Musical Alchemy Oneshot

By 2-Lett2304

66.4K 1K 1.6K

Short stories and oneshots of my OC, Judy Pot and our favorite alchemist Varian. Ideas and Plots are welcome... More

Judy Profile
One- Dress
Two- Fever
Three- Pox
Four- Liar
Five- AU
Six- Stutter
Seven- Roxanne
Eight- Miraculous
Nine- New Element
Ten- Malice
Eleven- First Meeting
Twelve- Lovebirds
Thriteen- Nightmare
Fourteen- Spiderman
Fifteen- Goodbye for Now
Sixteen- Angelic Voice
Seventeen- Aftermath
Eighteen- First Song
Nineteen- GenderMix
Twenty- Wedding
Twenty One- Blood
Twenty Two- Babies
Twenty Three- Daydream
Twenty Four- Dark Kingdom
Twenty Five- Massage
Twenty Six- Phantom of the Opera
Twenty Seven- Capture
Twenty Eight- Real Happiness
Twenty Nine-Parents
Thirty- Princess
Thirty One-AU part 2
Thirty Two- Heaven's Light/Hellfire
Thirty Three- Reunited
Thirty Four- Moondrop
Thirty Five- Hero vs Villain
Thirty Six- Siren
Thirty Seven- Picture Show
Thirty Eight-Distraction
Thirty Nine- World will Remember
Forty- Reversion
Forty One- Tragedy
Forty Two- Reborn
Forty Three- World will Remember us
Forty Four- Date
Forty Five- Full Moon
Forty Six- Belle
Forty Seven- She's Mine
Forty Eight- First Zing
Forty Nine- Red
Fifty- Stories
Fifty One- I Do
Fifty Two- Hide and Seek
Fifty Three- To the Bride
Fifty Four- Spooky Scary
Fifty Five- Simply
Fifty Six- Old Friend
Fifty Seven- Meet the Dad
Fifty Eight- Rewrite our Stars
Fifty Nine- Spy Fail
Sixty- Overprotective
Sixty One- Be There
Sixty Two- Angel
Sixty Three- Birthday
Sixty Four- Slipper
Sixty Five- Bully
Sixty Six- Proposal
Sixty Eight- Pregnant
Sixty Nine- Love Again
Seventy- Gift of Magi
Seventy One- Nutcracker pt. 2
Seventy Two- Skating
Seventy Three- Nutcracker pt. 3
Seventy Four- Mommy Kiss Santa Claus
Seventy Five- Dream
Seventy Six- Jealousy
Seventy Seven- Laws of Love
Seventy Eight- Trial/In Her Eyes
Seventy Nine- Hero vs Villain 2
Eighty- Sleeping Beauty
Eighty One- Day of Hearts
Eighty Two- Big Bad
Eighty Three- Words Hurt
Eighty Four- Soulmates
Eighty Five- Alpha and Omega
Eighty Six- Chase
Eighty Seven- Angels and Devils
Eighty Eight- Big Hero 6
Eighty Nine- Toxication
Ninety One- Alchemist
Ninety Two- First Meeting- Alternative
Ninety Three- Alchemy
Ninety Four- Pain
Ninety Five- First Date
Ninety Six-Tired
Ninety Seven-The Argument
Ninety Eight- Judy's Song

Sixty Seven- Nutcracker pt. 1

375 8 0
By 2-Lett2304

Nutcracker AU


(Judy watch the snow fall from the sky and landed on the ground. Winter is one of Judy's favorite season, she love the snow, the cold and the way is brings warmth in her. And of course, it also brings the joy of the holiday. She watch from her window, dressed in a fine light blue dress with a bolero of dark blue, black stocking and ankle boots with her long hair in a braid.)

Scarlett: Judy! Come on down, our guest will be here in a minute!

Judy: Coming mom!

(She leave her room and walk downstairs to see her parents. In the living room, there's a large Christmas tree with candles for light, ornaments that is colored in gold and silver and ribbons in pure white, with present under the tree. The room have ribbons around the walls. The fireplace is glowing with fire. Judy turn a corner and see her parents with her other family members putting food and drinks on the long table. Murlock turn around, but stop whe he see Judy.)

Murlock: Jude! Just in time! We can use some help.

Judy: With what uncle Murlock?

Murlock: Well, we kinda busy with making sure we have enough for the guests. Can you help make sure they are here?

Judy: Sure can.

Murlock: Thank you.

(Judy hear a doorbell ring. She smile, they're here. She rush to the front door, open and see Ms. Zauber with her best friend Sinny. They two hug each other.)

Judy: Sinny! So glad you can make it!

Sinny: Of course.

Ms. Zauber: Hello Judith. Why you look so lovely.

Judy: Thank you. Mind if I take your coat?

Ms. Zauber: Not at all dear.

(She took her coat and hang it in the coat racks. The next guest is Alice Moonstone, a dear friend to Judy. After is Rusty Terran with his brother Kiran, then Felice, Miko, Opal, Harriet, Carry and Robin. Soon the rest are here. Everyone talked, enjoy the food while the teens are by the tree, taking.)

Opal: I have to say, the party is great Jude.

Judy: Thank you.

Carry: Yeah, especially when you know who is not here.

(Judy groan of this. Anyone but her. Then the door open, in comes the thorn in Judy's side. Bridget. She's the daughter of a wealthy man in the land, not wealthy enough for Judy's parents who are the famous opera singers. Judy is raised to be true and see inner beauty, but Bridget grow up as a spoiled brat. The teens groan in annoyance.)

Rusty: Speak of the devil, and the devil shall come.

Carry: (sweat drop) Sorry..

Bridget: (walk to them) Well look here, it's the loser troop.

Sinny: Say that to my face!

Judy: Sinny, no fighting on my party. House rules.

Bridget: So I guess that mean I get to boss you all around.

(She laugh in a cruel manner. Sinny growled at this. Music is played, grown ups paired up and dance. Rusty turn to Alice.)

Rusty: M'lady?

Alice: (blushing) S-Sure.

(She took his hand and lead them to the dance floor. Miko and Felice enter too, dancing with the others. Carry turn to Judy.)

Carry: Judy?

Judy: Su-

(But Bridget took Carry and drag him away. Judy just sighed. Sinny watch with crossed arms. Robin took Sinny and lead her to the dance floor, leaving only Opal, Harriet and Judy. But Kiran took Opal and they dance as well. Judy and Harriet are left.)

Harriet: Who need them? We can enjoy ourselves without dancing.

Judy: Right.

(She felt a tap on her shoulder, she turn and see Murlock.)

Judy: Uncle Murlock!

Murlock: What's a pretty lady like you doing her alone?

Judy: Got no partner I guess.

Murlock: Maybe I can.

Judy: You sure?

Murlock: Never too doubtful to dance with my little song bird. Oh, before that.

(He pull out a small present, in blue paper and yellow ribbon. Judy open it and gasp. Pulling out is a pale pink ballet shoes.)

Judy: It's beautiful Uncle Murlock.

Murlock: I was planning on giving it to you for Christmas, but I can't wait.

Judy: (hug him) Thank you Uncle Murlock.

(She took off her boots and put on her new shoes. Judy and Murlock laughed as they dance with the others. After the dance is over, everyone went to the dinning room. The table is filled with sweets like gingerbread cookies, pies, spice cakes, peppermint barks, cookies, punch and truffles. Judy and her friends took a plate and fill them with food. Robin took a bite of the pie.)

Robin: Wow, for a opera singer, your mom makes the best pies.

Scarlett: Thank you.

(Robin jumped in surprised. He turn his head and see Scarlett staring at them with a smile.)

Scarlett: Don't eat too much, you might get a sick stomach.

Judy: Mom..

(Scarlett laugh while Judy just roll her eyes. Bridget took a bite of a sugar cookie, but then she spit them out.)

Bridget: How horrid! Where's the healthy ones!? I could lose my shape if I eat these fatty!

Harold: Bridget! Manners!

(She just roll her eyes. Judy could never understand why she be so hateful, even on her own house. The teens are back by the tree, talking about Bridget behind her back.)

Miko: I swear, she's like the grinch female version.

Sinny: And insulting Mrs. Pot's baking? How rude.

Kiran: Someone outta teach her a lesson about humility.

Judy: Please. We have to be more respectful. She's my guest after all.

Sinny: How can you be so calm about this?! She's the wrost!

Judy: But it's the hoilday season, we must learn to be kind and be respectful.

Rusty: No, she must learn to see beauty like you do. I mean, you're the daughter of two famous opera singers! Hey, you want to be like your father, a singer!

Sinny: Yeah.

Judy: Thank you all. You all are so kind.

Alice: If only there any kind of magic to make things better.

(Then a fog filled the house, making the guests go in a panic. The sound of the grandfather clock chime loud. Out of the fog, is a large man, black skin and white hair, dressed in a fancy suit and have a eyepatch on his left eyes. It's Xavier, the greatest clock marker in the land. The guest all clapped at his entrance.)

Stuart: Oh Xaiver, you gave us a scare.

Xavier: My dearest apologize, I was busy with a project I'm working on.

Alice: Uncle Xavier!

Sinny: You came!

(The teens all run to him, giving him hugs and kisses. He just laugh a hardy laugh.)

Xavier: It's good to see some young one with so much spirit in them. I have gift for each one of you.

Carry: Really?

Kiran: Show us Uncle Xavier!

(Xavier let out a smile. He pull out a suitcase, open it and out comes wind up fairies that fly around, the guests awed in this. Then out comes wind up toy soldiers and ballet dancers too. The teens are clapping at this. Xavier did make the best toys, toys the children find are made by magic. Xaiver laugh in a joy manner like Santa. The teens are surprised when Xavier pull out gifts for them. Sinny have a book that open and show a dancer dancing like a music box. Opal have a hair comb to hold her hair up and never fell. Rusty and Alice have toy birds at sings when are together. Kiran have a army of solders. FElise have a music box in the shape of a flower. Carry, Robin ad Harriet have hats that light up in the dark, Miko have a new boots and Judy doesn't have none. Sinny turn to Xavier.)

Sinny: Uncle Xavier, where's a gift for Judy?

Bridget: Don't forget me!

Xavier: Oh, right! Let me see.

(He look though his suitcase, he start pulling things out like clock gears, metal parts, paper, pen and quilt, and a nutcracker. Judy saw the nutcracker, the nutcracker is a male, with tan pale skin with painted rosy cheeks and freckles, black hair with a turquoise streak, big blue cloudy eyes and a jaw that's big too. Dressed in dark purple with a hat that have a sun crest in and a slash with the same. white gloves, pants and boot, even have a sword on. Judy stare at it, pick it up and look at it closely. There's something about that Judy can't place it, but she feel draw to it.)

Judy: How about this one Uncle Xavier? Can I keep him?

Xavier: Hmm? (See her with the nutcracker) That? Oh, that's just a ugly thing.

Judy: What? I don't see him ugly. I think he's the most handsome nutcracker I ever seen. Can I keep him? Please?

(Xavier think for a minutes, then he smile.)

Xavier: I don't see why not. Of course, but bee sure you take good care of him.

Judy: I will, thank you.

(The teen look at the nutcracker, amazed by it.)

Sinny: He look amazing. You picked the right one Jude.

Rusty: Yeah.

(Judy smiled, happy that they look happy. But Bridget grab the nutcracker.)

Bridget: What's so special about this thing? It's just a pile of wood!

Judy: Bridget, give him back! You're gonna hurt him!

Xavier: He's more than just wood dear.

Bridget: Please. It's ugly, so ugly it belong in the fire!

(She point her finger at the nutcracker. But the jaw open and bite her finger. She yell in pain. She glare at the nutcracker.)

Bridget: Why you..!

(She look at the fireplace, then she throw it at there. Judy gasp in horror. The nutcracker missed, but the jaw break and hang loose. )

Judy: Oh no!

(She rush to her nutcracker, pick it up and cried as she held it close.)

Harold: Bridget!

Bridget: What? It's just a stupid wood.

Harold: You are grounded when we get home! (To the Pots) I am so sorry about this.

Scarlett: It's quite alright.

(Harold took Bridget by the hand and drag her away from the house. Xavier look at Judy holding the nutcracker. She cry. Xavier walk to her.)

Xavier: There, there.

(He pull out a handkerchief, wipe the tears, have her kiss it and wrap in around the nutcracker jaw.)

Xavier: There we go. Healing tears and a kiss will heal him.

Judy: Thank you Uncle Xavier.

Sinny: Poor nutcracker. Treated badly for the way he looks.

Xavier: It's a shame. It almost remind me of a tale I heard.

Alice: What tale?

Xavier: Gather around, and I will take you the tale of a simple nutcracker.

(The teens gather around as Xavier sat on a chair and begin his tale.)

(In a magical kingdom of Corona, ruled by a king and queen with their two daughters, there is a royal clockmaker with his nephew.)

Xavier: (voice over) Once upon a time there was a fine young boy named Varian, who was a apprentice to his uncle, Xavier Hugo GoodWillman. The royal clockmaker to the king and queen of Corona.

(In a work room, a young boy who is in Judy's age is by Xavier, his uncle as he set up things for his uncle. After all is set, they exist out and start fixing all the clocks.)

Alice: (voice over) But isn't that your name?

Xavier: (voice over) I was named after this character dear. Now where was I? Oh yes!

(A group of ladies watch them work, one of them smirk mischievous and call out.)

Lady: Oh Vary!

Xavier: (voice over) Varian was.. Let me think. Varian had just turn fourteen like you Judy. So he was a bit self-conscious like most boys his age.

(Varian heard one of the ladies all to him. He look down to wave at them, but he loose grip of his ladder and fell down to the ground. The ladies laugh at this. Varian get up and blush while rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. He grab his tools and help Xavier with the grandfather clock.)

Xavier: (voice over) He have dark hair, not really handsome. But with a certain charm. He like his work and was a great help to his uncle, who look all the clocks in the castle. Lead by a wise noble King, and his charming and kind queen, lived with their two beautiful daughters, Princess Rapunzel and Princess Staylan.

(In the throne room, sat upon their throne is King Fredric, Queen Arianna with their daughters, Rapuzel and Staylan. Xavier and Varian kneel before them.)

Xavier: Your majesty, every clock in the castle have been fix and can now chime.

Fredric: Thank you Xavier. You and your nephew did a fine job. Would you like to join with us for our Christmas dinner?

Xavier: Oh we be honored your majesty.

Varian: Mmhm.

Staylan: (roll eyes with a groan)

Rapunzel: Staylan.

Xavier: (voice over) But not all the royal family are kind to their subject, Staylan heart was as black as the Mouse King himself.

Sinny: (voice over) Who's the mouse King?

Xavier: (voice over) The most evilest, black hearted and ruthless mouse in his kingdom of mice and rats. Once, he was the royal advicer of the King and Queen. But he have a dark secret, he study under the power of dark magic. But when Rapuzel was just a small child, she caught him mixing potion and went to tell her parents. But by the time they enter his secret room, they saw him not as himself, but as a huge, ugly human size mouse. He escape and no one knew where he is now, only that he is in his own castle with the mice and rats as his subjects. Back to the story anyway.

(Staylen cross her arms, glaring at the two clockmakers, Varian look down, but get up and walk to the thrones.)

Varian: For the princesses.

(He pull out two necklace that have diamonds on. Rapunzel smile, but Staylan just roll her eyes.)

Rapunzel: (take one) They's beautiful. Thank you Varian.

Varian: You're welcome your highness.

Stalyan: (take one and throw it away) Whatever.

Arianna: Staylan!

(Varian frown, take the necklace off the ground and walk back to his uncle as they leave. Xavier put a hand on Varian's shoulder.)

Xavier: Don't feel too bad my boy. She just doesn't understand the magic that the holiday brings. Believe me, all will be alright.

(Varian look up at his uncle and smile. Meanwhile far from Corona, is a dark castle with snow harsh cold and hard falling to the ground. Inside, a large mouse with a crown of tar and sticks paced on his throne room.)

Xavier: (voice over) At the castle of the Mouse King, he waited in his lonely castle.

(Coming in is a army of rats and mice. The Mouse King stopped his pacing and turn to his subjects. They stopped and bow before him.)

Mouse King: Anything new have changed?

Mouse 1: Not much my king.

Rat 1: Except that it will soon be Christmas.

Mouse King: (growl) I, hate, Christmas. They say it's the most magical time of the year, but how can it be magic when the true magic is darkness.

Mouse 2: My king..

Mouse King: What?

Mouse 2: While we were scattering the earth, I came across the Sugar Plum Fairy. She told of something about you.

Mouse King: Had she? Do tell.

Mouse 2: It's...not as you think..

Mouse King: Tell me this instant!

Mouse 2: She tells.. Of a prophet. That...well...that a young clock marker will destory you when the last snow of Christmas fell on your wrath.

(He look shocked. How did the Sugar Plum Fairy know of his plan to take down Corona for knowing his secret? He growl in rage, then he roar, causing the mice and rats to scatter out in fear. He turn around and head to his chamber. He slam it close as he growl.)

Mouse King: So, she think a clock maker can stopped me? That naive bug. Well, I will find a way to stop him so he won't get in my way.

(He look through shelves of books to find the perfect spell. When he have found the one. He open his book and look through pages after pages. Then, at last, the perfect spell.)

Mouse King: Ah-ha. Here it is. (Evil laugh) This one will make him still as a doll, and no one will ever love something as ugly as this one.

(He laugh out a evil laugh, then get started on making the spell. Back at Corona, it's Christmas. The Royals are enjoying their Christmas morning, all but Staylan. She get up and walk around. When she spot the Mouse King, she let out a shriek.)

Mouse King: Silence!

Staylan: What are you doing you ugly rat!?

Mouse King: You don't remember me? I used to be your favorite as a child.

Stalyan: (gasp) Hubert?

Mouse King: At your service my princess.

Staylan: What are you doing here? Mother and Father will have you beheaded if they see you.

Mouse King: I need you to let me in. And I need you to take me to that young clockmaker.

Staylan: Varian? That kid?

Mouse King: So that's his name. Yes. He will kill me if I don't stop him, let me in.

(Staylan think for a minute. With that kid out of the way, Corona will bow before them. She smirk. Then open the window and help him in.)

Mouse King: thank you.

Stayaln: Anything for my favorite adviser. Follow me.

(They head back to the throne room, where Xavier and Varian are with the royals. Staylan pointed at Varian. The mouse King smirk evil. Before he can, Xavier is tap on the shoulder by a guard.)

Xavier: Yes?

Guard: Sorry to inform you. But I got word from the Sugar Plum Fairy.

Fredric: Sweet Hazel? Is there something wrong?

Guard: She spoke of the prophet. That the Mouse King will come to destory us.

(Everyone in the room gasp of this. The Mouse King growl at this, again the fairy have to meddle with him.)

Varian: W-What should we do?

Guard: It's more what should you do.

Vairan: I...I...I..

(But then suddenly, he run away.)

Xavier: Varian!

(He just run and run, and enter his room. He turn and on his bed, is a royal suit in dark purple, purple stash with the crest of Corona, white pants, white gloves, boots and a solider hat with the crest in the middle. He grab the outfit, think for a minute and about to throw them away. The Mouse King sneak in and begin to cast his spell.)

Mouse; Wood of body, teeth crack hard. Still as a doll, with a purpose to guard. In all on knackers you are, I cast you to be a nutcracker!

(Black magic surrond the room, Varian grow scared of this. Then, he yell out in pain. He fell on the ground. The clothes wrap around him as he yell out. Then he feel his body going still and turn to wood. Then in his place, is a small nutcracker. The Mouse King smirk evil and laughed, ready to make his attack. Xavier enter the room and see the nutcracker in Varian's place. He held it carefully and run to the throne room. He kneel before them.)

Xavier: Your majesty! It's Varian! He turned into a nutcracker!

Fredric: What?

(He show him the nutcracker body of Varian. Rapunzel look shock of this. But Staylan, she cring at the sight.)

Staylan: that is the most ugliest piece of wood I ever seen.

Rapunzel: It's not a piece of wood, it's a nutcracker!

Staylan: Still ugly!

Arianna: Staylan!

Staylan: I mean really, who would love a ugly toy like that?!

Fredric: That's enough!

Stalyan: Burn it in the fire!

(Then a huge fire appear in the middle and the army of mice and rats came and attack the guards. Fredric turn to Xavier.)

Fredric: Leave! Find the Sugar Plum Fairy! She will have the answer to stop the Mouse King!

Xavier: Yes your majesty!

(He with the nutcracker run out of the kingdom to find a way to the Sugar Plum Fairy, but the Mouse King cast a huge snowstorm around the land. Xavier look everywhere, but found no trance.)

Xavier: (voice over) For the past years, Xavier search for the Sugar Plum Fairy. But the snowstorm have block any entrance that can lead to the Land of Sweets. Till he finally give up.

(Judy look at Xavier, holding her nutcracker.)

Judy: But is there a way to free Varian of this spell?

Xavier: There is. Only a real act of true love can break the curse and end the Mouse King spell on Corona.

Rusty: What become of Corona?

Xavier: It become nothing but a frozen wasteland.

(Judy let out a sad sigh, while staring at her nutcracker. Then it was time for the guest to go home. The grown up clean up everything, but Judy sat on the couch, holding her nutcracker still. Murlock came and sat next to her.)

Murlock: Time for the nutcracker to retire.

Judy: Right not?

Murlock: Yes. It's past your bedtime and Christmas is tomorrow, you can't get present from Santa if you are still awake.

Judy: Will he be okay? (Hold her nutcracker)

Murlock: (took the nutcracker) I'll put him where you can see him, he'll be here tomorrow.

(He walk to the toy cabnint and place the nutcracker in the front where she can see him. He walk to Judy and kiss her forehead.)

Murlock: Sweet dreams little song bird.

Judy: Night Uncle Murlock.

(She jumped off the couch and head upstairs and to her room. She stare outside her window, snow still falling. She wonder if Varian will be alright.)

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