What if I can't forget you?(...

By dragonlover13

14.9K 290 75

(Sequel to Memories of a Broken Heart) Four years past, Julia moved on but not Ben. Ali is now 24 and with... More

Four years later
Just let go
My name is Jesse
Oh god
Goodbyes, pregnancies, and dating?
new pic of Julia
Your stuck in my head.
Hey. It's wasn't mine, but YOUR PREGNANT?!?!
You're in the band!
Dream's can come true.
This is why I love you
I thought he was crazy?
I want you back.
Memories and old habits
See the problem isn't you, it's me I know
I miss this crazy life
Let's Play
I swear I can't ask for a better life
Forever and Always.
No more.

Stand up f**king tall

248 11 12
By dragonlover13

Stand up f**king tall


"DAVE!! HURRY UP, DIEGO'S GOING TO BE LATE TO PRESCHOOL!" I yelled. Today's is 'Bring your dad to school day.' Diego is so excited to bring Dave to his school, I decided to put him in a regular school right now and maybe later in middle school he will start going to a private school.

"Ok I'm ready." Dave said as he walked downstairs wearing his concert outfit. "Am I ok?" He asked me.

"You’re perfect." I said and kiss him.

"Dad lets go." Diego said pulling Dave's jacket.

"Are you coming?" Dave asked.

"Nah I'm meeting Julia up in a right now. I said grabbing my purse and keys. "Have fun." I said as we both got in different cars. I put in my bands first EP and jammed out to the songs. As I drove up the hair salon, Julia was waiting for me outside. I parked my car and got out with my purse. "Hey Julia."

"Hey Ali, so you know what color your dying your hair too?" Julia asked me as we enter the salon.

"Yup my original hair color, black. Are you going back to brown?" I asked.

"Yeah, I miss my brown hair." When I started to dye my hair it would just be my tips or a streak, then I went to full hair colors and I miss having normal hair, so Julia and came to do that.

"Where are Benn and Jamie?" I asked her.

"I left them at Rays" I nodded

"Hello ladies how can I help you?" Asked the front desk lady.

"I'm Julia and this is Ali, were here for our appointment." Said Julia.

"Oh yes, right this way. "


Diego was in the back seat listening to Welcome To The Jungle by, Guns 'n' Roses. I laughed at my son dancing in his seat. As the song end it was change to Dead Walker Texas Ranger, by Sleeping With Sirens.

"Oh Dad! Dad! Up! Up!" He said jumping up and down in his seat, I turn the volume higher and sang along.

After the song was over I parked my car in front of his school, I saw lots of dads walking with their kid to the classroom. "Ready Diego" I said.

"Ready dad." He said. I smiled and we got out of the car. We walked into the class room and all eyes turned to me.

"Excuse me sir. Who are you?" Asked a women in about her late 20's with a face of worried.

"I'm Dave Escamilla, Diego's dad." I said with a smile and shook her hand.

"Ah, Ms. Jason. I thought Diego had no dad?" She said.

"Well I was gone for a couple years of his life." I said and she nodded.

"Very well. You can go the room next door where all dads and a couple moms are for a couple minutes before we start. I nodded and went to the next room. Thee where doctors, lawyers, bussnines men, and etc. I sat down and checked my phone which had a message from my Taddie saying where is everyone. I quickly texted him back and put my phone away.

"Hello, names Xander Young."

"Um hi, I'm Dave Escamilla."

"So Mr. Escamilla, what do you do sit around." He said and laughed.

"Nah I'm the screamer of a world famous Rock band called Crown The Empire. What are you?" I asked.

"Well I'm a lawyer and playing in a garage is not "world famous"" the guy said.

"Oh so signed to Rise Records, play lots of stages, making music, meeting lots of fans, traveling, and dating an amazing women who is also in a world famous band, is not a 'World Famous'" I said. The guy just stood there with his mouth wide open and shock I said that.

"Okay parents you may come to the classroom and sit with your child." Said Diego's teacher. I enter the classroom and Diego waved his little arms, so I could see him.

"Hey daddy you’re second up." Diego said.

"Your dad looks cool" said a little boy from behind.

"He IS cool" Diego said. We heard the first dad go up who was owner of a mechanic shop. As he finished Diego and I went up.

"My dad is in a band called Crown The Empire. I didn't know my dad when I was little, because my mommy and him weren't together, but this summer I found out he was my dad and I was happy. My dad is Dave Eacamilla." Diego said.

"Hi as Diego said my name is Dave Escamilla. I'm in a world touring band and I’m the screamer for the band. Today I brought in my guitar to sing all of you a song from my band’s new album." I sat down and started to play the guitar.

Hey there shadow, you didn't seem to care at all when you watched me go.

I know young love is just a dream, we were only seventeen,

But you're the only love I've known.

So please just let me go if you're done

'Cause it's hope that kills this heart.

So please set me free, kill the spark.

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia,

looking for nothing short of a miracle.

I only ever wanted to come home, please won't you let me go?

When I have no where left I can run away, will you lie to me,

Tell me I'll be okay.

Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb.

Then pull the trigger and send me home.

So how did I get so far from my yesterdays,

Another broken heart now just a memory.

I should've left you in the dark, I should've left this awful town

And never found out how to love.

So I don't wanna know about the things that you regret,

Now that we're dead and over and done.

Get away from me and leave my heart under the rug.

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia

Looking for nothing short of a miracle

I only ever wanted to come home, please won't you let me go?

When I have no where left I can run away, will you lie to me,

Tell me I'll be okay.

Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb.

Then pull the trigger and send me home.

Send me home!

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia

Looking for nothing short of a miracle

I only ever wanted to come home, so won't you let me go?

When I have no where left I can run away, will you lie to me,

Tell me I'll be okay.

Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb.

Then pull the trigger and send me...

As the song ended I say Diego smiled and then Hugged me. I missed four years of his life and I'm not going to miss the rest of it.


The first few class were fine and so far I had not made one friend. It was lunch and Julia made me a delicious sandwich, a bag of strawberries and a Monster. She's not a big fan of it, but she knows I love it. My phone started to ring and it was Alix trying to Face Time me.

"Hey babe, I miss you." Alix said.

"I miss you room Alix. I'm so bored and I wish you guys were here." I said.

"I wish you were here instead. I hated high school, too much homework. So how's is it over there?" He asked. We went on and on about different topics like the guys and stuff like that. The bell finally rang for the last two classes I had, which were Music and history. I said bye to Alix and looked for the music room. As I found it and walked in I saw an empty spot by the drums. I quickly walked towards it and sat down.

"Hello class, as you know we have a new student. Ms. Blurs may you stand up." Said Mr. Tom, who is also my English teacher. I got up and the class looked at me. "Ms. Blurs tells us you full name, age, and what you would like to be after high school."

"I'm Jess Blurs, 17, and I would like to play warped Tour again after high school." I said and sat down quickly. One girl raised her hand.

"Yes Katie." Mr. Tom said.

"Um one why do you wear those things on your ears, two aren't you young for tattoos and three what do you main by 'again'" the girl asked. I got up again and smiled.

"Well one I like my GAGERS, two it's my skin and I get to do what I feel like and three I'm in a band called Royal Roses and I'm the drummer." I responded. Katie looked shocked and angry.

"Ok Ms. Blurs you may sit down." Mr. Tom said and carried in with the class. As the class finished I walked out the class last and walked to history.

"Jess." Said a guy behind me. I stopped and looked at a guy who had plugs, a Suicidal Silence shirt, and normal jeans. "Hey Jess, I'm John. I like that you’re in a band and I think you’re cute." He said blushing.

"Awe thank you, but I have a boyfriend." I said.

"Oh sorry. Dose he got to school here." John asked.

"No, he doesn't even go to school. He's in a band called Ghost Town."

"Wait your Alix Monsters girlfriend. Oh god, in so sorry. I didn't mean to flirt with you." John said.

"Haha no that's fine. Well I guess you know my boyfriend." The bell rang and I quickly walked inside.

After school.

"Here's my number." John said giving me a piece a paper as I closed my locker.

"And here's mine" I said.

"Do you need a ride home?" John asked.

"No my um band mate? Is going to pick me up I think." I said.

"We'll I guess I'll wait, I got nothing to do. " john said and we sat down in front of the school steps. We were talking when Katie came over with her little group.

"Oh well if it isn't the so call celebrity. " Katie said.

"Oh and isn't it the so called chick who's wasting her time laughing at others."

"You got attitude, well Jess I guess you’re just another emo, like John here." Katie said pointed at him.

"I'm not emo" I said.

"Hey Jess." Benn said from. Behind Katie and her group.

"Oh Jess who's this guy."Katie said getting closer to Benn.

"Daddy." Jamie said from behind. Katie look at Jamie and back at Benn.

"Oh, so where's the mommy." She asked Benn, as she rubbed her hands all over Benn.

"Her mom is at home." Benn said pushing her hands away.

"Jamie." I said and she ran to me.

"Tia Ess." Jamie said. And hugged me. I notice Katie walked away mad.

"I don't like to say this that much, but I can see she's the schools slut." Benn said.

"Major slut and heart breaker." John said quietly.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I got here last year and I was invited to her party. She was so sweet to me and after having sex with me; she left me and had 'better sex with a real man' as she said to me." John said.

"Man that sucks." I said and hugged him. "Oh Benn this is my new friend John.

“Hey, will Jess we better go. Julia’s waiting.” Benn said and I hugged John goodbye and left. 

(A/N) Guess what guys last chapter might be posted Monday, so watch out for that. I'm so sad that the story is ending. I Love all of you guys and I going to say some thank you to my cousin who was Ali in my story, my friend Dani who was Dee, @jessijailbreak who was Jess, @LetTheBandsTakeOver who was Mar and of course my dream I had in last year that helped me make this story and the past events that happened in my life, if I haven't meet some of you guys I would be a mess. A BIG THANKS TO ALL OF YOU GUYS!!!!! Remember to....






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