The assassin called Cedmi. [U...

By story-lover1423

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A Chaos story. His friends and family, including the gods all betrayed him for his own 'half-brother'. All of... More

CHAPTER 1 ~ the betrayal.
Chapter 2 ~ the escape from the once so called home planet.
Chapter 3 ~ the saddened and frustrated gods.
Chapter 4 ~ the good hearted assassin.
Chapter 5 ~ the army commanders.
Chapter 6 ~ the loving brothers.
Chapter 7 ~ the information.
Chapter 8 ~ the blue-eyed girl.
Chapter 9 ~ the kill of that jerk.
Chapter 10 ~ the smart trick.
Chapter 11 ~ the difficult decision.
Chapter 12 ~ the beginning of a new life.
Chapter 13 ~ the chase through the woods.
Chapter 14 ~ the past memories.
Chapter 15 ~ the bad news.
Chapter 16 ~ the new identities.
Chapter 17 ~ the meeting.
Chapter 18 ~ the return to camp.
Chapter 19 ~ the first story.
Chapter 20 ~ the daughter of Zeus.
Chapter 21 ~ the very powerful guest.
Chapter 22 ~ the spared mysterious girl.
Chapter 23 ~ the Kronos guy.
Chapter 24 ~ the siblings are reunited.
Chapter 25 ~ the shouting match.
Chapter 26 ~ the trip to the past.
Chapter 27 ~ the confession of love.
Chapter 28 ~ the many differences between them all.
Chapter 29 ~ the unusual request.
Chapter 30 ~ the introductions.
Chapter 31 ~ the weird behaviour between the creator and his second commander.
Chapter 32 ~ the little talk with the fates.
Chapter 33 ~ the secret that has to stay hidden.
Chapter 34 ~ the cousins that are hiding in the woods.
Chapter 35 ~ the sea and its god.
Chapter 36 ~ the kidnapping story.
Chapter 37 ~ the huge disagreement.
Chapter 38 ~ the three stupid Titans.
Chapter 39 ~ the meeting in bunker nine.
Chapter 40 ~ the daughter of Aphrodite meets her so called dead half-sister.
Chapter 41 ~ the war meeting in the rec room.
Chapter 42 ~ the talk about a certain choice.
Chapter 43 ~ the massive prank.
Chapter 45 ~ the 'party' on Olympus.
Announcement: Sequal!

Chapter 44 ~ the sector warriors arrive.

20.8K 314 358
By story-lover1423

{....Camp Half-Blood....} ~ 6 days later...

I had been quite a quiet week actually. There were more meetings about the war at the Big House and more often, though.

Also now for the past almost week the commanders have been training the campers. Mostly over the ages of 15, but some 14-year-olds joined too.

The campers were all put into different groups for the training depending on who their godly parent was.

There were nine different groups for nine different commanders. They all taught them how to use their powers (if they had any) from their godly parents.

Along with all of that, Chaos and Percy have been secretly thinking of a way of telling the other commanders about the fact that the Void commanders had basically joined the Chaos army not so long ago.

Yep, you heard the right. They are officially (kind of - right after all the commanders know) part of the Chaos army.

It was about three days ago or so, when the Void commanders had asked to meet up again with Percy, but this time they asked more secretly.

Both Chaos and Percy went as they were the only ones who knew about this request and after a couple of hours and very long conversations, the Void commanders were part of the army.

Of course Chaos being Chaos told Percy that it was his responsibility to tell the other commanders about this, but Percy knew that he was just too lazy to do it himself.

And also because Chaos probably couldn't be bothered being bombarded by questions by the other commanders.

Percy swore Chaos was like a literal child sometimes.

The one thing that hasn't come up that much among the commanders was the talk about how Chaos will eventually venture into the forgotten universe in hope of finding the Void Sword.

But then again Percy's eight friends hadn't been exactly happy with Chaos for the past week, since night after night they still had to fill out paper work.

Percy got off easy. Chaos asked him for a favour instead. The thought of it made him frown, since the favour itself seemed dangerous.

But he had to admit, it was nice to see his sister Melissa and Queen Avelina again after so many years.

"What you thinking about that's got you frowning?" asked Zoë as she sat on the couch next to him, successfully breaking him out of his thoughts.

Percy shrugged. "The usual. The war. Void too, and some other things." He raised an eyebrow at her. "What are you doing here, though? I thought you and Luke were hanging out. Peacefully for once."

Zoë rolled her eyes. "We were." She looked at him with a frown on her face. "At least until he decided to be an annoying idiot leaving me no choice but to save myself and leave his company."

Percy chuckled and shook his head. "He's like a school boy, Zoë. He teases you and annoys you because he actually likes you."

Zoë rolled her in disbelief, but Percy could have sworn a slight blush appeared on her cheeks. "Yeah, whatever."

Percy smirked. "And you can't deny the fact that you like him very much too!"

Zoë blushed madly now and glared at him, or at least tried. "Can we not discuss my love life together, like ever?"

Percy laughed. "Sure thing, sis. That doesn't mean though that I still won't tease you and say 'I told you so' after you and Luke finally get married and have your happy ever aft-"

Zoë clamped her hand on his mouth and glared at him even though her face was bright red. "Not another word," she hissed.

That was the moment Micheal decided to walk into the living room with a big tub of ice cream in his hands while a spoon filled with it was in his mouth.

He raised his eyebrows questioningly as he saw Zoë's red face and the hand that was clamped on Percy's mouth.

He slowly took the spoon out of his mouth and swallowed the ice cream.

"Do I want to know?" Micheal asked pointing the spoon between the two.

Percy took Zoë's hand away from his mouth and grinned at Micheal. "Oh, we were just discussing Luke."

Micheal blinked. "What about him? The stupidity or the fact that he's an annoying idiot?" he asked as he sat down on one of the sofa chairs.

Percy rolled his eyes at Zoë as she gestured to Micheal. "See, he agrees that Luke is an annoying idiot."

Percy clicked his tongue. "I never said he wasn't, Zoë."

Zoë pouted slightly and rolled her eyes while she slumped back on the couch.

Percy looked at Micheal with a grin again making the son of Apollo gulp at the look.

"Luke, though. He's quite good boyfriend material for a certain single girl commander that he obviously likes, don't you think?" Percy asked.

Zoë's eyes widened to the size of drachmas and she sat up straight on the couch. "Percy!" she exclaimed.

Micheal laughed. "I very much agree. They would make a lovely couple, wouldn't they?"

"Thank you, Mic!" Percy said. "Somebody finally understands me."

Zoë stared at the two with wide eyes and an extremely bright blush on her cheeks. She couldn't believe the nerve of those two.

Percy looked at her. "See that, sis? Now all you have to do is go up to Luke, pull down slightly that thick head of his and just plant a massive kiss on his annoying mout-"

"La, la, la, la!" Zoë covered her ears with her hands and sprung up from the couch before sprinting upstairs as fast as possible. 

Percy and Micheal burst out laughing shortly after, seeing how childishly Zoë acted. Anyone barely got to see her act like this and it was hilarious.

* * *

It was dinner time and everyone at camp was at the dinning pavilion eating dinner. Even Chaos was there.

The campers were talking between each other and the hunters between each other as well.

The commanders were chatting too.

"Do I want to know why for the whole day I saw Alicia glaring at you?" Koster asked Cedmi as he took a bite of his meal.

Cedmi grinned at him, since he knew Koster could see his mouth from beneath the hood. "You really don't. I don't feel like having you glare at me as well."

Koster swallowed the food in his mouth, put his fork down and looked straight at Cedmi who sat across from him at the table.

"What did you say to her?" he demanded and narrowed his eyes at his best friend. Not that anyone could see him doing it.

Cedmi shrugged innocently. "I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Percy," Koster hissed quietly, using his real name. "What the actual Hades did you say to her?"

Cedmi smirked at him and leaned forward across the table. "If I were you, I would just ask her out already. Actually you might as well just marry her. You two are just the right match."

Koster's eyes widened and he stared at Cedmi who was still looking at him with that smirk on his face.

"Please tell me that you didn't tell her that," Koster hissed again, his voice raising a bit, enough to catch Feria's attention.

"What's going on between you two?" the eighth commander asked as she looked between the two.

Cedmi shrugged casually. "Not much, we were just discussing some stuff."

Feria sent a suspicious look between the two, but then shook her head and turned to talk to Adrien who asked her a question.

Koster let out a sigh. "I'm gonna kill you someday, you do realise that, right?"

Cedmi quickly gave Koster his signature loop-sided grin. "I'm counting on it."

At the other side of the table Alicia, Mari, Grett and Chaos were talking between each other.

"Don't you think it's been a little too... quiet lately?" asked Alicia in a whisper.

Mari nodded. "Yeah, I mean Void hasn't sent any more monsters to attack camp and no titans have shown up."

"I have a feeling like something larger is just waiting to be unleashed by Void," Grett said quietly.

Alicia nodded. "The question is; what?"

Chaos shifted in his seat and caught Cedmi staring at him. Even though his first commander had his hood on, he still knew Cedmi was looking straight into his eyes.

And Chaos had no doubt that Cedmi knew exactly what he was talking about with Grett, Mari and Alicia.

Chaos didn't really like keeping the rest of the commanders in the dark, but it was for the best.

That favour he asked Cedmi had to be kept secret from the for a while.

Not for long, but until the time was right. Chaos gave Cedmi a discreet nod and saw him nod in return before he turned back to him conversation with Grett, Alicia and Mari.

* * *

It was nearly the end of dinner when most of the commanders and Chaos saw the gods exchange looks before Poseidon rolled his eyes and stood up.

He walked over to the Chaos table as the conversations between the demigods and everyone else in the dinning pavilion quietened down.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but the gods were wondering if we could hear a few stories about Cedmi's adventures?" Poseidon asked.

He avoided saying assassinations as most of the people in the dinning pavilion were still confused about the topic.

The commanders all nearly smirked at this, while Chaos scoffed. He hated this idea, as they would all hear the stories of how Cedmi escaped him.

The rest of the commanders all looked at Cedmi to see him looking off into the distance, before he caught them staring.

"Huh?" Cedmi asked. "Did I miss something?"

Thalia snorted from the Zeus table making some people looked at her as she just rolled her eyes.

Noah gestured to Poseidon, who still stood next to their table. "The gods want to hear about your days on the run."

Cedmi looked at Poseidon who gave him a slight smile and eventually he sighed. "Sure, why not?"

The gods were all excited now, while everyone else in the dining pavilion apart from the commanders and Chaos were confused.

"Great," said Poseidon. "We can do it at the campfire tomorrow."

Cedmi nodded along slowly and then watched as his ex-father walked back to his sit at his table, where Hestia and Hera sat with him.

It was only then that Cedmi realised that he just said that he would tell everyone about his past when he was an assassin. He internally groaned.

He seriously will have to tell them of the stories and maybe even modify some other ones and then tell them to everyone.

Because some of the stories or people from his assassin life better be kept secret. His face went a bit pale at the thought of revealing some of those stories.

Just like a certain old female assassin friend of his that he had not seen in many years now. Not that he cared.

Chaos saw Cedmi's face go pale along with Koster and the two of them shared a look.

Cedmi was keeping something from them. They stayed quiet, though.

Feria nudged his arm making him look at her. "What did you space off about earlier?"

Cedmi blinked and shook his head. "It's nothing," he muttered, but then quickly looked at the Hades table.

Cedmi looked back at everyone around the Chaos table. "I'll be back later," he said.

Bianca frowned. "Where you going?" she asked, but Cedmi already stood up from the table and started walking away.

Cedmi walked over to the Hades table as conversations between everyone in the dinning pavilion quietened down again as everyone watched him move.

"Mind if I join you?" Cedmi asked Nico, Hazel and Hades as he stood next to their table.

Nico smiled at Cedmi while Hades's and Hazel's eyes widened in surprise that he was asking to sit at their table.

"Not at all," Hazel said eventually after her eyes went back to their normal size.

Cedmi sat next to Nico much to the shock of everyone else in the dinning pavilion apart from the commanders, Chaos and Thalia.

"What brings you here, commander?" asked Hades after a couple of minutes when everyone around them slowly started talking between each other again.

"Please call me, Cedmi," said the first commander. "And I was planning on speaking to Nico only originally, but I might as well speak to you, too."

Nico looked discreetly around them. "What's wrong? You don't seem like yourself today, I noticed."

Cedmi looked over at everyone in the dinning pavilion. "Not here," he whispered. "Can we talk somewhere more private?"

"My cabin," Hades said. "Nobody would dare enter there without our permission."

Cedmi modded. "Hazel you can come as well, if you want." He looked over at the daughter of Pluto.

Hazel nodded and all four of them stood up and walked out of the dinning pavilion, heading to the Hades cabin.

Everyone else looked at their retreating forms in confusion and curiosity, even the commanders and Chaos.

* * *

Just as they entered the Hades cabin, Cedmi's facade slowly seemed to fade away. His shoulders dropped and a frown of sadness appeared on his face.

Nico put his hand on his shoulder. "Okay, you need to tell me what's wrong. And don't you dare lie."

Cedmi sat down on one of the spare beds in the cabin as the other three sat down on their beds and looked at him.

He sighed and put his head in his hands while his elbows rested on his knees.

"Today's my mum's birthday," he whispered as his voice shook a little.

Nico's eyes widened and suddenly they filled with tears at the mention of Sally. She was like a mother to him and she was a sore topic to him.

Nico has no idea what Percy must be going through right now.

Hazel looked confused though. "I'm sorry, but I don't understand why you want to talk to us about this," she mumbled.

Hades nodded along slowly and looked over at the commander.

Nico quickly wiped away his tears and looked at his father and half-sister. "Because his mother is dead. She has been for a long time."

Hades's and Hazel's eyes widened in shock and they looked at Cedmi in sympathy.

Hazel covered her mouth with her hand in shock. "I'm... I'm so sorry, I-" she was cut off.

"It's okay, you didn't know," Cedmi said as he looked up at all three of them. "I just want to know if she's happy."

Nico nodded. "Yes, she is. My father made it his top priority that she was in Elysium along with her husband."

Hades looked at his son in confusion. "I did?" he asked. "Who are you talking about Nico?"

Hazel looked at her half brother in confusion as well. She really wondered how the commander and Nico were so close.

Cedmi smiled at them. "He's talking about Sally Jackson and Paul Blofis."

Hades and Hazel instantly froze and they looked at the commander with wide eyes. Their breaths caught in their throat.

Percy took off his hood making Nico smirk and looked at Hades and Hazel. "He's talking about my mother and stepfather."

The only thing Hades and Hazel could say at the moment were a couple of curses as they stared at Percy Jackson.

* * *

"Why do you think they left?" asked Grett as he looked at the rest of the commander around the Chaos table.

"My guess is that, Percy needs to discuss something important with them," said Adrien with a shrug.

Alicia rolled her eyes. "Well done, Sherlock. What might they be discussing, though?"

The commander all slowly looked over at Chaos to see if he had any clues but the creator of the universe shook his head. The commander all sighed.

"Well, at least this day is quiet and calm so far," Koster said with a sigh. But then hoped he didn't say a word.

Just after he spoke a very loud noise was heard over head in the sky. The sound of engines. Very loud engines.

Bianca sighed. "You really need to keep your mouth shut sometimes, Koster. Or just all of the time."

The rest of the commander nodded along making Koster shoot them a glare before they all stood up from their seats.

Everybody else in the dinning pavilion stood up from their seats too, and walked out of the pavilion, trying to see what was happening.

What everybody saw was a slightly big kind of space ship, kind of shaped like a rectangle, flying slowly over camp.

Chaos smirked. "Looks like sector three and four are here," he said loudly. He looked over at his commanders that were around him. "Come one, let's greet the warriors."

* * *

"What is that noise?" asked Hazel. She then looked up at the sky and her eyes widened. "And is... is that a space ship?"

She saw Ced- Percy nod while he walked ahead of her. She had spent the last four minutes staring at him in shock and asking multiple question.

Then the next minutes she spent cursing at Nico for not telling her sooner that Cedmi was Percy.

She had never seen her half-brother more terrified of her in her entire life.

Hades had nearly hugged the life out of Percy when the demigod took off his hood. Then he assaulted him with questions just like Hazel.

It was only due to the loud noise of some sort of engines that the four of them decided to step out of the Hades cabin.

Then they saw Percy put his hood back on and followed him as he started walking in the beach for some reason.

"Yeah," said Cedmi. "Sectors three and four just arrived." He looked back at them and Nico, Hazel and Hades saw a smirk on his face.

They walked closer to the beach and saw that everyone else at camp was heading that direction as well, from the dinning pavilion.

"Sector four is Bianca's sector, right?" asked Nico. He saw Cedmi nod. "And sector three is Alicia's?"

"Yes," said Cedmi. "Well done, Neeks. You've really been paying attention!" He chuckled.

Nico glared at him, but Cedmi just gave him a loop-sided grin, before looking back at the beach again.

The four stopped for a second and watched as the rectangular space ship landed on the sand, quite near the water.

The metals doors at the side of the ship then opened up revealing all forty four warriors.

Cedmi, Nico, Hazel and Hades slowly resumed their walking and were soon standing somewhere near the spaceship.

Suddenly Hades put his hand on Cedmi's shoulder making him look back at him.

"I... I have to ask," said Hades. "Why didn't you reveal yourself earlier? And does Hestia know?"

Cedmk sighed deeply. "No, mum doesn't know. And... I just didn't know how to tell you and her that I was, well... me. I'm sorry, I know I should have done it a long time ago."

Hades nodded slowly and pulled Cedmi into a hug, who hugged him back, before they both let go before someone saw them.

"You need to tell Hestia," Hades said. "And you need to do it soon."

Cedmi nodded and gestured for Nico, Hazel and Hades to follow him as he walked closer to the space ship where everyone was gathered.

Cedmi walked and stood next to Chaos and the other commanders, who all gave him a glance and smiled.

Everybody watched as the warriors all jumped down from the ship since there were no stairs and landed in the sand on their feet.

Chaos stepped forward. "Sectors three and four, it's great that all of you finally arrived, safe and sound."

The warriors all nodded and two warriors stepped forward. Those two were basically the leaders of the groups, just under the commanders who controlled the sectors.

They were the ones who were in charge and gave out orders when the warriors in those sectors went on missions without their sector commanders.

The leader from sector four was a boy, while the leader from sector three was a girl. They were half immortal and looked about eighteen/nineteen.

Cedmi stepped forward and stood next to Chaos making the two sector leaders bow to him, which made a frown appear on his face.

"How many times have I told you not to bow to me?" Cedmi asked, a little bit frustrated. "Why don't you bow to Chaos?" He gestured to the creator who smirked.

Cedmi already knew why they didn't bow to Chaos though. Everybody knew that Chaos hated it when people bowed to him, so no one dared to do so.

Apart from Cedmi and the commanders of course. They like to annoy Chaos.

The boy looked at Cedmi with a sheepish expression on his face. He had dark brown hair and deep amber eyes.

"Sorry, sir," he said, making Koster snort as he saw Cedmi's frown deepen.

Cedmi sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "And how many times did I tell you, Malakai, not to call me sir?"

The boy- Malakai rubbed the back of his neck, making Bianca shake her head at the leader of her sector, while the girl next to him rolled her eyes and face palmed.

"Boys," she muttered, making Alicia grin. This was the reason the girl was the leader of her sector.

Cedmi shook his head and turned to the girl. "Did the journey go smoothly, Lily?"

Lily nodded her head firmly. She had shoulder length hazelnut hair, and sky blue eyes.

"Yes, Cedmi," she said. "There was no trouble or any engine problems and everyone behaved properly."

"Good," said the first commander with a smile in their direction and the rest of the warriors behind them. "Well, then. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood."

* * *

Everybody at camp, apart from the commanders and Chaos were surprised at how quickly it took for the warriors to settle down in the Chaos cabin.

It was also a big surprise that the cabin managed to fit everybody in it. But the cabin was really big on the inside.

The commanders and Chaos all had their rooms on the second floor of the cabin, while the warriors had their rooms on the ground floor or the first floor.

But even though, the cabin was huge, the warriors still had to share their rooms in pairs.

So there were twenty two pairs of bedrooms that were each shared by tow warriors.

* * *

After the warriors had all settled they had then walked around camp a bit, until it started to get dark, and everyone went back to their rooms.

Adrien walked down the stairs and saw Lily and Zoë sitting on two of the chairs by the kitchen counter.

Apart from the two of them, nobody was around in the kitchen or the living room.

The two girls had frowns on their faces as they watched something out of one of the windows in the cabin.

They couldn't see the thing properly but they were too afraid to stand up from their seats to check.

"Is something wrong?" Adrien asked, making the two look over at him.

Zoë nodded and Adrien saw a bit of worry on her face. "Yeah, there's something up with the moon."

He walked over to them. "What do you mean there's something up with the—" He stopped mid sentence as he looked out the window from next to the two girls.

"Crap," he muttered. He knew exactly what was wrong with the moon. And he was absolutely terrified.

The two girls immediately looked at him and once they saw his face, Zoë immediately turned to Lily.

"Lily, please go and get the rest of the commanders and Chaos, quickly," Zoë ordered.

Lily nodded to her sector commander and quickly ran up the stairs heading to the top floor.

Zoë stood up from the seat by the kitchen counter and walked closer to Adrien. "You know what it is, don't you?"

He nodded slowly and silently as he walked closer to the window with wide eyes, his face paler than Zoë has ever seen it.

"Adrien?" she asked. "What does it mean?"

He didn't answer, instead tried to even his breathing. This shouldn't be happening. Adrien thought their race went extinct centuries ago.

The rest of the commanders all quickly ran down the stairs along with Chaos, and they looked between Zoë and Adrien.

"What's wrong?" asked Feria. She looked at Adrien who still stood by the window. "Adrien?" He didn't answer.

"This shouldn't be happening," he whispered instead as he stared at the moon. He was starting to be absolutely enchanted by it.

Just then they all - apart from Adrien - turned and saw as Percy quickly ran down the stairs along with Lily, only now realising that they weren't with them till now.

Percy looked pale as well, as he quickly dashed over to Adrien and dragged him away from the window, making him sit down on one of the couches.

"Don't look at the moon, Adrien," Percy growled, making everyone's eyes widened at the tone of his voice.

Percy knew exactly what was wrong with the moon as well as he saw this before. But back then his life was quite different.

Not only because he was only the assassin back then but also because a certain assassin friend of his was still by his side.

It was only later on that she left.

Adrien shook his head and put his face in his hands. "How can this be happening? They went extinct!" he said empathising the last word.

Chaos looked out the window and his eyes widened. "By the holy planet Earth," he muttered in shock.

Percy looked over at him. "Don't look at the moon, Chaos! None of you look at the moon!"

He quickly went over and closed the blinds to all the windows around them.

As soon as Percy said that Chaos shook his head as if he just snapped out of some sort of spell.

"What's happening?" Luke asked in frustration and concern. "Why can't we look at the moon?"

Chaos swallowed. "Because if you do, it will mess with your head and make you think what it wants you to think."

"The moon?" exclaimed Silena. "The moon will make us do that?" She started pacing in the middle of the living room.

Bianca sat down slowly on one of the couches and looked between Chaos, Percy and Adrien.

"You three know what's happening," she said, making the three look at her. "So, spill. Now."

Percy sat down on the couch next to Adrien, while most of the other commanders sat down as well, or just stood looking at the three.

"It's not the moon that's the problem," said Adrien. "It's the race that currently has control over it."

"What?" asked Charles. "There's a race, of probably aliens that have captured our moon?"

Chaos shook his head. "From what I heard, they went extinct, but they used to call themselves Moon Souls."

Silence filled the living room for a couple of seconds before Adrien looked at all of them.

He nodded. "There was a war on my planet, about three hundred years back or so, long before I was born."

He sighed and slumped back on the couch. "My people went against the Moon Souls and somehow won. It is unknown to even this day how. But no word of the Moon Souls was heard about again, though. Thus, everyone believed they went extinct."

Percy barked a laugh, making everyone look at him as he stood up. He paced a bit and he bit his lip with a frown on his face.

"Is something about this funny?" snapped Zoë. "Because please, do share."

Lily put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down and Zoë sighed, before sitting down on the couch next to Bianca.

Lily sat next to her. They have been friends for a long time and she knew that she must be really worried to snap at Percy.

Percy looked at Zoë. "Oh, nothing. I just can't believe Adrien's people kept their word about not revealing that I fought in that war with them and helped them win."

Everyone's eyes widened, even Chaos's. Adrien seemed to choke on air, making tears appear in his eyes from coughing so hard.

Feria quickly patted Adrien on the back, trying to help him stop choking on air. Eventually he stopped coughing.

"What?" exclaimed Chaos. "How the hell did I not know you were part of that war, Perseus?"

Percy put his hand on his forehead as he paced more and shook his head. "I didn't want anyone to know that already didn't, since I didn't want to remember that war myself."

"Why?" asked Micheal. "From how Adrien put it, winning the war was a success. Why would you want to forget about it?"

Percy's eyes became cold. "Because everything Adrien knows about the war are lies. What really took place would haunt you all at night."

Adrien frowned as he watched Percy put his hands on the back of one of the sofa chairs and lean slightly forward on them while looking down.

"Lies? How can they be lies? Who would lie about thirty million people dying? And how the Moon Souls cut off any contact to any other planets so my people had to fight alone with no help?" Adrien exclaimed.

It was quiet for a couple more seconds as everyone thought about what they had learned.

So apparently the moon has been taken over by the Moon Souls. There was a war in which thirty million people died, and Percy was there, and fought in it.

Now those aliens have taken over the Earths moon, and nobody apart from Chaos, Adrien and Percy knew what exactly they were capable of.

This was just lovely.

"Thrifty million people did not die," whispered Percy breaking the silence. They all looked at him. "It was more than sixty million people that died, Adrien."

Everyone's eyes widened more at this and Adrien looked at Percy in disbelief. Everyone had to hold in their gasp as they heard what Percy said.

"By the time the war had ended, three quarters of the world population was dead, and their bodies were laid out on the streets," Percy said and looked up, his face emotionless.

Luke, Zoë, Bianca, Charles, Silena, Micheal, Adrien, Feria, Lily and Chaos all stared at him, not even daring to breath at the moment.

"And the Moon Souls did not cut off any connection to the other planets," Percy scoffed. "The neighbouring planets were the ones who did that. They were too scared of the Moon Souls. They left your people to their death."

This time, none of them could hold off the gasps that left their mouths.

What the hell were they up against?

I'm so sorry that this chapter is late. There is a little more action to the story now, I hope. I also hope you enjoyed this chapter!

* * *

If any of you have any ideas that you would like me to add to the story then don't be afraid to comment or send me a message!

Also, here's the fake identity names of the commanders:

Percy - Cedmi.
Luke - Koster.
Zoë - Alicia.
Bianca - Relia (but I don't use it anymore since everyone knows her true identity).
Charles - Grett.
Silena - Mari.
Michael - Noah.
Feria - (doesn't have one).
Adrien - (doesn't have one).

That's all, thanks!

~ storylover1423.

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Percy Jackson has been betrayed. After his new half brother frames him for everything at camp, he was shunned by the other campers, even Chiron. His...
45.7K 1.8K 14
"I hear the underworld is just swell this time of year." "Really?" "No." ________________________________________________ (Name) had a lot of questio...