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-Autumn <3

P.S. Happy New Year if I don't update in enough time!!!

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