.The Child Of A Goddess.

By ChrisWolfblood

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(1ST BOOK OF THE GODLY CHILD SERIES) A child grew up in relative peace surrounded by people like her... Or so... More

-Latin - English-


503 36 13
By ChrisWolfblood

Amata's pov:

We were kinda forced along with the elves, arrows still pointed at us. Aura wasn't happy about her 'mother's' orders to drag her home with us.

"Hey? Does this mean you didn't live with other elves?" I asked her, Custos and Fortis following me and I walked next to her.

"No I'm self-exiled for a damn good reason."

"Hey don't be angry." I took her hand to try to calm her and smiled up at her as she looked at me. "I left my home land and can't go back until I achieved my destiny no matter how much I'd wish too."

"So can't go back home because of a destiny?"

"Nope, it's sort of voluntary that I left to follow it and not go back there until I finished so I technically exiled myself too." She stared at me before starting to chuckle and let go of my hand, messing up the unattached part of my hair with her hand.

"Oh dear all mother." She shook her head but seemed happier so my mission was accomplished. we started seeing weird shaped trees and more elves, we had made it into town... Then we came up before a tree... Oh my god...

"Impressive right?" Aura asked us and we nodded... Just wow.

The inside was just the same, it looked all made from one piece and the windows were held in place by branches.

"How the hell."

"Us elves with angles and demons are one of the most magically inclined beings with only dragons above us, we can 'talk' to the trees, magically ask them to create all these to avoid harming them since they have souls like all of us do."

Two giant doors were open and we were lead in a room.

Along the sides sat elves in white robes, a sort of council I assume, all elves were so perfect it was even hard to tell which was a man or a woman at times but lucky here women braided theirs hair... I assume since all the women I've seen had all or part of their hair braided, only even had it the same way as I did.

My eyes got glued to the one sitting on the pretty wooden throne decorated with flowers, a beautiful woman sat there, I felt someone take my hand and I looked at Custos, the 'spell' on me breaking, my eyes not forced on to her, I smiled and squeezed back, damn even she can get nervous huh? But why do I feel like that's not the reason for her actions?

"What have you brought before us today Arbor?" Her voice was so smooth and silky I would have melted.

"We found these children of wolf in our forest and Aura along side them, intrigued by them, that's how we found her again."

"Hey?" She looked at me. "You're the princess aren't you? I found it strange from the start that your mother had ordered all these people to find you."

She crossed her arms over her chest and sighed.

"Yeah... A freaking princess."

"Very well Arbor now step down, I wish to speak with our uninvited guests." The queen stood up and first walked to a slightly mad Aura and laid her hands on her shoulders. "Oh how I longed to see you yet again."

"I didn't wish to come back and you know it."

"Yes, very well, but the people and us, your family, need you back, you left a hole that can never be field when you walked away that night... If you really want to leave then at least grace us with your presence until the great all mother's celebration and if you still want to walk away from your people and family then I'll let you go and never search for you ever again but give us this."

"...Fine mother fine, up until the celebration, if you didn't change my mind I'll be leaving."

"Very good... It's good to have you with us yet again my daughter, now... Child of were, who are you?" The queen hugged her and she hesitantly hugged back before she asked that question and letting her go.

"I'm Fortis your majesty, I travel with my two comrades here present next to me, I'm a werecat unlike them and my goal is to be the strongest of the were-creatures and nothing will ever deter me from my dream."

"You have a strong heart and mind, never turn back from the road you've chosen for yourself... You?"

"I'm Custos my queen, I was raised from my birth to be the guarding of the were crown"

"Strong mind and body, you gave up a lot by leaving... And you my child, I've never seen someone like you before." My friends backed up as she walked around me. "Slight pointed ears of my people, body of a wolf, eyes of an angel and hair of vampire... Tell me your story child."

"Well majesty, I'm Amata, I grew it in the middle of the continent, away from the war, with the man I see as my father. One day we were at the wrong place at the wrong time and he was shot down, I told me in his dying breaths I had a destiny I needed to accomplish, I swore to take vengeance of his passing, I swore my life away if I failed kill the responsible, the ruler of that army... I traveled up to the wolf king and killed him, taking the crown until someone took it from me so I could head back on my travels."

"I wish to know what that destiny is Amata."

"I'm said to be the daughter of the moon goddess, created with a bit of each creatures in this world in me with a powerful beast locked up inside me, my destiny is to somehow stop the massacre of the people, create peace either by being a saint that brings it gently or the worst menace that forces people to ally all their forces together to stop me, leading to my own down fall but to peace and a unified world."

"You carry such a heavy burden child of the all mother but I can feel from the air what's coming out of your mouth is the truth, please enlighten me more on that beast, the trees are whispering, feeling something they felt before."

"Well I have in me a beast like all were-creatures but it's unlike all other, she goes by Invisus right now and she told me, along with a book, that she's part of the seven guides consumed by their sins that all almost lead to the death of the guide, tainting the people of the same race with their sins." There was no use lying.

She looked at me for a long time before turning away and walking back to her throne.

"Aura could you please help me?"


"Guide them to only of the hanging tree homes out by the eastern exit out of this tree?"

"Oh, of course."

"Thank you."

"It's nothing, come pals let's go."

"Oh and Amata?"

"Yes my queen?"

"I'd wish to speak with you about certain things at the evening meal."

"Of course."

Well this went smoother then expected but elves were always so polite and elegant with everything they did.

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