.The Child Of A Goddess.

By ChrisWolfblood

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(1ST BOOK OF THE GODLY CHILD SERIES) A child grew up in relative peace surrounded by people like her... Or so... More

-Latin - English-


362 30 2
By ChrisWolfblood

Amata's pov:

'I did.'

Those two words echoed louder than anything in the room, it was like all went silent to hear what I had to say. I sent a look saying 'stay silent' to the girl that was about to protest me taking the blame for her, she was scared but I could see she had a pure heart and wouldn't want someone else then her taking the punishment.
I couldn't let a child be punished despite me being the only one here not knowing what it consists off.

"What do we have here? It's miss 'I will declare war to you'?"

"I will and that's a promise."

"Oh I will be so delighted by punishing you, guards grab her and you others go back to your jobs." I let them grab me and drag me away, out of everyone here I would be the one that can take the most anyway, advantage of having bits and pieces of each race in me.

I felt Invisus rolling her eyes in my mind at that thought, she wasn't the chatting type but honestly I never told anyone but I was happy to have her back when I came back from the land of fire, despite anything I will always have someone with me if I want it or not.

I was dragged in a dark corner of the castle, a cell far from the others made of black bricks and circular. my hands were chained to chains hanging from the ceiling and my legs to the ground making me chuckle despite not wanting too, oh how lovely... History repeats itself...

"Why would a rat like you be laughing?"

"Oh I don't know queen bitch, maybe I already clearly know what will happen?"

"And that makes you idiot laugh?"

"Technically no since it will hurt but I find the coincidence funny." I heard a whip snap in the air. "Let me guess... Between 40 to 60 lashes?" I know I was being cocky right now but I couldn't really help it, her face was priceless. I felt it hit my stomach and hissed, I at least had a shirt on unlike in the land of fire so it was somewhat less bad, even if barely.

"You know what? You are right but I do think lashing won't be enough."

"What? You'll cover me in salt?" I heard her steps stop, I guessed right. "So cliche, whip someone and then cover them in salt, you knew that salt is a natural disinfectant?" I was slapped as she stepped in front of me with a pissed look.

"You insolent worm!! Let's see how resilient you are." I didn't answer this time, getting serious too. 

I won't describe the whipping since you already know how it went down last time, I yet again said nothing, even spat in her face, the one thing that changed was I got hit less times but harder and I had a T-shirt... Lovely...

"Ah this was relaxing, I'll come back later." She said with a smirk, holding my head up with her hands before letting it go and I hung my head as she left.

I panted softly and spat out curses when I was sure I was alone, my whole body was covered in sweat and this time only my stomach and back were covered in blood, making the clothing stick against me.
My arms were sore and well hurt by the cuff like last time but my legs were fine because of the boots I wore, for once I'm glad I wore had them on.
My shoulders burned and I was half unconscious, what I mean by that is that my head is swimming and like under water with my ears buzzing and vision blurred but still somewhat present mentally.

It was a pain to stay standing and awake all night, unable to sleep because of the position I was in and the pain, blood had puddled at my feet and for the first time in I don't know how long I questioned myself how I wasn't dying of blood loss which sounded inviting at the moment.

But despite all of this... I was happy... Happy I took the place of a child, such a monster as the queen would have not thought twice about having her in my place and whipped, heck other adults would say I'm a child myself at only 18 but I'm not about to let that other kid suffer because of other's ideas.

"Look like miss war is awake, enjoyed the night?"

"Spit in vestri sum gravis." I cursed, that meaning 'I spit on your grave' in Latin. She didn't seem to understand me but what she understood what the fact that it was an insult so I was slapped as she chuckled.

"Oh oh oh I am happy you are still as feisty as before miss war, I feared you'd have bled out enough to be unconscious as most." My eyes widened as she grabbed my hair painfully tight and tilted it to the side before feeling her bite my neck. It took a few second before she backed away and I hissed, two points felt like she stuck searing hot metal against my neck. "I bet you know how vampires work miss war despite you smelling like such a horrible mix of creatures, your parents must have been freaks of their races huh? You know vampire don't just live of blood do you? List the attributes right now, I wanna hear what makes us great or one of your slave buddies gets it."

"V-vampires are speedy creatures that can more easily have sunburns than most other races..." I felt the burn-like feeling get worst and spread as I gritted my teeth in pain. "If they consume blood their powers are temporarily boosted for a time depending on the blood quantity..."

"Good, but there is also the fact we have venom that let's use turn whoever is a mage, an elf or an angel into a vampire. They will become one of us forever, our race the strongest... Oh forgot to say it is a poison to the rest, a painfully spreading poison. I bet you can feel it, you are already shaking like a leaf." I was shaking as the pain was just getting worst spreading to the side of my face and that side of my chest. "Hope your freaky genetics might save you, guards get her away to the others." I was detached and fell to my knees, pressing my hand over my neck in pain before pulling it away, the blood on it having a much darker tint then normal, from the crimson/scarlet blood color it was a dark cherry red, the bite marks of the two fangs was of course inflamed.

I didn't clearly register what was happening, trying to ignore the spreading pain, it was enough to make me scream until I felt something or someone hit my head to the ground.

Surprising Gloria pov:

As I said, I blamed her like she did herself but also didn't, it was a strange thing really though I was worried when Ferox told me about what happened and then heard the truth. She took the punishment for someone else.
News of this spread fast through the people and all the cells were silent, all ashamed that no one would have had the courage of doing as she did. The silence somehow grew less heavy as guard came down.

"Here you go scum, back home." There was a thud and they left as Ferox was the first to check on her, just being shoved in and head hitting the ground hard.

"Mom!" Her clothes were covered in tears and blood; I had expected seeing this but not her neck. 

People gathered and muttered as he laid her down and I checked, there was two fang marks on her neck with the skin around it pale as death and veins almost a blackish red. I was shocked as this wasn't usually something a vampire did to a slave as it would kill them and leave them with one less of us.

"I can't help her; this is a vampires venom you know it Ferox."

"So will she die?"

"Well I'd say yes at the first glance but look at her, red hair of a vampire, golden eyes of an angel, her real parents' genetics might somewhat help but all we can do for now is cover these whipping wound and wait to see how her body will react."

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