.The Child Of A Goddess.

By ChrisWolfblood

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(1ST BOOK OF THE GODLY CHILD SERIES) A child grew up in relative peace surrounded by people like her... Or so... More

-Latin - English-


650 54 0
By ChrisWolfblood

Amata's POV:

I opened my eyes when I heard knocking on the door.

I stood up, walked over, and opened it to see the same guard as before... Helmet on her... It's more like a mask now that I can look at it well.

It was a girl for sure since the chest plate was built a bit differently for the boobs; she had chin-length blond hair. In addition, she has a black T-shirt under the armor piece and brown shorts, a dagger attached to the belt.

"The king awaits you." Was all she said calmly before turning around and walking away. I followed without a word.

I looked out the windows to see the sun would be setting soon.

I had said I would beat the king without using my half-half form, but I know it was the worst error of my whole life up until now. He has been king for a long time now for a reason; no one could ever beat him, and all that tried died. That's why even his guards fear him; no one dares to challenge him anymore, only the fools who think they can win... But I know I will win; I must win. I made a promise to the goddess to give her my life if I fail. 

We exited the manor's surrounding big wall and walked down the road, people filling the streets to see this. It's not all day the king brings the fight out of the manor.


The town center was cleared out, people huddling at the sides creating a big empty circle with the king already standing in the middle.

"My people that I care for!" He said loudly... Sure as if he cared about his people in any shape or form. "Today! This descendant of vampire and weres challenged me, I'll make this battle public for demonstration! She ended up beating my first son easily! For once it will be a show and I want everyone to see!"

"Stop your showbiz and get serious already." I said as the guard walked away, he glared back angrily as I said that.

"This battle will be lead in our wildest form and to the death, only one will leave this place alive."

'To change in your wolf form just think of it, it works just like the half and half form.'

'So you're back huh?'

'I want to see this idiot child's blood spill on the ground!!!!'

'Okay you are still pissed... But I gotta agree with you.'

He turned in a big grey wolf, bigger then any wild wolf I've seen.

"There are many stories about the origins and the forthcoming of the end of the world. I'm not here to tell you all of them." I said but it wasn't my voice alone, if someone listened close enough they could here a slight delay between me and the beast in me talking, both wanting his end in out own way. "I'm going to tell you only one. The one I've witnessed... Your own fall from grace into the depths of hell." He snarled at me. I closed my eyes and instead of the described burning feeling only in a few places when I shifted half half, my whole body felt like that.

I heard shocked and frightened mutters around me as I opened my eyes.

3ird person pov:

Amata couldn't see it herself completely but she could just... Tell how it was... How she looked in the eyes of others.

She was smaller then the king since she was young and yet, her fur, darker then the night, everything black near her looked a faded grey, red marking forming intricate glowing shapes on her face that had a bloody red hue just like her eyes, those also glowing. (without the balls floating around) The red being the only color to her body other than the white of her fangs, so bright that they blinded those looking are them.

Sometimes a faint red glow illuminating her outlines but other than that she looked made up of pure darkness that was ready to swallow you whole like a bottomless hole from which even light couldn't escape from.

Who knows, maybe if someone stared long enough their deepest fear would stare back at them from the abysmal darkness she became.

Amata's pov:

I stared at him with my glowing red eyes before launching forwards, running on all fours as if I done this my whole life.

I went in to claw at his eyes, if he is blind I'll have an easier time getting the win, but he avoided in time, my claws slicing up his flank but that was not good enough.

I growled as menacingly as I could as he shook off his surprise and growled back at me.

He started circling me so I did the same, not letting him get to my back or I'd be done for, I'd answer his growls and snarls with my own, knowing very well he wouldn't be deterred but I am not backing down.

At times one of us would faint a lung, snapping our teeth near the others paws and head, trying to make the other's defense shake and for them to make an error and finally give us an opening but it was a stalemate for a while the sun had enough time to color the sky a dark orange.

It was a long fight of will that was tiring.

I actually goes to bite for my left paw, I jump up in balance on my back paw as much as I can to avoid the possible injury and let myself fall back, clawing down the side of his face and neck.

He slashed his own claws at me instead of retreating at a safe distance, I yelped and backed off with a growl.

I glared into his eyes, blocking out the crowd that was cheering for either of us as it was finally getting to truly fighting.

I felt the cuts radiate pain across my muzzle and face but I paid it no mind, I am sure the others can see the bloody injury clearly visible on the stark black hue of my fur.

I got lucky to have moved my head by reflex of the claws would have slashed through my eye and rendered it useless but unfortunately one of the claws got me over the brow and it was bleeding into my eyes so it is basically useless anyway as I cannot wipe it away to clear my vision.

I shook my head and rammed my body into his, knocking him off balance as my side shoved into his, I reeled my head back and sank my fangs into his shoulder, biting down as hard as I could and yanking on my head to tear his muscles.

I felt his own fangs sink into my back and I shook myself away from him, rolling over to get his grip off me as I squished him under my body. 

We glared before launching forth, aiming for each others throat but being smaller I was faster than he was and got to his first, sinking my teeth in but before I could give a shake his jaw locked down over the back of my neck.

He held me hard then I could bite down myself and he started trashing his body, yanking on my neck and trying the snap it while I was still biting his own.

I cannot let him what he wanted or he'd break my neck so I was forced to match his movements and keep up with his jerks, rolling over when he did or jumping up when he did to keep the strain on my neck as low as I could while feeling his teeth dig into my flesh more with each yank as he was chewing through my muscles.

All I could do was clamp my jaw close as hard as I could and hope he would suffocate before my grip fails or he breaks a neck bone.

His movements and attacks were becoming more erratic, he jabbed his claws into my shoulders and sides, ripping and tears, clawing at my head but despite all the pain I held on, concentrating with all my strength to hold on as my muscles were cramping, if he is getting erratic it means one thing... The lack of air.

All my efforts to cut of the airflow were a success, I yanked on my body, making his paw fall off and onto the ground before trashing around as much as I could, I cannot let this opportunity escape, this is my chance at victory.

I felt the blood drip through my fur and coating my body like a gory fountain and I was the worst of out of the two of us but I was winning right now.

His desperate claw swipe caught my ear and tore it up too, I just used all the pain channeling it into strength to hold on as it would be me that died if I ever let go... I cannot let go, my neck would not hold up if that happened and since I am tired from matching his jerks and yanks he could snap my neck without much effort from his part... I need to end it now!

I pushed on my back paws to lift his head up as much as I could while clawing the flesh of his chest before letting myself fall straight down on my front, slamming myself into the ground and rolling.

I got to my paws even if him being on his back just forced his teeth to tear more, it was a compromising position for him, I shook my head harder then ever and felt a shift between my teeth, a crunch.

I let go as that was all I wanted and shook my neck free from his maw even if I left flesh and fur in it.

I quickly backed away as he staggered when he got to his paws, body shaking, one small break in any of the neck bones makes the airways and muscles swell up almost instantly and block his breath without me needed to hold on, I barely was able to do that but that will be enough to finish him since he always was lacking breath before that happened.

He rushed me and body checked me before biting my neck and throwing me across the 'arena' of people and leapt after but half way to me he started to stumble and slowly crumpled into a heap on the floor.

His eyes wide as fear shined in them as he gazed over at me, the last thing he'd see before it was snuffed out and the eye dulled and remained open, jaw hanging open but no breath passing it, the king was dead, suffocated from the inside.

I groaned softly as I forced myself up on my paws and limped over towards the body and rose a paw, clawing deeply across his face once before putting it down, he didn't move, dead for sure.

I looked away from the corpse and at the people, they watched in awe what had just happened.

I put my paws on the body and howled my victory as the sun on the point of setting.

There was a silence before one younger looking boy bowed down, followed by an old man and soon everyone joined them.

As the howl weakened so did I, my body wavered as my eyes closed as I went slack, my consciousness fleeting after the fall and soon it was gone, darkness surrounding me in its soft embrace.

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