Reckoning Tale-An Undertale F...

Door Serena_Walken

1.3K 17 1

(Complete)Eighteen years ago, Frisk left the Underground, but there was another barrier to face before the mo... Meer

Chapter 1: Leave the He-She-It Thing Alone
Chapter 2: Something Small in A Hooded Cloth
Chapter 3: Can We Feel Sorry For It?
Chapter 4: Why Papyrus Hid the Timeline Papers
Chapter 5: He was Sleeping, Right?
Chapter 6: All About Risks
Chapter 7: Like Coffee With Cream
Chapter 8: Red Dust
Chapter 9: Smoke In Hotlands
Chapter 10: Sans Is Good
Chapter 11: Toward Grillby's with Papyrus
Chapter 12: Princess Frisk Dreemurr
Chapter 13: Talk
Chapter 14: Hardcore Princess
Chapter 15: Asriel Joins the Fun
Chapter 16: If I Were King
Chapter 17: To Trap or Not to Trap?
Chapter 18: Feels Magic
Chapter 19: Royal Translator
Chapter 20: Need A Match
Chapter 21: Beer and Pizza
Chapter 22: Never A Princess, Just a Pawn
Chapter 23: Get Off of That Mountain
Chapter 24: A Talk Between Brothers
Chapter 25: Papyrus Takes Charge
Chapter 26: We Can Never Save the Underground
Chapter 27: Papyrus Opens the Barrier
Chapter 28: Text Message of Catastrophe
Chapter 29: Angels and Devils
Chapter 30: Pink Fish
Chapter 31: Eyes Wide Open
Chapter 32: Looping
Chapter 33: Oversurface
Chapter 34: One Last Time
Chapter 35: Will B. Shortensweet
Chapter 36: Protecting Shnookums
Chapter 37: Frisk's Mind in the Gutter
Chapter 38: It's Not Hormone's, It's YOU!
Chapter 39: He Doesn't Get the Jokes
Chapter 40: Only A Lonely Flower
Chapter 41: Yippee
Chapter 42. No Longer Friends
Chapter 44: Revelations Part 1
Chapter 55: Revelations Part 2
Chapter 46: Not Every Parallel Helps
Chapter 47: Cat's Out of the Bag
Chapter 48: Familiar Carpet
Chapter 49: Each Sans Does A Little Better
Chapter 50: Do We Believe Them?
Chapter 51: He'll Do It
Chapter 52: All Of Monsterkind Saved By . . .
Chapter 53: Happy Sandwich
Chapter 54: Monsters Stick Together
Chapter 55: Housing
Chapter 56: Blue Stop Signs
Chapter 57: Sup, Pops?
Chapter 58: Not His Frisk
Chapter 59: The Universe Didn't Appreciate That
Chapter 60: They Were Cute
Chapter 61: Mutual Agreement
Chapter 62: Sans Good Ol' Bestest Friend
Chapter 63: My. Family
Chapter 64: Unwind Them In Her Own Way
Chapter 65: Getting Off Of Schedule Kind Of Brotherly Love
Chapter 66: October 10th 8 pm
Chapter 67: Burning Regrets
Chapter 68: We're All Very Close
Chapter 69: A Sans That Listens
Chapter 70: The New Next Door Neighbor
Chapter 71: Hard Promise
Chapter 72: Hypothetically
Chapter 73: Fine Glitter
Chapter 74: Risk of Frisk
Chapter 75: Of Two Minds
Chapter 76: I, He, We
Chapter 77: Repurposed Soul
Chapter 78: The Damage of Frisk
Chapter 79: Moon to Sun and Night To Day
Chapter 80: Funny Bones
Chapter 81: Four Years
Chapter 82: The Child Alphys Watches
Chapter 83: Scavengers
Chapter 84: Just A Little Soul Finesse
Chapter 85: A Time And Place
Chapter 86: The Snag
Chapter 87: Sunny Times
Chapter 88: PMS
Chapter 89: Soul Brothers
Chapter 90: Time Marches On
Chapter 91: Everyone is leaving Ol' Sans
Chapter 92: Let's Eat Him
Chapter 93: Better Mean My Monster Soul
Chapter 94: Just Say He's Off His Rocker
Chapter 95: Bubbling Like Oil
Chapter 96: On The Tip Of The Tongue
Chapter 97: For My Ladykid
Chapter 98: Lazy At Acting Fast
Chapter 99: Hot Chocolate Milk
Chapter 100: One Sweet Memory
Chapter 101: New Genes
Chapter 102: Love Takes All Kinds
Chapter 103: The Wife and The Owner
Chapter 104: The Reckoning

Chapter 43: Oops.

15 0 0
Door Serena_Walken

fun level 74 Original MC Sans and Frisk


Early Morning, Before Frisk Wakes Up. Kitchen.

Sans twiddled his bony fingers at the table. He sat across from Papyrus. "She's not good with me."

"Hearing what you said, I'm not either," Papyrus said as he tapped his bony finger away from the table. This wasn't good. Sans had done a decent job being a husband so far to Frisk. True, he never did take the steps he was supposed to, but he miraculously had kept himself under control.

When a little monster was created between two monsters, both of them usually became quite passionate with each other. Like a hunger. There was no doubt Sans must have felt it before, but he clearly stayed on the friendship level because Frisk was not monster.

He knew Sans. He knew he had wanted her to make the first move. It was doubtful that would happen now.

Papyrus continued to tap his fingers. When Sans was Underground, he had been so different. It was his brother, and he loved him no matter what, but both of them had been controlled Underground. If he hadn't remembered, he would be down there right now, guarding for any intruders. Any intruders that never showed up.

While he had been driven a bit looney, Sans had been driven a bit . . . more lazy than looney. Too lazy. Sans was lazier than some monsters, but he used to be bright and worked with Gaster just like Papyrus. Technically, Sans was not Underground anymore, and he should get better over time. Yet, the things he was trying to accomplish with Frisk?

"She's driving me crazy. I'm a good egg, right?"

"If what you are saying is true, I believe you dropped from the pan and into the fire," Papyrus said, sighing as he stared at him.

"I was a good little monster last night," Sans complained. "I even held her tummy. Still, she could have at least let me see her naked. She's mine."

"Oh, Brother, you are not going to be happy with yourself when you wake up from this." Papyrus moved over toward him and placed a small device around his head. It was not that powerful, just something he whipped up in the couple of days he had to prepare for them. It was similar to the blocker he once wore that prevented his mind from being tampered with Underground. Well, until the barrier incident he caused.

Papyrus had hoped he'd make it back before Sans and Frisk woke up. There was no guarantee she would remember, but with a twisted soul, there was still a great chance she could. Frisk should have been aware of what happened and how . . . different Sans might get if he didn't remember with her. But, alas, he wasn't perfect. "How are you feeling?"

Sans scratched the back of his neck. "You put a metal wreath on my head. Is this for a heavy metal Christmas? Is Mettaton singing Silent Night?"

"The power of the barrier doesn't just vanish. It helps to get away from it," Papyrus explained, "but just like all magic, it lingers a bit. What I put on you should start to get the residual off."

"I still don't get what you're talking about," Sans said. "She's got a twisted soul. Some of my power, right? Will that make her horny eventually?"

"Sans!" Papyrus groaned. "Your wife was your friend. You, you went through so much with her before you ever even had the chance to think of her that way. You put your life on the line together."

"Yeah." Sans reached into his coat pocket. "We were in the middle of doing that. Sorry, again, um. Pretending to be dead."

"Don't worry about that, it's old news. Worry about Frisk." Papyrus looked toward him. "After the tests they were trying to kill her. You accidentally died defending her, but it was all a ploy. She became Princess Frisk."

"Yeah, I heard of that. Royal translator thing."

"Yes. Then, you found out the truth and we left the mountain. I believe you were going to use a slow and steady approach with her."

"There was no slow or steady, there wasn't anything," Sans complained. "She acts like we were the best of friends or something."

"She was a friend that happened to get pregnant. Plus, she was still Princess Frisk in everyone's eyes."

Sans kept fishing around in his pocket. "The heck is my catsup?" he muttered before noticing Papyrus again. "Sorry. Look, that's not slow and steady. It sounds like I got sucked into the friend zone. I don't want to go there."

"Well, she isn't a monster. She isn't going to follow the ways you set out for her." Papyrus stood up and headed toward the fridge. "You should be gentle and nice."

"Will that help me score?"

"Sans!" Papyrus criticized him. "She is going to be your wife for the rest of your lives. Be patient."

"This bites though." Sans lifted his bony legs and turned to the chair next to him, placing his legs up carelessly on it. "Am I wrong? Cause I don't think I'm wrong."

"No, you aren't. She should be wanting you just as bad. She's carrying your children, instinct should be affecting her," Papyrus said, looking for something. "Oh, except for one thing. She isn't monster, Sans! For the final time."

"She is partly now," Sans said in his own defense as he twiddled his toes. "How do I bring that side out of her?" He definitely noticed the disapproving look on Papyrus again. "I don't want to live a hundred years with a friend." He pushed his feet back down to the floor. "This ain't fair. We should both just be going at each other."

"Not humans." Papyrus closed the fridge. "We'll need more food."

"Can't even see her naked."

"Sans. Stop, Brother." Papyrus came back over and sat down. He looked his brother square in his light guiders. "I know what your instinct is telling you, and you not having any memories with Frisk is only making it worse. But, you must stop chasing her so fast. You had months to build on a relationship that you are missing. The more you act that way toward her, the harder she will have accepting that you are the same Sans."

"I am the same. Less than a year. I'm still me. I didn't go through some butterfly cocoon," Sans complained. "Oh, but forget that. You and Frisk are in your own little club together. The exclusive 'remember what won't happen' club." Sans sat straight back up. "I'm itchy. I'm never itchy. I know I could get along better with Frisk once she scratches my itch."

"Don't push," Papyrus warned him. "Your wife is human, and you must respect their traditions too."

"Yeah 'cause I'm just the asshole." Sans laid his bony hands out. "I go from trying to save the Underground, literally faking my death to get me and Frisk out so we can take those tests. Then, out of the blue, I find out that not only is Frisk pregnant with my kid, but she knew some perfectly friendly future self that Asriel created. I mean Flowey. I mean . . ." Sans paused. "Yeah, you're right. I am pushing it."

Ah. It was starting to work.

"Why am I pushing so hard? We've got enough problems to worry about." Sans looked toward Papyrus. "We need to get Alphys up here too. Whatever manipulation made it too hard to stay in that time, we've got to stop it from advancing."

"We do," Papyrus agreed. "There is more than that too. I actually accidentally almost opened the barrier, and . . . it was slowly killing monsters."


"I don't want to talk about it," Papyrus said, shying away from it. "You did deserve to know that. The result of trying to open the barrier the wrong way equals death for anyone outside the barrier. It is truly tough out there, Sans. The only way to fix it was with your little monsters."

"But . . ."

"Every night. Just take care of her. They will be healthy enough."

"I can't even see what's going on in there," Sans reminded him. "How do we know they are healthy? And, if they aren't? I mean, no one's opened it wrong yet."

"We can't be selfish. Frisk is having a human just for this purpose. You gave her twins, for this purpose."

"To free the monsters." Sans let out a heavy sigh. "This isn't fair, we got bamboozled into this. I didn't sign up for this. Frisk didn't sign up for this."

Getting better. Papyrus could practically see Sans getting better. "No, it wasn't fair."

"We agreed with our lives, not someone else's." Sans could be heard grinding his teeth. "I swear, we are going to find out where the technology to the barrier is coming from before it gets any further."

Papyrus just watched. He was twisted with Frisk's soul, and eventually he would remember if she did. Asriel had a crash course with Amanda about what he had to do, so it wasn't going to be perfect. However, Asriel did give up three hearts. It had affected the prince too. Although, he doubted Frisk or Sans could quite tell just how much yet. "Sans, I can't afford her magic sticks. Any suggestions?"

"Magic sticks for what?"

"Her pregnancy symptoms."

"Magic . . . sticks."

Papyrus bent toward him eagerly. Maybe he was starting to remember?


Bathtub in Frisk's Home . . .

Frisk's hair was a mess as she got up. Sans wasn't beside her at all, and she wasn't going to go looking for him. She had her own problems. Frisk stuck her head beneath the showerhead, trying to shake off the small blue glow she had around her. It wasn't a whole lot, but she had another reason for being in the shower. She felt strange. Almost, anxious about something. Half of her felt like tearing something apart. Shouldn't she feel tired for longer after the soul exchange? Maybe my body is still sort of used to the magic. Asriel had to keep the babies safe, so maybe he kept my whole body safe too? She didn't like the way she felt though. Especially with the way Sans had been last night. Right now, staying away from him should be the one thing right in her mind. *And yet, a part of her . . . I wonder if it would hurt. I bet it wouldn't. I bet with that magic, he could caress me just, crap, Frisk! What was she thinking?

Sans was not like Sans. She missed her Sans so much last night, so where was this overwhelming feeling to . . . to . . . I can't even finish the thought. It was early. Maybe that was why she felt so strange. She turned off the showerhead and took a shortcut outside the bathtub. "Oh, I missed this," she said to herself, snapping her fingers and then appearing on the other side of the room. That power had always been so much fun. Especially since she was slightly blue and wet, and if Sans had accidentally opened the- "Where is that coming from?" Weird.

Very weird. Frisk was usually much more in control of those kinds of thoughts. Maybe a longer shower.


Back to Sans and Papryus. Kitchen.

Sans shrugged. "Magic sticks sounds like a stupid invention. You can calm a wife down with other . . . magic sticks, kay. How much they cost?" he asked.

"The cheapest is 5,000 but that won't last long. The best deal is the 50,000."

"Geez, I ain't made of that kind of money," Sans complained.

"Not yet. Asriel bought them last time." Now, the flower wouldn't be able to help. He didn't even technically exist so he had no royal sway or money. "She will need to act absolutely normal up here or someone will find out she's pregnant."

"Ah, that's okay." Sans fidgeted on the second pocket of his coat. "She wants to marry me and leave the mountain, remember? I'm Will B. Shortensweet. Heh. I know I came up with the last name. Who came up with the first?"

"I don't know how it worked. Probably Alphys?" Papyrus suggested. "I was not there. You left me Underground."

"Oops." Sans looked toward him again. "Double sorry?"

Papyrus just groaned. "Forget it, Sans."

"Yeah. Still." Sans drummed his bony fingers on the table, joining Papyrus. "Okay. Barrier. Magic from barrier. Expanding wide in a few months. What do we do?"

"The one in charge with such a brilliance would have to be monster. A human couldn't come up with that alone," Papyrus said. "At least half?"

"Heh. Maybe one of the family?" Sans joked. "How many brilliant skeletons are up here?"

"Good question. That's a good first step. What other kind of monster?"

"An Alphys," Sans joked again. "We should go looking for Wild Alphys up here." He chuckled. "Wild yellow Roses, is that a thing?" Sans stopped himself. "Wait, that's not funny. That didn't make sense, did it?"

"Alphys was named Rose up here." Papyrus nodded toward him. "It's coming, Sans."

"Terrific." Sans stopped drumming on the table. "I'll soon belong to the exclusive club of . . ."

Papyrus watched the front of San's skull. Frisk had already remembered, and it was only a short matter of time before- "Sans?"

Sans hightailed it out of the kitchen and the house. Papyrus followed, but at a slower pace.

Sans ran behind a tree, and then wondered why he hid behind a tree. He started to shuffle down the street, looking behind himself. No matter how far he walked down the street though, he couldn't escape the painful reality of what he did.

He. Screwed. Up. She'll never forgive me. Not for that! I was begging her for sex. My simpering lazy butt even tried to pull out the old 'I'm dying' card! He couldn't stop trotting down the block. He knew he had hurt her. He never wanted her to see that old side of him. He never considered anything like that with her the first time because he didn't like to try too hard for relationships. That, and he was going to be risking his life for tests anyhow. Why would he be thinking of that?

He turned down the street and kept walking along the sidewalk. They were in the past. If they worked hard and fast enough, they could probably prevent what was going to come. Everyone was safe. No one was dying, or even after them. And?

And he had to try and lay claim to Frisk. She was mine. I was just doing what any other monster would. But that was no excuse. It was the same reason he told her he was supposed to do something in the past, but he wouldn't. He'd never force any kind of actions on her. She had to ask me to guard her tummy. I stole a kiss from her. I kept grabbing at her nightgown. Horrible. Oh shit, I copped a feel of her breast too?!

Crap. He was lower than crap. He touched the body of a woman shoved into the position of 'wife'. He groped Tori's daughter. He was crass to the former Princess. He finally stopped and closed his eye sockets. "It's over."

"It's not over," Papyrus said coming from behind him. He put his hand on Sans' shoulder. "I'm sure she knows you weren't quite yourself. Especially since she is part monster."

"But it was me," Sans admitted. "I . . . I wanted all of that with her."

"You're forgetting who you are addressing," Papyrus reminded him. "Frisk. The human who made it through the Underground without hurting a soul. She forgives people for trying to kill her. I'm sure she can forgive you for your . . . faux pas." He patted his brother's shoulder. "Come. Let's go back home. Frisk will be getting up soon, and we should go over what happened. We also need to figure out how to get the others out without arousing suspicion. I have gone around and got plenty of disguisers, but-"

"Nah, I can't! I can't see my sweet Ladykid right now, Pap." Sans turned away. "She doesn't get it. She probably thinks I'm nothing but a pervert." He gestured down the street. "I'm gonna go walk to the convenience store. Get some more ketchup. Get her more to eat too. She needs to eat better. I'll be back."

"Sans." Papyrus watched him start to leave. "Oh, Sans."

"What the hell?" Sans turned as he watched a car go by and turn. He recognized that woman, and he could guess who was on the other side of her. "Pap, Pap, back. We gotta get back to Frisk, now!"


"Dad-in-law's coming for a surprise visit."



End of Chapter


*Referring to Frisk's monster side. She's not any more immune than Sans is, she just keeps herself in better control.

Multiverses: When a multiverse is revealed, I will share info about it below. Until then, only the key letter remains. Some are important, and a couple only show up a bit.

fun level 74 Original MC Sans and Frisk
fun level 72 D
Fun Level 75 K
Fun level 73 18
fun level 65 M
fun level 66 Missing Frisk: This dimension is missing Frisk and missing Asriel. Gaster is alive and well, and works with Sans and Papyrus. It contains a machine that increases the strength of a soul heart.

fun level 71 MN

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