Presence of the Supreme Omni...

By PokemonIsLife319

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When the Supreme Omni God meets the devils, the fallen angels and the angels. How will they react when they m... More

Bio Part 1
Bio Part 2
Bio Last part
Chapter 1: Legend of the Supreme Omni God
Chapter 2: Arrival
Chapter 3: Meeting with new friends
Chapter 4: The Supreme Omni God Fights!
Chapter 5: Backstories
New Forms
Chapter 6: Issei meets the Dragon Ball Warriors and New Transformations
Chapter 8: Explanations
Chapter 9: Meeting and Love?
Chapter 10: Super Saiyan Issei debut
Chapter 11: I'm aiming to be a Super Saiyan!
Chapter 12: Y/n got a Harem!
Chapter 13: Rating game has started!
Chapter 14: Celebration and Y/n's dream
Chapter 15: Kiba's tragic past
Chapter 16: Training with the Supreme Omni God
Chapter 17: Training with the Supreme Omni God and a Yaoi Scene?!
Chapter 18: Kiba has a crush on Issei?!
Chapter 19: The plan
Chapter 20: The White Dragon Emperor appears!
Chapter 21: Balance Breaker and Juggernaut Drive
Chapter 22: Black Boosted Gear's Creation
Chapter 23: Transformation failed?!
Chapter 24: Benefits of Meditation
Chapter 25: Kiba's confession and Koneko has a harem?!
Chapter 26: Issei's rage has emerged
Chapter 27: Koneko's training has began!
Chapter 28: Y/n's Destructive Rage
Chapter 29: Gasper's Backstory
Chapter 30: Y/n's new family
Chapter 31: Meeting of the Supreme Black Dragon and the True Dragon
Chapter 32: Battle of the Dragon Gods and Sirona's appearance
Chapter 33: Preparation for the Rating game
New forms 2
Chapter 34: Training and Kiba meets the Saiyans
Chapter 35: New Transformations
Special Shout-out
Chapter 36: The Rating Game Begins and Irina's debut!
Chapter 37: Round two, begin!
Chapter 38: Giving up
Chapter 39: Mastered Super Saiyan 3 Issei has emerged
Chapter 40: Preparation for the Triple Date
Chapter 41: Triple Date
Chapter 42: Celebration and Y/n's power level
Chapter 43: Power levels
Chapter 44: Introduction of the final arc: Appearance of the Villains
Chapter 45: Y/n vs. Cumber, A clash between the Saiyans
Chapter 46: Demise of the Villains
Epilogue: The Confession
Extra: Black Boosted Gear apperance

Chapter 7: Surprises

7.6K 98 81
By PokemonIsLife319

Previously on Presence of the Supreme Omni God,

Y/n - Bye guys, I have something to do at Universe 6, the universe of the Devils, the Fallen Angels and the Angels

Goku - Okay Y/n, good luck and be safe.

Issei - It's so nice to meet you, Goku and Vegeta.

Vegeta - Likewise. He said while smiling.

Y/n - See you later guys!

With that you teleport back to Universe 6.


Setting: At Y/n's house

You and Issei are doing your usual stuff in your house when suddenly Issei speaks,

Issei - It's amazing how you turned me into a Pure blooded Saiyan, Y/n. I didn't know you can do rituals like that.

Y/n - Yeah me too. I also don't know that I can do that.

While you are cooking spaghetti, Issei went to upstairs to fix his things for tommorow. After you cooked spaghetti, it's time for dinner you then call Issei,

Y/n - Issei, dinner is ready!

Issei - Coming!

He then went downstairs and Issei smelled the delicious aroma of the food.

Issei - Mmm.. What a wonderful aroma you have there, Say, what did you cook for tonight, Y/n?

Y/n - My favorite food of all time, Spaghetti.

Issei - Wow! You can also cook. You sure full of surprises Y/n.

Y/n - Yeah right. Well, time to dig in!

Issei - Yay! Food time!

You and Issei then started to eat.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/n and Chibi Issei were eating spaghetti.

After dinner, it's time to go bed.

Y/n - I'll see you in the morning, Issei. Good night.

Issei - Good night, Y/n.

Then both of you entered to your respective bedrooms.

The next day,

Monday, It's school time. You woked up at 3:00 am to do your morning workout while Issei is still sleeping.

Your workout:
Stretching for warm up
100 reps of push ups
100 reps of sit ups
10 minutes of jump and jacks
100 reps of pull ups
10 minutes of burpees
100 reps of twists
Yoga for 10 minutes and
Stretching for cooldown

After 2 hours of doing your workout you then go back to your bedroom for a shower.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/n bathing inside the bathroom.

After you took a shower, you then wear your school uniform and you decided to wake up Issei.

You then knocked the door three times. After you knocked the door, Issei opened it and said,

Issei - Where have you been? I've been looking for you.

Y/n - Oh I did my morning workout.

Issei - Ahh. So that's why.

Y/n - Are you ready to go to school?

Issei - Yes I am.

With that, both of you teleported in front of the Kuoh Academy.

Issei - I wonder, how your teleportation is instant? I mean you arrived to your destination in an instant without walking. He asked.

Y/n - Ahh. The technique that I always use is Instant Transmission. Goku taught me that technique and it began useful to me both in combat and going far places. You explained.

Issei - Can you teach me how to use that technique?

Y/n - Sure.

Issei - Thanks, Y/n He said while smiling.

Y/n - No problem.

Later, someone is running towards you.

Issei - Hey someone is running towards you, Y/n.

Y/n - Yeah I see it.

Both of you then formed your self defense stance.

When the student stop running and and panting really hard. You then checked his aura. You sensed that this student is harmless.

You then checked him and you said,

Y/n - Are you okay.

The student then faced you and said,

Random Student - Yes I'm fine.... I'm just.... tired.

Y/n - Why don't you take a rest for a while?

You gave some water to the student to refresh himself.

Y/n - By the way, why are you running earlier?

Random Student - I was going to tell you something.

Y/n - About what?

Random Student - About the rating game.

Issei - A rating game?

Random Student - Yes because someone challenges you Y/n.

Y/n - Who might that be?

Random Student - Riser Phenex.

Y/n - Ahh that man. The man who forces Rias to marry him.

Random Student - Wait, how did you know about that?

Y/n - Infinite Knowledge.

Random Student - Infinite Knowledge?

Y/n - That's right. You are now facing the present Omni God.

The random student was absolutely surprised and shocked. He didn't even know that he face the Omni God. That's when he realizes when you said, Infinite Knowledge.

Random Student - Crap!! You are the Omni God?!

Y/n - Yes I am.

Random Student - That Riser Phenex is done for.

Y/n - Thanks for notifying me uhhhh...

Mark - It's Mark.

Y/n - Right. Thanks for notifying me, Mark.

Mark - No problem. *as his friends are calling him* Bye Y/n, it's so nice to meet you.

Y/n - Likewise.

With that, Mark stood up and he went to his friends as they go somewhere. Issei then said,

Issei - What to do now?

Y/n - We will beat Riser and his peerage.

Issei - Okay. So what's the plan.

Y/n - With the two of us, we can utterly beat Riser and his peerage and proclaim peace once and for all.

Issei - I like your idea, Y/n Let's go to Rias and tell her about this.

Y/n - Right, Let's go.

With that you and Issei entered to the Academy to meet Rias.

To be continued...

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