Love Imperfections

By Mthale99

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Tahiry Robinson 20 , a stripper at night but a college student during the day . Her boyfriend cheats and he's... More



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By Mthale99

Brotherly Love

listen I know you worried I get it , but just let me do me and I promise you won't lose me ok just trust me

Next Morning....

"Dear Anthony, I know you love me , but you don't love me enough to give up the game . Every day I picture losing you and I'm tired of picturing that ; everything is just to much your old connect almost killed you and your back working with Giovanni when he threatened to kill me and he's fucking your ex-girlfriend. You in some wried shit and I can't be apart of it , You have a great life Anthony."

Nikki tripping and I ain't got time for it one minute she cool the next minute she ain't and that shit annoying. I packed all my stuff to go back to Detroit ; because Nikki left this morning I guess I went to LAX and was surprised I ain't have to wait for shit and I was back in Detroit less than 4 1/2 hours. After I got back in Detroit I gotta call from Giovanni. Wasssup G ....

" wassup , you good?"

Yeah I'm cool!

" Ight how did the move go with terry , I ain't ask Q cause he down there for his aunt funeral."

Yeah he told me , and it was cool he told me to tell you wassup. Where you at tho ?

" I'm taking care of something but when I get down I'll hit you up .

We all were in the kitchen talking and laughing and tahiry father came in with tahiry older sister Demetria. Everybody was excited to see her because she hasn't been in Detroit in 4 years . Tahiry father look over and everybody stop looking at Demetria and starting looking at me , " Giovanni? Demetria said I gave her a hug and she asker why I was her tahiry stop me and said "he's my boyfriend!!!"  " boyfriend huh Aye Giovanni lemme holla at you .!" Me and her dad went downstairs to this room it was like a man cave or some shit it like a whole damn house down there , we sat in this room which look like a tv room   , he pulled out some blunts and some weed " you smoke"? Yeah .... he tossed the weed and the blunt to me to " let me see if yo pearling skill is cool" I started to laugh and started breaking down the weed . Well    Mr. Robinson you ain't gotta worry I know what I'm doi- " "nah you don't gotta call me Mr. Robinson just call me Larenz."

"Tahiry tells me you looking for a partnering in your Corporations and you need a new connection; I've actually been waiting for you to ask ..... outta all people in Detroit you go to Biggs " wait how you know that !!!! Listen I run Detroit I know everything that goes on in my city . Just like I know you killed him in Jamaica ..... but don't worry it's just between me & you..,,,, but it's fucked up how he did your brother . But how long you been dating my daughter?

For about 8 months

" she told me you worked with her ex ; don't you think that shit kinda wired ?"

Nah I don't work with him he work for me and yeah it is but I got money to get to .

" so your the owner of pure so has the stock going for the club ."

The numbers is amazing!!! But down here they a little slow . But i don't know why ?

"You gotta compromise with the city give them what the want , do themes if you got to . Ladies night , All White parties , Red Robin , lingerie parties, Get in free nights , like compromise with the city give them a reason to come yo club .thats why you need to meet up with me next Wednesday in LA we'll sit down and go over numbers for all the clubs and see what's missing."

Ight bet thanks Larenz I really appreciate it forreal, tahiry told me you'll be down !!!

" listen I'm down with anything especially the ones that's about money and you family now so of course ; alright let's go back up stairs before they think I killed you "

" we started laughing and started walking up the steps and the girls were get the table ready " daddy momma almost done with the food so you can sit down" Diavian said i walked past tahiry and she turned around & smiled at me " how did it go with my him ? " oh it's was cool everything right where I need it .

We all sat down at the table while tahiry mom and grandma placed the food on the table and they asked me to do a prayer, I refused ; I can't because I'm Muslim . "Well in this house we do our prayers in words , " it's your house and I can respect that . Her grandma finish the prayer and we started eating . " so Giovanni how did you met Tahiry ?" Her grandma blurted out I laughed and cleared my throat and started to talk ; we met at Golden Sun I was getting ready for my grand opening for my club and I seen her picking out a Cuban Cartier Rolex and I told her she had good taste to be a female and it went from there .

" yeah tahiry always loved jewelry so I'm not surprised" her grandma said

"Giovanni we here your familiar with a lot of
my girls" said Natalie"

Umm yeah I know Diavian because she used date one of my friends . I know Diavian & Demetria because we went to school together and I know Shanice from around the way .

" well you know quite a few don't you ?"

After eating me and tahiry went outside while everyone else was cleaning up she grab my hand and lead the way .

" you love me"

Of course I do shorty ; Aye yo family silly as hell though I see where you get it from .

" told you !!!! But babe I really think you should reach out to your mom ."

Ugh!!! You don't understand bae , she lied to me I hate lairs I don't want no parts of that .

" she your mom you have to it's only right & you only get one so cherish her bae.!!!"

I would ..... it just she lied to me my entire life, I know I only get one mom I love her to death i wanna give her everything I just can't get over the facts that my own momma lied to me .

" I understand but I really do think you need to make that move ."

I'll think abou- hold on baby . Wassup Ant ?

"bro you gotta come down to the hospital Quintin got shot. "

Wait what slow down ......

" Q and Herb got shot come to the hospital bro ."

I'm on my way .Bae got get Diavian we gotta go .

" what happened ? "

I'll tell you later ....... just hurry up .

We went in the house and tahiry got Diavian , we gotta go it's an emergency!!!!

"Alright okay let's go ."

We left out the house and everybody got in the car , I was doing 90 to the hospital. Quintin is like my brother I'm not finna lose him to .

"Giovanni what's going on"? said Diavian

I'll tell you in a minute!!!!

After 20 minutes we arrived to the hospital and we rush in and seen everybody in the waiting room ,Anthony what happened man !!

" we was all in the car smoking and A black car came up and lit up the car and Q and Herb got hit"

"What ! Is he okay ?" Diavian pouted

Tahiry grab Diavian and sat her down so she can chill we waited it's an hour later and the doctors still haven't gave us feedback. I've never seen Hakeem so nervous it was like he was stuck and couldn't do or say anything.

The love I have for Quintin is unconditional. It's a love and hate bond but he always was my friend first then a lover. Just to ever hear someone say he possibly not going to make it gives me chills. The doctors came in the waiting room and said they were both okay and everything was going to be fine . I asked the doctor can I see Quintin and she smiled and said yes. I walked back there with Giovanni and my sister and Cam while everybody else went to see herb we walked in the room and seen Quintin sitting up in the bed we went in the room and Giovanni gave Quintin a hug and cam as well He looked over and seen me and ask everybody to to step out the room so we can talk .

" listen I kno-"

I told I don't want this life for you !!!! , I'm afraid to lose you Q . You know that , what is so good about this !!!! What are you supposedly going to miss if you let it go .

" this all I know !!! , and what you expect D ; you left me !!!! What the fuck do you want me to do So this is all I have and you expect me to let it go this how I make my money . And if you know like I know you would understand but you don't ."

You think leaving you was easy !!!! Because It wasn't you wanted me to be some trap queen for the rest of my life I think the fuck not . You hurt me ; to where I was only in one relationship once after you and it only lasted 7 months . I'm not telling to leave I'm telling you to think of other options you only get one life .

" it's was hard for me to accept the fact that you left me , I don't want my relationship to be all about ultimatums but I just want you to bare with me ."

I've been waiting for eight years ...... how long do want me to bare with you .

I started walking away from Q and he grab my wrist and snatch me back between his legs and grab my waist and pick my chin up and gave me a kiss . " you ain't gotta wait no more shorty I'm tried of losing you and I won't anymore .... It's wraps . I smiled and hug him and he whispered in my ear " I love you . And it's always gone be us .

The doctor came in and told him he can go home because he'll be fine and to be careful with leg . We walked out of the hospital room and went to the waiting room and everyone  was okay . " D where you going"? Tahiry shouted . I'm going with Q ...... I'll call you in the morning. " ok sis handle that . You know I am!!! . We started walking to his car and I  started laughing " what's funny" ; you drove to the hospital no we was actually in herb car but Cam drove to my house and we traded out cars so we can go to the hospital. We were finna get in the car and stop Q , " what" you cant drive get in the passenger seat . We got in the car and I started up the engine and started to pull off out the hospital parking lot I started driving towards Quintin house .

It took about 20 minutes to get to house , after I pulled up he looked at me and lick his lip . We started laughing and got out the car I was walking towards the front door and he grab my waist and started kissing my neck he got in front of me to unlock the door and I started too see that he was limping in the house . I heard about your aunt passing how is your mom doing ? " she ok , you know my mom hold her feelings in her hand ."

Yeah that's something you took over from her too.

" yeah , I hate it though I feel like my instinct always tell me to trust when I feel like I can't react so when I'm hurt I just move on forreal"

I climbed on Quintin lap and turned to him and kissed him Quintin you can trust me . I'm not here to hurt you and I'm here to love you .

" I know but do  you know I never been in a relationship beside you all I do is hit and quit but Diavian you was different you were the only girl I ever fell in love with  you didn't care about the money, the drug or none of that shit you just care about me ."

And I always will care about you , even after we called it quits I always thought about you like literally even when I'll have sex and I'll think about you . Some wried shit right !!!

"Nah it ain't actually, that's just to show you I'm the only nigga that can hit that spot and please you  and it's facts obviously. "

I rolled my eyes ; well okay show me now and Quintin started caressing my face and started kissing and biting on my neck he pick me up and started walking up the stairs while kissing . You have to be careful Q , he laughed " fuck what that doctor say I'm good" I stopped  him and said Q your leg is messed up !!! " don't worry about it shorty you finna be limping to . On the way to the room he unzipped my dress and unsnap my bra we went into his room and he laid me down on the bed and we started playing tongue war , he started taking my dress off along with the bra and began kissing all over my body I tried to move so I can go on top of him he stop me and whispered in my ear " just chill it's my turn " . He took the rest of my clothes off and we started kissing again began sucking on my neck and at this point I don't know what to expect he's kissing me from my neck down to my belly button he began putting his hands into my panties caressing my pussy .

He started taking my panties off and opened my legs and started licking up and down on my pussy and my juices start to flow he began pleasing my clit making me start to move up and run from it , "don't run now ..." I started arching my back in and making him grab my thighs and started to make me shake. He got up and lick his lips " you taste so good" I bit my lip  ; he started taking he's clothes off and hoped in the bed , "Q what about the condom"

" you don't trust me ?"

Of course I do , but you usual use them .

I don't need it shorty, we good .

He started putting the tip inside of me and while playing with my clit and started forcing he self deeper inside of me "ummm Q" . He began leaning over kissing me and putting my legs behind his waist going faster and deeper inside of me he started holding my hand " you like baby" I started moaning louder and louder making him put me on top I started riding , and making me started to cum i continued to ride him faster and he  start to smacking my ass " you better take it" he lift up his body and started help me ride him. " ummm oh my god Q he flip me over again on my back holding on to the headboard going deeper " fuck !, you like that baby girl"  my pussy started getting tight making him start to cum he leaned in and kissed me after that he laid beside me and started touching my hair " I love you Diavian ..." I smiled and said I love you too  ....

Shannon in the media........


I see you still the man of the D . " ha that's what you call it !!"

Wassup Gino .

"Wassup Genesis"

You talk to momma lately, she been asking about you!

" nah I ain't talk to her and I bet she has ; it's just that shit ain't sitting right with me like you hid something from me my whole life bro I'm supposed to be like oh it's cool momma we got this ...... nah that ain't the case"

I get you  but come on bro we getting old she getting older I got a wedding coming up i need y'all to be accordingly .

" you ain't got worry about that I know how to act . But you know me and my girl will be there"

Girl? Oh you gotta girl !!

" yeah nigga"

Since when ?

" for about 8 months. You probably know her dad he  make a lot of moves in the west coast he's name is larenz Robinson!!!!"

Damn forreal and yeah I know him I did a few business moves with larenz he cool people, he love seeing everybody eat especially his kids .

"Yeah I know , he cool I met him the other day ; he still do other moves to so yeah he money maker and I'm all with it . "
So how do he feel about you fucking his daughter .

" nah we actually ain't fucking ..... I mean head here and there but no fucking and yeah he cool with it why wouldn't he "

What she a virgin or something..

" mmmmmm. But I ain't gone rush her to do shit with her body because as man I gotta we respect it but she wild though haven't me wait like damn forreal.but she a cool as person it's like she different bro I ain't never met no female like her she somebody I'll give everything up for her and I ain't even playing."

Yeah I feel you , Did momma met her yet ?

"Nah not yet but you can I'm finna go to the crib right now you come if you want to . "

I hopped in car and went over to Gino house with him and it's took forever for us to get to his crib , when we got there I hoped out the car and laughed , damn nigga you to good to live in the hood , he laughed and said " you got some nerve when you live in the Bel-Air nigga. He unlock the door and we went in. " a bro stay right here lemme make sure she got so clothes on ."

" tahiry!!!!! , where you at baby ."

" I'm upstairs!!"

" you got some clothes on ?"

" yeah babe"

" alright come here real fast, aye you come in here you good"

She stood on the top of the steps and we looked up , and she smiled and walked down the steps waving and Giovanni grab her hand " baby this my brother Genesis, Genesis this my girlfriend tahiry.

I grab her hand and kissed the top of it it's a pleasure to met you ; g said you was bad but he ain't said you was beautiful though... she started laughing and said " thank you" how old are ? " 21" .

21 ? Looking like that!!! You making me reconsider my engagement! " you silly, you should the rest of the family"

" bro the whole family thick swear to god ."

" yeah it's crazy because they love Giovanni but he won't let me met you guys mom ."

" it ain't even that it's just me and my mom going through some trails right now .lemme get them together and you will ."

Yeah he just outta to tahiry; I keep telling him he need to . If it makes it anything quicker I'm heading over there if you wanna come .

" man I guess it bet not be no bullshit this time going on"

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