Far Cry 5 Oneshots and Prefer...

By we_all_have_secrets_

518K 9.5K 1.1K

Part 2 of my Far Cry 5 oneshots and preferences book. Comment any requests! Preferences Oneshots Fluff Angs... More

Boomer Brings Them a Replica of Their Favourite Thing
The Resistance Kidnap Their Child
John x Reader: Your Daughter's First Birthday
You Are a Cannibal
You Are a Criminal
They Watch "Rick and Morty" With You
Their Teenage Child had the same Experiences as Them
They Find you Singing Their Song to your Child
Jacob Seed X Deputy Reader: Jealous
They Meet Somebody who is Very Like-Minded to Them
Their Young Child Demanding Their Attention When They're Busy With Work
Sharky Boshaw: Home
You Are A War Veteran
They Cheat on you and you Find Out
You Go Into Premature Labour
Boomer Dies and They Comfort You
You Are Trapped In The Bunker With Them
Their Children are the Opposite to Them
You are the Winchesters' Younger Sibling and Dating the Seed Sibling
Jacob Seed X Ronnie (OC)
They get Cramp in the Middle of the Night
Nick Rye X Kim Rye X Fem!Reader
They Deliver Your Child
Sinning in Sacred Places
They Meet Cheeseburger
Joseph Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
Their Reaction to the Destruction of John's "YES" Sign
Sharky Boshaw X Reader: I Love Yous
You Try to Arouse Them in Public
Joseph Seed X Reader: It's Happening Again
They Get Drunk Part 2
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
Video Games Part 8
John Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
You Befriend their Hostage
Sharky Boshaw: You are Pregnant
You Come Home From a Long Trip
The Seed Brothers X Fem!Reader
They Cheat on you Part 2
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
Road Trips With Them
Joseph Seed X Male!Reader NSFW
They Hear you Singing "Take Me Home, Country Roads"
They Watch Anime with you
John Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
They Hear you Singing "Sympathy for the Devil"
Sharky Boshaw X Reader
You Break up with Them
Jacob Seed X Pregnant Reader
You/They use Recreational Bliss
Seed Brother X Fem!Reader Part 2
O'Hara's Haunted House
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
You Break up and You end up Dating the Deputy
Sharky Boshaw X Deputy!Reader
They Love the Deputy, not you
John Seed X Male!Reader NSFW
Christmas Special
Sharky Boshaw X Male!Reader NSFW
They Use You Against the Deputy
They Find out that you are an Amazing Baker
Caring For Triplets
The Deputy Kills You
New Years Special
You're Cheating on your Spouse with Them
You are Soulmates (AU?)
The Resistance Betrayed you and the Seeds Find You
Someone Walks in on you
They are the Father of your Child
They Find out that you are a Drug Addict
You are Their Younger Sibling and Fighting with the Resistance
They Find out that you Practice Witchcraft
You Give Them a Strip Tease
Seed Brothers X Fem!Reader Part 3
They Get Mad at you
You Take Them Hunting
Sharky Boshaw X Pregnant!Deputy!Reader
They Desperately Want Your Attention
Their Child Tells Them That They Hate Them
The Seeds Start Questioning Their Faith
Joseph Seed X Pregnant Reader
You Leave One Sibling For Another
Video Games Part 9
Dark!PolySeed X Reader
You Have a Nightmare and Scream That You Don't Want to Lose Him/Her
You Tell Them your Fear
You are a Solider and Surprise Them by Coming Home on Their Birthday
PolySeed X Reader
You are Very Affectionate
Messing Around Under the Dinner Table (NSFW)
Joseph Seed: Lost
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
You are Kidnapped by the Resistance
Joseph Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
You are John's Child
Staci Pratt X Reader
You're New to Hope County
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader
Dating Yandere/Dark Joseph Seed Would Include
Dating Yandere/Dark Jacob Seed Would Include
Dating Yandere/Dark John Seed Would Include
Valentines Day Special
Dating Yandere/Dark Faith Seed Would Include
They Take you Hostage and You Fall in Love With Each Other
You Get Turned into an Angel
Nick Rye X Fem!Reader
You Catch them Staring at you
Faith Seed X Male!Reader NSFW
You have a Condition that Causes you to get Heavy Nosebleeds
You Save them During their Final Confrontation with the Deputy
You are Bilingual and Often Slip into Another Language
You are the Deputy and they find you Reading their Copy of the Book of Joseph
They are Forced to Watch you Die
Dark!Seeds: You are Pregnant
Dating Dark/Yandere Staci Pratt Would Include
You Shave His Beard
You Get in a Car Accident and go Blind
You are MIA
You Break an Arm/Leg
They React to you Singing and Playing Guitar
Nick Rye X Reader
They Catch you Drawing Something
Faith Seed X Male!Deputy Reader
You Tell Them that you have been Sexually Abused in the Past
Eli Palmer X Deputy!Reader
They React to the Deputy's Suicide
Dating Dark/Yandere Sharky Boshaw would include
You are Trying for a Child and can't Seem to Conceive
Jacob Seed X Reader
Making Out With the Seeds
Dark!Seeds: They are Obsessed with a Younger Reader
John Seed NSFW
Jacob Seed NSFW

Halloween Special

4K 71 3
By we_all_have_secrets_

It's Halloween! Includes: Couples Costume, Costume Party, and decorating the house, Halloween Prank, Trick or Treating with Their Children.

Joseph Seed-

Couple Costume and Costume Party:

Joseph probably wouldn't celebrate Halloween if nobody else in his family did, but he respects all cultures and holidays so he would happily take part. When John invited you both to his Halloween costume party, both you and Joseph agreed on a couples costume. Joseph wanted your costumes to be rather classic costumes for Halloween so you decided to go as Vampires. Joseph liked these costumes because it was suitable for Halloween and the costumes were rather classy in his opinion, plus you both looked amazing.

When you are at the party Joseph tends to stay by your side, of course he has to say hello to his loyal followers but this is still a holiday and a party. He wants to spend this time with you and his siblings more than he wants to discuss the Project with his followers, he can do that everyday so he takes this time to relax with the ones he loves the most. Joseph doesn't drink at the party, he might have a glass of wine but that is all.

Decorating the House:

Joseph likes to keep his Halloween decorations simple, things like hanging up fake cobwebs and putting a pumpkin outside. He actually enjoys carving pumpkins, mainly because it's something that you both do together. Decorating the house together usually leads you both laughing or just having a good time together. Activities like this are usually relaxing for the both of you, it helps Joseph forget about his responsibilities by just having some simply fun.

Halloween Prank:

You loved Joseph dearly but it was Halloween and every year you pulled a prank on somebody, whether it was a family member or a friend, this year it was Joseph's turn. You knew that he didn't like pranks but it was your little tradition, and you know that he loves traditions. The prank was never anything spectacular, normally you would just put a mask on and try to scare somebody, and it worked every year. So that's what you did this year. You had a feeling that Joseph wouldn't be very hard to scare, so you just put on a mask and waited for him to get home. Simply, you jumped out at him and scared him. Joseph definitely got scared when you jumped out but he hid it well, once he relaxed and realised what happened he just watched you as you laughed, sighed and turned around. You instantly apologised (while laughing), removed the mask and hugged him. Of course he forgave you, but he asked that you prank somebody else next year.

Trick or Treating with Their Children:

Joseph would love to take his children trick or treating, he would happily go with them and would want you to go with them as well. He loved doing anything as a family as this was perfect to do together.

When people came trick or treating to Joseph's house, he would have a bowl of treats ready on a table beside the door. He would be friendly when he opened the door, giving a generous amount of candy to each child.

Jacob Seed-

Couple Costume and Costume Party:

Jacob wouldn't celebrate Halloween if he had a choice, but you wanted to celebrate it so he would too. Then John invited you both to a costume party, Jacob instantly refused to go but you convinced him to give it a chance. Then Jacob refused to wear a costume but finally gave in after your begging, he told you to get a decent costume. Then you made the mistake of telling John to get your couple costume. When you opened the costumes that John got you both, it was a Lion Tamer and a Lion. You were laughing but the first thing Jacob said was "I am not wearing that". His costume was a full Lion costume and he continued to refuse to wear it, so you compromised. You made him wear a pair of lion ears and a tail, he still wasn't happy. Then you had your Lion Tamer costume, which Jacob didn't object to. The most eventful part of you Halloween was actually before the party and trying to get Jacob to wear a costume.

Once Jacob finally stopped complaining and went to the party with you, he would be with you the whole time. Of course he would greet and talk to his siblings but he would be by your side pretty much the whole time. He was here for you and because you wanted him there, so he was going to be with you. Sometimes you felt as if you had your own bodyguard, John would even make similar comments every now and again, but you liked that about Jacob. He definitely wasn't the type of person to go to parties, so he would normally just stand with you or talk with you (or his siblings) while drinking beer.

Decorating the House:

Jacob doesn't care about decorating the house but will help you if you want to do it. You mainly get him to lift the heavy things and reach high places. The only part the Jacob would take much interest in was, surprisingly, carving pumpkins. The man is good with a knife and can carve a pumpkin quicker than anyone you know. You might even just do the designs and let him do the carving, it's a hidden talent.

Halloween Prank:

You knew that pulling a prank on Jacob was a stupid idea but it was something that you did every year so you would do it to him this year. At first you thought against doing it but you eventually gathered the courage to do it. You grabbed the mask and waited, continuously psyching yourself up to try to scare Jacob. You soon realised your mistake. When he stepped through the door, you jumped out at him. Before you could make a noise or before your feet even fully touched the floor, Jacob had reacted. Before you knew it, your back was against the wall and Jacob had his forearm against your shoulders to pin you further against the wall. He pulled the mask off of your face and sighed when he saw your face. You were definitely more startled than Jacob was. He released you before warning you that he could have killed you. Then he just smirked and said that next year you were both scaring John together.

Trick or Treating with Their Children:

Jacob had never been trick or treating before so he didn't see why it was such a big deal, but you convinced him to go with you and your children. He would walk beside you and your children, acting as your bodyguard as John would say. You all knew that if Jacob was there, your children would be perfectly safe.

Jacob wasn't good when children came to your house, trick or treating. When he opened the door the children wouldn't exactly be greeted by a friendly face, and he would give each child one piece of candy, he wasn't very generous. So normally you would be the person that opens the door. However, it was extremely rare that children knocked on your door on Halloween, you live in a rather solitary area.

John Seed-

Couple Costume and Costume Party:

John had always celebrated Halloween and he had always thrown a Halloween party, ever since he became a fancy lawyer and inherited his fortune. When he throws a costume party he makes sure to have a great costume. He was so excited to wear a couples costume with you, and since he was so excited you let him pick that costume. This year he choose Gladiators. It was a good costume for John because it was stylish and showed some skin, letting him show off his tattoos, and he loved the way it looked on you. You weren't really surprised by his costume choice.

John was always the life and soul of the party, and he still is. He greets everyone with a charming smile, and if the perfect host. His parties now are much calmer than they used to be, but his guests still enjoyed themselves and his parties were still extremely popular among the people of Eden's Gate. Even though John is the host and must socialise with his guests for some time at least, he prefers to spend the whole time with you. He enjoys showing you off to people, he is just proud that you want to be with him and not somebody else. During the party he will usually drink Champagne or wine, the finest of course, and will happily bring you drinks.

Decorating the House:

John takes pride in his appearance, this includes his ranch and how he decorates it on Halloween. He is the time of guy who sets up a pumpkin patch somewhere on the ranch grounds, and has the most expensive and fantastic Halloween decorations. He used to be the type of guy who has somebody decorate his home for him, but now he much prefers to decorate the ranch with you.

Halloween Prank:

You pulled a prank on someone every year on Halloween, this year you were spending Halloween with John so you decided that you would scare him this year. You had watched horror movies with John before, you knew that he liked them but you also knew that they scared him even if he wouldn't admit it. So you knew that scaring him would be fun. You put on your mask and waited at the ranch, waiting for him to come home. When he walked into the ranch, he called for you and was confused when you didn't answer. Then he walked around the corner and you jumped out at him. He didn't make a noise other than a gasp as he stumbled backwards with wide eyes. You instantly started laughing, seeing the fear on his face, and you took the mask off. John calmed down and look at you like he was going to kill you, you just flashed him an innocent smile and started walking backwards. You knew that you were going to pay for this, so you started running away but John was close behind you.

Trick or Treating with Their Children:

John would get get his children the most amazing costumes, they would definitely have the best costumes in Hope County. He would like going trick or treating with you and his children, with all of you dressed in your costumes. It was fun and he got to show of your amazing costumes.

John's ranch is quite an intimidating place for children to knock on for candy but it was also the most popular house. John also bought the best candy any children who lived nearby would go straight to the ranch on Halloween, hoping that they would get some before you ran out.

Faith Seed-

Couple Costume and Costume Party: 

Faith loves all holidays and all celebrations, she loves anything that brings the family together or makes people happy. She was happy and excited to go to John's party with you, she just enjoyed things like this. When you were discussing what costumes you should wear you instantly suggested that Faith should go as an angel, since she is a complete angel to you. She loved that idea and instantly agreed to it but said that you should wear a matching costume, and since it was Halloween you went as a demon. Both of you loved it.

You both went to the party together, hand in hand. Faith greeted Joseph's followers with a smile but made it obvious that she was here to relax and enjoy her time with you and her brothers. She loved spending time with you and her brothers, so she always enjoyed John's parties. Even though members of the flock were there, they were just having fun instead of worshipping, it was a much more relaxed environment. She would be with you the whole time, dancing, laughing, talking. It was a fun night.

Decorating the House:

Faith enjoyed decorating the house for Halloween, but spooky and scary wasn't her style. She made decorations of flowers which gave the house a natural feel, while you hung more Halloween style decorations. The clash between Halloween and Faith's flowers was actually rather charming and gave the house a unique feeling. She enjoyed carving pumpkins with you and setting when outside with candles.

Halloween Prank:

You would admit that you already felt guilty for even thinking about scaring Faith, she was the sweetest and kindest person you knew so you felt bad about considering scaring her. However, you knew that she would forgive you and you knew that she didn't mind when you pulled pranks on her in the past. You finally decided that you would prank Faith and include her in your silly Halloween tradition. When she got home, you jumped out at her while wearing a mask. She let out a small squeal before you laughed and removed your mask. You apologised as she calmed down, thankfully she started laughing too. She knew that you loved Halloween and expected something like this to happen, she didn't really like scary things but she would admit that she likes that little thrill. You just hugged her and apologised again while she hugged you back and told you that it was alright.

Trick or Treating with Their Children:

Faith would love to go trick or treating with you and her children, she loved spending time as a family and it was definitely something that the children would enjoy. It was just a lovely idea to Faith.

When children come to your house on Halloween, they loved you both. Faith was the nicest person to these children, she would compliment their costumes and give them all a generous amount of candy. All while she had a friendly and sweet smile on her face.


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