Love Imperfections

By Mthale99

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Tahiry Robinson 20 , a stripper at night but a college student during the day . Her boyfriend cheats and he's... More



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By Mthale99

Two Woman , One Man

I headed over to met with Q for the club I was about to open . Its crazy how a drug dealer can become a business man in a matter of time Pure has been a success all over many states, but I want to expand
more and more and why not start with my home town .

I pulled up and went in and seen Q and the club banding president .
" wassup bro and guess who I brought in town"

Wassup  and who ?

Hey Giovanni!!!!

Diavian.? Wassup I ain't seen you in years how you been ?

I've been okay ....

Well let's go in a talk about business

what made you wanna become club brander ? "I've always love the club atmosphere so throwing the hugest parties and making a big expand and turn-up and on top of that getting to this money and doing my job is a win-win situation . So if you ready to make me and you rich were good to go then if not you wasting my time  .

Alright you talking my language, aye I fuck with it D ,

welcome to my business family baby it's all love and green this way and it's different you never see females running clubs so let's get shit started .

" Aye herb bag that shit up for me cuz "

Ight I gotchu you bro

" Oh wassup !"

"shut up don't say shit to me"

"hold up Anthony you better check this broad"

" and what the fuck goin happen"

Aye Aye ayeee Nikki clam yo ass down forreal you need to chill , and why you here though.

" because I miss you and I been calling you and you haven't been answering"

because I've been busy Nikki, stop coming here starring shit man now you know I gotta make some money , you love me right ,
"of course"

Ight now go home and daddy will be there later so keep it right and tight for me okay .

" okay "

gimme kiss and get up outta here she gave me a kiss and left the trap.

" that bitch is annoying why is you dealing with her man ," that my business and for you not to found out

" found out what ?"

" hey Tahiry", said herb and Hakeem

"hey guys"she said in a laughing voice .

Hey baby what y'all talking about?"

Nothing baby come with me

we went in another room  so I can see why she here .

Tahiry wassup what you doing here , I thought I told you never to come here it's dangerous tahiry .

" I know Anthony but I've been calling you and calling you and your not answering my phone calls and I'm just making sure you're okay ."

I understand baby, but I'm okay just remember what I'm doing I'm doing it for us

"you love me Anthony"

Always & Forever shorty  , baby I'll see you later ok


I gave Tahiry a kiss on her forehead and she left .

I went back down stairs to see what herb and keem was doing. Aye i see y'all finally did that for me .

" so Anthony you gotta fill me in bro wassup with Nikki, I thought that was dead"

keem it was bro but being that Tahiry ain't having sex with me being that she a virgin it's real slow so I been fucking Nikki .

"Aye I ain't trying to here that dumb shit bro y'all can talk about that shit another day"

shut the fuck up  herb and go home or something

" Ight say nomore"

"Bro two women ?"

I thought those days was over and Tahiry a virgin !!! With all that ass" . Chill!!!! "

"I'm just saying bro but Nikki thick too but Tahiry though!!!"

I know Hakeem you ain't seen nothing the whole family thick but to be real with you she want give it up for nothing she'll let me do anything but fuck her

" sad case homie"

I love Nikki but I'm in love with Tahiry and I know if I tell her i walked out of our relationship , and cheated with my ex-girlfriend she'll never forgive me and I wouldn't either .

"Anthony you know Imma always keep it a hunnid with you and this goin be a hard pill to swallow but you gotta choose . Because this game you playing goin get you caught up .

" Yeah i know"

.... Aye keem I'll be back later so  hold it down .

Hearing Hakeem tell me all that it got me really thinking . I walked to my car and went over to Nikki to tell her we were done .

"Ms. Robinson..."

hey Ms. Santana! How are you ?

" I'm fine Tahiry how are you"?

I'm good thanks for asking

Tahiry you get your degree in a few weeks are you excited" yes Ms. Santana I'm so excited I just can't wait .

"Class it's bittersweet in a few weeks you guys will be getting your bachelors degree and it seem like it going so fast , ladies and gentlemen you step in this school and I'll I seen was pure talent. you guys can do so much with what you have so take this with you forever if you have a talent use  it because it doesn't come often . Have a wonderful day class"

"Tahiry "!

Wassup !!!

"we haven't been out in a minute and it's the grand opening for Giovanni new club in a couple of weeks you wanna go".

Of course I wanna go and who the fuck is Giovanni?

" oh girl he a big time drug dealer he a hoe to but he change his life after going to jail and got in to the club business and he's very respected in Detroit"

Oh cool we'll girl I'll talk to you later cause I'm finna go home and see what my man into . After leaving school I went straight home to see if ant was there because I haven't seen him in days and I miss him . Once I got home I seen his car and got so happy , I went to get on the elevator to go to the penthouse and I got up there and went in the house and notice Anthony wasn't here and next I know I getting a text from him

Anthony ❤️🤞🏽: baby I'm sorry I haven't been home and haven't been paying you any attention but I love you and me and the boys had to move some weight in New York so I'll be back in a few days

A Week Later..,
Anthony is really starting to piss my life off he's never home and then once to apologize for putting drugs before me. I had nothing to do so I just cooked and cleaned and hoped in the shower . Once i got done out the shower I got out dried off and went in the room , and Anthony came behind me scaring me to death .
" did you miss me mamas" ?


"Aye wassup with you Tahiry, what I do ?

Anthony you haven't been here in seven days and I'm supposed to be okay with that ?

" I'm not saying that , I'm sorry baby can I get a kiss ?"

No ! .

" you know you want to "

he pulled me closer to him and picked my chin up and kissed me ,tah I love you you know that right ?

Yeah I know.

Anthony have you ever cheated on me while we were together since I forgiven you  ?

"Nah why you ask"

nothing it was just something that came up in my mind

don't take it personal!

" I wont"!

Well Anthony I'm going to bed . He put his head up to give me a kiss and smacked my ass

ant really!

shut up you know you like that shit .

Aye Tahiry thanks for coming to the cemetery with me I really appreciated that forreal  and I love you for that ."

You welcome babe I love you too .

"I can never sit down and tell Tahiry that I'm cheating on her it will hurt me and her I need to let Nikki know I'm done man for things get worse I think since Tahiry sleep I might as well go see what shorty doing . I went in the bedroom and Tahiry was sound of sleep I went over to the closet and grab my jacket , and grab some shoes and went back in the living room . I put my jacket and shoes on and grab my keys and left out the door ."

"I got in the car and I at least got to her house in twenty minutes. When I got there I pulled up in the driveway and got out the car and knocked on the door, a few seconds later she open the door and it looks like she been crying

"what's wrong with you ? "

"I was just finna call you come in I need to tell you something,"

good because we need to talk anyway.

Listen Nikki I haven't been honest with you lately and it's about time I'll keep it real with you , I have a girlfriend! and that's not fair to her and this can't continue to go on .

"So this whole time you've been in a relationship and fucking me!

"Who is she" ?

That don't..

"who is she" her name is Tahiry.


Yeah why does it matter Nikki

"just making sure but you just want me to just forget everything we gain again because your in a relationship no because I'm not Anthony!!! ."

Nikki I'm not telling you that but this can't and it ain't goin continue why are you crying?

" Anthony I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do"

Nikki ain't nothing I can do about that

"you was man enough to lay down with me you can't be man enough to own up to your responsibilities ?"

. Aye I'll catch up with you later man ,

" Anthony"!

Nikki what the fuck I say . I gotta go I'll see you later. 

Leaving nikki house all i see is Tahiry and how I'm going to tell her this.

I'm at point where I'm shaking and I pulled over and just started thinking and I rolled up a L and face it because I can't believe this shit man i don't know what to do and right now I can't be around Tahiry . I headed over to the trap because I got a lot of bops coming in so I might as well stay there for the night . I walked in the trap and seen keem playing pool with some hoe .

" wassup ant "

wassup bro aye who this  ?

" oh hi I'm India Hakeem tells me your looking for some money and she trying to get on to keep clientele going because your moving all these weight and you can't keep up with the clients .

" Yeah kinda but right I ain't in the mood so Hakeem if you feel she right then cool .

"Wassup with your boy "?

I don't know let me go check on him .
" Aye wassup ant "

wassup what you want soft or hard homie

"soft ...... & a 40"

Ight here go man , you be safe out there ! .

"Ant wassup with you bro "

it's  a lot going on bro .

Come on bro we boys tell me wassup" ?

Nikki pregnant ..

" bro you play to damn much ..!!"

Nah Hakeem I'm serious and she took five pregnancy test and they all came back pregnant . 

"Damn bro how you goin tell Tahiry ? "

I don't even know how ... but bro I'm going home because I gotta graduation to go to in the morning.

Brielle Graduation Day..
I can't believe today my baby sister graduation from high school .. my baby grew up so quick but I'm so excited to see her start go on the next chapter in her life .

" you ready Tahiry "

Yeah I'm ready let's go .

We got in the car and went to the building the graduation was being held at . Once we arrived we got out the car and Anthony grab my hand and we walk in the building and I called my sister Naomi to see where she was at ?

" hello" ?

Where you at Nao ?

"We all in the auditorium we got y'all a seat"

okay we walking in there now.

We sat down beside my sisters and they graduates was beginning to come down the middle and we seen my sister and we all started crying. Once they were done we had to sit down

Good morning friends and family and graduates today and you guys gain memories and start the next journey and chapter of your life . Class of 2017 I've been with you guys since your we're young kids all the way to young adults, and I'll be the first to say congratulations. I want you guys to take this with you Life is Life as long as make it . Congratulations students and I wish you the best with everything.

You okay ?

" Yeah I'm good"

hey baby you know I'm proud of you Brielle ? "

I know what you get me sis !! "

" I got you a little something something from golden sun .

" oh my god a Rolex no you didn't Tah thank you"

" and here's 15 bands I ain't have time to get you a present"

Thanks ant !!!

" nah you deserve that shit sis congratulations forreal!" said Anthony

"Momma I'm going outta town with my friends is that okay

" Yeah baby !

Just be careful okay do you need money ? "

" no I'm okay love y'all "

Mom your daughter is growing up !

"I see y'all on good terms . Anthony how are you ?"

I'm good Mrs. Robinson and you ?

"I'm fine I could be better but I'm fine .

" What y'all talking about?

"Nothing major!right Anthony"

" yeah.. right" .

well mommy can I steal him for a minute?

"yeah go ahead"

bae  you okay you haven't physically had notoneconversation with me is something wrong ?

" No baby I'm just not in the mood that's all I'm sorry ."

You ready to go home ?

"that's up to you baby . "

Yeah bae let's go imma tell my mom we finna go.

Aye ma we finna go! .

"why right now ?"

Yeah I gotta go to sleep my last exam is in the morning I gotta go.

"Okay you guys get home safe bye Anthony!"

Bye Mrs.Robinson .

Anthony are you okay

" Tahiry quit asking me am I okay because you pissing me off !!!"

Anthony I'm just making sure you are ok !

" do me a favor shutup and just quit talking to me G"

alright you got it .

Listen I'm sorry for screaming at you like that . " don't worry about it I'm going to go to sleep .

Nikki : are you ready to talk ?
Ant🤤😍: .....yeah I'll come over in the morning.

I been dodging Nikki for weeks and I think it's time we talk and put things on the table, and how we want to handle things . I went in the room and was surprise that Tahiry wasn't sleep I went and got in the bed and laid with Tahiry and she put her head on my chest . I love you tah ...

I love you to babe .

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