Our Story -- A Donnie X Reade...

By -Pyro_Mania-

42.9K 1K 633

You were a girl with a secret, a secret that you swore to keep in fear of being hunted down or rejected. You... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Cosplay confessions - One Shot
๐Ÿ‘ป๐ŸŽƒHalloween special ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿฌ
Chapter 16
Christmas and New Years special
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
(A/n) - New Title Page?
Chapter 22
Long Live Stan Lee
Chapter 23
Character Info
Chapter 24

Chapter 21

769 23 12
By -Pyro_Mania-

Chapter 21: say that again? The turtles get kidnapped

[Your POV]

My eyes fluttered open as I saw I was laying in my bed, slowly sitting up, I looked around. Confused as to how I could've been in the middle of a sewer tunnel one minute, then laying in my bed the next.

I swung my legs to the side and stood up, walking over to my bedroom door, exiting my room and into the living room. I was almost immediately tackled to the ground by a excited, happy Mikey, who had his arms wrapped around my neck with tears of joy rushing our of his eyes dramatically.

"(Y/n)!!!! I'm so glad that your not dead!!" He cried out rather dramatically.

I chuckled as I pat his head "glad to see I'm not dead either Mikey"

A familiar voice rang out as footsteps were coming towards me "get off her Mikey before you end up strangling her to death."

Looking up and past Mikey's shoulder, seeing Raph with his arms crossed, I smirked and Mikey got up, allowing me to get myself up and brush off the dust off myself.

I absentmindedly did a head count and realised that Donnie was missing from the group, raising an eyebrow, I queried "where's Donnie?"

"In the lab, doing his weird nerdy stuff again" Raph responded, pointing a thumb behind him at the door to the lab. I nodded a thank you before excusing myself.

Arriving at the lab door, I knocked on the door, I heard someone call out from inside and I let myself in. Sitting in his usual desk chair, sat the purple masked ninja turtle I had gotten to know and love.

He was inserting a needle into his neck, the placement of the needle being on a small red bump smack bang in the middle of the back of his neck.

'That's odd, when did that red bump appear on his neck?' She thought.

I shrugged off thought - deciding not to question him about it - before smiling.

"would you like me to get you anything else?" I queried "like, did you want me to grab anothrr cotton bud or a certain ointment?"

He simply shook his head with a smile "I'm alright thanks, could you get me a water though?"

Nodded with a smile, I turned and left the lab, grabbing a glass of water when she got into the kitchen, before returning towards the lab. A loud thud could be heard from the lab, causing my eyes to widen and running to make sure everything was ok.

With a quick sudden skid into the lab, I saw Donnie mumbling curses to himself under his breath as he picked up what to see a collapsed pile of books sprawled all over the floor.

Quick dashing to his side, I put the glass of water on the table, kneeling next to him and helping him pick up his book. He smiled gratefully - whilst showing off a smile to signify a thank you - and stood up with a small pile of his books in his arms.

I myself stood up as well, smiley brightly with my own armful of books. We both set them onto the table, Donnie resting his hands onto his hips.

He turned to me before saying "how'd you sleep? Oh and don't worry 'bout explaining what happened yesterday, Splinter and the guys filled me in on what happened... I'm so sorry that I hurt you all..." he apologised, rubbing the back of his neck whilst looking at his feet.

I smiled gently, before walking closer to him and hugging him "its ok... You weren't in control of your actions at the time..."

He smiled and returned the hug, before letting go and looking into my eyes, before speaking up "um... (y/n)? C-can I tell you something..? It's really important..."

Tilting my head curiously - his question having pequed my interest - whilst nodding to show him I gave him the go ahead with his question.

Fiddling with his hands, it took him a minute or two before answering, a red blush dusting across his face "w-well... I-I... I-I just wanted to tell you... That... Well.... Um..."

I continued to listen intently, curious as to what he wanted to ask, thinking 'poor guy, hes acting like a nervous wreck... I hope it's nothing serious or nothing bad had happened..'

Shutting his eyes tightly, his hands clenching into a fist as his arms rested by his side "I-I like you!!!" he blurted "I-I've liked you for quite a while now!! A-and I really hope you feel the same...!"

As if my brain was a computer that just experienced a system error, I froze in place, eyes wide with shock.

The voice piped up with a smug tone 'ooooh! Sounds like someone has a crush on little ol' (y/n)!'

Ignoring the voices taunt, I shook my head a little, shaking off my frozen like state - my brain having fully processed was he just said - with a bright red blush present on my face.

I struggled to come out with what I wanted to say, my words only coming out in strained sounds, sighing with annoyance from my inability to speak properly, I stepped forward and placed my lips onto his.

His eyes widened with shock, both our faces flushing with red blushes, before slowly returning the sudden gesture. We sat there in a comfortable silence, before parting for oxygen.

We looked up and smiled at each other, before I broke the silence "d-does that answer your question?"

A bright smile appeared on his face and he nodded quickly. Suddenly, a bunch of Kraang bots come out of nowhere, storming into the lab, before throwing a small grenade onto the ground. Smoke spurted out of the grenade and filled the room, I coughed and breathed in the smoke by accident.

The room started to grow dark and began to feel light headed. Collapsing onto the room, I was met with unconsciousness with open arms.


Snapping my eyes open, I got straight up into a defensive stance, yet I was met with an empty lab. I pondered to myself for a moment, before running out of the lab, but instead of being met with a clean hideout, I was faced with a messy room, furniture being thrown onto the floor with the occasional object being broken and lying on the floor too.

I quickly checked the lair, but not seeing anyone in sight, I checked the dojo last and saw Splinter weakly struggling to stand up as he used his green cane for support.

My eyes widened as I rushed over to him "Splinter! And in the hell happened here?!" I queried.

He looked up "the Kraang... Invaded the lair and kidnapped the boys..." he responded, wheezing in pain.

I went to his side and gently put his arm around my shoulder - putting my own arm around his shoulders - before guiding him towards his bed, laying him down to rest.

"stay here and rest Master Splinter.. I will bring your sons back.."

"No! It is too dangerous!" he cried as he coughed in pain after suddenly sitting up and straining his sore body.

I gently laid him back down with sad eyes "I know it's dangerous... I've dealt with them before... I know how to take them down..."

He hesitantly agreed, having to force himself to believe it'll be ok, having never seen me fight the Kraang. I smiled before walking over to the weapons rack, grabbing my (f/c) mask, tying the straps together, before equipping myself with weapons.

Quickly sprinting out of the lair and trough the sewers, my legs taking me as fast as they could, sewer water splashing up from being stomped on by my quickly stepped feet. Lifting the man hole cover, I emerged from the underground sewers, before putting it back over the hole.

Climbing up the fire escapes with quiet and light steps, jumping onto the roof, pulling out my spy glass and scanning the area.

Spotting a black van with Kraang bots flourishing out of it, whilst dragging four masked turtles behind them "there you are." I whispered lowly, closing up my spy glass and putting it away.

Running to the edge of the rooftop, I pushed my foot off the edge and taking a leap of faith off the roof, the wind howled past my body, I spread my arms whilst kept my legs together and straight.

I quickly sped towards the ground, adrenaline made my heart and senses spike up. My brain thinking I'm plummeting to my death, when in actual fact, I'm plummeting down towards a pile of leaves. The leaves crunched quietly from the impact of my weight.

I poked my head through the leaves, seeing no one had heard the sound of crushed leaves. Sneaking out of the pile of leaves, I took down a few Kraang members, my eyes burning white.

I snup up behind a few Kraang members, taking them out every time I snuck behind each and every one of them. Once the coast was clear, I made my way inside, climbing and swinging structures inside the building as I followed them

They won't take the turtles. Not now, not ever. I won't let the Kraang rat them out to Shredder, that's the last thing I'd ever do.

To be continued ....

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