Please, don't spoil everythin...

By AngelicaR34

918 33 6

[AU of my fic Be looking for someone] : Instead of destroying the wish realm, Henry sends back WishRealm!Rump... More

Chapter 1: Another way.
Chapter 2 : Reconciliation
Chapter 3 : Good changes.
Chapter 4 : Conversations.
Chapter 5 : This is not us.
Chapter 6 : Sometimes, things change.
Chapter 7 : I have so much things to fix !
Chapter 8 : The never-ending quest.
Chapter 9 : How to both break spells and hearts.
Chapter 10 : Unconventional but perfect.
Chapter 11 : Pain, pain, pain. Is there something else ?
Chapter 12 : We are winning !
Chapter 13 : The possibility you never examined.
Chapter 14 : Hey sister.
Chapter 15 : Hello you.
Chapter 17 : Wizards and scientists.
Chapter 18 : To find again someone you lost.
Chapter 19 : Sometimes, you have to give up.
Chapter 20 : You and I can build something. And be something.
Chapter 21 : Births, redemptions, and happy endings.
Chapter 22 : Hello princess.
Chapter 23 : The Arendelle family.
Chapter 24 : Growing up.
Chapter 25 : Here we are.
Chapter 26 : That could have been that way.
Chapter 27 : We are together.
Chapter 28 : When the past comes back.
Chapter 29 : Ghosts and demons.
Chapter 30 : Things are not always how you expected them to be.
Chapter 31 : A choice to make.
Chapter 32 : What matters the most.
To change isn't easy...
... but it worth it.
Happily Ever After.
Epilogue : What have you done exactly ? (I hope I spoiled nothing)

Chapter 16 : Don't get killed.

19 1 0
By AngelicaR34

Author's note : Will Scarlet is present in this chapter, but his story and Anastasia' isn't the same as it is in OUAT in Wonderland.

Some days after the wedding, Belle came to see Regina in her former castle (she wasn't living in it anymore, now she was most of the time Snow's and David's castle), especially in her mother's bookcase.

She looked at it with amazement, realizing that yes, Regina didn't lie to her.

It really was a big place.

"Tell me Regina, she asked her, why didn't you use magic on it, to find this "list" ?"

The former queen just sighed.

"Because mother used a spell on this place too... And this time, she didn't use blood magic, she added with sarcasm, remembering what happened before she met Zelena. She used something more powerful."

Belle nodded.

"Alright, I get it... Tell me, why are doing this right now ? I mean, you could have thought about it even before the wedding happened."

"Well... there is a reason to this. When your husband gave me my memories back of Zelena, he gave me other memories... The one my mother took from me, and one of them was about this list. And I thought about it before Rumple and I we came to search for Zelena. And then, I realized that I couldn't use magic in this place. My mom certainly hid it there, so I wouldn't find it. So no one would find it."

"Do you have an explanation to the reason why your mother didn't destroy it ? In fact, how can you be sure that your mother didn't do it ?"

"My mother surely had... well, has a good memory, but the thing is this, she couldn't remember everything. I guess it was just a way to remember whose hearts were to who. So, she wouldn't get wrong when she would crush one of them, or when she would try to control them."

"How lovely it is ! Said Belle, with a clear disgust air on her face. Did you ever do this ?"

"What ?"

"Did you ever act like her ?"

"Yes... Yes, I did. Many times. Less than her, for sure, but it doesn't make what I did less worst than her own crimes. That's the reason why I want to make these hearts go back to who they belong. So, I will fix my mother's crimes, just as mine..."

A deep silence settled between them, quite awkward, before Belle talked again.

"Then, we just have to begin our researches, she told to her new friend with a fake enthusiasm."

Regina had a little smile, and they began to search for the list.


"I got it ! Belle exclaimed finally, after they searched the list in books for at least three or four hours."

She was holding two or three sheets of paper, on which a list of various names was written, there were at least two or three hundreds of names on it.

Regina took rapidly the paper from her hands, and she had a deep smile.

"You did it Belle ! She said, finally relieved, after being afraid they wouldn't do it. You found the list !"

Then, without really thinking about it, she took Belle in her arms, giving her what seemed to be the most awkward and strange hug that was ever given in this castle. Then, realizing what she was doing, she let her go.

"Hum... sorry. I know you still see me as the Evil Queen, and this is who I am, and I know we are not really friends... but, thanks Belle, for what you did."

"It's okay, the other woman answered with a smile. It was nothing. And now ?"

Regina regained her composure, and smiled again.

"Now ? I will do as I told you. I am going to make these hearts go back in their owners' chest."

The two women entered in the vault which used to be Cora's and which now belonged to Regina, and Belle couldn't hid an air of disgust on her face which appeared when she saw the boxes where all the hearts were.

"Aw... what kind of person can be enough horrible to do this ? I mean, who does keep hundreds of hearts in a room where she can take it, and use them ?"

"Well... my mom did, just as I myself did it. But now, it's entirely over."

Some other hours passed, while Regina was taking from her vault one heart after one, listening to Belle, who was identifying to who every heart belonged, and, using her magic, she then brought them back to those who used to have them in their chest.

After four hours of work, Belle and Regina finally had the possibility to stop, and they both sat down on a chair, and both had a relieved sigh.

Finally, it was done ! After all these years of terror and horror, the former queen finally did it. Well, she still had many things to fix, but she was slowly succeeding to make it.

She was redeeming herself.

And it felt good, to finally do it.

Well, it was not over, but she was beginning to think that it could be done, and she told herself that her mother finally lost, she lost on her, lost her influence, and she, in the end, didn't succeed to make her fall, to make her become like her.

"So, now, I guess it's ended, Belle said."

"Yes, yes, answered Regina to the other woman with a relieved air. We did it Belle, and I want to thank you for this. Without you, I don't know if I would have even found the list. In fact, she added then, without you, I would probably not even be here."

"What do you mean ?"

Regina looked at her friend, and she sighed.

"How can I say it... Hum... I already apologized, for trying to use you against Rumplestiltskin, and again, I am deeply sorry. But now, I am not here to apologize, but to thank you. Without you, Rumplestiltskin would still be the same. You saved him, helped him to see how wrong he was, and he then helped me realize how wrong I was. You saved him, yes, but by doing this, you saved me too... And, then, many other people who now have a better life, thanks to you."

"You're the one who decided to change, you decided to help them."

"Yes, but it doesn't change the fact that I was the person who destroyed their lives first. It was just justice that I helped them getting their happy ending back. You're a true hero Belle, don't let someone tell you the contrary."

Belle blushed, hearing her friend's compliment, and she took her hands.

"You know, Regina... you're not a hero, but I don't think you're a villain anymore. And I am really glad Rumple finally helped you and fixed his own mistakes, just as you did, and I am happy that we are becoming friends too."

"And I am too."

"And I think that people should know what you just did... And so it would be easier for them, to see you in a good way. To see that you're changing."

Regina turned her head.

"No, I don't want it."

Belle just frowned.

"Wait... what ? Why ? Regina, everyone knows for your crimes, people perceive you as the kingdom's pariah, that you are, even though they know too that you changed. They deserve to know who you are, who you are becoming."

"Belle, the answer is still no. I don't think I deserve it, for one simple reason. As you told me, I am not a hero, and I will need time, before becoming one, if I can. What I just did, it was easy. I used my magic to fix what my mother and I we did to innocent people, and I don't think that I really fixed everything, not even the half of my crimes ! To do it, it was easy. You know what is not ?"

"Well, just tell me."

"To survive on your own in a forest, alone and afraid, with no one on your side, while your evil mother is purchasing you, trying to kill you for something you never did, sending a huntsman with no hearts and soldiers after you. Snow White did it. She is a true hero, and I am not. I want to be known and maybe appreciated for something I will do, not for myself, or to clean my personal mess, but for other. So please, Belle, don't tell anyone about it."

Belle smiled to her.

"I understand. And you see, that kind of speech is the one that makes me think that you really are changing. Tell me Regina, now, what if I brought you somewhere, in a special place, where you can meet some people I know ?"

Regina raised an eyebrow.

"You mean Robin Hood's camp, right ?"

Her friend had a little laugh.

"I can hid nothing to you, right ? Yes, it is. After all, the little encounter you had with him and Marian was really short, wasn't it ?"

"Yes, of course. Their first impression of me, apart their knowledge about what I did, must me talking to you about hearts. I am not sure it is a good one."

"You know, it could be great and fun."

"You talked with Tinkerbell recently, didn't you ? Is it just a scheme so we will meet and fall in love, because this man is supposed to be my soul mate ? I am not sure it is going to work."

Tinkerbell immediately appeared on her side, and Regina started.

It was as if she listened everything since the beginning.

"I told you Regina, you should trust the pixie dust. It never lies."

"Maybe, Tink, but... to know it, to know the fact that we are meant to be... I don't know, I feel like it's just cheating. And how can I be supposed to be natural with him, now that I know it ? I just don't like it. I know you thought it would help me, to know it, and that I would be able to move on, and that I would know where to go, but... now, I don't know. I am sorry Tink."

"Don't be, the fairy answered. You really think it will be too awkward if you go to see him by knowing what is supposed to happen ?"

"Yes, of course it will be ! I mean, what if it didn't work ? I have faith in your pixie dust, Tink, that's not the problem, but... even when you love someone, it doesn't always work. I wish... I wish I didn't know it, that I didn't know that this man, Robin Hood, is my soul-mate. That would make things better, I think. Again, Tink, it's not against you, and I thank you for all your help. You helped me at a time where no one did it, and you were the only one who was doing this at this time. You're a good fairy Tink. And a good friend too."

"You know, the fairy answered, I think I can do this. You would remember who Robin is, but you wouldn't know what I told you about him and you."

"I think it could be good, the former queen answered. Thanks Tink, again, for still being here for me."

Tink smiled to her.

"You're welcome."


After the spell was cast, the three women did as Belle proposed, and they went in the Merry Men' camp (who were already waiting for them, as Tinkerbell already asked them for coming), where they ate.

(Because yes, they barely ate since they began their researches for the list.)

After eating, they talked a little with one another (except one of them, Will Scarlet, who remained quite silent during most of the time), for two or three hours.

It was the night now, and the thing is that they could have gone immediately in their home thanks to Regina's or Tink's magic.

Yes, they could.

But it seemed like Marian was beginning to really like the three of them (even Regina, but after all, in this version of the story, she didn't try to kill her. And wouldn't.), so she proposed them to stay there for the night.

A thing they did.

The day after that, they began to talk, as Robin asked to the former queen :

"And now, your "majesty", if I can still call you that way..."

"Actually, the woman interrupted him, I am no queen anymore, Snow White and her husband are now the legitimate rulers of the kingdom. You can call me Regina."

The outlaw smiled to her and just nodded.

"So, Regina, he told her, what are you going to do now ? As you're not terrorizing people anymore."

"I planned to go to Wonderland. No one remarked that Will's face became terribly pale at the mention of the realm, except Belle, who was the most attentive of them, and who already saw that the young man seemed to be melancholic. There is someone there, that I trapped in it. A man who once hurt me, and betrayed me, and that I separated from his family. From his daughter. I want to make him escape."

"And who is this man ? Marian asked."

"He is called Jefferson."

Little John then frowned as he heard the name, just as Will himself.

"Wait... you mean the Mad Hatter ?"

Regina then paled as she heard it.

"What... What do you mean ?"

"This is the way he is called in Wonderland. Will told us about it, he met him when he was in Wonderland, before he was forced to leave it."

"What happened to you ? Tinkerbell asked to the man."

Will had a cynical smile. He then pointed Regina with his eyes, and everyone looked at the former royal, who looked at him with a confused air.

"You dear mother. Cora. That you banished in Wonderland. She became the Queen of Hearts, back there, and now, she is ruling the entire realm. She tried to teach Anastasia some magic, and when Anastasia realized who she really was, she tried to flee, with me. But she couldn't. Now, now she is her prisoner, and I am forced to be here, without any news of the woman I love. This is what happened to me."

"I had no idea... the witch confessed. I didn't know my mother did this to you, and... I didn't know things were that bad in Wonderland. "

"Tell me, Robin asked her, how do you plan to go in Wonderland ?"

"I will use Jefferson's hat, and..."

"And you can trust me Regina, finished Belle immediately, I am coming with you. You, going alone in this world where your mother rules, and where Jefferson surely hates you, fr food reasons, would be suicide."

Regina grimaced.

"The problem, with the hat, is this : two people go in there, two other come back. This is how it works. I abandoned Jefferson in Wonderland because I needed to free my father from my mother. He couldn't come back with us. So..."

"I could go with you, Will said, with a light of hope in his eyes. I need to search Ana, and to find her, and to be sure she is safe. And maybe free her, too. I never had the occasion before, it may be the only one I will ever have."

There was so much love in Will's voice, and it really seemed that he did care for this woman, and Regina did want to accept.

"It will dangerous, Will, she told him. You may not survive to it."

"I don't care ! He answered, desperate. I just want to come back to Anastasia."

"You mean Ella's step-sister, right ? Asked Belle, who remembered talking about her with the young princess."

"Yes, she is. And I need to find her."

"Regina... would it be okay for you ? Robin asked her."

"I don't know... I mean, it would surely help us, but, Will, we have to be sure it doesn't kill you. I just see one thing, that we must do, so it won't be too dangerous for anyone."

"Which is ?"

Regina sighed.

"We have to do what people did to me. We have to stop my mother. We have to stop her from ruling Wonderland, for ever. And we must send her in prison."

Robin sent her a smirk.

"I think I like this plan."


"I want to go in there !"

"Tink, the answer is no, right ? We have to be three people. Will, as he wants to stay in it, me, because I want to make amend for what I did to Jefferson, and Belle too."

"Why ? Because she asked first ? I have magic Regina ! Without offending you, Belle, you don't."

"Belle is good with people, Regina told her. She helped this bloody imp and he changed thanks to her. If there is anyone who can calm Jefferson and make him feel better, and not crazy anymore, it can just be her. And I have magic too. And the answer (before you ask me) is yes. I can defeat my mother, on my own."

Tinkerbell crossed her arms, still not convinced. Then, she put her arms in the air, seeming really upset and discouraged.

"I'm sorry Regina, to have to tell you this, but I am feeling completely useless now. Why don't you want me to help you ?"

"Because... It's because you're happy now, and I don't want to put you into troubles anymore."

Tink looked at her, shocked.

"What ?"

"You once helped me, and you get almost banished from the fairies because of me ! You almost lost your wings. And I know things are different now, but it's my amend for the fact that you lost almost everything because of me !"

Her friend smiled to her.


"You're in love now, you have your relationship with Blue, and... I don't want to spoil it, by taking you there, because this is what I do Tink ! I spoil things, and people which are close to me."

"Regina... You don't do it anymore !"

"We will be okay Tink... Just the three of us. Someone good in magic, someone who knows Wonderland and someone who can form a connection with Jefferson. Right ?"

Tink sighed, but she nodded.



After the little "argument" between Regina and Tink, Belle went to see Will.

There was something strange with him.

"Tell me Will, she asked him, what happened to you, really ?"

"What do you mean Belle ?"

"Well... you lost Anastasia, and for sure, it broke you, I can see it, but... there is something else."

"What ?"

She looked at him, at his face, at the fact that he seemed to be sad, but... it looked like he wasn't hiding this, just... He just looked like Graham, before he got his heart back.

"You remind me of one of my friends, Graham... The Huntsman."

"The one who worked for the q... Regina ?"


"And what does it have to do with me ?"

"He was living without his heart, when I met him. Did it happen to you too ?"

Will sent her a sad look, and he nodded his head.

"Yes... Cora, the Queen of Heart, she took it from me. I gave it to her, I mean... I asked her to take it, as she made me believe Ana didn't want to leave the place with me."

"And... I guess it's still there."


She took his hand, and smiled.

"Don't worry Will, we will take it back, just as Ana herself. She will not be a prisoner anymore."

He smiled too.


They were about to leave now, and Robin was kind of worried for Regina.

(For Will too, but he knew his friend, this one was going to be safe, and Belle too.)

Since the day he met her at the ball, just before the wedding, he didn't know why, but he was thinking about her, maybe too many times.

Well, even Marian mocked him about his supposed crush for the former queen.

And now, she came there, and he was realizing more and more that he wanted to get to know her more.

So, he wanted her to leave Wonderland alive, and safe too.

(That was why he thought for a second about asking Will to protect the woman. Before he realized that she didn't need protection, as she both had magic and fight skills.)

With an impulsion he didn't understand, as he saw the witch being ready to leave, he took her hand. And he smiled to her, trying to be as normal as possible.

And he told her the same thing he said to Will and Belle before.

"Regina ? Be careful in this world, right ?"

She just smiled to him, and she nodded.

"I will, Robin, she assured to him. I promise you I will."

The three of them then all jumped into the hat, right to Wonderland.

Oh, by the magic, that was going to be so fun !

(Or not.)

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