0.1 | The Bad Boy and The Che...

By littletroublemaker_

5.5M 171K 35K

Highest Rank - #1 in Teen Fiction - 29/04/18 ~~ Annabella Stone lived in a normal house, in a normal town wit... More

authors note
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
Authors note, thank you, stories blah blah blah
Finding Ava
Xavier's POV
Exciting news!!!
Bonus chapter
Chasing Cora is up!!
Bonus Chapter 2

chapter 46

60K 1.9K 210
By littletroublemaker_

Can't Hold Us - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Ray Dalton

Dedication: matildaandmolly

Loud music boomed through the large house as we drove into the street. There was flashing lights everywhere, all different colors like this were some flashy gala event. On the actual house itself, there was toilet paper hanging down off of the roof; on the actual lawn, there was red paper cups and a few bodies. 

People here had already collapsed from the amount of alcohol they had. We all hopped out of the car and Xavier walked over to me, grabbing my hand tightly. 

The rest of the gang was already here waiting by the door, looking relatively bored. Jess had an uncomfortable look on her face. When she turned to look at me, I gave her a warm, reassuring look. If anybody messed with her here, either Xavier or I would deal with them. 

Without knocking, we stepped into the hectic party. To the left was the main, massive living room where people were dancing and making out. To my right, there was a room with a ping pong table, couches, and a mini bar. 

Everybody here was wearing outfits, some wearing some classic Halloween outfits even though it's not Halloween whilst others went more extreme like us. I noticed a few in 80s clothing— some in Madonna outfits and some in more bizarre outfits. 

As soon as Ren saw the bar, she was off. Cora and I shared a look, knowing she will be passed out in an hours time. 

Ren's a lightweight. 

Derek and Cora also head off to the bar, probably to watch Ren.

The three of us that are left walk into the games room. We step in and immediately, a drunken body stumbles into me. The guy, a typical jock with blonde hair and blue eyes, glances at us and his eyes widen as he see's us. Particularly me.

"Sorry sweetheart didn't see you there," he slurs unattractively whilst trying to stand up straighter. He puffs his chest out slightly like I would immediately fall for his well—defined chest. Even though my much more attractive boyfriend is standing right next to me. "Boy, you look very hot...hey I know you! You're that hot cheerleader that beat Stacy. You did great at the dance battle. I totally saw you winning it. Do you want to head out on a date? Or do you want to maybe head up— "

"She will not be heading anywhere with you," Xavier furiously spits. His hand on mine tightens and he clenches his jaw tighter than you screw a nail.

The jock looks taken aback by Xavier's harsh voice. He widens his blue eyes and holds his hands up in surrender. Then his eyes trail over to Jess who keeps glancing at him warily.

"Well hello beautiful," he tries again with Jess, moving closer to her. I scrunch my nose at the stench of alcohol coming off of him; I notice Jess mirroring my action.

This time, Xavier shoves the jock away from her. He then swings his left fist at the guys cheek without any remorse.

"Stay away from them. No, in fact, stay away from any girl tonight. Otherwise, you will regret it." Xavier coldly warns, his grey eyes narrowed at the jock who is now on the floor. A few people close to us stop to witness this.

"Y—yeah, sure buddy," the jock stutters and quickly scrambles away from Xavier's frosty glare. I note how a few people around us gulp at Xavier's expression and quickly go back to idly talking.

"Thanks, Xavier," Jess softly thanks him as she nervously rubs her exposed arm up and down. She looks more uncomfortable now than ever and with good reason. She has never had a guy approach her, let alone a drunk jock. She's probably feeling scared and maybe even overwhelmed. I flash her a small smile, hoping she will recuperate it. I nearly sighed in relief when I see her smiling back at me. 

The whole time, Xavier doesn't notice our interaction. He was too busy watching the jock jerk runoff.

Xavier shrugs his shoulders, "anytime."

After that incident, we ended up claiming one of the couches. The other three joins us with a very drunk Ren. We decide its probably best to stay with her to make sure she doesn't do anything insane or anything that has the people here running away in fear.

Xavier has his arm slung over my shoulder casually as his eyes surveyed the room. I know he's making sure no guy comes over here and tries anything like that jock earlier. Every time a guy even glances my way, Xavier would press a kiss to the crown of my head and would send the guy a look that would bury you six feet underground. Not exaggerating.

"Woah, that guy is so hot. And so's that guy. Oh! And that one too." Ren drunkenly says, pointing at a bunch of guys. "They are sizzling. Honestly, I think if I touch them my hand will be burnt from the heat that's radiating off of them."

I roll my eyes, ignoring Ren as she practically drawls over the guys here. Drunk Ren seems to have forgotten there's a guy she likes. Then again, there isn't any harm in looking at another guy right? I wonder what Xavier would think if I looked at another guy in that way. Hmm, I wonder if he will get jealous.

"Xavier?" I ask and he hums. "What would happen if I said I found one of the guys here attractive?"

"I would beat the shit out of them and kiss you endlessly until you said I was the only one for you." He calmly answers, like the prospect of getting into a fight is nothing. Typical Xavier.

"Xavier!" I slap his chest, gasping. "You would so not beat a guy up. I don't like the idea of you getting into fights."

Xavier leans his forehead against me. "I know but for you, I would do anything."

Of course, at that very moment, Ren had to be listening to our conversation. "Aww, they're doing that cute lovey—dovey thing again. They make such a cute couple, their babies are going to be adorable. I call dibs on being the godmother! Screw you guys!"

"Oh dear gosh," I hear Cora mutter into Derek's shoulder, appalled. Quite frankly, I'm more shocked that Cora didn't expect this from Ren. It's just such a Ren thing to say.

Suddenly, we hear a loud cheer from the ping pong table. Glancing at it, I see Stacy there sucking the face of some guy who won. She doesn't have a care in the world. Ever since the dance battle, she hasn't done anything to me. She hasn't tried anything horrendous and awful.

Occasionally when our eyes meet in cheer practice, she would give me a stiff nod. I guess one could say we have an understanding now and that she even respects me a little. What is it people say? Treat people the way you want to be treated. Perhaps, that finally went into her head; so now she's being well, civil.

We continue chatting for a while, with me cuddling up to Xavier. He is just so comfy, like a soft, yet muscley, teddy bear.

"Oh my gosh!" I squeal, springing up. "I love this song, we have to dance."

Xavier looks apprehensive at first, darting his eyes between me and the other room. He hesitantly nods his head, which is enough for me to drag him into the room. We Found Love by Rihanna and Calvin Harris is playing. Its a good song that I like dancing to.

We head onto the 'dance floor', amongst the sea of sweaty bodies. As we get to the middle where there's some space, he twirls me into him so that I crash into his chest and I then begin moving to the beat.

We laugh together, enjoying this moment.

You often hear adults saying your teenage years are the best years of your life. They say you don't realize it then but you will miss walking down the packed hallways at high school; you'll miss all of the horrible moments in P.E. or at lunch. I suppose its true, these moments feel amazing. The moments with Xavier, having fun and not worrying about Chris is the best.

Xavier moves his head closer to me, his lips inches from mine. Without a second thought, I smash my lips to his.

These are the moments that count. The moments when you're having fun with your closest friends and your best friends.

This night has been one of the best, just because I'm spending it with some of the closest people to me.

Little did I know, this night would end in a disaster. 

Word count: 1508

Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

I have some news! There's only five chapters left (including the epilogue) + a bonus chapter.

Next update: I might update Sunday but I might be busy (if I am busy the next update will be 27th March)

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