My Happily Ever After?

By Iamcrazy-iamreal

89.7K 3.7K 442

"We are getting married"he dictated. I sat there unable to move. How could anyone be so emotionless in askin... More

27-HE'S MY EX.
28-DO I?
29-I DO.


2.5K 119 10
By Iamcrazy-iamreal

Give your heart a break
            🌸DEMI LOVATO

Diane's POV

We both sat at the edge of the pool, our clothes drenched, laughing about how childish we were being.

He slowly removed his suit and was left in his wet shirt clinging to his muscular body.

"Why are you always grumpy?"I asked, trying to pull myself away from his distracting features.

He chuckled. "Why are you always acting like a child? "He focused his coffee brown eyes on me which made me want to melt in a puddle.

I looked away, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. "What can I say, I really am crazy. You know, when I was 18,I made a list of things I would do with the man I would fall in love with before getting married"I let out a small laugh"Things don't always go as planned. But I try not to sulk about my life, I'd rather prefer making it exciting "I turned to look at him"And for now, pissing you off is what gives me Joy"

His shoulders relaxed a bit. "I don't know how I feel about that"he remarked, his mouth curled up in a smile.

"I know you want a perfect story too"I told him, ignoring the quizzical look he gave me. " It's Tiara"

He lowered his gaze and stared at the pool of water. "How did you know? "

"It's so obvious and besides, i have my sources "I didn't want to mention Greg.

"Tiara was that little light in my dark world. Despite my cold aura, she broke down my walls and we became friends"His eyes sparkled as he spoke of her. "But some things aren't meant to be. She doesn't feel the way I do"

For a second I couldn't breath. It was obvious he still loved her. I had always envisioned my husband confessing his love to me, saying the sweetest things.

But never in my wildest dreams did I think it would be for another woman.

"And you? Anyone special? "His voice brought me back to earth.

"I guess not, some jerk made me get married to him and ruined my chances of ever finding my perfect love"I joked.

But I guess he took it seriously.

His expression dulled. I didn't know what to feel the moment the next words escaped his mouth"Just for the next five months, I promise, it'll  all be over"

I watched as he strutted into the house.

Just five months, I guess it's all gonna end there.

   I sat in MACHOLA waiting for Greg to show up. My life had become easier in the mansion for the past one month after our discussion that night.  It wasn't like we were close or anything like that, but we were at least civil with each other.

His work kept him busy in his office most of the time and when he would return home, he would be stuck in his study.

I didn't blame him cause we were finally through with designing the store and his firm was launching a new branch in Paris.

Greg walked in sat down"Hi Anny haven't seen you in forever"he said with a big goofy grin.

Forever for Greg meant a week. Hanging out in MACHOLA had become a usual for us. Like he called it,  It was my "Therapy session"

"Whatever. I couldn't make it last week, had to go visit my family. Adrian got into college"

"That's nice. Tell Frank and Lindsay I'll come visit soon"

Greg had gotten close with my parents. They liked him, who wouldn't, he was so likeable.

I ordered a cheeseburger and a glass of orange juice.

"How are you keeping up? "He had a rigid expression on.

"What can I say, I'm doing great. He let me use his Bentley. What about you? "I didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"What's there besides the usual, my mum wants me to bring a girl home. She's already coming up with ideas that I'm gay"he chuckled. He gave a lopsided grin.

"And Tiara? "

"She tried to reach out, but I seriously don't want to visit my past"his expression dulled.

Tiara had been trying to talk to Greg, he tried his best to avoid her. I guess she was still in love with him.

Crazy triangle.

"Well you can't blame her, loosing someone like you is like losing a fortune"

His lips quirked up in a smile. "You really think so? "

"Don't get so full of yourself, I'm just being polite"

      After having lunch with Greg, I drove home. I decided to spend the rest of my day watching any movie I could find.

I freshened up and decided to watch 27 dresses. I just really loved the fact that in the end, she found her happily ever after.

I wonder if that'll ever happen to me.

I woke up feeling rather lazy. I took a cold bath and wore a cute ripped crop top and wide leg shorts.

I'm just gonna stay at home today.

I headed into the hallway, so I could go eat some breakfast downstairs. I had woken up a bit late so I was sure John had already left.

John's secret room caught my attention and so I decided to help him clean it. I slowly opened it and it  gave way.

Guess he forgot to lock it.

His books were scattered all around and so I neatly arranged them in the shelves. There was a vacuum cleaner at the corner of the room and so I vacuumed the room.

A cute picture of a shetland sheepdog caught my eye.

"What are you doing? "His voice startled me. I turned to look at him and he was dressed in his suit as usual, his hair neatly slicked backwards.

"You scared me"I said with my hands on my chest. "I was just cleaning. What are you doing here? I thought you already left for work? "

He was leaning by the door.  He walked in and closed the door behind him. "I was already on my way there, but I remembered I left this room unlocked"

"You must really want to keep this a secret"A wide grin spread over my face. It was the first real conversation we had  in a long time. "She's cute"I said, pointing at the picture of the sheepdog.

"I got her 5 months ago"

I continued staring at the picture.

"Get dressed "I turned to him. His eyes traveled down my body.

My face turned crimson. I realized I was only wearing a crop top. "Pervert"

"Go get changed"

"Where are we going? "

"The pet farm. I never break a promise"

          The drive to the bronx was rather quiet. We finally arrived and I must say it looked amazing. We drove through the gravel path, passing by a beautiful lake.

The car came to a halt and I quickly jumped out, so excited to check the farm out.

A middle aged man walked up to us. "Welcome Mr Carter. It's been so long since you last visited. "His chocolate brown hair had hints of silver gray.

"Diane, this is Brian. He takes care of the farm and Brian, this is Diane, my wife"

His wife? That sounds foreign coming from him.

Brian stuck out his hand for a handshake and I shook it. "Nice to meet you Brian"

"The pleasure is mine. Come, I'll show you around"Brian led us to most parts of the farm, mostly giving reports to John, while I stood wide-eyed, awed by the cute animals.

It's no wonder John likes animals, seeing those faces after a stressful day at work can definitely lighten your mood.

Brian then led us to the monkey. Well what can I say? It was cute. It jumped around the cage, not staying still for a moment.

I noticed Brian leave after John whispered something to him.

I laughed.

"Why are you laughing? "John arched his brow. His hands were in his pockets.

I wonder what he keeps there.

I took a step closer to the cage, but I made sure not to get that close. "And to think I always wanted to get rid of your monkey"I chuckled.

"Why would you do that? "He inquired, amusement visible in his eyes.

"Remember when you compared me to your monkey? "

"Oh that, poor monkey, i bet he would have felt insulted if he was there"he spoke with an elevated chin.

"Haha, so funny"I said sarcastically. I took a deep breath, loving how humid the place felt. "I love it here"

I suddenly felt something tug my shoe. I looked down to see the source of the disturbance.

Oh my God, it's that cute dog.

"Keep her"John said, His eyes looking everywhere but at me.

I took her in my arms. "Seriously? "I belted"She's so cute"

Brian who had brought her here, handed over her leash to me.

"What's her name? "I asked, my eyes fixed on the cute creature in my arms.

"She doesn't have one yet"Brian responded.

"Sparkles, I'll call her sparkles"

I noticed John roll his eyes.

Sparkles became my new companion. I enjoyed taking her on her morning walks.

      John wasn't around. He had traveled to Paris to ensure everything was set for the launch of JC's new branch.

    He had been gone for a week and was gonna be back in two days. It's not like he told me or anything of that sought, i found out from Mark.

    I returned from my usual walk with sparkles. Maggie ran up to me"Miss Tiara is here"

What does she want?

I made Maggie take sparkles in and then I went to meet Tiara.

"Hi Tiara"Her gaze settled on me.

She took fast strides towards me and the next thing I felt was a force on my cheek.


My cheek twitched in pain.

"What the hell is wrong with you Tiara? "

Her chin jutted. "You filthy bitch, aren't you ashamed? "She glowered, her nostrils flaring.

"You're married to J and you go around seducing Greg. Does John know that you're nothing but a worthless flirt? "

I didn't understand what the hell she was talking about, but one thing was for sure, this bitch slapped me.

She freaking slapped me!

My hand went flying through the air and made contact on her soft cheek. Her face went red in anger.

"Did you just fucking slap me? "She fumed, her hand rubbing her cheek.

"I'll do it again if you don't get the hell out of here"

"This isn't over Diane. I'll make sure you pay, you gold digging bitch"she picked her bag and stormed out of the house.

I collapsed on the couch.

What the fuck just happened?

What do you think that was all about?

Thanks for reading.


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