Ask Sollux And Eridan

By erisolshipper

329K 8.3K 1.8K

Hey me and fii2hdiick are bored 2o we decided two an2wer 2ome que2tiion2 and 2tuff liike that. I'm so bored... More

Ask Sollux And Eridan
#12 ?
#224 and Thanksgiving Dinner!
#228 amd Merry Christmas!
#231 Happy New Year
# 240
#243 is a good number for a perfect end.


1.4K 34 6
By erisolshipper


Hey, guys! Have you met Shadow yet? ~Admin

Shadow: Hai! I'm Shadow Kiamet.

*pokes shadow* ~Admin

Shadow: Can you NOT.

"Wwell noww wwe havve."

"Hii 2hadow."


"That2 what II 2aiid beefore when ED poked me."

"I still poke you though..."

*pokes sol*



"2ure we can play a viideo ga-"

"He's gonna fuckin cheat!"

"IIm not goiing two cheat!"

"Yes you are!"

"II don't cheat! Maybee you ju2t need two get better at viideo game2!"

"I play perfectly fine! And I wwould wwin if you wwont cheat!"

"II don't cheat! Why doe2 everyone thiink that!"

"Because you alwways wwin!"

"Because II play all the tiime!"

"And because you cheat-"

*kisses him to shut him up. Pulls away*

"II don't cheat."


Admin: Just yell David Elizabeth Strider in her ear. That should wake her up, right?

"Wwould that wwork?"

"II don't know. Let2 try iit."

*walks over to sleeping admin*

"Daviid Eliizabeth 2triider!!!"


"She didn't fuckin wwake up!"

"Damn, Dave mu2t have really made her faiint then..."

"Howw long do you evven stay sleeping if you just fainted?"

"II don't know." *slaps her cheek*

"Cod she's out cold..."

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