Ask Sollux And Eridan

By erisolshipper

329K 8.3K 1.8K

Hey me and fii2hdiick are bored 2o we decided two an2wer 2ome que2tiion2 and 2tuff liike that. I'm so bored... More

Ask Sollux And Eridan
#224 and Thanksgiving Dinner!
#228 amd Merry Christmas!
#231 Happy New Year
# 240
#243 is a good number for a perfect end.

#12 ?

2.5K 70 2
By erisolshipper


F*** Ed ii2 triick2ter beware! @Eridan-Ampora

"Trickster? I'm not tri-Oh! You mean your timeline me.....Wwhy do I care? Wwhy shouldn I care? Wwait...Wwhat am I like as 'trickster'?"

"Wwait ,you guys are suppose to be askin' questions not me! Cod damn it."


"IIm back wiith the cheeriio2!"

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