
By stylesdelirious

138K 5.5K 1.7K

**PREVIOUSLY TITLED ABORTION** Niall Horan AU It's hard enough being pregnant, but it's even more difficult w... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Private Chapter
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight


3.2K 109 35
By stylesdelirious

"Niall, I'm begging you. Begging you. Please just think about it."

For what seems like the thousandth time in the last hour, Niall rolls his eyes at me in an annoyed manner.

"You're already four months Shay. It's too late."

"It's not," I argue, kicking my feet at the corner pillow on Niall's couch. "There's still time."

"Haven't you adapted to the fact by now that I will never sign those papers?" He raises an eyebrow at me and I stubbornly cross my arms over my chest.

He was right, I had realized a while ago that Niall had no intentions of allowing me to get what I wanted. I had gotten used to being pregnant, and also to the given fact that whether or not I wanted to, I was having this baby.

"You're ultrasound is at 2, right?"

"Yes." I sigh, closing my eyes. I found it hard to lay on my back much anymore but Niall's couch was quite comfortable so I didn't mind it.

"My feet hurt," I complain, rubbing my bare heels against his pillow. With my eyes closed, I feel his hands take ahold of my legs before he carefully lifts them up and plops down on the couch.

I stay silent, letting my legs rest on his lap as his large hand cups the arch of my foot.

"Niall!" I squeal as his fingers press into my foot, my leg jerking in his hold. He laughs and shushes me as he rubs the sore tender spots on my pregnant lady feet, while I attempt to not kick him in the face accidentally from being so ticklish.

"Gosh, you're squirmy" He chuckles, his thumb pressing down on a particular sensitive spot. A low, humming moan vibrates through my chest and I fall back into the couch, my hand quickly covering my mouth. Niall breathily chuckles again and continues applying pressure to the spot he found.

"Don't act so embarrassed, I've heard you moan before" He attempts at a joke and I lean up on my elbows, scowling.

"Don't lie. You don't even remember."

"It's coming to me."

"Sure, Niall." I roll my eyes again. I'm pretty sure that's all Niall and I do, roll our eyes at each other.

"Does it hurt here?" He asks, changing the subject and rubbing the outer part of my heel. I let out a sigh, nodding my head slightly as my eyes flutter shut. If he wasn't careful, he would put me to sleep.

"Don't fall asleep on me, Shay" He whispers. Now that I think about it, I really love his accent.

"Then you better stop rubbing my feet" I smile, stretching my arms out. Niall laughs, carefully lifting my legs from his lap as he gets to his feet, offering me his hand. I take it, his other arm wrapping around my back as he helps me up from the couch. I can't help but groan, wishing I could just go to sleep forever.

"Appointments in 45 minutes, we better get going."

Sleepily, I nod my head. Niall leads me to the door of his apartment, which was only 15 minutes away from mine. I slip my flat shoes on while Niall grabs his keys, and we head out.


I wasn't looking forward to getting this ultrasound, because this time was different than the other two I had already gotten. This time, Niall was going to be there, and this time the small, unborn human growing inside of me would actually look like a baby, not just a blob.

I didn't like the thought of that. In fact, every time I thought about being pregnant, it scared me. I had something living inside of me, a tiny little baby that depended on me for it's life. Any decisions I made about my body would ultimately effect the child growing inside of my stomach; and I didn't like that weight being on my shoulders. Anything I drank, or ate, my baby was drinking and eating too. I thanked god that I wasn't a smoker, that definitely couldn't be good on the baby.

Niall is fidgeting in the seat beside the bed I'm laying on, twisting his big hands together over and over again. I watch him silently, realizing that he's just as nervous as I am.

"Niall, relax" I reach out and grip his wrist, bright blue eyes looking up to meet mine. I loved the shade of blue his eyes held, even more so than Arabella's but I would never tell her that.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, 'M just nervous. You must really be freaking out."

I shrugged, not wanting to admit that I was really terrified.

"It's okay." Niall whispers, sensing my apprehension as his hand covers mine. Even though this situation is confusing and twisted, I was glad I wasn't at another ultrasound appointment alone.

The curtain separating my room from the next is yanked back and a nurse steps in. She's a short, plump woman with a round face and long black hair that's cut in layers down her back. Her harsh frown at first intimidates me until she flashes a slightly warming smile.

Niall stares at her for a little longer than necessary as she closes the curtain, sitting down on her wheeled chair beside the ultrasound equipment.

"So, let's get started then" She smiles, slipping latex gloves over her hands. I lay out flat on my back, ignoring the urge I have to place my hands over my stomach.

The nurse lifts my shirt to just below my bra, and tucks a white towel into the front of my yoga pants. Niall's fingers push through mine as he stares at the blank screen on the ultrasound machine, watching it intently.

"I'm going to put the gel on now, if you remember from your other ultrasounds it's quite cold" She flashes me a toothy grin and I smile faintly back at her.

Niall can't take his eyes away from everything that's happening. They're glued to her hands as she squirts the freezing gel onto my stomach, and he watches her pick up the remote-like end as she spreads around the gel.

I relax slowly, turning my head to stare up at the screen. For a while it stays black with a few swishes of white as she tries to find what she's looking for, and suddenly, a tiny thud of a heartbeat is heard throughout the room.

I glance at my hand as Niall squeezes it, eyes blown wide and locked on the screen showing our baby.

The tiny thuds continue to pound, and for some reason, I feel relieved.

I was starting to care, whether I wanted to or not.

"What's that?" Niall asks, pointing with his free hand to something on the screen.

The nurse smiles, moving the thing on my belly to better get at the spot Niall was looking at on the screen.

"That's an arm,"

Niall's lips curl slightly, and he doesn't even blink away from the screen.

"Oh, thought it was something else." He smirks, and immediately I know he's talking about a penis. We didn't even know the sex of the baby yet, and Niall was already assuming our child had a penis the size of an arm.

"I can't tell you the sex quite yet, I should be able to let you know next time."

For the most part after that, we sit silently and let her record everything she needs to. After she's done, she wipes my stomach off with the towel and prints off two pictures from the ultrasound. I was happy to hear that my baby was 100% healthy, with two arms and two legs and a pumping, beating healthy heart.

"Thank you" Niall grins widely, thanking the poor nurse for about the tenth time as he escorts me out of the room. He was still staring at the picture from the ultrasound, smiling down at it while mine was tucked into my wallet in my purse.

"You've been smiling at the thing forever now Niall, put it away."

"No," He scowls, pushing open one of the many front doors at the hospital and holding it for me. "I'm excited, I can't help it."

"Have you even told anyone yet?" I ask hesitantly, chewing on my thumb nail. I get into his car, waiting for him to jog around to the other side to answer my question.

"Ya, my parents know. They're in Ireland though, should be coming over here in a few months to visit."

"And what did you tell them?" I couldn't help but purposely ignore the part that they would be visiting here.

"I told them that I got a girl pregnant,"

Niall bites into his lip as he pulls out of the parking lot, keeping his teeth locked tight and not even sparing me a glance. I immediately know that he's lying to me, even though I don't really know Niall, he was making it quite obvious.

"Liar." I call him out, crossing my arms over my chest. He glances at me quickly, before looking at the road again.

"I am not"

"Yes you are. What did you really tell them?" I wasn't sure if I even wanted to know what Niall concocted up to tell his parents.

"Alright, fine. I told them you were my girlfriend and that we had been together for a while." He glances at me once more while I stay silent. "You have to understand Shay, I'm their youngest, they'd be devastated if I told them the truth."

How does he think my mom feels? Forget mom, my dad was going to absolutely snap. Niall had no idea how he was, Arabella didn't even know to the full extent of crazy my father exceeded.

"Well, unlike you, I told the truth. I'm not going to lie either Niall, so you're going to have to come clean."

Surprisingly, Niall keeps silent for the rest of the drive back to my apartment. I wondered if he was processing what I had said, hopefully he wasn't upset that I basically denied any stipulations of us being a couple. I mean, we weren't together. Like I had said many times before already, we hardly knew each other. Having a baby together didn't change that fact, it just linked us together.

"I'll pick you up on Sunday at 3" Niall mumbles, parking outside of my building. I crinkle my nose and give him a questioning look, Sunday?

"You said we don't know each other, so I'd like to get to know you better." He shrugs, looking away from me. I notice the slight blush to his cheeks, the colour matching that of the current SnapBack he was wearing.


I close the door behind me, and make my way into my building. Niall doesn't leave until I'm safely inside and I can't help but let that float through my mind. No matter how weird, awkward, and strange this was it was nice to know, and see that he really did care. I just wondered if his caring was going to last, or if he'd just take off the moment things got rough.


I'm updating early in the morning I know but I'm going to be busy all day.

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