Forbidden Fruit

By MUVAmajesty

58K 2.7K 1K

Student Lauren finds herself struggling as she begins a new year. Can a new woman, professor Normani Kordei a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 34

1.5K 68 28
By MUVAmajesty

NORMANI POV - 2 years  later

"Lauren?" Moving down the hall, I smile at the thought of seeing my wife. It's been five days since we've spent the night together. Five days since I've held her whilst watching movies and lounging around, and five days since I've been at our home. Mandatory training pulled me away from Lauren, and although I know it is a part of my job, it doesn't mean I had to like it. I'd tried feigning illness. I'd tried switching off my cell. None of it worked. I simply had to leave Miami and spend five boring, and very lonely days with people I don't know. People I'd never usually spend time with. People who simply weren't my wife. We have been married for a little over six months, and's the best feeling in the world. Sure, to some it is just a piece of official paper, but to me, I feel different. I feel...complete. Having our friends and family with us on the most important day of our lives was something we both found amazing. Her immediate family had been supportive since she came out, and my family, mother was liked a crazed lunatic once she found out I had proposed to Lauren. The day? She was nothing more than a blubbering mess. "Lauren, where the hell are you?"

"In here." A quiet voice calls out as I reach the top floor of our home.

Bursting through the door, I find my wife curled up in bed with a book. "Hey." I smile.

"Hey." She places her book down and opens her arms, motioning for me to join her.

"Mm, you kept the bed warm." Climbing over and settling beside her, I feel an instant calm settle inside me. Her arms wrapped around me, I know I'm home. "I tried to get an earlier flight but it just wasn't happening. I'm sorry I'm home so late."

"It's okay. You're home now and that's fine by me." Tightening her grip around me, she places a kiss on my forehead and gives me one of her amazing smiles. "So, how was it?"

"The training or missing you?" I ask.

"Mm, both?" She shrugs and pulls the cover up over both of us.

"Both were awful." I sigh. "How are you feeling?"

"Well, I don't feel any different." I can see the disappointment in her eyes but we both know that this could be a long road. "I should feel different, right?"

"I don't know, baby. I guess some people do, and others don't. Have you checked at all?"

"No, I didn't want to do anything whilst you were away. I want us both here when I do it." I give her a genuine smile and she knows I'm grateful for her patience.

"Well, I'm here now. Maybe we could make it a part of our plans for tomorrow morning?" I suggest and she gives me a nod in agreement.

"Yes, sounds perfect. I'm tired and I'll bet you are, too?"

"I could certainly use a night snuggled up with you, that's for sure." Removing myself from Lauren's arms, I slip off my shoes and head into the bathroom. I know she has things on her mind, but I'm here to support her. We are both in this together.

The past year has been nothing short of amazing, and I can honestly say that I love her more now, than I did when I first said those words to her. She just amazes me every day. At the beginning, we had our issues and our worries, but both of our families have been supportive and that is all that matters. She is no longer at the university and even though people knew about us back then, it still makes things seem a little easier than before. Knowing that I don't have to watch myself around campus is a lot less distracting. She is planning a career in writing, and having her trust fund means that she doesn't have to rush into anything. It's nice to have her around and if this next year goes the way we want it to, I'll be having her around a whole lot more.

She is able to do everything she needs to from home, so I get to spend a tonne of time with her. Sure, work isn't as fun as it used to be because I don't get to see her around the university, but she is at home waiting for me every evening. What more could I ever want?

Finishing my routine, I flick the switch and send the room into darkness. Lauren is waiting for me with tired eyes, and I know once I climb into bed, it will only be a matter of minutes before we are both sleeping soundly for the first time in five nights. I know she doesn't sleep when I'm not here, and I hope it doesn't become a habit of mine. I'd hate for the beautiful woman lay waiting for me to miss out on her much needed sleep.

Settling down beside her, she wraps her arm around my waist and places a light kiss on my lips. "I want you all to myself tomorrow. Think you can work with that?" Her sleep filled voice husks.

"I can always work with that." Running my thumb along her cheek, I give her a dimpled smile and place a kiss on the tip of her nose. "Goodnight, Lauren."

"Goodnight, Normani." Closing my eyes, it's not long before I feel my own body drifting off to a place of calm.

"I love you, Normani. No matter the outcome tomorrow, I know we can continue to be amazing. I want us to be amazing. I don't want to disappoint you, so I'll apologise now." Lauren's low voice pulling me from that place between sleep and consciousness, I wonder if she knows I've heard her. Do I say something? Was she meant to say that stuff out loud? The sound of a light sniffle causes my eyes to open and I can see her profile in the moonlight. A tear falling from her eyes, I prop myself up on my elbow and place my arm over her midsection.

"Hey, don't cry." Running my thumb across her tear stained cheek, I give her a sad look.

"I'm scared that if this doesn't all go to plan, I'll lose you. I can't lose you, Normani."

"You aren't going to lose me."

"But what if I can't give you what you want? What we want?"

"I want you, Lauren. Everything else would just be a bonus. You are the one that matters most right now."

"Promise?" Her voice breaks and I feel my heart melt. "Promise me that you won't walk away if this turns to shit?"

"I promise. Forever and ever, right?"

"Forever and ever." Sighing, she turns to face me and closes her eyes. I can see how tired she is, but her mind is in overdrive right now. Settling back down, I continue to stare at her until I'm satisfied that she is sleeping.

God, I hope this works out. I don't think I could bear to see her so upset with herself.

The bed dipping beside me and bringing me out of my sleep, I groan and pull the cover up over my face. I'm not sure I've ever slept so well, and right now, I have no intention of changing that. I need sleep. I want to sleep. Just five more minutes. Lauren nudging me and tugging the cover from me, I groan once again and turn on my side. "Not now, Lauren."

"Normani, wake up."

"Ugh, please, baby." I open one eye to find her grinning at me. "What?" Shooting up, I shake myself from my sleep. "What, Lauren?"

"I need to ask you something." She states and sits up on her knees.

"So freaking hurry up and ask me." I'm growing impatient. I've remembered what is happening today, and I can see by the look on her face that she has been awake for some time, doing god knows what.

"Did Um, like... did you want to be called Mommy or Momma?" I know my heart has just stopped, but I don't know what to say. Is she just asking me a general question?

"I, uh...What?" Furrowing my brow, I can see she is desperate to jump up and down. "Lauren?"

"Answer my question, Normani." She can't remove the smile from her face, and I don't want her to.

"I-I don't mind. Whatever. Why?" I'm barely breathing right now, but I have to keep it together.

"Well because you have about eight months to decide." She smiles and narrows her eyes.

Silence. Nothing. I'm not entirely sure if I'm even still on this planet.

"Baby, say something....anything?"

"W-We, um..uh-" Shaking my head, I try to hold back the tears that are about to fall freely. If I allow them to, I'm not sure they will ever stop. "Lauren, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying...we are having a baby."

Oh my god. Oh my god. OH, MY GOD! Trying to steady my breathing, I close my eyes and take a minute to truly hear what my wife has just said to me. I am definitely awake, right?

"So...we are doing this, right?" She has a look of uncertainty on her face, and I realise that she has taken my silence as a bad thing. It's not bad. Far from it. I'm just speechless right now. "Normani."

"We're having a baby?" Taking her hands in my own, I too sit up on my knees and move closer to my wife. The mother of my child.

"We're having a baby." Tightening her grip on my hands, she dips her head and meets my eye line. "Are you okay?"

"Okay? Am I okay? Lauren, are you okay? Do you feel sick at all? Can I get you anything?"


"Maybe I should run you a hot bath. You should spend the day in bed." I know I'm talking like a crazed woman right now but I have to look after her. She is carrying our baby, and I have to protect them both. The only way I can do that is by taking care of her. "Let's get you some breakfast first, then you can take a bath, yeah?"

"Normani, I'm fine."

"I know, and I'm going to make sure it stays that way, Lauren." Placing my hand across her stomach, I feel the tears once again forming in my eyes. "I love you...both."

"We love you, too." She smiles and my heart skips a beat at the use of we. "Do you want to talk about this?"

"What is there to talk about?" I shrug and remove myself from our bed. Motioning for her to stand also, she joins me in the middle of our bedroom and I wrap my arms around her waist. "This is amazing, Lauren. I've never felt so terrified, yet so excited in all of my life."

"We can do this, right?"

"We can do anything we want, and I wouldn't want to share this experience with anyone other than you. I love you and I'm going to help you through this. I promise."

"I know you will." She states. "You're good, though?"


LAUEN POV - 8 months later...

Oh god, I've never felt pain like this in my life. "Normani?" My body is on fire and I swear my water has broken. I need Normani, and I need her now. I needed her before, but nope...I definitely need her now. "NORMANI?" Where the hell is she?

Moving out into the hall, I can hear her laughing and talking but I'm not in that kinda mood right now. "NORMANI!"

"Yeah?" She calls from the yard. "Lauren, Mom says hi." I can hear her voice getting closer, but the pain in my back is taking my breath away. "Did you want to speak to her?"

I shake my head as she rounds the corner and comes face to face with me. "Baby." I breathlessly state and she drops her cell from her hands. "Now."

"Oh my god. Like, now now?" Her face turns a whiter shade of pale and if I wasn't in desperate need of a hospital, I'd find it adorable. Lauren, oh god! Right, okay. Um-"

"Get the bag, Normani. It's time to go." I lean forward against the kitchen counter and take deep breaths. "Shit! That hurts like a bastard."

Watching my wife rush down the hall and almost stumble over my bag, I manage a slight smile before the pain comes back tenfold. "Please don't kill yourself, Normani. I need you alive, not broken."

"Right, got it. What else? Anything?"

"No. That's all." I pant. "Let's go."

Pulling the bag up over her shoulder, she takes a hold of me and guides me towards our front door. The car is only a few more steps away and I've never been so grateful. "They never said the pain would be this bad."

"I don't think they usually give that kind of information away, baby. Pretty sure it would put everyone off of the idea." I know she is trying to keep me sane right now but her voice is annoying me. I love Normani, I really do, but this pain is making me want to hurt someone, and she is the closest to me. "Come on." Helping me into the car, she quickly rounds the back and throws the bag in the trunk. We don't live too far from the hospital so I'm not worried about giving birth in the passenger seat of her Audi, but I'm uncomfortable. Everything is uncomfortable. God, I wish this was over already!

"You okay?" She gives me a reassuring squeeze of the hand as she buckles up and fires the engine. "Is there anything I can do?"

"Just drive, Normani. Safely, but freaking quickly." Gripping onto the sides of the seat, I close my eyes and concentrate on my breathing. I may have joked about it during our classes together, but it's not so funny now. It's actually helping.

"Oh god! I'm going to have a baby. I'm going to have a baby." Normani repeating herself isn't helping, and I'm growing more frustrated by the second.

"NO, Normani. I'm going to have a baby. You are going to stand and watch whilst I'm in excruciating pain. Two totally different things."

"Oh, yeah. I'm still going to have a baby at the end of it, though." The grin on her face is too much and I want to melt with her. I can't though because another contraction is coming and I'm ready to scream. "Lauren?"

"Normani, I feel like I want to push."

"No, don't push. Wait...are you supposed to push? I can't remember. Shit!" Sighing, I can see she is frustrated too. "I'm terrible at this. I don't know why you chose me to do this with. I'm going to be awful."

Whilst I have a moment of relief, I place my hand on her thigh and give it a squeeze. "You are going to be awesome at this. You have been more than I could have hoped for during this pregnancy and I know our baby is going to have everything."

"Promise?" I can see the worry in her gorgeous brown eyes, but I don't mirror it. I'm not worried in the slightest. I know Normani is going to be amazing. She already is amazing.

"I promise." The pain heightening once more, I feel a little relief as we pull up to the hospital. My frantic wife rushing out of the car and grabbing what we need, she helps me out and gets me inside as soon as she can. I'm really beginning to struggle and I'm thankful that she is here with me. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me. It's what I'm here for, Lauren." Catching sight of a nurse coming towards us, I know I'm in the right place, and I know I'm safe. Sure, I'm safe whenever Normani  is around, but this is a different type of safe. I can see the relief on her face also, and I know that from here on in, we are going to be just fine. Turning to face my wife, I give her a smile. "Forever and ever?"

"Forever and ever."

Normani POV

Everything has been a blur so far today. One minute I was talking to my mom, and then I was rushing off to the hospital. Honestly, I've never felt so terrified. I'd like to think that I was excited and I was looking forward to what was about to happen, but I wasn't. I was scared for Lauren, I was scared for our baby, and I was scared that this wouldn't turn out right.

Eight months ago when Lauren told me that we were pregnant, I was honestly the happiest I'd ever been. Nothing and no one could bring me down from the high I felt in the weeks that followed. Once the realisation hit, that all changed. I'd lie awake most nights while Lauren slept peacefully beside me, and honestly...I'm so tired. That didn't get any better as the months went on. It only caused more worry and panic because I knew that this day was fast approaching. Time slows down for no one.

I'd spoken to my mom about it all and she had put my mind at rest on more than one occasion. I'd never thought about running, but I had wondered if I was cut out to be a mom. Truth be told, I wasn't sure. I'd never had nieces or nephews of my own. I didn't even have any good friends with kids. I guess I was always going to worry.

But now? That worry has disappeared and I'm sat beside a sleeping Lauren and our baby. Yes, our baby. How do I feel? I honestly can't describe it. Children are not something I ever thought I needed in my life. It's not something I'd ever worried about as I got older, but watching my beautiful baby boy sleep his first few hours away in this world...I feel every emotion crashing through me. Love, protection, fear, but most of all....complete satisfaction with how my life has turned out.

Two years ago when I left my life back home and made the impulsive decision to come to Miami, I wondered if it would ever work. I wondered if I'd ever settle and find my true self. Seems I have. Lauren gives me everything I could ever want or need in life. She gives me a reason to be a better person. She makes me laugh like I've never laughed before. Yes, I'm generally a perky person, but she takes it to a whole new level. She makes me happy. Period.

"You did good, baby." Gently running my fingertips through Lauren's hair, I lean down and place a kiss on her forehead. "You did so good."

My wife stirring, I try to sooth her back to sleep, but her beautiful green eyes flicker open and she gives me the most adorable smile. "Hey."

"Hi, beautiful." Taking a seat on the edge of her bed, I give her a smile of my own and silence falls upon us. Words aren't always needed. I only have to look at her and she gives me everything I need to know. She doesn't have to give me a single word. "I love you, Lauren."

"I love you, too." Her voice a little husky, I know she needs more sleep. "Are you okay?"

"More than okay," I state as I glance over at our son. "I'm so proud of you, Lauren."

"Not as proud as I am to call you my wife, Normani." She takes my hand in her own and runs her thumb along my knuckles. "You know who else is proud?"


"Noah." She smiles. "He is proud to call you his mother."

"Yeah?" Dimples popping, I'm feeling pretty proud myself right now.

"Yep, and he will always be proud, baby. Forever and ever."

Sighing, I allow my emotions to get the better of me. Tears falling slowly, I try blinking them back, but it's no use. God, I'll never know how I got this lucky.

"Forever and ever, Lauren."

The end I probably won't do another story for awhile my work is getting to me

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