Love Imperfections

By Mthale99

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Tahiry Robinson 20 , a stripper at night but a college student during the day . Her boyfriend cheats and he's... More



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By Mthale99

Broken Promises:
(Part II)

20 minutes later...
they city of Detroit vs Giovanni Santana . I gotta up and went in front of the judge I ain't never been this nervous about some shit like this ever in my life .

" good morning Mr. Santana.."

Good morning your honor...

"So from all these  paper your trying to get full custody of your daughter while bring a conviction felon but your also see your business entrepreneur and you own multiple business ; in courts rooms like mine we don't expect convicts . but council Angie Agree that  you would write a statement is that true ."

Yes your honor ....

" ok I'm ready when you are"

I'm twenty-four years old  the mistake I made as a boy and gotta deal with the consequences now that I'm a man . I can't never seat here  and say I'm perfect because
I am  far from it when I got out of jail I had a whole different light of how I wanted my life to be . But when I laid eyes on my daughter for the first time  I knew she was going to be the reason I changed for the better . In these last few weeks my life change drastically in good ways and bad ways. All my life I been in a tunnel searching when I was going to see the light and once I held  my daughter I knew that the end of the tunnel the light is her . and your honor weather you let me have her or not I still won't to be in her life .

1 hour later
" this is a decision that I made with my heart and not my head, your a changed man and that's all that's matters ; from the behalf of the city of Detroit we giving you full custody of Ava Santana . "

Thank you your honor

"You welcome son , take care of that baby she needs you more than anything ."

I went over my brother and he gave me a hug and  ms.angie  smiled and she gave me the car seat and Ava was sound a sleep and she looked just like me . We exit the court room and stated getting ready to leave .

" you ok baby " said Juanita

Yeah momma I'm good .....

" remember what I told you "

We left the building and headed to the car to go back to my house . It took about 20 minutes to get back to my house once we got there everybody got out and went into the house I grab Ava and also went into the house . A few minutes past and I took Ava out her car seat and took her jacket off and went upstairs to put her in the nursery room that I had made before I got her . I gave her a kiss and I put her in her crib and headed back downstairs .

Where Q go ?

" he had to go do that move on the east side with Cam" said Sid

Oh ok .

" so bro you gotta feel me in cause shit all new to me" said genesis

"Shit me to." said Sid

I started messing with Giselle when I still lived in California we weren't together tho , but I probably used protection twice but we was actually cool when she told me she was pregnant I ain't believe it . so I went on with my life and moved back to Detroit and I met Tahiry and we hit it off and shit got serious so a few months in our relationship,  I get a call from Giselle saying she had the baby so I was already in LA at the time so I went up there and it was girl.  I went into the room and she looked just like me !!!!! But to be on the safe side I still took a DNA test just because and when the results came back I told momma everything and then a few weeks later I gotta call that Giselle got shot and by the time I got to LA they didn't know where Ava was and Giselle died during her last procedure .

Everything happened so quick so the first thing the I'm thinking is how I'm a going to tell tahiry. But I just told her we gotta take a break and see how things go, but that shit been eating me up every since .

" do you still love her" said Sid

Man hell yeah I always will she was someone that I wanted   my life for and somebody who seen the good in a nigga . Tahiry was like my other half she was like one of my dawgs I trust her with my heart and I was the one who betrayed her . And now I'm the one who has to deal with it until I get over it .

i went into the house and went upstairs and seen my mom laying on the her bed watching tv .

Hey momma.....

" hey baby come in I missed you "

I got in my moms bed and got under the cover and laid with her . She started laughing and I turned around to see why she was laughing.

" tahiry you smell like sex" Natalie whispered

sorry momma .....

" oh your fine sweetie, you must really like Giovanni"

I do momma he so different from what people put him out here to be . But we just got to the inmate level when we went to Dominican Republic. And ever since then we literally have sex every where we go.

"ouuu whew Chile you in for some trouble is it good !!!!"


"What you might as well spell the beans .."

yes momma it's good and it's big as fuck he's literally stretching me out momma

Oh girl you'll be fine just keep him .

Yeah I hear you momma!!!!

Present .....
it's been almost a month since Giovanni broke up with me . I've haven't left my house in days . My sister tells me I'm crazy I should just got out and get somebody else but it's not that easy . And plus I've been sick so I barely have time to get out the bed because I'm always throwing up . I got out the bed and heard somebody knocking at the door and it was my mom .

For once I'm excited but sad to see her my mom always knew what to say weather it was bad or good and right now she the only person I can talk to .

" I've been calling you tahiry is everything okay why is it dark in here ."

Momma Giovanni broke up with me !!!!!

" tahiry are serious !!! For what ... "

He's said he need to find hisself and he feels like we moved to fast and it would be best if we just remain friends , like mommy what about me and how I feel what about us !!! I gave him my heart my time and my body and my attention . I feel like Giovanni is hiding something from me and the best way he could do to keep it hiding  is to break my heart and it fucking up his mind momma I know Giovanni wasn't perfect and never wanted him to be but why couldn't you just keep it real with me . Every time I find someone that quote on quote love me the always leave me .

" Hold on momma" I said  I rushed to the bathroom that was down the hall from my kitchen and I had to throw up . My mom came down there to the bathroom I was in to make sure I was okay I got done throwing up and my mom bend down I lift my head up and gave me a curious look .

" tahiry are you pregnant." ?

no momma , I haven't had sex to even get pregnant momma

"I get what your saying but your getting a lot of symptoms your sleeping all the damn time your throwing up ; have you had a period? "

No but my periods are irregular so I haven't had one since I left for Dominican Republic with Giovanni.

"Oh god tahiry that's was almost three months ago you need to go check and see if your pregnant."

Mommy I'm not pregnant just trust me !!!

"Okay while I'm going on this business trip with you father to Paris I'll be back in a week so if you need anything just call me okay ."

Okay momma...

"I love you"

I love you too .

30 minutes later...
I went to the the store to get a home pregnancy test , just to be curious !!!! But I know I'm not pregnant it's could be possible but it only takes one time but I couldn't be pregnant. Once I got back home I went in the bathroom and I peed on the stick and i waited for the words to come up to show if I was pregnant or not . A few minutes went past and I grab the pregnancy stick and it said I was pregnant... i slide down on the floor and I instantly started crying, because at this moment I don't know what to do me and Giovanni aren't together. At this point I don't know what to do so I called Arielle.

" Hello "

You still in Detroit....

Yeah why what's wrong ?

Can you come over I need to talk to you .

" ok I'm close so I'll be there in a few minutes."

Arielle is my oldest sister she has a son and she married she lives in LA but she visits here and there but she is a nurse to and she the only one that will understand my situation and I really don't feel like dealing with my mom right now .

" hey wassup"

Hey ...

"What's wrong ?"

I gotta dilemma.

"Ok what kind of dilemma?"

Me and Giovanni aren't together anymore and It's a 96% percent chance that I might pregnant..

" wait what;  what do you mean y'all aren't together!!!! And pregnant? T hold up slow down start with Giovanni...

Gino was acting real wired and distant once he came back from LA. but I didn't think of it as anything but once he ask me to come to the park on dexter and he basically said that he need time to hisself and it's just best we be friends,  and see how things go so he basically just broke up with me.  and lately I been sleepy and I been throwing up but I figure i had the flu or some shit but this morning momma came over and I throw up and she consider I'm pregnant and need to take a pregnancy test and I did and it's said I'm pregnant.

"Okay my opinion is you better get a second opinion which is going to see a doctor call in and make a appointment and go from there "

Okay ....

"Listen and the choice you make We're going to be behind you regardless okay , but you'll be okay."

After my sister left , i went upstairs to get dress to go to the club . ever since me and Giovanni broke up . I started back stripping at the all truth gentlemen's club cause I still need money to pay my bills .

Later on....
hey peanut......

" Tahiry!!!! Hey girl what the hell you doing here "

I need some money .... So I came to work !!!

" girl yo nigga got money coming out his ears what the hell you mean ."

it's a long story .

I went into the changing room , and all the girls where staring at me like I was a ghost or some shit .

" girl why you here I thought you quit" A stripper said

I just ignored her , so I can just get dress . De' Andre came in the dressing room and cam over there to me and looked through the mirror .

" T you sure you wanna do this ."

De' Andre I don't have choice .

"well you up In twenty minutes; this a cup of Hennessy m drink this so you can function. But if you change your mind just tell me before you go on ."

I'm good Dre ... and I'm cool on the henny
15 minutes..
I'm up next and I gotta face the music I haven't dance in almost 7 months, but I gotta do what I gotta do . I got up and went over behind the curtains and De 'Andre came behind me and took my robe off and whispered in my ear

" blow they fucking mines T "

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