Love Imperfections

By Mthale99

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Tahiry Robinson 20 , a stripper at night but a college student during the day . Her boyfriend cheats and he's... More



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By Mthale99

In This Game ...
(Part I)

I went on stage and I felt like diamond again . No worries just a girl trying to make money. Once I got done the crowd went wild , once I got off the stage I went to the go talk to Peanut at the bar .

" aye bro ain't that tahiry over there "? said cam

" bro go get her up out this bitch" said Q

" hold up " said Giovanni

I got up and went over to the bar and grab tahiry " what the fuck is you doing here "

first we not no together and I'm no longer your concern second I gotta make money I got bills to pay !!!!

"You don't have to do this tahiry; you better than this"

Better than what G I can't always follow my dreams if I don't have the money !!!!

" it's not always about money ; you were the ex-girlfriend of the nigga that own hella nights clubs and corporate businesses and you in a strip club making money that you own that looks wired"

I don't own it we signed the wrong signatures, you own the strip club not me yeah you didn't know that did you so it's still Its your club  . Listen we not together and  i should be  less of your concern

" tahiry please leave this strip club  you better and bigger than this I'm not talking to you as your ex , I'm talking to you as the man that listen to your dreams watch smile why doing them and has seen your work as well shorty  this club ain't on the level you on just leave please ."

"T your on lap dances for the rest of the night and there 20 dollars !!! " said De'Andre

I gotta go ......

" ta-, man I fucked up!!!!!"

" come on bro we out" cam said

I finished getting dress for table dances and on my way out Peanut stopped me and told me go back in the changing room .

"Tah are you serious!!!!"

What I do ......

"Giovanni obviously he still cares about you and your going to hate me when I say this but he's right !!! Tahiry you got dreams baby girl and its not here , you can draw and you gotta good eye and if you ask me you in the wrong place and you need to leave this club and never come back"

I change my clothes and I left the club for good peanut is right and Giovanni was too even though I don't care about him . But my dreams aren't in this club and there's no way I need to be in there . But I got bigger things to worry about right now my doctors appointment is tomorrow and I'm nervous to found out if I'm pregnant or not .

After I left the club I went to drop cam and Q off and headed back home so I can get Ava . I heading home and all I can think about is tahiry, and can't believe she'll start stripper again and that's not her man and that shit hurts to see her in there but I can't make her decision only she can . I pulled up and walked in the house and I heard Ava crying

Lisa what's wrong with her ?

"I don't know she keep crying and I'm sleepy call your mom !!!!"

I called my moms phone and it went straight to voicemail " Aye I can't get Ava to stop crying tell me what I gotta do Ight ma call me back ."

I went upstairs to put her some pajamas on so we can go I went back downstairs and seen three bottles in the refrigerator I grab them and put them in her diaper bag  I put her in her car seat and I went outside to put her in the car I strapped her in and I got in the car and she was still crying .

25 minutes later
I pulled up to pure and seen it was close so I know they in here cleaning up I opened the door and I seen Cocoa at the bar 

where is Diavian?

" she upstairs going over number"

Ight you done cleaning

" yeah I was just about to leave"

nah come up here real fast I need y'all help .

Me and Cocoa walked upstairs and I opened the door and Diavian was surprise to see me .

D I need y'all help can y'all stop my daughter from crying

" daughter?"  said Diavian

Cocoa grab the car seat and put it on the chair and took Ava out the car seat and Ava stop crying ; how did you do that ?

" first she's hot so when babies hot they get upset and she's also wet and she mad so your daughter doesn't like being wet "

" so this is why you broke up with T"

Yeah .... I didn't want tahiry to go through this with me so I broke up with her so she wouldn't be hurt .

" Giovanni my sister is still hurt ,she left a healthy relationship and doesn't know why If you loved her like you say you do you would of told her . "

Don't you think I wanted to !!!!!! A nigga can't eat I can't sleep I can't function just about a hour go I seen tahiry at the strip club and she wasn't there as a customer...... i love tahiry with everything in me I'll give her the world and including me .... Diavian I loved tahiry and still do . It's hard not coming home knowing that the love of my life ain't there . That shit hard bro , if I would of told her that I gotta baby she would of thought I cheated on her when I didn't.

"Who is the mother ?"

Giselle Porter. ....

" the one that just got murder?" said cocoa

Yeah ; so I had no choice but to get her and D promise not to tell Tahiry.

" your secret is safe with me, but why didn't you come to me about me it "

" Diavian don't forget you still is the sister so it's was goin be wried as fuck to tell you that " said cocoa

Thank you and Shanice already knew as well !!!!!

" Giovanni she's beautiful and I think your a great father you just gotta be patient. " said cocoa

Thanks co ...

"You welcome well she sleep and if she wakes up her bottles is on the side of her and y'all I'm finna leave so I'll caught up with y'all later "

" ok bye Cocoa "

" Ight bye co..."

Next Morning....
I noticed that Ava doesn't like to sleep in her bed so she sleeps with me . it's crazy how she looks just like me that's shit scary , Giselle hated my ass . I got up and put her in her swing well I took a shower once I got out and put on some jogging pants and gave Ava a bath and I put a onesies on her because we we're staying in today.

I put her in her swing and heard somebody at the door I went to look on my phone who it was and it was my unk .

" nephew" !!!!!

Wassup unk ......

" you busy nephew?"

Nah come in unk .

"Oh shit Giovanni that girl hated you !!!! "

Tell me about it unk she look exactly like me .

"So feel me in what the hell going on , one minute you playboy then you somebody man now you a daddy !!!!"

I fucked up unk I met Giselle when I was in the streets heavy but she ended up moving to LA . Then once I got outta jail I seen her again out my club in LA then next thing I know we fucking here and there then she get pregnant I get a  blood test and go see the baby then the results came a few weeks later and she came out as  mines then few weeks later  Giselle got murder .

" so I see you told tahiry...... she left yo ass"

Nah I told her is just best we be friends....

" wait so she don't know you got a baby .?"

No , I couldn't tell her .....

" Gino I taught you better than that ; face the music nigga !!!! You loved that girl and you couldn't explain this one little detail"

I just didn't wanna hurt her  .

" but you did anyway ; listen son you goin come across her again and she goin be over you and it's a wrap after that I told you before love is deep sex is just few inches love is determining and sex is controlling, you figure which one you wanna do for the rest of your life ."

I woke this morning, and I couldn't stop thinking about Giovanni. People say I should just move on but they just don't understand we were one and he loved me just as much as I loved him . I got up  this morning hoped in the shower so I can go to my doctors appointment . Once I got out the shower I got dress and left my house I was so nervous driving to the doctor office I felt like I was a little kid or something.

When I got there I got out my car and head inside of the doctors office I took and breathe and went inside. I went to the sign in desk and signed in my name , a few minutes later the nurse called my name and the next thing I going in the back .

" hey tahiry I'm doctor Coleman , tell why your here today?"

Hi Doctor Coleman , and I'm here because I think I'm pregnant.

" ok we can see if that's accurate. Ok what your going to do is pee on this cup and I'll do the rest okay ."

I went into the bathroom and I peeped in the cup I sat in the bathroom and just trying to cope everything all in .
I walk out the bathroom and I gave her the cup I walked back into the room .

15 minutes later
"Ms. Robinson you are pregnant your almost 6 weeks ... but I do have to go over some procedure that I have to bring up because you don't seem happy . As women we all seem unsure about caring children it's dangerous and for some women !!!! but you have a lot of options."

I'm not even with the father and I'm not even in the right mind to even raise a child .

"Okay as a women and a doctor I do understand.... you can have they baby and give it up for adoption or you can get an abortion as well but Tahiry it's all up to you ."

How long do I have ?

" you have about a few weeks to figure out what you want to do just call this number and ask for the my extinction and will go from there."

2 weeks later
Hey Ms Coleman.....

"Yes Tahiry "?

I wanna go through with the procedure......

"'Ok are you sure"

Yes ...

"Okay Tahiry you take care of yourself alright, and you have a great day."

ok , and you to ...

When I laid down and had sex with Giovanni I thought about our future and how things would end up , he's the first and only person I ever had sex with and now where not even together and I'm pregnant with his child .

Me and Giovanni didn't leave on a good note so I'm not even comfortable telling him I'm pregnant. I didn't want anyone to know about this abortion so I decided to go by myself . When I got to the clinic i was so numb about the situation, I had to sign a lot of paperwork before i go through the procedure. When I got done they gave me the stuff I had to put on for the procedure and the bag for my regular clothes . Before the procedure started my abortion provider medicated me for the procedure to go through painless and smooth. It honestly felt wried and wrong ; felt like they were sucking my life a way . & all I could do was cry .

After the procedure my doctor told me I have to have someone drive me home because I wouldn't be able to drive I called my sister Shanice , Shanice was a year older than me , she had her boyfriend drop her off at the clinic center ; I was bleeding like crazy but I'm glad I had black on . When I got done changing my clothes I was starting to be in so much pain , I walked out the bathroom and I seen Shanice coming towards me . She grab my hand and help me outside and in the car , " you want me to stay with you until you heal" Shanice said I just shook my head yeah .

My emotions where everywhere; Shanice got to the house and help me out the car . We got upstairs and I sat on one of my couches and Shanice sat next me and I put my head on her lap and I started crying she started rubbing my back telling me everything was going to be okay . She kissed me on my forehead .

" T you really loved him "

Yes I really did , I don't even know why were not together. Everything is just falling apart Shanice and I don't know what to do .

" T everything is going to be okay your going to get through this no matter what "

Shai promise you won't tell nobody

" I promise"

Today is the first annual BQ for 8 mile I've put everything in this well me and Giovanni. To make even better every side of town decided to put there differences aside for the BBQ , it's music and drinks for the adults and it's Game and food for all the kids .

The BQ doesn't start until 5 until I'm going to go to Quintin house to get him up because I know he's sleep and he promised me he'll help set up I hoped in the car I went over to his house I used my keys to .. that nigga should of never did that , I walked in the house and went up stairs and seen he was sleep . I put my keys down and got on top of me and kissed him until he woke up .

" D wassup baby it's to early why is you waking me up ."

Ummm Quintin it's 1:30 and I need to help the guys set up you promise!!!!

" I thought was tomorrow.?"

No today , so get yo ass up and get dress !!!

He got up and went in the bathroom and took a shower I just was looking out the window but nosey watching the kids play outside next things I know Quintin is behind me .

" you smell good mamas "

You do to .... he start kissing on my neck and started unbuttoning my shirt and I stoped him

" wassup I can't get none !!!"

Not right now get dress and come on .

"Man that some bullshit !!!!"

you'll be okay , I'll make it up to you promise.

Quintin got dress and we headed over to Giovanni house . So I can go see if he's ready .

" Diavian where you going ? "

I'm going to Giovanni house ...

" nah babe we can't go over there !!!!"

Oh cut the acts I already know about the baby .. I think he still should of told my sister though.

We pulled up to Giovanni house and got out the car and went to knock at the door and Giovanni answers the door .

" wassup y'all I was just finna call you D ."

I just came to see if you was getting ready at least you was getting up !!!!

" I gotta a newborn there's no way I'm sleeping in "

" aye bro where my niece. !!!"

" she in the tv room sleep"

Where Lisa ?

" oh she on her way over here"

" oh bae you know yo sister back strippin" said Quintin

Yeah Giovanni told me .... tahiry is just tired of getting hurt so she just making money how she knows and I can't make her do nothing and I haven't been talking to her .

" I'm just trying to get myself right and learn how to be a good father to my daughter. I love tahiry with my all and I'll never feel the same about another woman."

" hey gio , where's Ava" said Lisa

" Lisa she in the Tv room I'll be back later "

" okay you guys have fun ."

The First Annual BQ ..
We did it G !!!

" Yeah .... I  wanna thank you for staying down with me"

listen I was working with you before y'all got together and I'm still with you and besides y'all will eventually work things out .

Watch everybody enjoy there self is amazing all I want was Detroit to come together nothing more nothing less 25 years ago the probably wouldn't be able to do none of this . It's amazing seeing all the kids laughing and playing and the adults are have a good time.

" aye baby I been thinking "

About ?

"You know moving to Miami with you , and running pure : Miami while I'm down there ; D you mean a lot to me and really love you shorty ."

Q are you serious !!!!! And I love you too babe and I hope your not saying this because you wanna get some !

" nah I'm dead ass ..... we ain't getting no younger and I wanna settle down with you and quit playing the kissing games ."

I gave Quintin a kiss and was interrupted by tahiry.

" wassup sis"

" wassup Q"

" well I'm goin let y'all talk ."

Hey ....

" hey "

how you been ?

" I been cool how you been"

same... , listen T your my sister and I love you to death but I just couldn't drop everything and stop working for Giovanni because he broke up with you !!!! This is not Miami this is Detroit I couldn't just up and leave .....

" I understand that Diavian but he hurt me and I didn't want nobody to be attached to him but I can't sit here and say I still don't love him because I do . I can't be friends with someone I'm in love with it's not possible. But I was just being selfish and I love you to."

" so is we good" said tahiry

Yeah we good !!!

Alright come smoke this blunt with me in Sidney car .

Okay just give me a minute I'll meet you over there . I went to give Q he's beer and I seen him by a tree talking to Manny .

What y'all looking at ?

" this black over here , it's sitting across buy the park for a hours and ain't nobody got out of it and we can't see if somebody in here because the windows tented ."

Don't worry about it !!!

" Aye y'all I gotta bounce; it almost time for me to put Ava asleep I catch up with y'all later ." Said Giovanni

Bye Giovanni

"Ight see you later G ...." said Q

"Ight Gino" said manny

"Charmaine you sure you wanna do this here" said black

I don't give a fuck what the fuck going on ..... after Giovanni leave we hit the bmw that got Sidney in there .

Once Giovanni pulled off we circled the corner to be on the same side as the bmw once we circle the block I slowed down the car and everybody rode the windows down .

" Aye India you ever seen this car before ? " said Sidney

" Nah" said India

" you got strap"

" yeah" said India

I rode past the car while they start shooting at the car until they couldn't no more once I circle the block I seen again I see Q and them running across the street and I stormed off .

Q got to the car and noticed Tahiry got hit in the shot in chest 3 times and could barely breathe. " somebody call 911 tahiry got hit" tahiry started coughing up blood and Q continued to hold her head.

" the ambulance are there way" said India

"What happen to my sister!!!!!!!!!" Diavian shouted .

The ambulance arrived and tahiry was still breathing. They got here on to the stretch bed and Diavian got into the ambulance truck and rode to the hospital with them . Herb , India , Sidney , Keem , Brandon rode to the hospital in Hakeem truck while Cam , Q and Manny went to go get Giovanni .

Q arrived to Giovanni house and ran inside Lisa Where Giovanni....!!! He's in the kitchen...

G!!!! Come on bro Tahiry just got shot we gotta go !!!!

Giovanni put his shoes  on and they hoped back in the car and headed to the hospital.

Riding to the hospital I couldn't stop shaking I was thinking about everything at one and suddenly a lot of What ifs came to mind . We got to the hospital I jumped out the car and went inside the hospital I walked in and I seen everybody waiting on the doctor .

What the fuck happen. !!!!!!

" Me , India and Tahiry was smoking in the car and a big black truck came outta nowhere and hit tahiry..... and next thing I know we following the car and India shot who ever was in the back"

"You guys have to use your inside voices please" said the nurse

Tahiry parents arrived to the hospital and the came in the waiting room ...

" is everybody okay" said Natalie

"We good Ms. Robinson " said Q

" Giovanni come outside with me " said Larenz

"I had somebody looking on dexter and the word was that bitch Charmaine shot my baby ; handle it !!!!!"

On my momma I will .... larenz gave me a hug , to clam me down " everything goin be Ight you goin be straight she goin get through this . "

I should of been there Larenz !!! If I was there they wouldn't of got to her .

" don't blame yourself son , like I said my daughter strong she goin pull through."

Me and Larenz went back inside of the hospital and seen the doctor coming out of the double doors " how he's she doctor "

"she's is in a coma , but it was a lot of blood taking out of her." the doctor said .

Her mom and her dad went to the her room to go see her while I gave them this hit to make . Go find Charmaine and when y'all do call me because I personally wanna kill that bitch . And be safe I love all y'all forreal.

Q and I stayed back until tahiry's mom came to get me . A few minutes later her mom came out to get me and Q and we followed her to the room . We all were in the room and I never seen tahiry in no hospital bed . In no bandages and hooked up to you wires , the doctor came in the room to talk to her mother .

" Mrs. Robinson has your daughter been in a relationship in the last three months ."

Yes I'm her ex boyfriend.

" I need to speak with you too for a moment."

Me and Ms. Natalie went outside the room to see what was going on .

" doc what's going on ?" Said Natalie

" during your daughters surgery I noticed that she had recently had tissue tooling out of her uterus"

" what are you saying... "

"She recently was pregnant and she had to have a abortion no more than a week ago and that is what cause her to go into a coma because she wasn't properly heal yet and she could go in cardiac arrest .

1 hour Later
I kissed tahiry on her forehead " I love you forever shorty"  hearing the doctor say tahiry night not making it and that she was pregnant I realized life is to short and you have to make sure things are leveled with the people you love so I made a phone to someone that's i will eventually love .

" hello" said Shannon

Wassup pop


I'm goin be in LA in few days and I think we should start over fresh , we got a lot to mend and talk about .

In the streets we played like a game you just gotta make sure your move is played right while in the game so play wisely cause if don't you out so weather you here or not the game continues to get played

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