Please, don't spoil everythin...

By AngelicaR34

915 33 6

[AU of my fic Be looking for someone] : Instead of destroying the wish realm, Henry sends back WishRealm!Rump... More

Chapter 1: Another way.
Chapter 2 : Reconciliation
Chapter 3 : Good changes.
Chapter 4 : Conversations.
Chapter 5 : This is not us.
Chapter 6 : Sometimes, things change.
Chapter 7 : I have so much things to fix !
Chapter 8 : The never-ending quest.
Chapter 9 : How to both break spells and hearts.
Chapter 10 : Unconventional but perfect.
Chapter 11 : Pain, pain, pain. Is there something else ?
Chapter 12 : We are winning !
Chapter 13 : The possibility you never examined.
Chapter 15 : Hello you.
Chapter 16 : Don't get killed.
Chapter 17 : Wizards and scientists.
Chapter 18 : To find again someone you lost.
Chapter 19 : Sometimes, you have to give up.
Chapter 20 : You and I can build something. And be something.
Chapter 21 : Births, redemptions, and happy endings.
Chapter 22 : Hello princess.
Chapter 23 : The Arendelle family.
Chapter 24 : Growing up.
Chapter 25 : Here we are.
Chapter 26 : That could have been that way.
Chapter 27 : We are together.
Chapter 28 : When the past comes back.
Chapter 29 : Ghosts and demons.
Chapter 30 : Things are not always how you expected them to be.
Chapter 31 : A choice to make.
Chapter 32 : What matters the most.
To change isn't easy...
... but it worth it.
Happily Ever After.
Epilogue : What have you done exactly ? (I hope I spoiled nothing)

Chapter 14 : Hey sister.

25 1 0
By AngelicaR34

When he came back to her cellar, Regina had a look of surprise.

"What are you doing here ? I thought we had enough talk the other night !"

"Stay calm your majesty, please. I may have some news for you."

"Oh, really ? About what ?"

He took an object from his bag. Then, Regina raised an eyebrow.

"Alright... It's a book. What do you want me to do, read it ?

"No. I want you to listen to me. I read it, in fact, I read a particular passage, where you are. And it deals with a moment of your past."

The former queen looked at him with interest.

"And then ?"

"It's about something you lived, but that you forgot because of magic. Because of your mother, and maybe that when you will remember, you will see her true face."

"What will it change exactly ?"

"You already know that your mother destroyed your life, but you still think Snow White did it. When I will give you your memories back, you will be forced to see that she didn't. Give me your hands."

Regina sighed, before accepting.

After all, maybe he wasn't wrong, and if it could help her to stop her anger against Snow White...

She could try it.

He took her hands, broke the spell Cora put on her these years ago, and for the first time since years, Regina saw again in her mind the red-headed little girl who helped her and that she used to consider as a sister.

All the memories she forgot hit her.

And Regina stopped breathing.


Mother acting like mother always does.

The die of a hope, the one that for a time, she could have what she always wanted.

Cries and screams.

And a cruel separation.

"I promise, I'll be good."

"We are sisters !"

"I will find you, I promise !"

"Actually, you won't."

And then, there had been nothing anymore.

"Zelena !" Regina finally gasped, as Rumplestiltskin released her hands.

The queen almost fell on the ground, tears appearing in her eyes, her look now both full of joy and horror.

"I had a sister, she whispered with her voice full of love and delight. No... I have a sister", she corrected, now smiling, before the truth hit her.

"You should sit down", the Sorcerer told her, seeing her legs trembling, sitting himself on a chair.

She did it, but it didn't stop her hands from trembling.

She didn't know what to think about it, well, she didn't even know what to feel about it.

Her mind was now just a mess, where the only thing she could think about was her lost sister.

"So, she did it even before I began to defy her", Regina said with bitterness.

"Do what ?"

"Stopping me from being happy. Trying to take from me all the things I wanted to have, just because it wouldn't be good for her."

The queen slowly began to cry. Not only about what her mother did to her, but also about what she herself did, what she lost, what she destroyed.

And she was beginning to understand that her dear mother took everything from her.

And from Zelena too.

"She never cared for me, or my happiness, the queen whispered. She never loved me."

"She never could. She took her heart from herself even before you were born."

"What happened ? Between you and her."

"She had been humiliated during a ball, when she was young. She pretended being able to make gold, which wasn't the case at that time. I made a deal with her, and I learned her magic after she asked me to. We fell in love, but power was more important for her, so she ripped out her own heart, so she would never feel anything for me."

"I am sorry."

"Don't be. I am one of the reasons why she turned into this monster she is now."

"She chose it. You helped her, but... what happened to her didn't happen just because of you."

"Exact. But what happened to you happened because of me."

"What happened to her ?" Asked Regina with horror, remembering she never knew what happened to Zelena then.

"Your mother sent her back in Oz after she saved you. After she erased your memories. After she separated both of you."

Regina nodded. She wasn't trembling any more, but seemed to think.

And, despite how terrible these memories could be, she had a smile.

"I have a sister."

I am a sister.

And Rumplestiltskin smiled too.


It had been since weeks, even months, that Regina was thinking about all this situation.

About what she did, how people saw her, and it began the day Rumplestiltskin came to see her, after his curse broke thanks to Belle.

Despite all the things she said, it did touch her, it did affect her, and a part of her began to think that maybe, it could happen to her too.

That it wasn't too late, that she could find something else than her hatred.

Something else to fight for.

And now, she found it.

"Hum, Regina... the former Dark One said, a little uncomfortable, I didn't tell you everything."

The queen raised her head, and looked at him with suspicion.

"About what ?" She asked, a little worried.

"About what I did to your sister."

"What did you do to her ?" She demanded, with her voice full of protectiveness.

"I turned her heart black. Just as I did with yours."

"What do you mean ?"

"She came to see me. She needed someone to help her to control her magic. But... she learned that I chose you as my student, and chose you to cast my Dark Curse. She became jealous of you, because you had been chosen by everyone. Your mother, me... Her skin turned green, and she began to hate you."

Regina's eyes opened wide with surprise.

"She hates me ?" She exclaimed, with both surprise, pain and horror.

"As much as she hates me, or your mother. She became the Wicked Witch of the West. She still lives in Oz now."

"She hates me because she thinks I have a better life than her. She hates me for no reason. Just as I do with Snow White."

Rumple grinned.

"I am happy I didn't have to make this parallel between the two of you."

Regina smiled too.

"Please, Rumple, could you make my father come here ? I want to talk to him, and apologize. We will talk about my sister later, and figure out what we can do about her."

He nodded and left her.


A worried and hopeful Snow White immediately came to see him as he entered in the throne's room.

"So ?" She asked him.

"It worked, he answered her. She listened to me, and now, I know that she is ready to change, and do everything to redeem herself. Maybe she already was before, but now, she accepted it."

An air of relief appeared on her face, and she sighed.

"Oh, thanks God ! She exclaimed. And thank you. Now, maybe that we are making progress."

"She wants to see you, the Sorcerer told to Henry, who was listening carefully. She wants to talk with you."

"I am coming right now, he said."

With no hesitation, Snow gave a key to Henry.

"You can open her cellar, if you want not to be separated from her, and if you want to embrace her."

Henry smiled.

"Thanks, your majesty", he said with gratitude.

When he entered and looked at his daughter, that he didn't see since the day where he left her castle, not wanting to help her destroy herself any more, he didn't really recognize her.

Her look was different, there was much less anger and hatred, and she seemed more appeased.

He had no idea of what Rumplestiltskin did to her or told her, but it really worked.

"Hello daddy", she said with a smile.

"Hello Regina, my darling."

He opened then the door under Regina's stupefied look.

"What are you doing ?"

"Snow White allowed me to do it, to free you for some minutes, so we won't be too far from each other."

Regina smiled.

Now that her eyes were opened, and that she saw the truth as clearly as she saw things, she realized that what she used to see as Snow's weakness – her kindness and ability to forgive people – was in reality one of her greatest strengths.

She immediately threw herself in her father's arms, embracing him.

"I missed you, and I am sorry for all these things I did. I am sorry I forced you to leave me, when you realized I was on the wrong way. I am sorry."

"What happened to you my dear ?"

"Rumplestiltskin opened my eyes. He helped me see how terrible mother always was, and now, I know. It doesn't make disappear what I did, but... I hope it's a good beginning."

"You can fix your mistakes... I am sure of this, just as Snow White is."

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too, my child."


As Snow White asked to see her, she came in the council's room, being looked by many pairs of furious or afraid eyes.

People weren't that many, in fact, the royals were there, Rumplestiltskin, Belle, Red, the Blue Fairy, the dwarfs, Granny, Jiminy... Well, everyone that always were with the queen and the king.

All their friends.

There was the Huntsman too, and Regina felt ashamed for what she did to him, realizing with relief that he must have gotten his heart back.

He didn't seem to be angry.

Or he was hiding it well, being really close from the werewolf and Regina suddenly said :

"I am sorry. I know it excuses nothing, and I know that I will for sure never be forgiven by you, but... it's true. I am sorry."

He said nothing, but, unlike him, the woman next to him sent her death stares.

She understood it.

There was still a light of fear in his eyes, and it was sure that he forgot nothing about what she did to him.

"Can I leave while she is in this room ?" He asked.

Snow White immediately nodded.

"I'm coming with him", Red said, still looking at the queen with a furious look.

They both did.


"You didn't have to do this."

Red smiled.

"Of course I had to."

She took her friend in her arms, just as she always did when he was having a panic attack thinking about what the queen did to him.

She hoped that one day, these fears would be gone forever.


"I am sorry."

Dreamy chuckled.

"Hum... okay, if you say it. I mean... do you really think it will be enough ?"

"Dreamy ! Snow interrupted. Let her continue, please."

And she gave Regina a smile, and it made something break in her.

"How do you do this ?"

"Excuse me ?"

"How do you succeed to do it ? To be so kind, so good toward me. Despite all these things I did to you, despite how hard I tried to break you. You never fell. Why ?"

"Thanks to you Regina, of course. You're the one who taught me hope, just as my mother taught me to be kind. You're the one who told me that True Love did matter, and that it worth fighting for it."

"I am not this young woman anymore, she said with sadness and bitterness. She had been broken. Broken by life and other. And by herself."

"I am here to listen to you Regina... What made this to you ?"

"My mother took the man I loved from me, she said, not caring that she was looked by everyone, not caring that it may be her trial, not caring that she would talk about what destroyed her in the past. She took someone else from me, but I remembered it just this day. She made me blame you Snow, and I am sorry."

"It's not the only thing, right ? Asked the princess. My father... he didn't help, right ?"

Regina froze.

"Snow... Trust me, you don't want to know it."

"I do. I need to."

"He never loved me. Not that I ever did, in fact, but... he... he abused of me, for years."

Snow's face became pale, and she began to tremble.

And Regina talked about her life. The loneliness, the despair after Daniel's death. The coldness of this husband she didn't love, her magic growing up, just as her hatred.

Snow talked too. About what happened to her after she fled from the castle, after Graham spared her life. She told her how hurt she was to know that she was so hated by her.

When it ended, they both fell into each other' arms, both crying about these lost years.

Rumplestiltskin smiled.

It was something that Henry (the one from the other world) wouldn't blame him for not doing it.


Months passed, and a lot of things changed.

Regina did, at first, and no, it hadn't been easy.

She helped fixing things that had been destroyed during the different wars, the one leaded by George or by herself.

People became less and less suspicious toward her, as she showed her will to help them, and the thing was that she was really changing.

She trained with both the fairies and Rumplestiltskin, in order to use white magic instead of dark, and if it had been difficult at first, it became more easier, when she began not to use her emotions of anger and pain to use her magic.

One of her first actions of help had been to free the Genie from his mirror.

She was doing the other one just right now.

She looked at the forest just where she was, and she shivered.

How terrible she had been to send these children there !

She used her magic to suddenly teleport herself in front of them.

They were still alive, but they were not in a good form, and they were cold, and didn't look well.

Immediately, Gretel put herself in front of her brother, in order to protect him from this terrible woman. The queen smiled to her, a non evil one, but the little girl was too used to her tricks to be able to trust her.

"Why are you here ? What do you want from us ? You already took everything we had ! And then, hum ? You will separate us, just you did with our father ?"

Regina was surely impressed, despite all the time that passed, they still had faith in their father, still thinking he didn't abandon them.

"No, I won't. I am here to help you."

"Help ? Asked Gretel, astonished. We don't want your help. Especially not if this one is to send us in a place from where we can't go out !"

Regina sighed. Then, she looked more carefully at Hansel, who was saying nothing, almost ready to go to sleep.

Ad maybe to never wake up.

She began to feel scared for them.

She knew they wouldn't follow her, so she used her magic on them, so they would feel better, and not to feel cold anymore.

Gretel started.


"I am not here to hurt you. I told, you, I want to help you. I changed, and I am here to help you get back to you father. I want to fix what I did."

And, just before Gretel was able to say anything, she transported them just in front of their father. This one looked at his children, and started, before smiling.

"Gretel ? Hansel ?"

"Papa ! They both said with joy, running into his arms."

As they embraced each other happily, Regina just smiled and left, not waiting for any thank you.

She didn't think she deserved to be thanked for fixing her past mistakes and crimes.


It was still not over, but she did fix most of the bad things she did, and she came to see Rumplestiltskin, one day, in his castle.

She met Belle for the real second time.

That is to say that they were both alone, with no one with them.



It really felt awkward.

"If I am not wrong, I didn't apologize."

"For what ?"

"For trying to manipulate you."

"In the end, you had been right. Your methods and purpose were wrong, but it ended well."

"Not thanks to me, she whispered."

"Hey ! Belle said. You're not the only one who acted wrong. Rumple did. By the way, why are you here ?"

"I wanted to talk to him, about my sister."

"Oh, yes, he told me, the one your mother abandoned when she was a baby and who ended in Oz, hating you without knowing you used to care for each other."

"It's a good summary of the situation... I want him to go with me to Oz, to find her, and help me reconcile with her. And I want him too to apologize to her, as he did to me."

"I understand, Belle answered. I am calling him right now."


When she came to see him, he was looking at a list of names, looking at the one of those that hadn't been helped. He grimaced when he saw that Killian Jones' name was still there, and he asked himself in how many times he would have to help him.

He sighed, hoping it wouldn't be that difficult.

"Rumple ?"

"Yes Belle ?"

"Regina is there, she would like to go to Oz. With you. To see her sister."

The Sorcerer nodded.

"Fine, I was expecting for it. Finally I will be able to fix this situation. Well, we will."

Belle just embraced him and then, she kissed him.

"Alright, then, she said, smiling. Have a good trip."



Oz was... a particular place.

Somewhere Regina had never been before, and that she was discovering just right now.

"Did you ever come here ? She asked Rumplestiltskin.

"Nope, he answered. I met your sister in the Enchanted Forest, and when she left, I didn't follow her. I couldn't. And I didn't really want to."

"Do you know what kind of life she had ? Before becoming the Wicked Witch."

"It was hard. She had a family, but her adoptive mother died, and her adoptive father wasn't really someone good. He despised her for having magic, and rejected her. It's the reason why she searched for answers and for her real family."

"And it's why it hurt her so much to realize that she had been abandoned..." understood Regina.

"Sure, approved the Sorcerer. Trust me, I know what it is, and how it feels", he said with a dark air, thinking about his father.

"What happened ?"

"My father. He let me."

"Well... maybe it's better to have no one than to have someone terrible with you."

"I guess both of them are terrible."

Regina nodded.

"So... here we are."

"Yes. The Wicked Witch's palace. I think that it used to belong to the Wizard of Oz. Who wasn't really one, in fact."

"What happened to him ?"

Rumplestiltskin had an amused grin.

"She turned him into a flying monkey."

Regina smiled.

"Well... I think that my evil side begins to really like her."

He just laughed.


They entered, and the witch looked at them with an air of anger, recognizing them both.

And Regina realized that Rumplestiltskin didn't lie.

She was green.

With jealousy.

And it broke Regina's heart to realize that this sister she loved so much for the little where they had been together hated her now, maybe more than she ever loved her.

"Rumplestiltskin... You... Here. Are you there for your dear slippers ?"

The Sorcerer frowned, remembering that after some seconds of reflection. Yes, it was a thing that could have helped him finding Bae. Except that he had to wait for his return, and he would, even though it was long to wait.

"Actually not. I am here to introduce you to someone."

Zelena looked at the former queen with despise and hatred.

"Regina, she whistled."

"Zelena," the young woman hiccuped with an emotion she didn't feel since almost years.


I missed you, you know.

Did you miss me ?

Even when you didn't remember me ?

But there was so much hatred in her voice...

It wasn't her sister any more, she realized with horror, and she had the impression to see herself facing Snow.

Zelena had an air of surprise. What was on her half-sister's face ? Was it... tears ?

No, it couldn't be.

But the thing was that the famous Evil Queen was there, in front of her, almost ready to fall, her heart breaking more and more as she saw her sister's indifference.

And she was crying.

Because all the thing she wanted was to come back to this age of innocence they both had in the past, and where they had been so happy, and that they both lost because of their mother.

She just wanted to embrace her older sister in her arms, and she wanted her to tell her that everything would be okay, even the things which weren't any more.

She just wanted to feel safe, have someone she could call her family. Just as her father or Snow, in old good times. Someone she didn't hurt or try to break.

Someone who was as broken as she was, who just needed help, as she did.

And Zelena was this person.

"Hello, sis," Regina told her with a smile.

The green witch had an air full of astonishment, that she hid well, after some seconds.

And she had a triumphant air.

"So, you know... They finally told you."

"Not exactly... In fact, I always knew the truth, even though I didn't know it. Just as you did."

Zelena' look became even more angry.

"She chose you, she said, letting finally go all her anger and pain in the process. She chose you over me."

"I wasn't born when she did it ! I could do nothing !"

"What does it change ? You always had what should have be mine."

"Then, alright. I would have wanted to give you everything I had. The broken heart I had when my fiance died. When mother killed him. My pain, the one I felt every time mother punished me when I did something she thought was wrong. The wedding with this man older than me, and who didn't love me and that I didn't love either."

She paused.

"You want it ? Fine you can. I can give you my darkness, my loneliness, my despair. My unhappiness. My bad ending."

She looked at her sister's eyes, again.

"Don't tell me I had everything. Because it's wrong. I had been unhappy, as you."

"You're a queen."

"I was. And trust me, power is not the only thing that matters. About that, mother was surely wrong."

She pulled out the tears on her face, and smiled.

"You're my sister Zelena. You always was. Once upon a time, I promised you that I would find you. In the end, I did it."

Zelena frowned, not understanding.

"What ?"

"Rumple, please."

Before she could stop him, he took her hand and did the same thing he did with Regina.

And Zelena' eyes opened wide under the shock.

"I always wanted to use my magic to help people."

"Who are you ?"

"It opens just with blood magic."

"Does that mean we are sisters ?"

"Yes my dear."

"I can't let this happen, I want what is best for you. I want you to be queen."

"I don't care about being a queen !"

"I will find you, I promise !"

She looked at the woman in front of her, who had almost nothing to have with the little girl she now remembered.

"Regina ?" She hiccuped, just as her sister did before, the voice full of uncertainty.

There was so many things she wanted to tell her.

I can't believe it's real.

I missed you sister.

I missed you so much.

I am sorry I hated you.

Can you forgive me ?

And Regina offered her a true smile.

"Yes Zelena, it's me !"

All of this... her anger, her despair, her need to show she was the better, the strongest, her pain of being alone... it all disappeared at this precise moment.

Her sister was there.

Her sister, her friend, her family was just there, in front of her, after she thought she lost her forever.

She wouldn't be alone anymore.

And everything would be okay.

Carefully, as if they both didn't know anymore how to do it, how to fix what had been broken between them, after all this time, they approached each other, a great and deep smile devouring both of their face.

Regina, who was more familiar with other than Zelena, was the first to initiate contact, and she took her half-sister in her arms, embracing her deeply, and with a smile which just grew larger as her sister replied to it.

"You found me. Zelena said, moved, tears in her eyes, you told me you would, and you did it."

"I always keep my promises sis', the witch answered."

They finally broke their embrace, and Zelena in fact completely broke the moment by going in front of Rumplestiltskin and... punching him in the face.

Regina just laughed.

"You deserved it, trust me."

"What happened to your face ?" Zelena asked, finally understanding something she didn't see before.

"I changed."

"He is the one who gave me back my memories of you. If I am here, it's thanks to him, and no one else."

"Well... I guess it excuses what you did to me..."

"I trained you ! The Sorcerer replied, falsely offended. I deserve a thank you, not a hit."

Zelena rolled her eyes.

"If you think it... Now sis, what do you propose ?"

"Well... what if we went home ?"

Zelena looked at her with surprise.

"What do you call a home ? She asked with hope."

"My realm. My castle, where my family is. My father, and Snow."

"I thought you wanted to kill her."

"It's a complicated story. I will explain it to you while we are on the road back to the Enchanted Forest."

Zelena nodded.

"I like this plan."

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