Musical Alchemy Oneshot

By 2-Lett2304

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Short stories and oneshots of my OC, Judy Pot and our favorite alchemist Varian. Ideas and Plots are welcome... More

Judy Profile
One- Dress
Two- Fever
Three- Pox
Four- Liar
Five- AU
Six- Stutter
Seven- Roxanne
Eight- Miraculous
Nine- New Element
Ten- Malice
Eleven- First Meeting
Twelve- Lovebirds
Thriteen- Nightmare
Fourteen- Spiderman
Fifteen- Goodbye for Now
Sixteen- Angelic Voice
Seventeen- Aftermath
Eighteen- First Song
Nineteen- GenderMix
Twenty- Wedding
Twenty One- Blood
Twenty Two- Babies
Twenty Three- Daydream
Twenty Four- Dark Kingdom
Twenty Five- Massage
Twenty Six- Phantom of the Opera
Twenty Seven- Capture
Twenty Eight- Real Happiness
Twenty Nine-Parents
Thirty- Princess
Thirty One-AU part 2
Thirty Two- Heaven's Light/Hellfire
Thirty Three- Reunited
Thirty Four- Moondrop
Thirty Five- Hero vs Villain
Thirty Six- Siren
Thirty Seven- Picture Show
Thirty Nine- World will Remember
Forty- Reversion
Forty One- Tragedy
Forty Two- Reborn
Forty Three- World will Remember us
Forty Four- Date
Forty Five- Full Moon
Forty Six- Belle
Forty Seven- She's Mine
Forty Eight- First Zing
Forty Nine- Red
Fifty- Stories
Fifty One- I Do
Fifty Two- Hide and Seek
Fifty Three- To the Bride
Fifty Four- Spooky Scary
Fifty Five- Simply
Fifty Six- Old Friend
Fifty Seven- Meet the Dad
Fifty Eight- Rewrite our Stars
Fifty Nine- Spy Fail
Sixty- Overprotective
Sixty One- Be There
Sixty Two- Angel
Sixty Three- Birthday
Sixty Four- Slipper
Sixty Five- Bully
Sixty Six- Proposal
Sixty Seven- Nutcracker pt. 1
Sixty Eight- Pregnant
Sixty Nine- Love Again
Seventy- Gift of Magi
Seventy One- Nutcracker pt. 2
Seventy Two- Skating
Seventy Three- Nutcracker pt. 3
Seventy Four- Mommy Kiss Santa Claus
Seventy Five- Dream
Seventy Six- Jealousy
Seventy Seven- Laws of Love
Seventy Eight- Trial/In Her Eyes
Seventy Nine- Hero vs Villain 2
Eighty- Sleeping Beauty
Eighty One- Day of Hearts
Eighty Two- Big Bad
Eighty Three- Words Hurt
Eighty Four- Soulmates
Eighty Five- Alpha and Omega
Eighty Six- Chase
Eighty Seven- Angels and Devils
Eighty Eight- Big Hero 6
Eighty Nine- Toxication
Ninety One- Alchemist
Ninety Two- First Meeting- Alternative
Ninety Three- Alchemy
Ninety Four- Pain
Ninety Five- First Date
Ninety Six-Tired
Ninety Seven-The Argument
Ninety Eight- Judy's Song

Thirty Eight-Distraction

648 12 2
By 2-Lett2304

Thanks to slpytlak from for the idea. Takes place after "Capture". Song doesn't belong to me. Sini belong to Beatriz Lopez.


(In a tavern, where even the baddist crocks took a load off with drinks, music and women for a night stand. And a certain former alchemist and his goons enter the tavern to have a drink. Peaking out of the corner, a grown Sini, Judy and Vex watch the crocks enter the tavern.)

Vex: Okay, so now what?

Sini: He have the information I need to heal my master. Just got to find a way to get it out of him.

Judy: Yeah, but the question is how? You know he's not gonna give it to you and let you walk out for turning him in to the guards.

(The two turn to Judy, Whoes eyes widen when she realize why they're looking at her. Inside, crocks and villains sat in tables with beer in hand. On a large table, Varian and his crew sat while drinking. Behind the stage curtains, Judy turn to her two friends.)

Judy: Girls, I love you two and all, but he is never gonna give me the info.

Sini: You're the only one who understand alchemy from him and have the voice that draw his attention.

Judy: He's gonna notice me! He knows I never sing on pubs like this, and he knows I don't handle around guys who manhandle me! He'll see my hair!

(Sini pull out a spell book, touch Judy's blue hair and turn to a brown shade. Judy look at a mirror to see.)

Sini: That oughta do it.

Judy: Thanks Sini. But..I don't think I can do it.

Vex: Why? Afraid he's gonna flirt you again like last time?

(Judy's face grow red when she metion it, Judy can't get the scene from their last meeting out of her head. Why does he have to make her knees weak around him? She turn to the girls.)

Judy: No, I'm not. He's just playing with me, he's like that now. He's not the Varian I know and love.

Vex: Just get in there and distract him. Me and Sini will get on his ship and look for the cure. Good luck Jude.

(The two leave. Judy let out a sigh of this, she can't believe she's doing this. She undid her hair and let it down and out and use her bangs to hide her right eye to hide her identity. The light dim down, signaling it's her part now. Varian and the crew grew quiet. Juse peak through the curtain, see Varian watching. She breathe out and sing.)

Judy: (sing) You had plenty money, 1722

(She part the curtains and walk out to the stage, and the crowds of men hoot and howler. Varian narrow his eyes at the person singing, as if he know her but can't tell cause the hair is covering her right eye.)

Judy: (sing) You let other women make a fool of you

Why don't you do right, like some other men do?

get out of here and get me some money too

(Her voice remind him of someone he know well, somone he fell hard for, but her voice is sexy. He look at her eyes, and smirk, she's here and is putting a great show for him.)

Judy: (sing) You're sitting there and wondering what it's all about

You ain't got no money, they will put you out

Why don't you do right, like some other men do?

Get out of here and get me some money too

Pirate 1: Hey boss, that gal got them pretty pipe huh?

Varian: Yep, and a pipe that sent my heart racing again. (Smirk)

Judy: (sing) If you had prepared twenty years ago

You wouldn't be a wandering from door to door

Why don't you do right, like some other men do?

Get out of here and get me some money too

(In the ship, Vex and Sini run past guards and enter the ship, heading to Varian's room. With Judy, she walk out of the stage and head to Varian's table. Men around are hooting, acting like the animals they are. The crew are too, but they are cut off when their captain gave them a jealous glare. Guess their captain got his eyes set on her, not knowing who she really is.)

Judy: (sing) Get out of here and get me some money too

(She set on the table while Varian stare at her, she must think he got her right where he want her, the fool fell for it.)

Judy: (sing) Why don't you do right

(She lean in to him, he did the same) Like some other men do

(Then she place a finger on his lips to stop him. She jump off the table and walk to stage, she turn to him and walk away. Varian smirk of this, what a woman. With the girls, Vex and Sini look through books and paper for the cure. So far they found none, guess they have to rely on Judy to get him to spit out. With Judy, she lean against a wall, heart pounding for she can't believe what she done. She move her bang away from her eye.)

Judy: Jesus Christ! I am never doing that again!

Varian: Really? I kinda like it.

(She jump when she heard his voice. Turn and see him leaning on the wall, arms cross with his ankle cross over his.)

Varian: Reminds me of the time I hear you sing at the Snuggling duckling.

Judy: (cover her right eye with her bangs) Hello there stranger.

Varian: (walk to her) Drop the act Jude. I know it's you.

Judy: Jude? I'm not Jude.

Varian: Oh please. Who else have beautiful crystal blue eyes? A lovely voice? And have brown and blue hair?

Judy: My hair is brown, not blue.

(He pull out a napkin and a vial, wet the napkin and rub it on Judy's hair. Where the blue bangs show. Judy face turn a bright red.)

Varian: There you are, my angel. Now mind telling why you're here? I know pubs are not your way of showing your talent.

Judy: (red face) I...I...You see-..I.. Uh..

Varian: (close to her face) (chuckle) Still nervous after our last encounter?

Judy: (red face) Uh...I... C-Cure..

Varian: Hmm? Cure?

(Judy felt her stomach dropped, she's acting like a stupid fool.)

Judy: (face red) Cure...Swine flu...

Varian: Oh, I get it. If you want my help, all you have to do was ask~

(And that did it. Her mind went blank, knees weak and nose bleeding. Varian eyes widen at this, he overdid it. He knew how Judy get nosebleed when she get hot. Judy is about to faint, but Varian caught her before she hit the ground. He sat her down, pull out a clean napkin and clean her nosebleed.)

Varian: Easy Jude. Take it easy.

Judy: (red face) Uh..I..uh..

(He get up, run to the bar and ask for a glass of water. He run to Judy, tilt her head up and make her drink it. She drink it all till the glass is empty. She lean on the wall.)

Varian: (caress her face) You're okay now?

Judy: (red face) Ugh... Yeah..

Varian: I'm really sorry about it.

Judy: (red face) It's..fine..

Varian: You said something about a swine flu. Why you ask for a cure?

Judy: You see..Uh.. It's..

Vex: Found it Jude!

(The two turn and see Vex and Sini with a piece of paper on Vex hand. Varian turn to Judy who face is red again.)

Varian: (narrow eyes) I get it. You're seducing me to take one of my formula for your friends.

Judy: (red face) W-What? A-As if! (Nervous chuckle)

Varian: (glare) (then grow a smirk) Oh, baby you have no idea how badly it make me want you~

(Just before Judy mind is about to go blank and have a nosebleed again, Sini grab Judy by the arm and drag her along with them and out of the pub. Varian stand up and watch with a sensual look.)

Varian: (dark chuckle) I am so in love with that woman again.

(Outside and away from the pub, the girls rest on the forest, taking their air back.)

Vex: That was a close one!

Sini: Finally! We did it girls! (See Judy hunching) Judy? Are you okay?

Judy: (face red) I think I'm gonna be sick.

(Sini and Vex widen their eyes at that comment.)

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