Love Imperfections

By Mthale99

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Tahiry Robinson 20 , a stripper at night but a college student during the day . Her boyfriend cheats and he's... More



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By Mthale99

Daddy's Home

Friday Morning...


I got up this morning and hoped in the shower before I had to go to Las Vegas to see this building. I hoped in shower and wash my body for about 10 - 15 minutes then I got out I put the towel around me and went back into my room . I called tahiry to see what she was doing but she ain't answer I finished getting dress and realized it was 12 and I had about a three hours to get to Las Vegas a drive I dont wanna take . I called Diavian to see if she wanted to go .

" hello"

Aye D you up ?

"Yeah I'm finna find something to do why ?"

Come with me to check out this weed dispenser in Las Vegas.

" Giovanni that's a long ass drive !! "

Not if you drive ....

"So you asking me to drive and go to Las Vegas wow your really crazy right now"

Man I'll be in the lobby in a minute so met me down there .I finished getting dress and went down to the lobby and waited on valet to get my car a few minutes while waiting Diavian finally came down .

" Gino you look nice "

You look nice to D . " why we just standing here " ? Because we waiting on valet to get my car . After I said that one of the bell boys came in and told me my car was ready he gave me the keys and I tossed them to D .

" your were serious!!!"

Oh I was dead ass serious!!!

"I fucking hate you !!! You need to get a personal assistant I'm just your branding president you get the two mixed up . "
You family to so you why not do these things !!

" don't hit me with that family shit , and speaking of family shit have you talked to my sister today . "

I been trying to all morning she ain't answering my phone calls so I really didn't pay it no mind because I'll be back in Detroit in a few hours .

G.Porter❤️: thank for coming that it meant a lot .
Me: you ain't gotta thank me that's my job!!!

Three hours later ....
aye D it's right here pull up in the parking lot . Me and Diavian hoped out the car and the man was in the building it had a lot of potential. We went in the store and it was nice as fuck !!!

I'm looking for the owner of the store !!!

" ok I'll go get him for you.."

The owner came out and it was terry ....

" oh get the fuck out of here pretty boy G"

Wassup Terry this yo store ?

"Yeah And you must be the big investor trying to buy my store ."

Yeah that will be me ..!

"So where's the weed !!! Diavian blurted out

"Right this way beautiful"

We followed terry to the back of the store . In the twenty-four years of living I've never seen so much weed in my life that's legal. Aye terry I think I just died and went to heaven but listen give me a few weeks and I'll set up a meeting with my investors and lawyer and will see what we can do .

" aye I'm okay with that ..... nice doing business with you pretty boy"

Me and Diavian left the store and headed back to the hotel to get ready for our flight.

" so G who was that?"

Oh that's was terry , he a big drug connect in LA and I've worked with him on a lot of drops

" I thought you were giving the drug game up and become a full blown business man "

I am I just got to leave it with money and with a mindset and a way to provide you know ?

" yeah I feel you !!! You really love my sister"

Yeah I do !!!! And I wanna give her the world D I don't want to be another fuck up to your sister I just wanna go with a fresh start and sometimes it's hard when the game is all I know but when I think of tahiry she make me wanna drop everything Im doing and what I'm about .

"Awe g !!! Just treat her right she really deserves it she been hurt already.... I'm just so surprised she let her guards down .... but hey sometimes you gotta take a try ."

Believe it or not her guards was really high it took a while for her to pay attention to me but I'm glad she did because she change me in a ways you would never know .

After getting back to the hotel I grab my bags out of my suit and checked me and Diavian out of the hotel aye D you ready to go back home . " yeah why not" i took us to my private jet so we can go back Detroit when we got there we got right on the jet  . Once we got on the jet  I failed right to sleep and once I woke up it's was time to get off the jet  when we got off the jet our cars were there . " Aye G I'll call you tomorrow about the ladies night theme " Ight Diavian just let me know .

I pulled off and went straight home I had a short ride only because I lived close by the airport. I pulled in the driveway and hoped out the car I unlocked the door and Lisa was in the kitchen cooking Aye wassup you seen tahiry?

" not since yesterday but she ask me something wried "

I went in my office to see if tahiry lock the safe and  it crazy cause she did it right but i look at me camara and it was  left on the day Liz was at my house I went out the office and went down the hall and went in the kitchen " aye Lisa what did tahiry ask you"

" she ask me when do you know a man is cheating on you ."

" oh Ight I'll be back" I walked out the door . I hoped in my car and went to see if tahiry was at her condo , once I got off the freeway I was doing about 80 to her condo. Once I got there I went to the door and tape the buzzer she click it and let me in I went to the elevator and went upstairs.

I knocked on the door " it's open come in" I went in and she was looking at pictures she looked up noticed it was me and got up run upstairs and went in her room I went upstairs and i knocked on the door , tahiry let me explain..... " you don't even know what you did !!!!" I do know what I did I just need you to open the door and let me tell you . " Giovanni just leave please there's nothing we need to talk about ."

Man Ight , but I'm sorry and I love you girl . I went downstairs and went to open the door and I heard her soft voice " come back inside " I hoped on the counter can I explain know ? " don't push it nigga just talk"

The girl you seen on camera her name is Liz , I used to fucked with on and off since I got out jail. She a cop and she 10 years older than me but I haven't fucked Liz since I officially moved back to Detroit and she heard I got a girlfriend and she been my worst bitch ever she had the boys raid my club and then found where I live . I hoped in the shower and I was already hard and shit  I put some basketball shorts on and then she wraps her hands around me so at this point I'm thinking it's you so she started put her hands in my shorts and started jerk me off and then she stop and turn me around and push me down on the bed and if you would of watch the rest you would of seen us kiss but I pushed her off of me me kick her ass out .'

Tahiry started laughing " awe they forcing they self like that babe let these bitches know before i do I don't think you want that " hell yeah and that shit ain't funny tahiry and I will because I don't  need you out here fighting and shit and I haven't had sex in almost a year and to top it of I'm fucking with a virgin no offense. I grab tahiry and put my arms around her neck " Listen I love you though and you know that I picked up her chin up and we kissed I want you to met my mom tomorrow. and then after that I gotta go to Dominican Republic for a some business for two weeks. " G you just cam-" listen but you coming with me like old times ok .

Aye can I stay here tonight " no go home I'll be there tomorrow." Ok whatever you say boo.

I'm finally back from New York and I'm tried as hell I went to see if India was at the warehouse i got there everybody was there even manny . They was all excited to see me so we all sat down and smoke a blunt , Aye keem how herb been ?

" he been cool he just spending more time with his girlfriend every since he got shot but he said he'll be back in a few days "

My phone started ringing I picked it up and seen it's was Nikki . I answered and said wassup ..... " I miss you and we need to talk" I miss you too but I'm busy right now can we do a rain check? " sure maybe sometime tomorrow" I answered back and said bet we hung up . Lately Nikki been on some iffy shit and that shit ain't  sitting with me I left the warehouse and went over to see someone I really need to talk to and probably the only person that understands me .

I left the trap and went over to where she lived I'm probably going over my boundaries but she still a friend I guess . I pulled up and got out the car and went over to the door and rung the buzzer she unlocked the door and I went up to the condo and she opened the door" Anthony what are you doing here"

Look I know it's late I just need to talk tahiry.

" come in what's going on"

I need to vent it's a lot going on . We sat down on the couch and I started opening up to tahiry, my father got stage 4 cancer and I'm back in forth from New York to Detroit almost every week I'm pushing weight for Giovanni in places I ain't never did and Nikki is blowing my shit every chance she get .

" why are you still doing big moves like that and plus out of town for your father thats not even possible to do that by yourself and you just need to stop fucking with her she bring toxic back into your life , but that's not my place to tell you that I think you just need to focus on your dad and forget everybody else ."

Thanks T I really appreciate you forreal I'm really sorry how trea-

" I forgive you it's in the past I can't change anything you did you just need to stop drinking and you'll be okay."

Yeah I actually haven't been drinking, but let me get outta here Imma just go home and chill , i gave tahiry hug a before I left Aye t we good she turned around and smiled " yeah we good " .

After Anthony left I called Diavian " hello" you up !!! " yeah tahiry I'm the club going over these numbers "

Guess who was just over here !!!


Anthony girl .....

" ewww for what"

He basically came  for closure and to vent about his dad , he actually going through a lot but it's was just wried talking to him because it's  been a year since we called it quits but it was nice that he can still trust me.

" just be careful!!! You know how he is so just be cautious about his sympathy"

Yeah I'm hipped .

Next Morning......
I woke up this morning and realized it wasn't morning it was afternoon I got a few missed calls and texts  I went in check who they were

Jaylin🧡: Me and Mercedes are coming over at 1
Giovanni 😍: good morning shorty , I'll be over to come get you around 5
Ant: thank you for the talk last night
1missed call from Giovanni 😍

I looked up and noticed someone at the door I got up and went to the door and it was Jaylin and Mercedes. " hey bitch, I missed you!!!!" Mercedes yelled  I missed y'all too ... " how was LA " Jaylin said.  oh I didn't go It was a business get a way trip so I'm meeting his mom today and  then we going to Dominican Republic tonight .

" Giovanni fancy as fuck" Jaylin said " I just love him for you like you deserve it best" said Mercedes

I'm so nervous to met his mom I wonder will she like me and how would she feel about me dating her son , it's just so many questions you know .

" you'll be fine tahiry just think of the best" Jaylin said " well we goin let you get ready and tell us how the trip and meeting his mom go ." Mercedes said .

Mercedes and Jaylin left and i went upstairs and I jump in the shower so I can get ready , once I got out the shower I wrap my towel around me and went into my room and started packing my stuff after I got done packing and I got dress I put on something elegant because I don't know what type of women she is after I got done I heard the buzzer ring I went downstairs and opened the door and it was Carlos.

"Wassup T !!!! Well you dress for the occasion..."

Why you say that ...

"Giovannis mom is winning a award tonight for her 15th year anniversary being a professor at Michigan State, and he was waiting for this day to come because it was a perfect time to met her but we gotta hurry up because the ceremony starts in 30 minutes."

Carlos grab my bags and we walk outside and he opened the door for me and he got in the car and we headed over to Michigan State . After 15 minutes on the freeway we got there and I got out the car and it was Diavian and Quintin going into the building Diavian tapped me and smiled " you look pretty tah" I smiled and said you do to . We walk in the middle the of the lobby and I seen Giovanni talking to a man and then we made eyes contact and he winked at me and i started blushing, he hugged the man and came over to where I was and I was speechless of how he looked he grab my hand on the way to
the room where the ceremony was being held he turn to me and lick his lips and bit down on them he looked so fine with his suit on he looked like a man that I've always wanted .

We got in the ballroom and it was so crazy because I went to this school and never been in this room . We went to the seats that were reserved to us we all sat down and waited for the ceremony to start . Giovanni moved closer to me and kissed my ear and whispered in my ear " you look beautiful shorty " I looked at him and said thank you baby you looked handsome. The ceremony started and Ms. Santana came out to the podium and started talking and I started to put two and two together and realized that I'm in a relationship with my college professor son .

" wow you all look amazing....,I never seen some many women and men look so beautiful and handsome I wanna thank all of you for taking your time and coming out to  celebrate my accomplishment. When I was 17 I knew that I wanted to be a photographer I knew it was something that I would enjoy and would love to teach someone else as well years went pass I knew I was ready and now when I look back I wouldn't of change anything I did I wanna thank god for making me believe in myself through my tough moments lately and I wanna thank every student I taught, I wanna thank my son Giovanni Santana, he's my heart and he's been there through it all and I really appreciate you baby I love you . and I wanna thank all the professor that I've worked with at Michigan state for the last 15 years you guys are all amazing and I'm really bless with this award and thank you guys I love you all of you ."

His mom came down the steps and came to the table and gave Giovanni a hug and turned to me and was shocked to see me " tahiry you look beautiful sweetie"  Giovanni turned to me and his mom with a smirk " momma you know tahiry"

" yes son she was one of my best students when she was in school but the question is how do you know her"

" momma tahiry is my girlfriend "

" well tahiry I'm happy for you and my son your the best thing that happened to him in my eyes just love my baby boy "

I promise I will

" listen between me and you your best girlfriend he ever had !!!" Well I'm glad you guys came now you guys have a safe flight and when you guys get back let's go to lunch and talk about this ."

Giovanni gave his mom a kiss on the forehead and told her "I love you ,"

" I love you too you to I'm not playing you guys better come back and have lunch with me . "

We left out the building and Giovanni grab my waist while I was walking, what do you want ?

" you" he whispered into my ear .

He opened the door for me to get in the car and he closed the door and got in on the drive side , oh so it's no driver tonight? " nah shorty just me and you for the next two weeks"

Just us !!!

" just us no phones not unless you want to but other than that it's just me and you ."

Giovanni drove to his private jet gate so we wouldn't have to go through any airlines to take up time . We got out the car and and he grab the bags and stuff and the men in black as I would call them put the bags on the jet . I went up the step and on the jet and I felt Giovanni smack my ass " my bad" he said while he laughed.... you know that shit was on purpose. I sat next to Giovanni on the jet a i laid my head on his chest , he smelled so go I always loved the smell of his cologne. While I lead on his chest he started playing with my hair and we both eventually started going to sleep .

Dominican Republic.....
It's morning and we almost there i woke and started looking at Giovanni while he was sleep and was amazed that he sleeps like a baby I laid down and was facing his way and bitting and perking his lips so he could wake up I started kissing him and he woke up and made a crochet smile and started passionately kissing me with his tongue down my throat. He grab my waist making me go underneath him and started putting hickeys on my neck  damn G ........   " I keep telling you to stop putting yourself in situations you can't get out of until I'm finished." Ugh shutup I mumbled I proceeded to lift up and reach for a kiss but Giovanni beat me to the punch we started kissing and he being put his tongue down my throat once more . He began putting his hand  up my fitted skirt, Gino no the pilot is on the jet i whispered "so fuck him" he mumbled.

We arrived into Dominican Republic finally, and ready to take a bath and get in a bathing suit and just chill with G and maybe a few other things to . We got into the car Giovanni request and went over to the house he rented out , im surprise because it only took a few minutes to get there the gates opened up and he started driving towards the house .

once I seen it I was in shock to see that it was beautiful we go out the car and went inside the house , bae this house is gorgeous " while I had to get something for us but I gotta meeting I got to handle some business and I'll be back in few hours" . G I thought it's going to be us no business no phones nothing your phone hasn't stop ringing since we got here.

" tahiry cut all that shit out I'll be back listen when i get back it going to just be me and you okay. "

Gino gently grab my chin and gave me a kiss " love you boo " he whispered into my face just chill until
I get back .

I left the house and went over to the club to go talk to ray about this move . I got to the club and he sitting at the bar . My boy ray!!!!

"Wassup Gino , how you been I ain't seen you since Jamaica I'm glad you came out here to see me tho ."

Aye you like family and I ain't turning no moves down I need all the money I can before I leave and do a fresh start . We went to the back of the club and this women was back there with all these men and shit I'm glad I came strap cause you never know what these foreign muthafuckas be on . I walk in the room and ray close the doors behind me , " Giovanni Santana it's nice to finally meet you , your actually cute in person."

Thank you but no thank you .....

"Well lets get to the chase I heard your the best person to go to about heroin in the states and your very careful I want you to be my connection bringing me drugs from the states all the way to the island all you have to do  is drop a time ."

Oh that's what you heard........ I guess they putting out facts but you'll have to come to the states for me to
do a heroin drop it's took risky to send it over seas and I'm pretty sure you or me ain't trying to go to jail .

"Ok I'm fine with that , if your not there who will I have to do with ."

Don't worry about that your job is to just show up .

"I'll be glad to maybe if I play my cards right I'll have a bigger job to do"

Nah I don't mix business with pleasure I'm not that kinda nigga anyway so I'll pass .

"I get it but I'll be looking forward into doing business with you ."

Yeah will see how you'll handle it ...... well I don't wanna take up to much time so you enjoy the rest of the evening.

Later On ......
I left the club... and drove back to the mansion and we got there I went in the house and it was music playing and candles lit and it was dark I went upstairs and seen tahiry in a 3-piece black lingerie set I look at her and gave her smirk " wassup what we doing" she grab my hand lead me to the bed and sat me down and took my shirt of ; beginning to give me a message and she whispered in ear to turn around on my back . She got on my back and started pick the oil rubbing it all my tats . She bend down and started biting my ear and whispered " I'm sorry about early . "

I turned around and tahiry got on top of my lap and started bitting on my lip and started kissing me I sat up a little bit to take control. I start caressing tahiry face and grabbing on her neck .... and I whispered in her ear do you trust me baby she mumbled back and said yes .... lemme show you something

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