Undercover (l.t.)

By xxnightchangesxx

65.5K 2.2K 597

In which a girl who is brutally abused by her loved ones finds fame, fortune, and Louis Tomlinson. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Four Years of One Direction

Chapter Thirty Three

1.6K 56 46
By xxnightchangesxx

A/N: before I start the chapter I want to thank everyone for reading, commenting and voting and if you want a follow simply follow me and I'll follow back...

Anyways... While I was sleeping this whole idea came into my head and it was like an epiphany so I'm confirming now that this story will have a sequel... Not sure how many more chapters in this probably 5 or 6 but yeah...

Ok you can read now....


Louis POV

5 weeks later.

A/N: yeah I'm like too lazy to check the actual dates and stuff for these cities so like basically this is my own schedule for their tour

"Head in the clouds got no weight on my shoulders

I should be wiser and realize that I've got!"

The whispering part of Ariana Grande's song came on as Eleanor danced with it.

"I got one less one less problem."

The rest of the boys were dancing along weirdly with Zayn and Harry doing the in betweener dance, Niall twerking and Liam trying to be like Justin Timberlake.

"I know you're never gonna wake up I gotta give up but it's you-u-u

I know I never should've called back I let you come back but it's you-u-u

Everytime you touch me and say you love me

I get a little bit breathless I shouldn't want it! But it's you-u-u"

Eleanor continued singing and dancing, soon joining Zayn and the fans went crazy. They all knew that El was Zayn's adoptive sister now but they don't know the details. They respected that part of her life and she's grateful for that.

As for us? The press doesn't really know yet but the fans know better. They started taking notice and think that we're together. If a fan asked us we wouldn't deny it but we would tell them to keep it a secret from the press at least.

Some posters in the crowd read


Although not everything was great. There are those heavily devoted Larry shippers that give Eleanor hate and Harry always apologizes to her and tries to defend her in twitter but the fans don't really listen. Zayn also gets mad but he isn't much of a tweeter and instead makes comments about it indirectly when he's talking to the fans. I comfort El as she cries and tell her to ignore the haters but I know that's hard for her when everyone she's known for most of her life hated her. All because of me.

The trumpets started playing again preparing for Iggy's rap... Or shall I say Zayn Malik's

(A/N: I don't know ok yesterday I dreamt of Zayn in a dress rapping Iggy's part....)

"It's Zayn Malik. Uh. What you got?

I'll be better off without you

In no time

I'll be forgettin' all about you

You saying that you know

But I really really doubt you

Understand my life is easy

When I ain't around you"

The fans went crazy while Zayn started rapping. They finally got to her Zayn rap after three years of mentioning it on a sugar scape interview.

"I got 99 problems

But you won't be one

Like what!"

Eleanor continued the song dancing like there was no tomorrow. I'll say she danced better than Ariana Grande. She made her own steps for the song instead of Ariana Grande's.

"Thank you Milan!" She yelled into the microphone. She turned to Zayn.

"Nice rapping lol' bro."

"Lil' bro?"

"I'm older than you."

"Yeah but you act like a five year old."

"Says the boy that put yellow dye in my shampoo. That's such an immature prank!"

"Harry was on it too!" He exclaimed.

"Anyways. Now I have to give the stage to the boys although their performance won't be as great as mine." She winked at the audience as they cheered as the music for little white lies started playing.

In the middle of the performance, Luke, Calum, Ashton, and Michael came on and start grabbing our butts and jumping around the stage.

An hour later we were all saying bye to the fans and thanking them for everything.

"All right boys get cleaned up. Ew Niall don't hug me. You're all sweaty." Lou protested.

We were back on the road and I was happy. We missed our families especially Harry, Liam, Niall, and Zayn. We didn't even get to stay at Niall's place just drop by for a quick hello.

"Hey babe. What you thinking about?" El said nuzzling into me.

"I miss my family."

"I do too. Your mum is so sweet. It's a shame we told her we were in a relationship when we really weren't."

"I'm sorry for doing that."

She waved it off dismissively. "It's fine. Besides at least we're together now."

"Amazing right?"

"Yeah... I miss Zayn's mum--- err my mum and wow I am never going to get used to that."

"I know. I hope you don't become Moody and Mysterious like my Zaynie puff." I said reaching over a messing up Zayn's quiff.

"Hey stop messing up my hair! And don't call me that!"

"Oh yeah I forget. You're a Bradford bad boy." I said making gangster signs.

"I don't say that anymore."

"You guys are crazy. Anyways. Liam's mum was so sweet too I love her and it sucks we couldn't see Niall's mum."

"Maybe after the tour you can come back to Ireland. It is the best country after all." Niall said.

"No. Absolutely not." Harry said from underneath his covers.

"And Harry's mum is hot." Eleanor said.

"Right!" Zayn and Liam exclaimed.

"Stop it all of you. Don't say that about my mum. That's disturbing. Almost as disturbing as all those fans who says Gemma is the better styles. She's clearly not!"

"Well she graduated." Zayn said.

"I'm in the world's biggest idiotic boyband.

"And she's pretty."

"I'm considered the heartthrob of the group."

"Which doesn't make sense because I have the ass." I said.

"I have the hair." Zayn exclaimed.

"I have the muscles." Liam added.

"And I have the sexy Accent." Niall said.

"Harry has a banana and that make's is all better." Eleanor said sarcastically.

"Shut it all of you!"

"Anyways continuing. Gemma also has perfect hair." Niall said.

"Do you not see these luscious curls that every girls wants to run their hands through?"

"Gemma is also funnier." Liam pointed out.

"Everyone laughs at my knock knock jokes!"

"Gemma is also a girl." Eleanor finished.

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"Girls are generally smarter than boys. That's why despite the fact that you guys are in your twenties, all of your fans even the young ones can outsmart all of you... Except probably Liam. It's why Katniss won the hunger games."

"Peeta won too!" Zayn said defending the male species.

"No. Only because Katniss is a softie and didn't want peeta to die because he helped her when she was younger and she was in denial that she was in love with him. But Katniss did all the work because she was protecting the both of them after they united in the games."

"Name one other character that outsmarts a guy."

"Hermione Granger."

"But Harry still beat everyone." Harry stated.

"Yes but do you actually think that without the help of Hermione that they would've been able to figure out who was Nicholas Flammel? Would've been able to figure out what the monster in the chamber of secrets? Would've been able to figure out how to save Sirius? Need I need to go on? I mean without Hermione, Ron and Harry would've been lost."

"I'm still not convinced." Harry said.

"Fine. Gemma and your mum have both went to college and graduated and you're sitting here in your underwear labeled as a womanizer."

"Hey! I'm successful and I'm always traveling the world! I don't have time for school."

"I'm traveling the world too yet here I am talking you five idiots and doing my Calculus worksheet all at the same time."

"Over achiever." Harry stated.

"Nope just a girl with ambition."

"They say you can have ambition but not to much." Harry said quoting Beyoncé's song.

"Don't use my jam against me. Okay Beyoncé is queen and Flawless is the theme song of Zayn and Perrie's kids like please let me enjoy my song until their kids take over it."

Zayn spit out the juice he was drinking from his juice box.


"Oh come on. With someone as hot as you and as sexy as Perrie there's no way your children will be ugly! It's absolutely unfair. Every hot guy is either gay or too old or too young."

"Hey what about me?" I exclaimed.

"Like I said too young. You have the mind of a 5 year old."

"I can be very mature."

"No not really." She smiles and goes back to doing her work.

As I watch her work I see her eyes slowly drooping as she works and tries to keep herself awake. I take the textbook away from her and she looks at me confused.

"You're tired love. You need to sleep here." I put her on my bunk and tuck her in. I start going up to her bunk to sleep when she calls me.

"Louis. Just sleep here please?"

"Okay." It was a tight space but we managed. Mostly because Eleanor was really skinny. Skinnier than a normal person because for years she wasn't fed properly and she eats too little because that has become her appetite.

"I love you." I whispered in her ear like I did so many times before.

Right before I lost consciousness I heard the four words slip out of her pretty little mouth, warming my heart.

"I love you too."


Eleanor's POV

The next morning I woke up with a pain in my stomach.

'Wonderful. Mother nature decided to visit me today of all days' I thought.

I slowly got out of Louis' grip and went to the restroom to take care of myself.

When I came out, Liam and Niall were eating the food the Harry was making. Zayn was asleep (no surprise) and Louis was no where to be seen.

"Hey where's Lou?" I asked.

"Oh well you were using the restroom and he really needed to go but you were taking a long time so we just stopped by a gas station so he can go." Liam explained.

"You guys didn't do something you know dirty right? Because I am too young to be an uncle!" Harry said.

"No! I just umm... Girl stuff... Anyways what do you mean you're too young Zayn's gonna get kids."

"He said not anytime soon. Probably like 3 years time." Harry said.

"Oh well."

The door opened and Louis came in looking satisfied. He immediately came to me, concern all over his face.

"Are you alright? Do you need anything? Did I do something wrong?"

"What no! Louis it's just that time right now. I just need some painkillers."

"Ohh! Well in that case Dr. Tommo at your service." Louis said giving me some pills.

After breakfast we asked Paul what was the plan for the rest of the day.

"Today is a day off from the concert life but you still have interviews. Eleanor, you have two by yourself and then one with the boys. Zayn, Louis, Liam. You guys have one together. Niall and Harry have one together. Then Zayn, Louis and Harry has one and then you will join Liam and Niall later with El. Lou has all of your outfits for each interview. Management also called. They told me to tell you, Louis, and Zayn that they are most likely going to ask you two about the video leak. They said to just answer around the question and you'll be fine. After that you guys are free."

"Great now we have to wake up Zayn and tell him everything." Liam complained.

3 hours later, I was at a radio station. I was on for about 3 minutes which wasn't bad but I was still nervous. It's was a radio interview so I was just wearing sweats an old Jonas Brothers Tshirt and converse. My hair was in a messy braid and I didn't have any make up on. Keeping it at a natural look.

"You're on in 2 minutes." The host said.

"Thanks." I smiled at the guy until he left. Then Panic mode started.

"Hey El. Just calm down. You'll be fine." Louis said.

"Louis. You're supposed to be at your other interview."

"Nonsense. It only starts in five minutes."

"And that studio is 30 minutes away from here!"

"Oh right.." Louis gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and left.

"30 seconds."

Okay I can do this. The worst thing that could happen is that I could spill my water all over the very expensive sound equipment...

Note to self. Stay away from water.

"That was Don't Stop by 5 Seconds of Summer who is currently touring with One Direction and Melody on the Where We are Stadium Tour. Speaking of Melody here she is in the studio! Hello Melody how is everything?"

"It's great Rob! The tour and the fans are just simply amazing!" I said slowly getting used to the scene.

"So any news on an upcoming album?" He said.

I was indeed writing an album. But I was going to release it all at once. Like Beyoncé.

"No not yet. I haven't really had much time between tour, meeting the fans, and university."

"Oh yes. You are still going to Oxford I suspect?"


"And what are you studying?"


"And do you plan on going on with that dream?"

"Yes. Being a pharmacist has always been my dream. Singing just kind of came to me a little after Zayn went into X Factor and my other best friend went into modeling. I decided I should also put my voice out there."

"Speaking of Zayn. I heard you two are brother and sister now. Care to elaborate."

"Uh well. The only adult I had in my life was my grandmother but after she died I was just kind of on my own. So Zayn's family happily took me in considering the face we were best friends and I practically called his parents mom and dad anyways."

"Well that's good. Now you can mess with the old bloke and it'll be legal!"

"Haha yes."

"So dirt on the street is that you and Louis Tomlinson are dating. Confirm deny? All of our directioners and melodics are dying to know."

"Uh yes. I can confirm we are dating. For five weeks now."

"You heard it from the lady herself. Louis Tomlinson is now off the hook. Sorry directioners."

"You still have Niall and Harry though! But if I was you I would go for Niall. Harry is just weird." I joked.

We talked and laughed more about the tour and the crazy stories and finally we were done. I was quickly being ushered out to get to my next interview which started in about 15 minutes.

On the way there Louis called.

"Hey Lou."

"Hello Love. Are you on your way?"

"Yeah. How was the interview?"

"Same ol same ol. We listened to a part of yours though."

"Oh? And what did you think?"

"That I'm happy you confirmed our relationship. And Harry protested that he isn't weird and that's he's absolutely serious."

"He keeps saying that."

"So I was wondering. Our interview together is in about an hour. After that we have 12 hours to tour Paris. Just you and Me together all day."

"That would be nice. Where are we going."

"Oh come on El. I'm pretty sure you know me well enough to know I'm not telling you."

"Ugh fine."

"I love you."

"I love you Louis."

"You hang up first."


"I was just trying to figure out if you were that type of person." Louis mumbled.

"Yeah ok. I love you Lou. Bye."


Louis' POV

"Yeah ok. I love you Lou. Bye." El said hanging up.

I smiled at my screensaver it was a picture of us kissing.

"You are totally whipped." Harry said.

"No I'm not!"

"You are more whipped that extra whipped whip cream." Niall said.

"So what?"

"When are you going to make thing seriously. Like ask her to be your girlfriend?" Niall asked.

"Isn't a little early?"

Harry smacked his face with his palm. "It's been five weeks. Five weeks. 35 days. 840 hours! It's not too early! You should ask her tonight on your date. Go to the Eiffel Tower. Get a necklace or a bracelet."

"So I just get her a random bracelet with like a diamond on it?"

"No you idiot. You get her something that has value to her. She loves you Lou, she would care if you made a necklace for her out of hay." Zayn said.

"I'll figure it out."

An hour later we were all backstage, Lou fussing with our hair and Eleanor getting ready.

"One Direction and Melody on stage in 5 minutes."

"Okay Harry. You're hair is finished."

"Thanks Lou! I love my hair today! You're amazing!" Harry said throwing his arms around Lou.

"Don't touch me. Get off."

"Lou. Do I have to wear this dress. Can't I just wear jeans?" Eleanor said stepping out of the room.

My mouth fell open as I took in her appearance. She was in a thin strapped black dress with the top cut low. Her hair was in a messy fishtail and she had very little make up on. But the best part of the look was the fact that she was wearing tattered up Converse with a splatter paint design.

"Yes you have to wear the dress. And can you please change into heels?" Lou asked.

"No. I made these shoes with Ricky and they're far more comfortable."

She walked over to me and smiled.

"Well don't you look like a dashing person?"

"You sound like my mum."

"Fine." She took in a deep breath and then screamed at the top of lungs.


The she turned to look at me.

"This is what I had to deal with when Ricky talked about you guys. Can you call it awkward or not?"

"Well that was a well representation of our fans." Harry said.


An hour later after the interview we were all at our hotel doing nothing.... Except El and I. We were getting ready for our date.

"What do I wear Lou?"


"Ok I'll just walk out naked, find a guy, and say 'draw me like one of your French girls'."

"Absolutely not. You are mine and mine only."

"Ok fine. I'll just wear some jeans and a Tshirt is that fine?"


We were simply walking around the park just talking and for once I felt like a normal person. But I knew that wasn't true. Fans were lurking in the sides debating if they should come and interrupt our day and Paparazzi were hiding in the bushes trying to sneak pictures.

But Eleanor was completely oblivious to it. She smiled as she took in the wonderful view at Paris. But I think what she found the most fascinating was the families just having family time. I caught a few times looking with a sad smile on her face.

"I never knew a family could be so united like that. I never knew what it was like to be loved unconditionally by your parents."

"Well now you have a family that cares about you."

"No Louis. I am part of a group of people, my best friend's family. And even though I've known them for so long and that now I have their last name, it won't ever be unconditional love. A mother's love is unconditional because her children is a creation of her's and she is proud of that creation. And she vows to protect it. I may be Trisha's daughter but in her eyes I will always be Zayn's best friend. She loves me but not like her own children. They will always be first and I don't blame her for that. I just wish I got the opportunities of being loved like that. I wish that even at times when this job could be overwhelming I could just step back and remember my family. But I can't. That was taken away from me for some unknown reason."

We were silent after that. Just holding hands and walking while our minds were elsewhere. I knew she was right about Zayn's mum. She may be adopted into their family but she won't ever be loved like the rest of them. Even Zayn, who gets overprotective of Eleanor and threatens anyone who hurts her, would always protect his own sister's first. Because Eleanor is still his best friend. And Waliyah, Doniya, and Safaa are his blood related sister's. What do you say to your girlfriend who has been abused and has never been loved?

But I love her.

Without knowing we found ourselves in front of the Eiffel Tower.

"Wanna go up?" I asked.

She nodded and silently, with her hand still in mine, she followed me up the staircase to get to the top. Once there she laughed.

"This feels like that High School Musical scene where Troy and Gabriella danced on the top of the school roof." She took her hand out of mine and twirled around before settling on the railing of the tower and looking at the stars. I stood next to her and watched her look at the sky as if it was a second home.

"This is beautiful."

"Yeah it is." I said not really talking about the stars.

She looked at me and blushed before looking back at the stars.

"Why do you love the stars?"

"It's how I remember my grandmother. She was the only person who truly loved me."

"Well you're wrong."

She looked at me confused.

"You say that nobody has loved you. Unconditionally. And you are right and wrong. You were right about mother's loving their child. You never got that chance. Zayn's parents will never love you the way they love their 4 children. But that was until now. This is where you wrong because I love you. And maybe I'm not your mom, but that doesn't mean I don't love you unconditionally. I would do anything to protect you from anything including myself. I hate myself so much for hurting you. But hating myself isn't going to change the past. I love you. Always have and always will."

"But Louis. You can't love me unconditionally. We don't even know if we are meant to be."

"We are meant to be. I swear I won't ever hurt you. This is a token of my love. Our symbolism of our hatred, friendship, and our love."

I took her hand and slipped on a bracelet. I got it specifically carved for her. On it was carved pictures of our life together. A black heart mixed with red to symbolize the love I had with her but how it was trapped in it's cage, unable to show the amount of love it was able to hold so instead it was poisoned with my abuse, with her scars and bruises, with my hateful words.

It showed a picture of a flower to symbolize hope. Hope that I would see her again. Hope that I got when I saw her on the Ellen show. Hope I got after she told me we could give friendship a try.

It showed a picture of a roller coaster. But unlike most roller coasters, this one only went up. Just like the famous saying by Augustus Waters, being friends with with Eleanor was like being on a roller coaster that not went up. Nothing bad came with it. Only my love for her grew stronger.

Finally it showed a picture of the Eiffel Tower. Because even though we confessed our feelings at Zayn's house, it was here where I finally merged as one with her with our love. Not in marriage but something stronger.

By one look at her face and I knew she understood the story behind the bracelet. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. She threw her arms around my torso and hugged me. I immediately brought her closer burying my head in her hair. She sobbed into my chest as I comforted her.

"Thank you Louis. I love you so much. Even though you caused my pain for a while, you really are an amazing person."

"I need to ask you something."

She pulled away and wiped her tears and nodded for me to go ahead.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

She laughed and put her hand on her chin to make it seem like she was thinking.

"Hmm. I don't know. I mean I thought Harry looked very sexy in that suit for the interview. I think I may go for him instead. But if you insist on my being my boyfriend I guess I will." She said sighing like she's defeated.

"Oh pity. Well then if you really want Harry I guess I'll just call him."

"I'm kidding! Of course I would love to be your girlfriend."

"Am I sexier than Harry?"

"Way more."



"Maybe Good can be our Always."

"Good." She said.



That is how you spell good right? Cuz like I wrote good so many times that it seems wrong now.

Anyways.... Yay ELOUNOR!!! I know I'm so original when it comes to names. I should've chose a different name but like I was too lazy...

Yeah so there might be like 4 or 5 chaps left.... BUT DONT FEAR THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL!! Not sure what to call it but there will be a sequel.





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