Baby, You're A 10 (BBW/PlusSi...

By KoolLePlaisir

190K 5.7K 1.6K

"Baby, you're a ten. You have zero flaws and you're the one for me" -Nathaniel Vitro or the one in which a... More

1. My Baby
2. Eat A Snicker's Bitch
3. That Family Luv
4. You're Special
5. Dance For You
6. Boy!
7. Nothing for Something
8. Keeping Up with the Vitros
9. Baecation Pt. 1
10. Baecation Pt. 2
12. 808
13. Bad Babies
14. That Conversation
15. About a Boy & Girl
16. Hard Candy
17. Unpretty
18. Spring Day
19. Mo' Drama
20. Modern Olden Times
21. Nap of A Star
22. Fine
23. Home
24. A Bit of Us
25. New Addition
26. Empty Cages
27. Mama Bear
28. Blood & Oil
29. We're so different.
30. FAMILY 0.5
31. FAMILY 1.0
32. FAMILY: Closure
33. Unbroken
34. Again...
35. A Remembrance of Love
36. A Very Vitro Occasion
37. Ode to the Times
38. Endings & Beginnings

11. Baecation Pt. 3

4.4K 144 13
By KoolLePlaisir

+A/N.; This is the third and last chapter of the Baecation little mini-series within the story. I had wanted show a glimpse into other characters' love life besides Nathaniel and Naomi's. Furthermore, this chapter is done in Tristian's prospective and shows you little more depth into who he is a character and person without giving too much away. I am not sure if there will be future chapters featuring other characters perspectives, but for now, enjoy! Comment & vote! Deuces!✌🏾+

🎼 Tristian 🎼

I sat alone at a bar in a booth listening to others croak musical notes into a mic attached to a karaoke machine. Nathaniel and Naomi were out on the dance floor slow dancing. Christian was once again flirting with a woman over at the bar. Lucky and LaLa had long since gone off to do their own thing. Everyone seemed to have someone while I was all alone. I had not thought that I would be alone on this trip.

I thought that I would have Hudson at my side going on little romantic rendezvous but that was just wishful thinking. Never did I think that I would get a frantic call from a crying LaLa telling me that she had caught our boyfriends in bed together. A waste of both of our time and our hearts. She had been in love and so had I. I sighed whirling around my drink in my glass that I had been nursing for the last half hour. Although, I was happy for my girl moving on after such a traumatic event. I myself was still licking my wounds over a piece of shit ex-boyfriend.

"Is this seat taken?", a heavy Spanish accent called over the music. The baritone was too deep to be that of a female so I knew that the person was a male.

I looked up from my glass, my eyes meeting that of a hazel ones framed by dark lashes.

I paused not expecting the handsome man that stood before me. I cleared my throat before speaking. "Not at the moment", I retorted before taking a sip of my drink.

"Thank you. I am Antonio and you are?", the handsome stranger said sliding into the booth across from me.

"Tristian", I stated curtly.

He smiled, "Cute name for a cute guy", he retorted.

I raised an eyebrow at his comment.

"You gay?", I asked not wanting to beat around bush and waste my time.

He chuckled, "Straight to the point. I like that", he said, not answering my question.

"That doesn't answer my question", I retorted.

He nodded his head, "Si, I am as straight as a loopy straw as Americans say", he retorted finally giving me the answer I sought.

"You could of simply said 'yes', Antonio", I drawled swishing my drink around once again.

"I could have but I did not think that it was much of anyone's business besides ours", he told me.

I shrugged because I could honestly care less about who knew of my sexuality. I like and love who I want and if you do not agree then okay. Just keep your negativity to yourself and let me live my life.

"Are you closeted or out?", I questioned further.

My eyes followed him as he slid around the booth closer to me.  It was not until his eyes had caught mine did he begin to speak once again.

"I am very much so out as you call it. I do not hide my sexuality or who I like. I have nothing to be shamed of, but I am not a very loud man unless I have to be", he retorted staring into my soul with those hazel panty droppers of his.

For a short while we became lost in one another's eyes before he cleared his throat breaking me from my trance.

"Are you here alone or with friends?", he asked.

I shrugged, "In Barcelona with friends, the beach, I came alone. You, Antonio?", I retorted picking at the bit of dirt that accumulated under my nail.

"I am actually a native but I live in America. I am actually visiting my family for the week before I return back to my life in America", he said.

I hummed taking his words in. His voice was such a nice smooth baritone. It was not particularly deep, not even as deep as my own, but it held a certain warmth to it. His accent, do not even get me started.

"That sounds nice. My brother and cousins are here with me while the rest of our immediate family is back in America as well. Your accent is very nice, soothing", I admitted.

"Thank you", he muttered running his fingers through his hair. "You are very cute, Tristian", he said compliments.

I smiled half-heartedly, "Thank you. So are you?", I responded.

He scooted even closer, our arms brushing on top of the table. A smirk adorned his handsome face.

"Cute? I was hoping that I was sexy, but that is fine. I will change your mind by the end of the night, sweetheart", he said coyly.

If I had ovaries they would be gone by now.

I licked my lips bringing my glass to my lips taking a sip from the glass before placing it down onto the table. I was about to give my response when my name was called aloud on the loud speaker.

'Tristian Vitro! Tristian you're up!'

"Excuse me, that's me", I excused myself sliding out of the booth, walking through the crowd without hearing his response.

I stepped onto the stage, the lights momentarily blinding me before my bison cleared enough for me to make out some faces. I had already chosen my song and had given them the music ahead of time. My song was an original that I had written a couple of weeks ago after my breakup.

Taking a deep breath I placed both of my hands over the mic stepping to it.

"Hello, my name is Tristian and I will be singing an original song for you guys tonight. I hope this isn't shit", I introduced myself earning chuckles from the bar patrons.

'You got this, Tris!'

I chuckled quietly to myself as the music began to play. I licked my lips nervously, taking a breath I closed my eyes and I began to sing.

+A/N. I know that he is not blonde, but just pretend that he is and that he is a little older as well.+

'[Verse 1]
In the crowd alone
And every second passing reminds me I'm not whole
Bright lights and city sounds are ringing like a drone
Unknown, unknown

Oh, glazed eyes, empty hearts
Buying happy from shopping carts
Nothing but time to kill
Sipping life from bottles
Tight skin, bodyguards
Gucci down the boulevard
Cocaine, dollar bills

My happy little pill
Take me away
Dry my eyes
Bring color to my skies
My sweet little pill
Tame my hunger
Lie within
Numb my skin'

I licked my lips again while slowly opening my eyes, my nerves settling. I became lost in my song, the crowd slowly fading away as I belted every note.

'[Verse 2]
Like a rock, I float
All the sweat and conversations that
Seep into my bones
Four walls are not enough
I'll take a dip into the
Unknown, unknown

Glazed eyes, empty hearts
Buying happy from shopping carts
Nothing but time to kill
Sipping life from bottles
Tight skin, bodyguards
Gucci down the boulevard
Cocaine, dollar bills and

My happy little pill
Take me away
Dry my eyes
Bring colour to my skies
My sweet little pill
Take my hunger
Lie within
Numb my skin
My happy little pill
Take me away
Dry my eyes
Bring colour to my skies
My sweet little pill
Take my hunger
Lie within
Numb my skin'

My eyes seemed to find his, Antonio's eyes in the crowd. His eyes said it all, 'Who hurt you?'. I held his gaze as the last line of the song passed my lips.

'They numb my skin'

Then an amazing thing happen. The crowd yelled, applauded my performance. I smiled softly muttering my Thank you's into the mic before placing it back on its stand and walking off the stage.

'That's my best friend!'

'That's my motherfucking cousin/ brother!'

The familiar voices of my family and best friend yelled above the crowd congratulating me on my performance as I made my way back to the booth I had been sitting with Antonio. There they stood clapping and grinning goofily while hooting. Antonio was no longer there, he must of gone. I sighed at the thought.

"Thanks guys", I muttered smiling softly at them as I was pulled into a group hug.

"Let's do shots to celebrate!", my younger brother whooped gleefully, the others agreeing except Naomi who was unable to due to pregnancy.

I offered to get the shots for everyone before making my way to the bar while mentally counting how many I should I get. I made it to the crowded bar and waited my turn while leaning against the counter between two bar stools.

"You were good. Was this your first time?", an oddly familiar Spanish accent called over the music.

I glanced at the person out of the corner of my eyes seeing Antonio perched on a barstool to my left with his back to the bar.

I shrugged resting my head on my raised fist. "No. I sing back home all of the time. This was just my first time performing that particular song", I called over the bar patrons. 

He nodded his head curtly, a look of understanding crossing his eyes. He leaned in bringing his mouth closer to my ear.

"Was it about your boyfriend or perhaps an old lover?", he asked.

I bit my lip, a sarcastic chuckle passing my lips at the thought of the boy that had hurt me. "A piece of shit ex, but I am fine now", I retorted.

He raised an eyebrow, "How long ago were you two together?", he further questioned curiously.

I smirked sarcastically,  "A little over two weeks ago after two years of wasted times. Funny thing is, I wasn't the one to catch him cheating. My girlfriend did, with her then boyfriend of three years. Amazing how others can quickly disregard your feelings and their relationship", I responded blandly.

He shook his head, "It is, but do not be sad. He was obviously not the right guy for you, because the right guy for you would never hurt you in such away. He would consider you every decision he makes whether you are present or absent. His heart would be filled with such love for you that no one could ever make him go astray", he said lowly into my ear, his lips brushing my lobe sending a shiver through my body.

"Let me guess. You are my that guy you mentioned?", I drawled.

He chuckled half-heartedly. "Possibly, but only time will tell. I have been single for a while, nearly two years. So a relationship is not something I am rushing to get into", he explained.

I hummed before placing my order with the bartender ordering shots of tequila. Once I was finished placing my order I directed my attention to Antonio.

"Join my family and I?", I offered.

"I do not want to intrude on your family outing", he denied.

"They won't mind. My brother is a whore so they will be cool with you", I assured.

He thought about it for a moment before agreeing. The shots came a moment later and I took two from the tray handing him one.

"This is for us now to kind of set the mood for a bit", I said raising my shot glass.

"To numbing your skin", he said lowly raising his glass.

"We'll see", I chided clinking glasses with him before knocking back our shots.

A minute later we were doing introductions then a two rounds of shots, everyone except Naomi who I had got a ginger ale for. She had taken sips as we all did shots.

I found myself dancing, laughing, and singing drunkenly with Antonio and my family. We did round after round of shots and I was feeling them. I did a couple of body shots with Antonio that led to us making out in a dark corner of the bar.

I do not remember much pass the feel of his lips against my own and the taste of his mouth. I awoke with a start dazed shoeless in an unfamiliar bed. Fortunately, I was still fully clothed, but I was alone.

'Where is everyone?', I thought trying to recollect the pieces of my memory that were hazy.

The sound of a shower going could be heard. I tossed back the covers, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. Slowly I rode from the bed in search of my shoes having decided to quietly leave.

"Tristian, are you awake?", called that familiar Spanish voice.

In that moment thoughts of finding my missing shoes ceased.

"Antonio?", I called approaching the door I assumed led to the bathroom.

I tried the doorknob and it turned. I just used the door open slowly pausing at the sight before me. There he stood in all of his naked glory, eyes closed with his head tilted backwards standing under the streaming water. Steam surrounding him from the hot water cascading from the shower head down his chiseled body.

I must of been staring way too hard and long fore
"How did you sleep? I assume that it was well from how late you slept in", he called over his shoulder.

He was so unbothered by his own nudity in front of me, a practical stranger.

I cleared my throat. "It was. Thank you", I retorted.

"You are welcome anytime, Tristian. Would you like to join me?", he said lowly, his voice held a slight rasp to it, husk.

I bit my lip contemplating what I should do. I could easily leave, but I did not want to. Thoughts of Hudson began to fill my brain the more sober I became. Flashes of the hazy hours I spent with Antonio began to resurface clearer as fleeting thoughts.

'-I can do more than numb your skin. I can give you bliss and happiness. I can give you list and over time, love. But, only if you are truly ready and given the chance to. If only for tonight, I will erase him from your mind-'

My fingers took on a mind of their own, my eyes meeting those of his as he turned his body slightly hazing over his shoulders under at me.

My fingers glided over the buttons of my jacket I had been wearing, gracefully undoing each as I held his mesmerizing gaze. A recollection of me spilling a drink on my shirt while I was dancing on the bar fleeted through my brain as I slowly began pulling my jacket open and off my shoulders.

Then it occurred to me. 'Shit, I miss him. I miss that stupid asshole and yet, I cannot help but hate the fact that I do. I do while I have Antonio before naked with water cascade no down his sexy body', I thought allowing my jacket to fall from my top half to the floor pooling halfway around my feet. Then my pants and underwear joined my jacket pooling around my feet. I stepped out of them and tentatively approached the shower feeling self conscious of my much slimmer lanky frame.

"Relax, I very much enjoy the sight of your body. You have nothing to be self conscious about, novio", Antonio said sweetly while offering his hand to me.

I took a breath placing my hand into his and stepping into the shower with him. Almost immediately his arms circled around my waist pulling my body close. Then his lips were on mine and all thoughts of Hudson melted away leaving nothing but Antonio in its wake.

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