0.1 | The Bad Boy and The Che...

By littletroublemaker_

5.5M 171K 35K

Highest Rank - #1 in Teen Fiction - 29/04/18 ~~ Annabella Stone lived in a normal house, in a normal town wit... More

authors note
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
Authors note, thank you, stories blah blah blah
Finding Ava
Xavier's POV
Exciting news!!!
Bonus chapter
Chasing Cora is up!!
Bonus Chapter 2

chapter 34

80.5K 2.8K 477
By littletroublemaker_

Green Light - Lorde

This is dedicated to Moon_glade87 for all of the votes. Thank you so much!!

Xavier pulled up to a posh, big house. And when I say big, I mean massive. I swear, his house could fit three of my houses in there. He has a huge driver way that has a garage and three cars parked outside. His house has steps leading up to two doors that probably open to a house fit for royalty.

"Xavier...Y—you live here?" I stammer as my mind takes in this beautiful mansion. I'm sorry, but this house doesn't qualify as a house, its a mansion. This house could fit a family of fifteen at least.

Xavier doesn't respond straight away, making me think he didn't hear me. When I turn to look at him, he's just sat there staring at his house. He seems deep in thought, perhaps at my question.

"Xavier?" I softly whisper, gently placing my hand on his arm. Whatever trance he was in, he came out of when I touched his arm.

His gray eyes meet mine and once again, I get lost in the depths of his astounding eyes. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, I never used to believe it but when Xavier looks into my green eyes, I can't help but feel like he's seeing every part of me. I sometimes feel bare when he  looks at me—exposed

It feels like I'm completely naked and that he's seeing every good and bad thing about me. Every flaw I have, every insecurity.

The feeling gives me shivers, makes me feel terrified. Yet, I also like it. I like having someone see me for who I am. Not who they think I am or who they think I could be. Just, who I am.

I guess everyone wants to be accepted, to find someone who actually knows them. Personally, I think Xavier does know at least a true part of me. I think he's learning about the true me, about how I really feel.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, my eyes examine every part of his perfect face. I can't help but wonder how he looks so handsome. Xavier could easily become a popular male model. He definitely has the looks and charm to become one.

"I'm fine." He answers me, gently caressing my cheek. His eyes flicker to my lips and then back up to me. He slowly leans into me and just as we're about to kiss, the front door slams open.

Abruptly, I move away. A short woman with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes practically runs to the car in joy. Xavier gets out of his side so I take it that I have to do the same.

The blonde-haired woman is quite short, around my height with beautiful blue eyes. She looks around twenty years old, in her gorgeous yellow dress. She has this aura of mischief and fun around her.

She bounces down the steps and lunges into Xavier. It shocks me and him as well.

Eventually, she pulls away from him and comes over to me. And what she does surprises me too. She gives me a bone-crushing hug, her arms wrapping around my waist tightly.

"Chloe, step away from the poor girl. You're squeezing the life out of her." A male's voice tells the blonde-haired girl, Chloe.

With a pout, she steps back.

"But I wanted to meet the girl that has charmed Xavier," Chloe whines dramatically, stomping her foot for effect. She reminds me of my younger cousin, Timothy, who I haven't seen in forever. 

"Chloe, I think you were scaring her. She probably thinks you just escaped from a mental asylum." He claims as he wraps an arm around her waist. Now that he's closer, I can get a proper look at the guy.

He has black hair and gray eyes, just like Xavier. The only difference is that his features are less sharper. Other than that, he looks exactly like Xavier. This has to be Xavier's brother and his girlfriend he told me about.

"Sorry," he gives me an apologetic look. "My girlfriend can be a bit hyper when she gets to meet new people. I'm Jake and this is Chloe."

I nod my head. "I'm Annabella." I shyly say and Xavier wraps his arm around my waist.

This causes both of them to smirk.

"Oh, we know," Jake mutters, loud enough for me to hear. I frown, about to ask him what he meant when suddenly, another lady comes out. She looks older, she has to be at least in her forties. With brown hair and gray eyes also similar to Xavier, I'd have to say this is his mother.

"Hello Annabella, I'm Julia, Xavier's mother." She politely introduces herself, a warm smile on her face. I greet her back, with a kind smile.

I see Jake's expression change to one of surprise when he see's his mother interacting with me but then it changes back to his playful smirk. Xavier's mother, Julia, observes me and Xavier. Her eyes noting his arm around my waist and the smile on his face. She almost giggles in delight before she realizes something and goes back to her friendly smile.

"Come on, sweetie. We should probably get you inside before you get cold in that pretty dress." She says and I blush at that. Her smile grows at that and she looks up to Xavier and gives him a nod. Unsure, I tilt my head up to see his face but all I see is that small smile.

We step into his house and I instantly fall in love with its beauty. This is the type of house I dream about living in. Its modern but with a traditional side to it. I love it.

We walk into the dining room, I presume, where a very neat table has been laid out. At the head of the table, is an older looking Xavier. I immediately know this is Xavier's dad.

He stands up at our entrance and gives me a passive look. It reminds me of the first time I saw Xavier, where he appeared cold and distant.

"Hello, I'm Stiles." He reluctantly tells me and I give him a polite smile. I recall Xavier saying his dad was always working so he didn't really spend time with him. I also remember Xavier saying his mother didn't care about him. Yet, meeting her she seemed nice.

"Hi, I'm Annabella." He nods and sits back at the table.

"So tell me, Annabella, how has my son been treating you?" His father asks.

"Truthfully?" I ask and they all nod. "Great. At first, he was more annoying than a wasp but over time, I learned that he's a great guy who is just more closed off. He's an excellent learner and listener, once you get past all of his coldness, you meet an amazing guy. He sees the best in everyone, he knows how to talk to the right people. I mean, he can be temperamental at times." I give Xavier a pointed look. "But all-in-all, he's amazing. Very talented. You should be very proud Mr. King."

Once I've finished, I see how everyone is looking at me with respect. Even Xavier's dad seems taken aback by my speech. I think he needed to hear that his son is amazing.

"Wow, uh...thank you." Stiles stutters, sitting back in his chair deep in thought. That's when Xavier leads me to my chair, across from Chloe.

"Thank you, Princess," Xavier whispers into my ear, his hand on my back.

"Anytime." I give him a goofy smile as I sit down. He pushes my chair in and sits next to me. Julia sits the other side to me, next to Stiles. Jake sits next to Chloe, opposite his mother.

"So Annabella, tell me what you like to do?" Julia asks me and everyone else takes an interest. I guess they all want to learn about me.

"Uh...well I love to dance for starters. I used to do gym and ballet but now I just do cheerleading. I'm also very interested in History and English. I want to go to college and study English, possibly. I'm still keeping everything open though. All I know is that I want to become a teacher and help children." I tell them.

"Interesting," Julia says, smiling. "What— "

Before Julia can finish asking me her next question, Chloe cuts her off. "What about you and Xavier? You two seem so cute together, please tell me you're going to stay together, get married and have kid--"

"Chloe!" Jake shushes his girlfriend, placing his hand over her mouth. "They just got together, you don't want to break them up."

I blush at what she said. Glancing up at Xavier I see him giving Chloe a glare.

"Sorry." She mumbles, not looking sorry at all. "Anyways, I heard from a little birdie that you faced that awful Barbie cheerleader, Stacy."

Julia wrinkles her nose at that name. "You mean that horrible plastic girl? Ugh, I despised her. All she did was whine and speak in her high-pitched voice. Good riddance I say."

I nearly laugh at her reaction. Stacy was awful.

"What happened?" Stiles's father asks, surprising me and everyone else on the table.

"Well, she went kind of crazy and said that we should compete. If she won, I would have to leave Xavier alone but if I won, she would leave me and my friends alone who she was harassing. Of course, I had to accept. We danced, I won. And accidentally took the captain's seat from her." I sheepishly say the last bit as Jake and Chloe laugh.

Mrs. King gives me a proud smile whilst Mr. King gives me a small smile. That's probably the most I'll ever get from him for now.

From then onwards, I get to know Xavier's family better. They all seem really decent and nice, Xavier even seems to be having a good time. I noticed how Stiles took more of an interest in what his son said, which pleased Xavier.

"That was the best thing I've ever had." I compliment Julia, again with the food. I felt like I had eaten something that was made by Gordan Ramsey.

"You're welcome dear, I'm glad you liked it." She grins back at me. After more talk, Xavier drags me up to his room.

We walk up the many steps and pass many rooms until we get to his. Stepping inside, my eyes wander from the king sized bed and the desk. He has a TV attached to his wall, a wardrobe and an En— suite. I look at everything, my mind taking in the mind of Xavier King.

My eyes stop at a photo framed on his desk. Its a picture of me, from our date in London where I'm looking up at the sky. He took a photo of me? I never knew he did that...

My heart can't help but race at that. Its adorable and romantic that he would do that.

"You framed me?" I whisper.

Xavier collapses on his bed. "Of course I did. How could I not get a picture of that very memorable moment."

I blush at his words and sit on his bed. There he goes again...his words making me go crazy.

"Thanks again Princess." Xavier huskily says, perched up on an elbow.

"For what?" I confusedly ask, frowning at him. What did I do this time? He keeps thanking me but for what?

"For making that meal feel so...normal. Like a family. They all loved you, even my dad. I think he has some respect towards you for saying those things about me. So thank you." He explains, his hand beginning to play with the ends of my ponytail.

"It was nothing." I wave it off, what I did was natural. I stuck up for Xavier because he really is a great person. It was about time Stiles had someone tell him that Xavier isn't a letdown.

"It was everything." 

Word count: 2078

So...do you like Xavier's parents? 

Do you want to see Xavier's relationship develop with his dad or no?

Also, I asked in the last chapter about a third person point of view and I decided I will do one but at the end of the story. 

Thanks for the votes and comments! It means a lot to get them, you guys are the best. 

Next update: 20th February

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