Haunted || Octavia Blake ||...


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/ haunted/ • showing signs of mental anguish or torment "She was fierce. She was strong, she wasn't simple... Еще

I n t r o d u c t i o n
C h a r a c t e r s a n d Q u o t e s
E p i g r a p h
T r a i l e r
P l a y l i s t
A c t O n e
P r o l o g u e
1: P r i s o n e r s o f t h e A r k
2: T h e 1 0 0
3: T h e W r o n g D a m n M o u n t a i n
4: M o u n t W e a t h e r
5: G e t o u t o f t h e W a t e r!
6: W e' r e N o t A l o n e
7: T h e S e a r c h B e g i n s
8: A S i l l y F e u d?
9: T h e R e s c u i n g B u s i n e s s
10: T h e T r a p
11: W h a t e v e r t h e H e l l w e W a n t
12: C a l l i n g t h e S h o t s
13: N o L o n g e r M y B r o t h e r
14: S h o o t i n g S t a r
15: B e t r a y a l
16: R a v e n
17: W h e r e' s m y R a d i o?
18: G o o d b y e
19: G r o u n d e r s!
20: S h o o t t o K i l l
21: T h e K i s s o f a n E n e m y
22: T h e N i n e t y - E i g h t
23: M u r d e r e r i n O u r M i d s t
24: A n g e l o f D e a t h
25: S h a d o w s i n t he T r e e s
26: H i s D a r k E y e s
27: P o i s o n e d!
28: W e L i v e o r W e D i e
29: S t o r m C l o u d s
30: W h i c h O n e?
31: A F r i c k i n G r o u n d e r
32: E s c a p e!
33: N a t r o n a!
34: T h e G i r l U n d e r t h e F l o o r
35: T he V i r u s
36: T h e B l a k e S i b l i n g s
37: T h e C r o s s r o a d s
38: F r i e n d s w i t h B e n e f i t s
39: B u l l e t - P r o o f
40: T h e B r i d g e
41: T h e E x o d u s S h i p
42: C r a s h - L a n d i n g
43: A M a t t e r o f T r u s t
44: M y s t e r y H o r s e
45: L e x a k o m T r i k r u
47: T h i s i s W a r
48: I C a n M a k e I t G o B o o m
49: W h o W i l l T a k e t h e S h o t?
50: C h o o s e
51: O u t b r e a k
52: T r y t o b e a H e r o
53: T h e U l t i m a t e S a c r i f i c e
54: P r i n c e s s M e c h a n i c
55: T w i s t o f F a t e
56: I' m S o r r y
57: S p a c e w a l k e r
58: M o n s t e r
59: R u n!
60: R e a p e r T u n n e l s
61: W e A r e G r o u n d e r s!
62: R i n g o f F i r e
63: B a t t le o f t h e F o r e s t
64: N e v e r G i v e U p
A u t h o r ' s N o t e
S e q u e l

46: W h o i s E r i n?

243 10 19


[PREVIOUSLY: Octavia is released from the dungeons a few hours after the attempted assassination on Heda takes place. She meets Gustus, a fierce warrior, and Lexa, first in line to the grounder throne, both of whom have differing opinions when it comes down to the Skai Gada].

"So, what's the deal with this mysterious Erin, huh?" I ventured, digging ravenously into a large leg of meat.

Lexa shot me an annoyed glare as Gustus, who was standing nearby, offered her some meat cuts from a piled platter. "I've already told you what you need to know," she returned as she took a wedge of meat from the platter. "Thank you Gustus."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, knowing that I couldn't push it too far. "Fine then," I muttered under my breath as I tossed the leftover bones onto the floor. A waft of cold wind played with the dancing flames of the campfire that Lexa and I were sitting in front of. I shivered, wrapping my arms around my elbows, trying desperately to keep my body heat in.

"Are you cold?" Lexa voiced, a touch of concern lacing her voice.

I nodded. "Er ... a little."

Suddenly, something warm and ridiculously soft descended upon my shoulders. I gasped and snapped my head around, looking up into the mischievous eyes of a young youth.

"Artigas," Lexa shook her head. "You scared her."

"I apologise, my Princess," Artigas sent her a quick bow before turning back to me with a wide smile, "I heard a plea for help and came to the rescue."

I fingered the edge of the furry blanket as I chuckled at the boy's cheekiness. "Hi, I'm Octavia."

"Yes, I know, everyone's talking about you," Artigas smirked, amused. He stuck his hand out as he introduced himself, "I'm Artigas. But you can just call me Gus. Everyone does."

"Nobody calls you that," Lexa scowled, an air of annoyance radiating from her.

I smiled. "Well, Gus, it's nice to meet you."

Artigas nodded, a wolfish grin plastered on his face. He looked terribly pleased with himself.

"Off you go, Artigas," Lexa ordered brusquely, waving him away. "So far, we've missed the eye of the storm but the tail of it will pass over us soon ... which means lots of wind and rain. You need to make sure anything loose about the camp is tied down and that the rain-water barrels are out. Also, any stray animals need to be taken back into their stables, okay? Get the other seconds to help you."

Artigas' bright expression fell. "But, my Princess, they will not listen ..."

"Then make them listen!" Lexa sent him a pointed glare. "Because if they do not, they'll have to answer to me."

Artigas bit his lip and nodded before obediently scurrying off.

I chuckled, watching him go. "He's actually pretty nice," I commented.

"Have you seen him with a sword?" Lexa asked dryly. "I doubt you'll say that then."

I pursed my lips and shrugged, tilting back my head to gaze up towards the ever-darkening sky. "Will - will Aidan be alright, do you think? Out in this storm?"

Lexa turned large, curious eyes towards me and her lips curved up into a knowing smirk. "You care for him?"

"Hmm?" I raised my eyebrows as I glanced back over towards her.

"You care for Aidan, do you not?" she repeated in a more solemn tone.

My eyes widened and I shook my head vigorously. "No, no ... not like that, it's just ... I am worried. I hope he'll be okay. It was my fault, after all, that he was booted out anyway. I'm just expressing my concern."

"It wasn't your fault, Octavia. It was a long time coming," Lexa sighed, fixating her gaze on the crackling fire before us.

"What was?" I questioned.

"Aidan's banishment," Lexa's voice dropped to a near whisper and I had to concentrate as the words rolled off her tongue.

"W-why?" I stammered out, confused.

"He never liked the Trikru way of life. He rebelled against it at every turn," Lexa returned. "Jus drein, jus daun."

"What does that mean?"

"Blood must have blood."

The words sent a chill down my spine. I stared at Lexa in surprise before saying, "So revenge? That's your method of survival?"

"Yes," Lexa shrugged. "If someone hurts us, we will hurt them. If someone kills us, we will kill them. It is how it's always been and it is how it will always be. This is why we find it difficult to overlook the damage your people have caused us."

I shook my head disbelievingly. "Why can't you just live at peace with everyone? Why is that so hard?"

"It is not hard. It is impossible," Lexa replied shortly. "This is our way. There are others out here besides us, other tribes who are not Trikru. They are cruel and they are vicious and they will attack at the slightest of provocations."

"Yes," I nodded. "Aidan told me about the people up in the mountains."

"Ah, I see," Lexa mused. "He told you about the Mountain Men. They are one of numerous enemies and they are smart, canny and dangerous, yes, but they were not the ones of which I speak. I was talking about the Icelandic Nation. We call them Azgeda. Their warriors are huge and burly. Their weapons were made to not only kill, but torture. They have hearts made of stone and their eyes are cold and cruel. If they sense even the slightest hint of weakness, they will attack to kill, even if it is one of their own."

I drew my knees up to my chin and wrapped my arms around them. Tingles of fear pricked my skin.

"They are our most dreaded enemy," Lexa shook her head sadly. "The only reason they do not attack is because we outnumber them three to one. However, their soldiers are better trained and more equipped to face a battle than ours. To have a war with them would be very, very costly."

"So ... you're trying to prove that you are not weak by ridding your territory of us?" I questioned, a touch of anger lacing my tone. "If you align with us, we will prove useful in case of a battle against Azgeda."

Lexa frowned. "No. That is not how Heda sees it. She fears that Azgeda will think we are weak to make an alliance with the likes of you. There is a possibility they will pounce upon this weakness and there is also the chance that your people will betray us. We cannot trust you ... any of you."

"Then why am I here? And why are you telling me all of this?" I demanded, my voice unintentionally rising with each syllable.

"Aidan," Lexa returned simply. "He saw something in you that parallels with his desire for peace and unity between the clans. I may not trust you personally, but I trust him and I trust that he has chosen the PeaceKeeper well."

"T-the PeaceKeeper? That's what I am?" I queried, confused.

"Yes," Lexa returned grimly. "In most cases, there is an intermediator between each clan. They will come and go with news and messages to inform their differing leaders. You are the intermediator between Trikru and Skikru and that is why, for now, you will not be harmed. But if the vote goes through in Polis and Trikru declares war on Skikru, you must no longer venture over our borders. You would be killed on sight."

I bit my lip and nodded, indicating that I understood. "W-why do you think that Aidan chose me? What's so special about me? My own people rejected me ... just for being born. I'm not special. I'm not a leader. I'm not worth anything in any regard."

Lexa turned large, serious eyes towards me as she responded, "That may be true, but you saw something else that the rest of your people did not."

"And what's that?"

"Us. You were willing to risk your life to come here and beg for peace. You were willing to put your reputation at stake by defying orders and assisting in Lincoln and Aidan's escape. You saw the other side of us that the rest did not: you realised that we are humans too - just trying to protect our homes. That is something special. That is something worthwhile."

I ducked my head, trying to hide the obvious flush that was crawling up my neck. I wasn't used to being praised so blatantly so it was hard for me to process it. "Aidan said that the next in line to the throne was brutal and harsh," I suddenly blurted out. "He - he didn't seem to like you at all but honestly, I don't see why. You've been very kind to me, more so than Indra or Gustus."

Lexa hummed softly in response. "Aidan and I ... we - er - we have a history. At times, when it came to politics, we didn't get along very well because we have differing views of how we should keep our people's ways. Aidan is afraid that, if I succeed to the throne, I'll spread the bloodshed even further than it is now. He wasn't willing to support me. He didn't think I was ready to take on such a responsibility. But, he is gone now, and what I chose to do when I become Heda is my own choice ... And I alone shall carry the consequences."

"And Erin?"

Lexa heaved an annoyed sigh and rolled her eyes. "Why do you keep asking about her?"

"B-because!" I exclaimed as I threw my hands up in the air. "It's frustrating to hear snippets here and there and see everyone's faces whenever her name is mentioned ... I don't understand what's going on. I want to know."

"It is not my place to tell," Lexa answered gently. "But, if you want to keep out of trouble, you will never mention her name again. Do you understand?"

I stared at her, my mouth hanging open in shock. "W-what?"

"You heard me," Lexa retorted sarcastically. "You must never ask about her again."

Reluctantly, I nodded. The more Lexa avoided the subject, the more curious I became. Who was Erin? What was she to Aidan? And why would no one talk about her? What happened?

However, upon seeing that a look of chagrined authority was starting to spread across Lexa's face, I decided to keep my mouth shut for the time being. I guessed I would find out what I needed to know soon enough.

The two of us sat there in silence for a few moments longer as the gathering darkness descended upon us like a thick blanket. Rumbles of thunder boomed from overheard and flashes of lightning streaked across the sky. The howling wind began to grow stronger and droplets of rain began to fall upon the earth.

"We'd better go inside," Lexa spoke up. "We don't want to be out here for much longer."

I nodded in agreement as I scrambled to my feet, gathering the thick folds of Artigas' blanket around my shoulders. With an alert Gustus in the rear, Lexa and I made a dash for a nearby building, overlaid with mud and boarded up with chunky pieces of wood and thick clumps of bulrushes.

As a small, rosy-cheeked maiden scurried forward to usher us inside, I couldn't help but think about the rest of my people: Clarke, Bellamy, Jasper, Monty, Finn ... I could imagine them huddled up inside the drop-ship, a mournful melody playing from Raven's radio and portions of dried meat being hungrily devoured by each of them.

It wasn't their fault that they were sent down to earth. I just needed to make Lexa see that they, my people, deserved another chance.

Gif: Octavia as she sits by the fire. Sorry for the late update and the extremely long chapter. :/


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