Not a Cullen

Od wings4life

1.3M 31.4K 7K

Did you know Renesmee had a sister. No? I'm not surpised. I'm Elisa the eldest twin. I got kicked out after I... Více

Kicked out cause of a tantrum
I'm hot, I know
Meeting Stephanies girlfriend
School? You wish!
I'm in hell aren't I?
Back stories and the VST
This is not my brother
Flashback then I meet a creepy british dude
A chapter w/ Klaus
It's a mustache!!! ----> :{
Santa is coming shopping with me!
Shopping for realz
Monday the sundae
Tara is mad!!!
Rebekah is hooooome
Klaus is a b*stard.
Torture what fun!
Bonding with the scary original!
I'm running out of chapter titles...
How are you alive?
Stefan the puppy and Elena the troll!
YouTube. This is just fantastic (part 1)
YouTube. This is just fantastic (part 2)
YouTube. This is just fantastic(part 3)
Cullens versus well everybody
Party of death. Mwa ha ha ha
Hybrids, Death & Awesome Hair
AWESOME ENDING!!! *fangirl squeal*
My first Founder's Celebration. There's a reason I didn't go before
Author's note... maybe
It's on like Donkey Kong <(' )
Stop trying to kill me!!!
Meeting the Arusadawn family and why Klaus?
Klaus, you cheesy bastard!
Double K
What happens here never leaves this room...
Really? I mean... Really?
Amnesia part 1
Part 2 of being amnesiac
Still don't have any memories part 3
Where oh where are my stupid memories (part 4)
I have more than forgetfulness (Last part! #5 i think)
Remembering isn't always a good thing
bad pick up lines
A Pet Hybrid
The moment we have all been waiting for
who wants to get drunk
The feels!!!
Naivety not idiocy!
Brotherly Love
Come at me, bro
Don't Regretti the Spaghetti
Bon Appétit
Have a holly, jolly...oh no

Little Red Riding Hood

15.8K 409 130
Od wings4life

"You know what we should do? We should throw a Halloween party." I said suddenly when Rebekah and I were walking outside the Grill with shopping bags in our hands. She looked at me weird as we headed inside.

"Where on Earth did that come from?" I shrugged.

"It's almost Halloween, I haven't been to a party in ages. 2 plus 2 equals fish."

"Well even if we do want to throw one, I doubt Klaus would allow it without getting anything out of it." I frowned.

"True. So how can we manipulate him into allowing us to throw one?" I put my head in my hands thoughtfully and turned towards Matt as he slowly came to our table.

"Ah Mathew, excellent. I have a question for you." He looked at me cautiously but nodded to show that he was listening. I smiled sweetly at him.

"Well say that I was planning a Halloween party and it was at the mansion where all the Originals hide. How many people would show up that knows and how many that somehow don't know about the supernatural creatures here, will show up?" I asked curiously. He shifted uneasily.


"Because I want to throw a Halloween party and I want to see if trying to convince Klaus to allow me will be worth it." I looked at him with a duh face.

"Now don't be mean." Rebekah admonished. I scrunched up my face at her and looked at Mattie expectantly.

"Well Mattie, will it be worth it or not? Because I really want to have one. It'll be costume mandatory. Whatcha think?" I bounced up and down in excitement. He bit his lip.

"Most of the kids around here will jump at the chance of a party especially if there is an opportunity of alcohol." He said wincing. I smiled brightly.

"Really? Awesome. Oh, can I just have a root beer Mattie please?" I said sweetly. Rebekah rolled her eyes at my choice.

"And I will have a rum and coke. Thanks." She said dismissively. Matt nodded and quickly walked away.

"So people will come if we have a party. That's always reassuring to know. Even if it is just bribing teenagers with booze."

"Bribing teenagers with what now?" A familiar voice said nearby and dropped in the seat next to me. I blinked in surprise and smiled cheerfully at the red head.

"Hi Blaze! Haven't seen you in a while." I greeted. She smiled back at me but her and Rebekah stared at each other narrowly before looking back at me.

"Well maybe you would if you go to the high school here. And don't pretend you never did because I heard the rumors about you." She said accusingly. I stared at her wide eyed before looking back at Rebekah.

"There are rumors about me?" I said slowly in disbelief before laughing.

"Aww, do the people there miss me? Oh and what about Mrs. Chalks?"

"Oh, she's been fired. Ever since your little stunt blew up on the internet." Rebekah shrugged casually, leaning back. I pouted.

"But I liked that teacher." I protested.

"No you didn't. Don't even try to pretend."

"Fine, fine. I'll admit that I thought she was a stuffy old lady who probably owns five cats and a husky."

"Why a husky?"

"Because they are so cute. Why wouldn't you get one?" I grinned cheekily at Blaze. She shrugged.

"To be honest I rather have a fox."

"Well you can dress up like one then. If you don't but show up anyways then you will be kicked out even if I do love your hair." I huffed and leaned back in my seat.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Blaze waved dismissively.

"Don't you yeah-yeah me, young lady!" I scolded. She blinked slowly at me.

"Whatcha going to do about it blondie?"

"I can hire someone to kidnap then kill you in a horrid fashion. I have connections." I said thoughtfully.

"Please. You can't touch this." She gestured to her body. We heard a voice scoff behind us and Rebekah's eyes narrowed a bit more.

"Who would even want to Blaze? You are so ugly." Walter said as he dragged a chair over. Blaze glared at her brother hatefully.

"Well it's not like you're any better. Girls go running from your stupid face."

"Hey, hey, hey. No hating on the product." Rebekah snorted.

"Sorry mate but I have seen prettier faces than yours before."

"That's impossible. No one can look better than this body, baby." He said proudly. I groaned and hit my head on the table.

"God, he's as bad as Kol!" I said in horror. Rebekah sighed and nodded, agreeing with me.

"Let's agree to never let them meet. I don't know if it will end in bloodbath or they would become best friends. Either way, it will not end well for anyone involved." She said slowly. I nodded in agreement as Matt came back with our drinks.

"Oh thanks Matt!" I grinned as he sat our drinks down. He nodded and stood awkwardly for a few moments

"Umm about this party idea. A couple girls overheard about it and now I am being forced to ask when it's going to happen and if it's going to be an invite only or if everyone is invited. And if it is everyone is invited, where is it taking place?" He said in monotone, looking at a napkin though he was faintly pink.

"Wait, there is going to be a party? I love parties! Can I come to the party?" Walter said in excitement with wide eyes and everything. Rebekah and I exchanged looks and shrugged.

"You, hush for a moment while I talk to Messenger Boy." I pointed to Walter who pouted.

"It's a Halloween party so I'm pretty sure it's going to be on Halloween." I started with a duh voice. "It is an everyone come but only if they are dressed in costumes. And it's at the Mikaelson manor no matter what grumpy ol' Klaus says. That answers it all I think. Tell the eavesdroppers to spread the word like the Chatty Cathy's they are." Matt nodded and walked off, rubbing his neck as he went. Now I turned to Walter.

"Yes you can come but only if you.dress up. Your lovely sister is going to be a fox whether she wants to or not." I said with a grin and took a long sip of my yummy drink. He grinned widely and gave me N high five.

"Awesome!!! Just make sure it actually happens and I will love you forever."

"But I don't want your love, I just want your eternal servitude and worship." I frowned. He stared at me weirdly for a few moments before laughing. I raised an eyebrow and took another sip as Bekah smirked.

"Right, well we have to go now. Mum wants us to actually clean and judging by the text she sent me, she means business. C'mon Walter. Let's leave them to plot." Blaze sighed and started to drag hin out.

"Call me!" He shouted towards us, making the phone sign with his hands as his sister yanked him out the door. I bit my lip to hold my laughter as Rebekah smirked at me again.

"Well that was... interesting to say at least." I nodded and laughed a bit.

"Well now that we have to throw this party, what are you going to dress up as?" She looked thoughtful as she played with the straw in her glass.

"I don't know. Maybe a flapper. I did so love the 20's." (I am going to be one this year! I got the dress already and it looks amazing!) She said and tilted her head.

"I don't know yet. What are you doing?"

"Well I was thinking Red Riding Hood." She stared at me.

"Really? You are really going to do that?" She said in disbelief. I shrugged.

"Why not? We already have the wolves!" I grinned mischievously.

"You are a glutton for punishment Tara." She sighed.

"And I already know what Kol is going to do!"

"Uh huh. What is it?"

"Himself!" She tilted her head in confusion.

"Think about it. I doubt he will actually dress up for my amusement no matter how hard I try so why not take the easiest way out. He can have a drink before the party starts and gets as messy as he'll like and no one will give him another look because it's Halloween man! It's perfect for him!" I said proudly. She nodded slowly.

"I can see the logic in this one. Congrats Tara. You're not as completely daft as I thought."

"Hey! Bite me." I scowled.

"If you insist." She laughed as she playfully took a snap at my hand.

"Stop it! I'm trying to plan stuff!" I whined. She laughed at me but behaved. Jeez. Someone got some happy juice today.

"What about my other two brothers? I'm not sure Elijah or Klaus would go along with this. Klaus is a definite no."

"Well I'm sure I might be able to convince Elijah. He's the easy one to manipulate. Just say that I want this to get to know the town better and elevate my status to one of you and whatnot. I will have to think about the Klaus issue but if he says no, lets throw the party anyway because he will be outnumbered. We will have this party!" I said cheerfully


"Aww, but why not?" I whined as I followed Klaus around his painting studio.

"Because I will not have drunken teenagers destroying my house." He said simply and picked up a paintbrush, examined it and put it back with a shake of his head.

"C'mon Klaus! I will take full responsibility for anything that gets damaged!"

"I said no once and I am going to keep saying it." He said lightly.

"Well just say yes dammit. I already got some nosy girls to spread the word. And I got Elijah and Kol to agree!"

"You got Elijah to agree?" He said surprised before shaking his head. "It doesn't matter. They weren't the ones who built this place so their opinions doesn't take as much effect as mine when it concerns this house." I growled and perched on a table.

"Please Klaus? I really want to throw this party and you are killing it!"

"Good. Let it die and stay dead." He said flippantly. My jaw dropped.

"Well someone is in a cranky mood. Did someone not get what they want earlier?" I said in a baby voice. He sighed.

"Let's not go there Tara." He warned and drew a paintbrush across the blank canvas. I pouted.

"It's just one party dude. A couple hours for a single night to elevate my status as an Mikaelson is all I'm asking for." He snorted and turned to me.

"Was that the line you fed to my brother?" I smirked impishly.

"And it worked, didn't it? And I'm basically family anyways! Rebekah and sadly Kol as well, consider me to be their sister though I dread the thought of actually being considered related to that stupid lump."

"I heard that!" Kol yelled from somewhere inside the house.

"Good!" I yelled back and went back to puppy dog eye Klaus.

"You're not going to change your mind on this, are you?"


"Good because neither am I. No!"

"Don't be such a buzz kill Klaus. Where is that cheeky fellow from a couple weeks ago? I liked him. He did what I asked without a single word." I sniffed.

"Now you're exaggerating the truth love. I never did whatever you asked me to."

"Yes, you did." I said under my breath sing songily before hopping up.

"What do I have to do to convince you? I would like to have your permission to throw it so I won't have face the consequences if I didn't but honestly I will throw it with or without your permission." I stated bluntly. He sighed heavily and faced me again.

"Will you shut up about the party if I say yes?" He said in frustration. I nodded quickly. He groaned and rubbed his face.

"Fine, whatever. But you owe me something, mostly because you are so damn annoying." He snapped. I laughed happily and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you! I will speak no more about this party to you, I promise!" I chirped and pulled away. "Oh I have to go tell Bekah now! Bye bye Klaus!"I waved and dashed out, calling Bekah as I headed upstairs, not paying no mind to the blue eyes staring at my back as I went.

-----------no idea what to put so skip to the beginning of the party-----------

I finished putting the cloak on and fixed my hair just right before skipping to the basement to the Cullen's, picking my basket up along the way. They didn't look so good. They were all bloody and black eyed and quite frankly, they stank. I wrinkled my nose and went into my basket.

"I got you all some animal blood, don't go through all of them at once. I can only pay Stefan so much to put them in bottles." I said cheerfully and toss all the bottles out of my decorated basket. I stood patiently as they tore the bottles in haste to quench their thirst though I did back up some as some blood flicked on my face. Grossness. Half the bottle supply was gone before they all quit and looked warily at me. I raised in eyebrow and stared at them.

"You done then? No feeling like attacking any humans that might come near?" I asked nonchantly.

"What do you want?" Alice snapped. I grinned widely and bounced on my heels.

"I'll take that as an yes! Well today is Halloween so I thought to celebrate that I should throw a party and since I am feeling so charitable I am letting you guys clean yourselves up and get out."

"What is the catch?" Jasper asked suspiciously. I looked at him in surprise and smiled wider.

"Weeell you might just be the waiters tonight. But if you behave y'all can sleep in actual rooms instead of this dirty basement. But if you try to escape, please remember we have witches and can tell the hybrids to hunt you down whenever. So whatcha say? This is the only offer I am willing to give right now so think about your answer." I said cheerfully. They all stared at each other till Carlisle sighed and stepped forward.

"We... agree with your proposal." He said slowly and stared at the floor. I clapped my hands together in happiness.

"Yay! Oh hybrids!" I called out. Instantly there was 5 hybrids in front of me. My eyebrows rose in surprise.

"Wow. I really wasn't expecting you to show up. Well that's cool. Anyways since you're here, escort these people to my old room. You know the one with tape warnings all over the door? Great, that one and when they finish the shower, bring them these but only after they get clean. They are all gross and icky and I just bought those outfits." I instructed and gave them the clothes from the basket. They nodded and went to grab the Cullen's and Jacob who I just notices was there. I must really work on my observational skills if I ever want to impress Sherlock. Or even Moriarty!! They are both drool worthy to the extreme. I was stuck imagining meeting the both of them as I walked upstairs and bumped into Elijah who, being the gentleman he was, caught me before I could embarrass myself.

"You alright there?" I shook my head to bring me out of my fantasy and smiled brilliantly at him.

"Of course! Sorry about bumping into you, I was daydreaming again." I laughed. He smiled at me.

"You have to watch out for that. One day, there might not be someone to catch you." He said playfully. I shook my head.

"Never! Everybody loves me too much to leave me. Once you meet me, you ain't never leaving."I said cheekily. He shook his head and looked at me.

"Well I must admit your costume came out splendidly." He said, examining me. I twirled around and had to stop before I became to dizzy.

"Didn't it just? It's amazing! Are you dressing up?"

"I'm afraid I have some business to attend to tonight. Apologies." My face fell.

"But who is going to help keep an eye out on the party? I don't want to do it, Rebekah is going to socialize, Kol will be Kol and Klaus is likely to stay locked in his room all night!" I whined. He chuckled and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know but I wish you the best of luck. Now I have to go. Have a good time, I'll see you in the morning." He patted my shoulder and walked off. I crossed my arms and stared at his retreating back.

"You do realize you have the most awful timing, don't you?" All that answered me was his laughter before he walked out the house. Jerk. Now I have to have some responsibility and that is no fun at all! I sighed and went upstairs to Bekah's room.

"Hello Tara." She sighed and went back to fixing her hair. I grinned and made my cape swoosh after me as I walked towards her.

"Elijah is bailing out. Says he has some "business" to take care of." I sighed and put my chin on her shoulder, looking at us in the mirror. She rolled her eyes.

"Typical. To be honest, I doubt he knows how to have fun."

"I think I may have to agree with you there. Poor Elijah." Rebekah snorted and put on her headband.

"He never has any fun. Hardly even when he was a child. Mini adult then and full pain in my arse now." I laughed.

"That's harsh."

"But true." She pursed her lips and examined her self in the mirror before nodding and standing up. I let out a wolf whistle.

"Dang Bekah, you look good." She smirked at my reflection and nodded in my direction.

"I could say the same about you, Red." I laughed and hooked my arm with hers.

"We are two good looking broads." Rebekah rolled her eyes and pulled me out of her room.

"What?! It's true!" I cried as she started to tug me downstairs.

"Where is Kol?"

"Out getting his 'costume' ready." I smirked.

"Is everything set up?"

"Well we got our snack foods ready, Halloween goodies, beer, soda, good music, spooky decorations and outside is set up nicely already. Seriously Bekah, everything is under control. I got the Cullen's plus one stinky mutt going around to serve little snacky foods, hybrids patrolling and a couple to oversee who comes in. I am on top of things!" I grinned proudly and held my hand up for a high five which I awkwardly got back.

"Well it does seem you have thought of everything. I am impressed pet." Klaus said from behind us. I frowned and faced him.

"You sound surprised that I can actually handle responsibilities by myself which is extremely insulting to me. And I am not a pet, wolf boy!" I scolded with my arms crossed together in annoyance. He only smirked at me, the jerk.

"My apologies for upsetting you then." I sniffed and turned my head away from the 'big bad wolf'. Rebekah snickered but looked the other way when I looked at her with a glare. Klaus chuckled bringing my attention back to him.

"So have you decided if you are going to help with the party or are you going to be a downer and stay in your room all night?" He rolled his eyes at me.

"I might come down to get a snack." He said mischievously. I sighed.

"So I have to help keep an eye out. Thanks dude." I frowned in disappointment.

"Oh cheer up. It's not like you have to keep an eye out on everybody at every single moment." Rebekah said in exasperation. I stared at her with my eyebrows drew together.

"Have you ever seen teenagers during a party? Much less in a mansion?! They are all noisy and drunk and some of them will try and take some stuff they think of value and not to mention destructive.-" I ranted before she placed her hand over my mouth.

"Mmph!!" I went cross-eyed trying to see her hand.

"I get the point Tara." She rolled her eyes took her hand away from my mouth and wiped it on my cloak.

"I'm going downstairs to greet the humans. You do your spat up here and try not to bother anyone with it." She shook her head and went downstairs. I looked at her in surprise and annoyance.

"We do not go into spats that often!" I huffed and narrowed my eyes at the annoying blonde's brother. He smirked at me and held his hands behind his back.

"Actually we do argue over the most stupidest things. Though not as much as you and Kol get into it. You like to argue." He said with amusement. My jaw dropped.

"You're just lying to get on my nerves." I decided after a few moments and crossed my arms with a huff. He raised his eyebrows at me.

"You shut up." I scowled.

"Oh such an intelligent comeback you said."

"Must you be so annoying?"

"Of course, love. It's part of my charm." I snorted.

"What charm?" He rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to go now since your annoying party has its first guests. Remember, you're paying for any damages done to the house." He tossed over his shoulder as he walked away. I flipped him the bird and went downstairs to join Bekah.

"Well that was quicker than usual." She smirked. I flicked her forehead in annoyance and turned to the doors as some 'vampires' came in. I raised an eyebrow but smiled politely as they looked around in amazement.

"This is where you live?" One of the girls gasped. I rolled my eyes sightly.

"Obviously. You can go anywhere except upstairs in the basement. We are not responsible for you if anythings happen and if you might disappear. Outside is where all the food is so enjoy and all the other blah blah blah." I listed in a bored tone. They chuckled nervously and hurried towards the backyard with a hybrid leading the way.

"Is it just me or were there costumes a bit tacky?" Rebekah said when they were out of earshot. I laughed and nodded.

"If only they knew." I sighed with a smirk.

"Of only they knew what?" Blaze appeared with her arms crossed. I jumped slightly.

"Jesus woman! Do you always have to do that?" I demanded. She looked at me cooly.

"Yes." She said simply and walked inside.

"Ignore her. She's hates dressing up." Walter smirked and walked in. I laughed and nodded. Blaze seems to have taken my threat seriously and dressed in a cute fox outfit complete with ears, tail, and the face make up. Walter dressed up as Aqua man for some reason and both Rebekah and I had to bite back our laughter at him.

"Sorry about our brother's idiotic costume. He picked ours out as well." Elle griped. She was a pretty fairy with leaves and flowers decorating her hair. I think she might be an early autumn fairy. Either way she was gorgeous for a 14 year old. And... Will I think his name is, was dressed up as... I don't know what. His hair was all blown all over the place and was wearing dark gray clothes with a few cotton balls and leaves stuck to him. I tilted my head and stared at his painted gray and black face.

"What are you supposed to be?" He sighed and glared at his oblivious brother.

"I was forced to dress up but I put up a fight and so I am a tornado or something like that." He grumbled. I did an 'oh' face and nodded.

"Cool, well y'all can head to the backyard for the food and stuff if you want. Just don't go upstairs or in the basement because I am not in the mood for a lawsuit for if you somehow get injured and/or die." I smirked and summoned a hybrid to lead the two boys and the youngest sister. Blaze stayed behind to scrutinize my costume.

"Red riding hood?" I nodded fast.

"I like the hood and cloak thingie! Its fun and makes a swooshie noise when I twirl!" I said cheerfully. She rolled her eyes but gave me a smile. We started chatting as Rebekah went who knows where to mingle, leaving me to man the door. Me and Blaze judged costumes together and we were laughing at someone's horrendous costume when I went silent at the next gang who came through. To be specific it was the Scooby gang. But they were all wearing costumes to boot! I quickly stood in there way with my arms crossed in front of me. Blaze looked on confused.

Damon was dressed like one of the bad boys from Grease, and Stefan was dressed up like Sam to Supernatural much to my joy! I adore Supernatural so his costume made me very, very happy. Caroline was there and dressed up like a grown up version of Alice in Wonderland which looked absolutely stunning on her. Lucky. Matt was standing awkwardly near the back in an old doctor's costume. I smiled sympathetically at him and gave him a wink which got me a handsome smile in return. Bonnie had on a white dress with wings strapped on her back and some golden strands of tinsel in her hair. Jeremy was dressed up like a hunter. Such imagination. But the weapons kinda worried me so I eyed it suspiciously for a few moments. And sadly Elena was also there, wearing a tight devil type costume to go with Bonnie's I guess. She looked like a lady of night in that get up so no difference there.

"What are you doing here? We all know you all despise us folk living here." I demanded. Damon shrugged.

"We can't resist a good party apparently." He sighed and cast a quick look at Elena. I frowned and looked at the harlot.

"And I never said you were invited. In fact, no one wants you here. We all hate you." She glared spitefully at me.

"It said open invitation."

"Yeah but I thought it would be clear that you are not to be here. You might try to kill us again when our backs are turned." I scowled. Stefan sighed and looked at me pleadingly.

"Nothing like that will happen. We will give our word." I stayed stubborn.

"You're not like Elijah. How do I know you won't break it?"

"Trust us. Just this once, trust us."

"Whenever I try to do that lately, I somehow always end up regretting it usually ending up really hurt physically."  I shot back. "So excuse me for wanting just one night of fun at a party that I created."

"Don't be such a snob Tara and just let us in." Elena rolled her eyes. My jaw dropped to the floor and I stared at her in shock.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry, I never met you but god you are a b*tch. This is Tara's house and Tara's party. If she doesn't want you here, then you have no right to be here and if anything you are the snob here." Blaze spoke up and stood next to me, standing tall.

"And who are you?" Bonnie spoke up, looking at my foxy friend suspiciously.

"I'm Blaze Arusadawn, a friend of Tara's unlike some of you." She said snappishly. I laughed a bit at her defensive words and smiled brightly at her. I really like her now. She will be a great asset to me later if she defends me after what? Three meetings? I shook my head to focus and looked at the gang with a finger on my chin.

"But I'm not totally a jerk so I will let some people in. Just so you can't say I'm a jerk. I like Mattie the most so yay for him. Caroline has on the stunning costume so congrats on that. Jeremy can come in but only if he gives me the stakes. They make me worried for the sake of some my guests. Same for Bonnie if she doesn't do her weird thingie just cause someone pisses her off. If you can't handle the consequences than don't do anything that might ruin the party. I worked to damn hard on this." I said firmly. The ones I named looked at each other than at the ones I didn't call out hesitantly. Stefan made a go on motion and they stepped in. I held out my hand and Jeremy reluctantly handed me his weapons. I grinned happily at him and set them in the locked cabinet nearby.

"Come and get me when you're done and I will get them for you, kay?" He nodded slowly.

"Coolio. The party is mostly in the backyard and for safety reasons don't go upstairs or in the basement. Blaze be a dear and lead the way. I have to deal with these three bimbos." She rolled her eyes.

"I expect to be paid be the end of the night." She said saucily and snapped her fingers to get their attention and started to walk with the people following like ducklings. I faced the three dummies with a neutral expression.

"Now why should I let you in. Elena is a defiantly no so you two can do your best to try to convince me to let you in and no bribes are not an option." I droned in a monotone voice. They all stared at me with varying expressions.

"First off, how did you hear about this? I thought you would be out of the local towns gossip." I said when they were out of earshot.

"Matt mentioned it the other day and Elena has been bothering us about going ever since." Damon rolled his eyes. I stared at the doppelganger with annoyance.

"Why? I don't want any boy drama or basically just drama because that's all she is and its super annoying and I hate her and can she go away now?" I ranted and glared at her with contempt. She is just to annoying for words. She glared hatefully at me and clung to Stefan's arm.

"C'mon Tara. Just one time?" Stefan asked quietly. I looked spitefully at him.

"No!!! Something bad will happen if I let you and most likely it will happen to me or something! I just want one good party, just one, with nothing bad happening!" I even stamped my foot after I finished my little tirade. Elena rolled her eyes at the end of it.

"Stop being so dramatic and let me go to my brother." She said simply. I brought myself to my full height.

"Make me." She looked at my former brothers for help and they just stood there awkwardly. She glared at them for their unhelpfullness. I chuckled and looked at her haughtily.

"That's exactly what I thought. You really can't do anything by yourself." I looked at her with pity. It is kinda pitiful how useless she can be whenever it happens. All she can do is be bait to do something.

"Oh shut it!"

"Oh that really makes me to let you come in."

"Elena just drop it so we can go. This is getting boring." Damon sighed. I stuck out my tongue at him.

"No! Jeremy and Matt are inside with all the Mikaelson's are. We can't let them stay there! What if something happens?"

"Don't you have like a cellphone? Couldn't you just text? Or how about you trust them enough to get themselves out if something does happen which it won't because everyone is on super good behavior or else they will have to suffer my wrath. Plus Elijah is gone and Klaus is like locked up in his room because he hates loud teenagers apparently so not all the Mikaelson's are out here." I said innocently. Elena growled as much as a human can do and try to stalk past me but I grasped her wrist tightly.

"And what do you think your doing?"

"Let go of me!"

"Gladly." I smiled politely and pushed her back towards the Salvatore's.

"Let me tell you this. This is my domain here. You have absolutely no say in anything here. You are the furthest thing from important and no one cares about your problems that happen just because of you. What I say goes and I say that no one likes you being here."

"How dare you-"

"I dare very much so. Damon, Stefan, you can come in or whatever but if I find her out there then you better not show any of your faces to me there. Elena, you can rot in hell now. Buh bye!" I gave a cheeky smile and turned away. (I just realized how hateful I'm sounding towards Elena... oops???)  They started to discuss things very loudly and finally I heard the door slam loudly. I shrugged and carried on.

"Tara, wait up!" Damon called behind me. My eyes widened and I whirled around to face him.

"What are you doing? Why aren't you with your precious doppelganger?" I demanded. He raised his eyebrows.

"I can't go without Elena to have fun now?"

"Not really, no." I said bluntly. He smiled sarcastically and put his arm around my shoulders. I looked at him weirdly but mentally shrugged it off as we entered chaos. There was dancing, drinking and general loudness. Damon looked around amused as a couple zombies walked into the house in their drunken stupor.

"Looks like you actually did a good job on this. Kudos to you kid."

"I'm not a kid! I'm a legal adult in the eyes of the government now!" I snapped playfully. He bumped his hip in mine and went back to looking and did a double take at my choice of waiter.

"Isn't that?" He trailed off as I nodded vigorously.

"Yep! Don't they look adorable in their little costumes?" I said in a baby voice. Bella, Renesmee and Jacob all glared at me hatefully and seemed to be planning out my death slowly in their heads. I smirked at them and tossed my hair back. Damon shook his head.

"I thought they were gone or dead. Where have they been?" I smirked.

"In the basement surrounded by blood they could never drink." He stared at me as I looked calmly at him. Finally he just shook his head again, but this time in defeat.

"The Originals really have changed you." He murmured. I raised an eyebrow.

"I think you'll find out that I was always this way. I just didn't have many chances to show my sadisticness. Is that even a word?" I trailed off thinking.

"It's not." I shrugged.

"Oh well. Well enjoy the party and whatnot. Do not pick any fights or I will break your neck, multiple times. Have a nice time now sweetums." I pinched his cheeks and laughed as he smacked my hands off. I traveled over to Blaze who was overseeing everything with a red plastic cup in her hand.

"Looks like this party is a huge hit." I smiled proudly as I swiped her cup for a drink.

"Isn't it just? Everyone should know my name by now. I'll be infamous!" I cheered and took another sip before she took it back.

"More than you already are you mean. There are still rumors going strong in school about you." I smiled brightly at that and nodded.

"Why aren't you mingling?"

"I don't like people that much." She shrugged and looked over at Kol who had a ton of girls surrounding him. Oh god, his ego must be puffing up by now. This is going to be a tough job, deflating his ego all over again. Greeeat.

"Well you should at least take a little bit after your sister. She's having fun! Or be a bit like Aqua man!... I never thought I would ever say that in my life." She laughed and nodded.

"You'll find yourself saying a lot of things you never thought you say when you are around us. We are a bit weird."

"Oh you haven't seen anything yet chica. Just wait and you'll see." I winked at her and went back to the party. It was a bit of a blur kinda, being a busy bee. I danced a lot, drank even more and I think I might've kissed someone but I don't remember who just yet. Just a vague... nope it's just a blob thing. I stumbled into the woods nearby when the noise all got to me. I started to have such a pounding headache. I groaned and as soon as I was far away enough so that the music was just a background noise, I sat down in between the uprooted roots of a tree. I don't know whats going on because usually I need way more than this to feel this horrible. I moaned and put my head between my knees. Oh, I hate my life right now. And the fact that someone stepped on such a loud stick didn't help as much. I blearily blinked up and saw a blurry figure holding a syringe thing, walking towards me. Of course. I inwardly sighed and opened my mouth to scream as the lunged forward.


I blinked slowly as I came to and didn't recognize where I was. I let out a whimper at the pain in my head but I tried to ignore it as I clung to the tree in an attempt to stand. It didn't work and I fell to the ground, face first.

"Tara! Where are you, you dumb blonde?" I heard someone call out. I ignored it and try to stand again but fell down again. I whined and brought my hand to my head. When I pulled away, I saw my hand dark with blood. What happened to me???

"If I find out your family did something to Tara, it'll be the last thing you'll ever do."

"Please, like we would ever hurt her."

"I knew there wasn't something right with you. Ever since meeting your parents at the mall. What was the remark about your father knowing me about?" A British accent demanded.

"Is that really important right now? Tara is missing again and you are all having spats?" I shook my head in confusion and tried again to walk. I actually managed keep my balance this time. I grinned in victory but it slipped into a grimace as the noise returned full blast and I let out a cry of pain. I immediately shut it as I heard the arguments turn silent. The people started to call this Tara chick again and I started towards the voices again but fell down after like ten steps. I landed hard again and hurt my wrist on the way down. It hurt so bad that I let out a tiny scream as it bent. Suddenly there was a large group of people around me. I whimpered in fright as they appeared out of nowhere and curled into myself. I looked around confused and clung my knees closer to my chest as the group of strangers looked at me in astonishment.

"Tara, are you okay? What happened?" A dark haired guy demanded. I winced a bit and looked up at a tall guy with curly-ish blond hair.

"Who are all of you? Can someone please tell me where I am? I think I need help." I whimpered and tugged my red cloak closer to myself as everyone stopped looking at a group of siblings that were wearing such weird costumes distrustfully and looked at me with wide eyes.


Thanks for the birthday wishes! Mine was fun. Since me and my little cousin has the same bday, my uncle, her dad, took us and the other fam to the beach and aquarium and it was fun. Especially when my brother got beat up by the waves though admittedly I also got knocked down a couple times. We had our party the next weekend and ohmigawd my cake was absolutely perf!! My grandma took a screen print of both Kol and Klaus and their faces were so adorable and it was red velvet with cream cheese frosting, I almost didn't want to cut it for a minute because gah it was sooo I can't describe the joy i felt when i looked at it :). What I got for presents is as followed- a mini TARDIS that has the little light on top working, first season of the New Who, Doctor Who character book, Doctor Who bookmarks, Doctor Who socks; one pair has weeping angels and the other the TARDIS, a cool dragon incense thingie, a real rotary phone and 5 dollars which I already lost. Oops. So yeah, lots of Doctor Who things :) I am on the other side of true country than I'm usually am! Good ol Washington (the state not the capital for my fellow Americans)

                             WARNING A RANT OR 2 AHEAD

Well later on now, most of the trailer park I was staying in got crushed by trees. We are okay but my friend Sylvia's house is gone. And since we have no power and no water we have to stay at the high school/red cross thing! Sleeping at a school with those uncomfortably loud cots! I don't want to sound ungrateful because I am grateful, I'm just a bit frazzled that's all. Oh and guess what, my grandma's place got looted. Three laptops and all our meds are bye bye. Even my thyroid medicine! What is up with that?!? Sorry I ranted but god I had to get it off my chest. So annoyed. The only reason my laptop is safe was because I hid it under a couple pillows and blankets on the couch. I guess it pays to be a tiny bit paranoid. :/

Later: Is it shameful if I tell you that I was scared earlier today? It's the second and earlier I was crying like a babe in the backspace in my grandma's van. Me, my gma and her daughter just got done swimming and were on our way back to the house when some lightning flashed. No big deal, I like lightning. Then we were at the stop when the wind blew all heavy. Dust was everywhere and the van was rocking a bit. Tiny bit more scared now. We finally found a gap big enough to pull in and the dust was still blowing. On our way down the freeway when a huge tree fell down in front of us and took a power line down with it. So there went my calm and I started to freak out. Finally got to the trailer park and everyone is evacuating but we had to go and get Michael and Ollie and everyone is panicking and all I wanted to do is go home in NC. Everyone is fine, some more trees fell and a few more trailers are hit but everyone is okay. That is all that matters. This isn't my favorite summer to put in words. Though I did get a few cute shirts including my very own 'I hate Monday shirt' ! Yay!

Tara- And where is mine??

me- oh hush your face, i give you amazing clothes that i can only dream of owning

Tara- oh yeah. Maybe I could remember better if only someone didn't give me amnesia!!

me-*shrugs* Tbh I was already thinking of making you amnesic (is that a proper word?) or insane. Be lucky I chose this one.

Tara- be lucky?!? But you cause my life misery wherever you go, writing on that stupid cracked phone!

me- Don't diss my phone!!! i love it very much!! And I can't help it if I enjoy causing misery on you, it's amusing to me.

Tara- you're as sadistic as Klaus

me- Please. No one can be as sadistic as that drama queen. Except maybe Kol... and possibly Rebekah... or Steven Moffat.

Tara- *rolls eyes* Well at least you have to go to school now and I don't! Maybe it'll give me a break from all your meanie crap

me- *groans and flops on bed*

(look at the video to the side if you want some doctor who feels :) )


okay totally not related but extremely important! I want someone to give it to me straight please. Is there any chance at all, even the slightest one!, of world peace? Because what all is going on in Fergusen and Gaza and the Russia and Ukraine thing, I am seeing no end in this violence and honestly it does scare me a bit. I just want to know if there is a chance that all this blows over like super quick and everyone can live a good life without worrying if it can change at any moment. Please? Anyone??? Sorry if this sound depressing but right now it's kinda at the bottom of my list to make things sound better, I just want someone to be honest with ne even though we never met before in real life. Sorry.


1) i am writing this last bit in a wrist brace all bcuz i accidental hit my cousin/aunt person in the shin with my wrist. She is all bone if it still hurts a week later.

2) whenever i try to deny i'm British because kids been calling me that because of my voice since like middle school (bcuz i am not!.. though it would be nice) my accent comes out stronger to mock me

3) i adore toys even though i am at the age when adults tell me to grow up. I am like Peter Pan. I SHALL NEVER GROW UP!!! :)

4) When i was little i was jumping on my bed and hit my head and my mom took me to the doctor's and the doctor said, no more monkeys jumping on the bed -_- it's a bit funny now cuz of how similar it is to the monkey rhyme :)

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