Because I Love You

By TerriMcGuire

35.6K 1.4K 288

Magnus and Alec want a baby, but can they decide what they want to adopt before their relationship crumbles? More

Because I Love You
Church, The Eavesdropper
Magnus' Dream
Unpleasant Memories
Hit Me If You Want
Pointless Fights
Fight Me For Real
Alec's Shopping Trip
The Glitter Faerie
Demon Attack
Magnus' Threat
Alec Gets A Makeover
You're Dead Magnus!
The Pillow Fight
I Hate You!
Alec Goes Missing
The Room
The Letter
I Don't Feel Well
Two Weeks Today
Vanessa Youngblood
New Year
She Hates Me
Nakey baby!
Unexpected Visitors
I'm Your Grandma
The Wedding
Say Daddy?
Why Am I Afraid?
Explicit Content
Get Warmed Up
Dada! Dada!
Two More Minutes
Don't Give Up
Magnus... I'm So Sorry...
Stupid Warlock!
I Want To Help You
Chairman Meow
The Past
I Love You Baby Boy
Thanks Sis
It's My Fault
I'm Proud Of You


665 31 5
By TerriMcGuire

Magnus lowered his head and stroked the stubble on his chin lightly over Ally's stomach which made her giggle.

"Is daddy being silly?" Ally reached forwards and tried to grab Magnus' hair but before she had the chance he moved away. "Daddy remembers how much that hurt last time so we aren't going to do that again." Scooping Ally up in his arms, Magnus lightly tickled her stomach using one hand. He only needed one arm to hold her with which left him with a hand free. Ally tried to grab for Magnus' hand but every time she tried he moved his hand away and then continued tickling her. After about ten times of trying, but failing, to grab Magnus' hand, Ally teared up and started to cry.

"Oh my sweet baby girl, shh. Daddy's sorry." Magnus said. He stopped tickling her and instead grabbed her teddy-bear and sat down in the rocking chair in the corner of the room. Rocking the chair gently got Ally to calm down and then Magnus gave her his fingers to play with. He watched as Ally took hold of his index finger and became intrigued with bending it and watching him straighten it again. It wasn't long before she realised that she could do it with all his fingers over and over again so Magnus sat there, watching Ally amuse herself in one of the simplest ways possible.

"Hey sweetheart, look. Your little fingers do it too." Magnus said. He took one of Ally's tiny hands in his and very gently made her index finger bend. Ally straightened her finger again and smiled before looking up at Magnus. Bending her finger again, Ally straightened it and then bent it by herself. She did it over and over again for several minutes before she lost interest and looked around the room. Her gaze fell upon the mobile that hung over her bed. Following her gaze, Magnus snapped his fingers and turned the mobile on. It began to spin and play a gentle tune. Reaching for the mobile, Magnus carried Ally over and held her up carefully making sure that he supported her head fully.

"Do you like the music? If so I know that daddy is a very good singer and I'm sure he'd sing to his baby girl." Magnus said with a smile. Suddenly, Magnus heard the front door slam which made Ally jump and cry. Holding her close, Magnus shushed her quietly before wrapping a blanket around her and carrying her out into the living room. To his surprise, Jace was stood in the living room dressed in his gear.

"Where's Alec?" He asked, not noticing Ally's presence.

"He's asleep because he's extremely tired. Now get out." Magnus fired back. Ignoring Magnus, Jace walked into their bedroom and yanked Alec out of bed.

"Up, now. There's been a demon sighting and you're needed."

"Jace, for gods sake, why can't you and Izzy handle it?" Alec complained tiredly.

"Yes Jace, why?" Magnus asked from the doorway. Alec got to his feet and plucked Ally out of Magnus' arms before beginning to rock her gently.

"It's a three man job and you've not come hunting in weeks." Jace said, ignoring Magnus' comment.

"Did you ever stop to think that there could be a reason for that?" Alec questioned.

"Fine, I'll play along. Oh Alec, do tell me what's been going on since I last saw you. I've been dreadfully worried." Jace mocked. Alec glared at him.

"Well how about this. We found out that there was a pregnant Shadowhunter in Idris so we sent her a letter. She agreed to meet us and then I fell ill. She sent us a letter saying that she was going to keep her baby which made me upset and more than a tiny bit depressed. Then it was Christmas and Magnus and I went to London on Boxing Day. On New Year's Day we got engaged and found this tiny baby on our way back to our hotel. Since then I've spent all my time here, trying to keep Ally happy and also trying not to lose my mind because I'm so god damn tired and every time I try to go to sleep Ally wakes up and starts to cry! So if that isn't a good enough reason, then sue me!" Alec struggled to contain his rising temper and Magnus had to take Ally back off him.

"You're engaged?" Jace asked dumbfounded.

"Is that seriously all you got out of that! Yes Jace! We're engaged!" Magnus put a hand on Alec's arm.

"Alec, baby calm down." Magnus soothed. In his arms, Ally was bawling her eyes out. Alec took a deep breath and looked at Magnus, before looking down at Ally. He took one of her tiny hands in his and kissed her forehead softly.

"Ally, sweetie shh. Daddy's sorry he got angry. It's okay." Alec apologised. Magnus placed her gently into his arms. Alec sat on the edge of their bed with her and held her close. "Baby it's okay. Everything's okay."

"When did you two get a baby?" Jace asked stupidly. Magnus noticed a flash of anger pass across Alec's features.

"Alec, if you start shouting again then I'm going to lock you in the bathroom until you calm down." Magnus warned. Instead of shouting, Alec left the room with Ally and carried her into her nursery.

"Jace, I think it would be best if you left." Magnus suggested.

"Well I'm sorry for wanting to see my parabatai after over a month." Jace said, not very kindly.

"I knew you were lying about the demon attack. You don't have to say things like that to him in order to see him." Magnus leaned against the wall.

"Whatever. I can see he cares more about you and that stupid baby than he does about me and his sister."

"Jace, you're being unreasonable."

"Am I?" Jace asked. Magnus swore he heard a touch of desperation in his voice.

"You're asking Alec to give up me and his new baby girl just so you can see him more. Yes, you're being unreasonable. There are other ways to sort this. But please understand, he's wanted a baby for so long. He's been doing all the night feedings and changings and it can sometimes take hours for Ally to go back to sleep. He's exhausted. Just give it a few weeks."

"So I can't even see him now? Is that what you're saying?"

"No Jace. I'm not saying that and you know it."

"Then what are you saying! Because I sure as hell don't understand!" He yelled. Alec appeared in the doorway with Ally.

"He's saying that you need to let us know when you're coming, or that we can set up times to meet up. I'll still come to training, I just won't be as frequent. Please Jace... I can't lose you..." Magnus slipped an arm around Alec's waist and kissed his cheek softly.

"Whatever. I can see where your priorities lie. And that certainly isn't with being a Shadowhunter." Jace's voice had a sharp edge and then he pushed past Alec and stormed out the front door.

"Jace..." Alec watched him leave with a heavy heart. "Don't go..."

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