Far Cry 5 Oneshots and Prefer...

By we_all_have_secrets_

523K 9.5K 1.1K

Part 2 of my Far Cry 5 oneshots and preferences book. Comment any requests! Preferences Oneshots Fluff Angs... More

Boomer Brings Them a Replica of Their Favourite Thing
The Resistance Kidnap Their Child
John x Reader: Your Daughter's First Birthday
You Are a Cannibal
Halloween Special
You Are a Criminal
They Watch "Rick and Morty" With You
Their Teenage Child had the same Experiences as Them
They Find you Singing Their Song to your Child
Jacob Seed X Deputy Reader: Jealous
They Meet Somebody who is Very Like-Minded to Them
Their Young Child Demanding Their Attention When They're Busy With Work
Sharky Boshaw: Home
You Are A War Veteran
They Cheat on you and you Find Out
You Go Into Premature Labour
Boomer Dies and They Comfort You
You Are Trapped In The Bunker With Them
Their Children are the Opposite to Them
You are the Winchesters' Younger Sibling and Dating the Seed Sibling
Jacob Seed X Ronnie (OC)
They get Cramp in the Middle of the Night
Nick Rye X Kim Rye X Fem!Reader
They Deliver Your Child
Sinning in Sacred Places
They Meet Cheeseburger
Joseph Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
Their Reaction to the Destruction of John's "YES" Sign
Sharky Boshaw X Reader: I Love Yous
You Try to Arouse Them in Public
Joseph Seed X Reader: It's Happening Again
They Get Drunk Part 2
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
Video Games Part 8
John Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
You Befriend their Hostage
Sharky Boshaw: You are Pregnant
You Come Home From a Long Trip
The Seed Brothers X Fem!Reader
They Cheat on you Part 2
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
Road Trips With Them
Joseph Seed X Male!Reader NSFW
They Hear you Singing "Take Me Home, Country Roads"
They Watch Anime with you
John Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
They Hear you Singing "Sympathy for the Devil"
Sharky Boshaw X Reader
You Break up with Them
Jacob Seed X Pregnant Reader
You/They use Recreational Bliss
O'Hara's Haunted House
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
You Break up and You end up Dating the Deputy
Sharky Boshaw X Deputy!Reader
They Love the Deputy, not you
John Seed X Male!Reader NSFW
Christmas Special
Sharky Boshaw X Male!Reader NSFW
They Use You Against the Deputy
They Find out that you are an Amazing Baker
Caring For Triplets
The Deputy Kills You
New Years Special
You're Cheating on your Spouse with Them
You are Soulmates (AU?)
The Resistance Betrayed you and the Seeds Find You
Someone Walks in on you
They are the Father of your Child
They Find out that you are a Drug Addict
You are Their Younger Sibling and Fighting with the Resistance
They Find out that you Practice Witchcraft
You Give Them a Strip Tease
Seed Brothers X Fem!Reader Part 3
They Get Mad at you
You Take Them Hunting
Sharky Boshaw X Pregnant!Deputy!Reader
They Desperately Want Your Attention
Their Child Tells Them That They Hate Them
The Seeds Start Questioning Their Faith
Joseph Seed X Pregnant Reader
You Leave One Sibling For Another
Video Games Part 9
Dark!PolySeed X Reader
You Have a Nightmare and Scream That You Don't Want to Lose Him/Her
You Tell Them your Fear
You are a Solider and Surprise Them by Coming Home on Their Birthday
PolySeed X Reader
You are Very Affectionate
Messing Around Under the Dinner Table (NSFW)
Joseph Seed: Lost
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
You are Kidnapped by the Resistance
Joseph Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
You are John's Child
Staci Pratt X Reader
You're New to Hope County
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader
Dating Yandere/Dark Joseph Seed Would Include
Dating Yandere/Dark Jacob Seed Would Include
Dating Yandere/Dark John Seed Would Include
Valentines Day Special
Dating Yandere/Dark Faith Seed Would Include
They Take you Hostage and You Fall in Love With Each Other
You Get Turned into an Angel
Nick Rye X Fem!Reader
You Catch them Staring at you
Faith Seed X Male!Reader NSFW
You have a Condition that Causes you to get Heavy Nosebleeds
You Save them During their Final Confrontation with the Deputy
You are Bilingual and Often Slip into Another Language
You are the Deputy and they find you Reading their Copy of the Book of Joseph
They are Forced to Watch you Die
Dark!Seeds: You are Pregnant
Dating Dark/Yandere Staci Pratt Would Include
You Shave His Beard
You Get in a Car Accident and go Blind
You are MIA
You Break an Arm/Leg
They React to you Singing and Playing Guitar
Nick Rye X Reader
They Catch you Drawing Something
Faith Seed X Male!Deputy Reader
You Tell Them that you have been Sexually Abused in the Past
Eli Palmer X Deputy!Reader
They React to the Deputy's Suicide
Dating Dark/Yandere Sharky Boshaw would include
You are Trying for a Child and can't Seem to Conceive
Jacob Seed X Reader
Making Out With the Seeds
Dark!Seeds: They are Obsessed with a Younger Reader
John Seed NSFW
Jacob Seed NSFW

Seed Brother X Fem!Reader Part 2

3K 72 8
By we_all_have_secrets_

Summary: You go on the separate dates with the Seeds, however you weren't aware that they were dates.

Word Count: 1007

Faith had pulled you away from the men after Joseph asked you to dinner, Jacob asked you to go hunting, and John suggested a drink at his ranch. You were talking to Faith about her brothers and she suggested that you take them all up on their offers, eventually she convinced you to spend some time with them all separately.

Something that you didn't know was that the brothers had all made a deal, none of them could make a real move on you. They could ask you out but they would have to wait for you to make a move on one of them.


You went out with Jacob first, like he said 'to work up an appetite'. He took you hunting in the Mountains. You had been hunting before but Jacob helped you perfect your shooting technique, which was mainly an excuse to get close to you. All in all it was a fun day, and Jacob wasn't acting like the solider that everyone else saw.

After hunting Jacob said that he would take you to Joseph's house since you were meant to be having dinner there with the brothers. You walked in with a huge smile on your face, Jacob walking in behind you and wrapping his arm around your shoulders casually as John and Joseph appeared, John was obviously outstaying his welcome.

"How was hunting?" Joseph asked politely, both of the younger brothers eyeing Jacob's arm that was around your shoulders.

"It was great, Jacob is a great teacher" you laughed, still smiling and glancing up at the soldier for a moment who was already smirking down at you.

"Yeah, Y/N got her first stag today" Jacob nodded, winking at his brother and he would swear that John's face turned red with anger.

"Let me show you to the dining room" Joseph offered, ushering you away from Jacob and guiding you into the dining room with his hand on you shoulder. John smiled at you as you passed him and you smiled back, while Jacob laughed at his brother's attempts to get you away from him.

The family dinner was pleasant, but you missed John's glares at Jacob and Joseph controlling the look in his face when ever John said something slightly suggestive.


Another day you went to Joseph's house for a dinner, just with him. He was a perfect gentleman from the moment you walked through the door, he offered you drinks, the homemade meal was great, and you both talked about everything and nothing at the same time. He made you laugh and smile and you did the same for him, it was a wonderful afternoon.

After dinner Joseph suggested a walk through the gardens which you happily accepted. You both wandered through the beautiful gardens of the compound, your hands brushing against each other as you walked side by side.

Joseph nearly screamed in frustration when he saw John and Jacob approaching you both from the other direction.

"Y/N! I thought you and Joseph were having dinner" John smiled, pretending to be shocked while Jacob stood beside him smirking to himself.

"We finished dinner, we were just going for a walk" Joseph explained, silently ordering his brothers to leave.

"Oh, well since we are here we will join you" Jacob shrugged, flashing you a quick smile.

"Brothers-" Joseph sighed.

"It's fine Joseph" You assured him, placing your hand on his shoulder and smiling up at him. How could he say no to that smile?

The rest of the evening was nice, the four of you talking and walking among the gardens. But you didn't notice the silent looks that the brother kept giving each other, telling each other to leave or to back off.


That weekend John had asked you if you wanted to go to his ranch for a drink after an afternoon sermon, you accepted and you both headed straight to the ranch. You both sat close to each other on the sofa, a glass of wine in your hand and one in his. John's free arm was draped over the back of the sofa behind your head. You both spent the evening talking and laughing, and John couldn't stop admiring your face.

If John and his brother hadn't have made that stupid deal, he would have made his move by now. Despite the deal, he still complimented you and made you blush. He just couldn't do anything else about it, which was killing him.

John was having a great evening until there was a knock on the door, he sighed before going to see who it was. You waited for him to return but decided to go and see what was happening when you heard quiet angry muttering. When you went to see what was happening you saw that John was talking to his brothers.

"John?" you asked, making him spin around to face you. The angry look on his face being replaced with a smile.

"As you can see, Y/N and I are having a fantastic evening" John smiled as you walked over to them, as you stood beside the Baptist he wrapped his arm around your waist. Jacob glared at John;s hand that was resting on your waist while Joseph tried to ignore it.

"Well, we weren't doing anything so we thought that we would join you both for drinks" Jacob shrugged at his youngest brother. Joseph as just going to leave you both alone but Jacob convinced him to crash this little 'date'.

Before John could object, his older brother were already inside the ranch. John apologised to you and kissed the top of your head before hurrying after his brothers, leaving you to shut the door and follow behind them in confusion.


When you next saw Faith you told her about everything that had happened during your time with the three brothers, she just giggled and shook her head. She knew exactly why they were all doing what they were doing but apparently didn't want to tell you, mainly because she didn't want you to feel uncomfortable but partially because she enjoyed seeing her brothers act like this. She just told you not to worry about it.


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