Hidan's Little Sister, Neji's...

By ThisSaramWeeblove

182K 6.1K 1.9K

Misaki is a 13 year old intelligent child who is the younger sister of Hidan. Being sent to Konohagakure at t... More

A Day Out With The Genius
Let The Chunin Exams, Begin
Forest Of Death!
The Answers Revealed
Putting Your Life On The Line
Author's Note
An Unforgettable Flash Back
The Battle Begins!
The Battle Between Misaki And Yuki!
Attack On Konoha!
Misaki's Past Revealed!
Misaki Makes A Move
The Note
Retrieving Sasuke
A Mission With Hinata And Sakura
Three Little Devils Pt.1
Three Little Devils Pt.2
Town Of Death
Halloween Day! *Special*
Guarding. Much Trouble Ahead..
Big Trouble
Having Hope
If You Had The Chance
Secrets Aren't Meant To Be Kept
The Plan
Interrogating. Tusnade's Decision
Orochimaru's Hideout
The Controlling Genjutsu! Flute no Jutsu!
Strict Training
S-Rank Mission
Heading Out
Meeting Uchiha Itachi again
Bittersweet Memories; The Real Deal (Special Chapter)
Author's Note
A Step Closer
The Scroll
To Love One
All Aboard!
Arrival In Okiyasa
Long Time, No See
Happy Birthday, Misaki
My Homeland, Yugakure
Surprises After Another
Lord Jashin
Complicated Situations
Our Past Struggles
Getting Into Yugakure
All In This Together
Caged Bird & Jashin Pt.1
Caged Bird & Jashin Pt.2
Parting With You
The Real Truth
Don and Clarissa
Don and Clarissa Pt.2
Everything Truly Revealed
A Lead On Misaki
Wolves Amongst Sheep
Authors Note

Hidan's Little Sister, Neji's Lover

15.5K 340 331
By ThisSaramWeeblove

[Hello! I decided to make this story because you don't get that many stories about Hidan having a little sister nor Neji having a lover. So me! Wanting to do fanfictions for at least all my favorite characters wrote this. Also, i spell Gai sensei in the Japanese way,, some people say "IT'S GUY SENSEI NOT GAI" And then i'm like... "WELL GUESS WHAT I'M NOT SPELLING IT IN THE ENGLISH WAY, I'M SPELLING IT IN JAPANESE UN!" Lol... Ehem let's move on though...

I DO NOT OWN Hidan nor Neji. I only own my OC character, Misaki and others that aren't by Masashi Kishimoto. Enjoy!!!]


My name is Misaki. I don't have a last name so.. It's just Misaki. I'm am 13 years old now. I was originally from Yugakure, where my older brother Hidan, basically took care of me. I was 7 when Hidan left Yugakure with me and became a Jashinist.

I would say, back then he was a nice, caring brother towards me but... He curse way to much. Anyways after we left Yugakure he said it was best for him to join Akatsuki so he could show off the power of 'Jashinist' and would soon have me to join.

I never fed into that rant of his. He could go on and on about it all day long. Though, it did sound interesting and i would like to become a Jashinist one day, i told him to wait. Just before he joined Akatsuki, he sent me to Konohagakure to train on my skills.

He said when he thinks i'm ready he would come back for me and we start off our journey from there. At first when i arrived in Konoha and they welcomed me there, i was shy to talk to anyone. But after warming up to the people i've made friends.

Naruto, Sakura, and Rock Lee as my best friends. I've became a genin quite early, placed on a team with Lee and two other people. Those being TenTen and Neji. Honestly, me and TenTen don't get along that well. Neji was i guess a little nice towards me, which i heard, was unusual for a stuck up genius like him haha.

My appearance, I have purple eyes just like my brother, centre-parted bangs, that extends to my shoulder blade. My skin.. Hmm It isn't pale nor is it tanned. I prefer just right! My black hair length in the the back, stops in the middle of my back.

My clothes. I wear a tan tight-fitted shirt with a black fish net shirt, and black shorts, along with bandages wrapped around my right leg and left arm. My personality on the other hand is nothing like my older brother.

I'm nice, persistent, ambitious, and sometimes short tempered. If i'm aggravated i have the urge to hit something or someone.. In other words when i'm mad it's not a sight to see. Oh! And i'm 5'0 hehe.

Back to my brother. Hmm, i haven't seen him in 6 years so there's no telling how or what he'd be like. But i hope that soon i'll be able to see him again, because i miss him so much. But.. I just want to know how he's doing, that's all that's on my mind.

Also, back in Yugakure, i also had two best friends. Those two being Yuki, and Jirusho. Hmm Jirusho was the one who always showed off, having many fan girls. Yuki, was the type who was stubborn at times and... VERY short tempered.

Me and her would argue at times over who skills are better. Even though it was always and will be mines. Her's water whilst mines Is lightning and fire ha! Ehem anyways lets get on with this. Chunin exams are soon, so that mean practice, practice, practice.. Yay (Note sarcasm when i say that -.-)

"Yoshi! Now as you know my wonderful students, Chunin exams are around the corner!" Gai sensei informs. "So, we will train harder then ever! Using... FULL YOUTH!!!" Gai sensei smiles showing his bright teeth.

I giggle shaking my head. Lee tightens his fist, tears forming in his eyes. "I will train my best Gai sensei!" Lee shouts. "Haha now we will run around Konoha's border 50 times!" Gai says.

"WAIT WHAT?!" I shout. "G-Gai sensei.. Do you know how big Konoha is.." I mumble sweat dropping. Gai sensei nods smiling even wider. "That is why we are running around the border, my beautiful students, now let's go!" Gai sensei points in front of him. He runs off along with Lee, TenTen and Neji.

"Hm... Should i ditch this training or should i go?" I mumble to myself. "Misaki! Come on you're falling behind!" Gai sensei shouts to me. I sigh, dropping my head before running up to them. Gai finished first. Lee, was only able to run around the border 20 times, TenTen 3 times, Neji 4 times and me...

5! Haha

Although when i ran the 5th lap.. i stressed it... I just wanted to beat Neji... Bad idea because i collapsed onto the floor.. I don't see how Lee and Gai sensei can do it.. "Great job my youthful students! Now onto the next exercise!"

Everyone sighs. "Gai sensei! Before we move on... Can i do something else, like practicing on my Taijutsu skills with Lee!" I smile when i said that looking over at a Lee who had a smile on his face also, hehe.

Gai sensei smiles nodding. "Neji, TenTen. You two will spar. Hm get in your places... And start!" Gai sensei jumps away over to me and Lee's side.

"Misaki, i wont be going easy" Lee warns, getting into stance. I get into the same stance as him. "Ne ne Lee kun, I don't have to worry about that. My Taijutsu skills have improve thanks to you and Gai sensei's help" I smile sweetly, and Lee's cheek turns slightly red.

"Are you ready Misaki Chan" Lee asks. I nod, my smile gone, placed with an calm look. Lee charges towards me. "KONOHA SENPU!" Lee yells, his leg aiming for my stomach.

I swiftly do a back flip, getting back into stance. This time instead of Lee charging towards me, i charge towards him, my fist tighten. I throw my fist towards his face. He dodges my attack with his forearm, squatting down his palms firmly on the ground, doing a 360 spin kick. I jump, grabbing onto Lee's clothing, doing a front flip, my grip on his clothing still at hold.

I pull him up swiftly throwing him over my shoulders making him roll across the floor. "Gah!" Lee yelps as he rolls before getting back up on his feet into stance. "Very nice, Misaki" Lee compliments. I once again give him a smile.

We both run at each other, A punch thrown here and there, this and that dodged. Kick here kick there. Lee picked up his speed causing me to get confused. "Ah! Lee stop moving so fast!" I yell frustrated.

Lee still going at that fast pace. I close my eyes, as heard him coming from behind, i quickly turn around, punching Lee in the face making him fly back. I gasp as he hits a tree with a grunt. "Lee kun!" I run over to him kneeling down, he had little starts around his head.

"G-Gomenasai Lee san" I apologize. He smiles laughing. "It's ok.. I'm ok"

~~Neji's POV~~

TenTen once more sends a dozen of shurikens and Kunais at me. I dodge them like it was nothing before charging towards her, hitting her in the stomach with my palm. "AH!" She yells flying back onto the ground.

"Don't worry, i didn't use Juuken so you're alright" I inform her. I look over at Misaki and Lee. Lee was punched to a tree. Poor thing had stars flying around him. I'm sure it hurts. The sound when he came in contact with the tree sounded as if the tree was going to break.

I shake my head. "Yoshi! ok, now next spar! TenTen and Lee. Misaki, Neji.. You two spar each other" Gai sensei commands. I nod looking over at Misaki who didn't made eye contact with me.

Misaki skills are far more advanced than Lee's and TenTen's. Probably even mines. For she, uses the elements Fire and Lightning, whilst i do not know how to deflect her jutsus. The latest mission we went on, she used lightning element, her jutsu killing up to 3 people.

"Misaki! Remember, do not use any powerful jutsus" Gai sensei reminds her. "Aren't all of them?" She asked. Gai sensei laughs sweat dropping. She gets into Lee's stance only a few feet away from me.

I get into my stance also. "Ready, Neji kun?" Misaki asked talking in that sweet girly tone. Hmph, don't let that fool you, she's nothing to be played with. I nod still staying in my place. If she thinks i'm coming to her, she's got another thing coming.

She throws 2 pairs of Explosive tags and Kunais at me making me jump to the side. Before i could get my balance she was already behind me throwing her leg towards my face. Hmph, she's a smart one.

I dodge her kick with my forearm pushing her off making her lose balance, she soon regains balance by doing a back flip getting into stance. She quickly does a hand sign her thumb, ring finger, and pinkie finger forming a circle, whilst her index and middle finger is curled slight above her mouth. "Katon gokakyuu no jutsu!" Misaki yells. A big fire ball shoots out towards me. I run to my left avoiding the flames.

I run towards getting ready to attack. "Byakugan!" I shout activating my eye. I aim my palm towards her stomach, she lifts up her knee whilst throwing a punch towards me. I quickly push her knee down leaning back dodging her punch making her lean forward losing her balance.

'She's at disadvantage now' "Juuhou hakke rokujuu yonshou.." I utter getting into my 8 Trigrams stance. Misaki's eyes went wide as i appeared in front of her. "2 palms!.. 4 palms!.. 8 palms! 16 palms!.. Y-YAMETE!" She yells through the process. "32 palms! 64 palms!" I yell hitting her last tenketsu. She flies back rolling over the ground. I take a deep breath, standing up straight.

"M-Misaki!" Lee shouts running over to her. Misaki, tries her best to stand up but only fails. "It's useless, Misaki" I tell her. Lee frown shooting me a glare. "You went to far Neji, she was going easy on you! If she wanted she could have-"  "Lee" Gai sensei interrupts him. Lee shuts up, still looking at me with a glare.

Gai sensei walks over towards me, giving me a disappointed look. "Neji, you've harmed a former teammate of yours. You will have to receive intense punishment" Gai sensei says. I look away not giving a care in the world what the punishment was. I wasn't going to do it anyway.

"G-Gai sensei, it's ok.. I'm strong.. I can manage" Misaki mumbles loud enough for him to hear. Misaki struggles standing up but manages to get up, using Lee for balance. Gai sensei anime cries clenching his fist.

"Misaki! My wonderful student... You're growing so fast! I'm so proud of you!" Gai sensei praises her. "Neji... It's not the best punishment i have but.. You shall treat Misaki to what ever she wants and make sure she gets home safely" Gai sensei orders me.

"NANI?!" TenTen and Lee yells. TenTen growls, glaring at Misaki. Misaki brushes it off smirking. "Fine, it isn't a problem" I say in a calm tone walking over to Misaki's side putting her arm around my neck.

"Well then, we'll see you guys later" I say before walking off with Misaki. She managed to walk for a little while, but soon her legs buckled, making her fall forward. I catch her around the waist breaking her fall.

She yelps looking up at me with red cheeks. I gulp looking away, trying to keep my cool self. I put her arm back around my neck looking around at the restaurants. "Which place?" I asked. She looks around at the different restaurants, her eyes lit up when she saw a certain, popular one.

"Ichiraku's Ramen!!" She squeals, a big smile planted on her face. I smirk shaking my head walking over to the restaurant. "Hello Neji, Misaki" Ayame says giving us a soft smile. We both nod, another way of saying hello to her.

We get seated waiting for Ayame to come towards us. "Ne, so how can i help you two hmm?" Ayame asks smiling even more. "Heheh you know me Ayame Chan! Ramen Ramen Ramen!" Misaki giggles giving her a closed eye smile.

Ayame giggles shaking her head. "And you?" "I'll just get the same" I mumble, taking a pair of chop sticks.

(...Every Main Character in my FanFiction Naruto stories loves Ramen... That is because my fellow readers. I LOVE Ramen :} )

Ayame comes back with two bowls of ramen setting them in front of both me and Misaki. "Itadakimasu!" Misaki shouts before gobbling down her noodles. I eat at my regular pace shaking my head.

it wasn't long before we finished. I paid for the both of us, helping Misaki walk home. I look to the side trying to keep a slight blush from forming. "Don't think of this as nothing more than friends, Misaki" I warn her.

"EH?! Shouldn't i be telling YOU that?" She asked. I chuckle shaking my head. "See you later Misaki chan-" I stop, realizing what i just said... I turn around looking at a shocked Misaki. I sigh turning around. "You heard nothing-"

"Yes i did! You said chan! You never-" I interrupt her, growing an anime tick mark. "Misaki i said can!" I lie. She laughs pointing at me shaking her head. "No way!" She shouts. I growl walking off leaving a laughing Misaki.


And it's up! Did you like it?! I did ^-^ Don't i always? Lol anyways i wonder what will happen next. I really don't have anything planned at the moment. Welp, we'll see. See ya next time!


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