Because I Love You


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Magnus and Alec want a baby, but can they decide what they want to adopt before their relationship crumbles? Еще

Because I Love You
Church, The Eavesdropper
Magnus' Dream
Unpleasant Memories
Hit Me If You Want
Pointless Fights
Fight Me For Real
Alec's Shopping Trip
The Glitter Faerie
Demon Attack
Magnus' Threat
Alec Gets A Makeover
You're Dead Magnus!
The Pillow Fight
I Hate You!
Alec Goes Missing
The Room
The Letter
I Don't Feel Well
Two Weeks Today
Vanessa Youngblood
She Hates Me
Nakey baby!
Unexpected Visitors
I'm Your Grandma
The Wedding
Say Daddy?
Why Am I Afraid?
Explicit Content
Get Warmed Up
Dada! Dada!
Two More Minutes
Don't Give Up
Magnus... I'm So Sorry...
Stupid Warlock!
I Want To Help You
Chairman Meow
The Past
I Love You Baby Boy
Thanks Sis
It's My Fault
I'm Proud Of You

New Year

684 29 6

Eight days after their meeting with Vanessa, Magnus and Alec received an unexpected letter. Alec had been much calmer since the meeting and had fully recovered from his illness. When he picked the letter up and saw who it was from he almost fainted. Instead, he ran to Magnus who was in the kitchen with Chairman Meow.
"Vanessa sent us a letter." Alec blurted out faster than Magnus could hear.
"Come again?" Magnus asked.
"Vanessa sent us a letter." Alec repeated. He said it slower so Magnus could pick up what he'd said. Without warning, Magnus snatched the letter out of Alec's hand and looked at the envelope.
"This could be it..." Magnus said. Alec took Magnus' hand and pulled him over to the couch where they both sat down.
"Open it. Open it and read it aloud." Alec commanded. He was desperate to know what it said. Magnus snapped his fingers and the letter appeared in his hands.
"Dear Alexander Lightwood and Magnus Bane." Magnus began. He glanced up at Alec and saw him biting his lip.
"Go on..." Alec whispered. Magnus read on slightly and noticed that there were tears stains on the paper. He then went back to the top of the page and started reading it aloud once more.
"The meeting we had was by far one of the best and it would be an honour to give you my baby." Alec nearly leapt out of his seat with excitement.
"However." Magnus continued and all the colour drained from Alec's face. Magnus reached over and held Alec's hand. Alec could see the tears in Magnus' eyes. "Over the five months of carrying this baby, I have developed an attachment to it. The baby is a part of me and when it is born I don't think I'll be able to hand it over. To anyone."
"No..." Alec was almost crying.
"If I had to, you would have been my first choice. You two had a connection that I liked and you proved to me that you were worthy. But as more and more people came to see me about it, I found myself becoming more and more attached. I hope you understand that I love this baby. I would do anything to protect it and I want to see it grow up. I cannot give my baby away." Alec burst out crying.
"I send you my deepest sympathies." Magnus' voice shook as he struggled to say the rest of the words. "I hope one day you get the baby you so desperately want. But for now, I'm very sorry. Many condolences, from Vanessa." Magnus dropped the letter and shuffled along the couch towards Alec who was bawling his eyes out.
"I hurt Magnus..." Alec cried. Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec and held him close. Alec buried his head into Magnus' chest and clung onto him as if his life depended on it. "My heart hurts..." Alec had been so excited about the possibility of having a baby. Now, all his hopes and dreams had been shattered into tiny pieces. His heart felt like it was being torn in two. It was a pain that he hadn't felt since Max had been killed. Magnus rested his head on Alec's shoulder. He was unable to stop himself from crying. Even though he understood why she'd done it, he couldn't believe what was happening. He'd had so many dreams about having a baby to raise with Alec and now it wasn't going to happen. Magnus was the first of them to stop crying. His eyes were red and sore but he knew that Alec needed comforting. Alec had wanted this for much longer than him.
"Alec, shh." Magnus said. His voice was uneasy so he cleared his throat before speaking again. "One day, we will have a baby. I know it. Today just isn't that day." Magnus gently ran his fingers through Alec's hair.
"I thought... She liked us..." Alec said between sobs. "I thought..."
"I know." Magnus cut him off. "I know darling." He was being very careful not to use the word 'baby'. "But listen, it's Christmas Eve and I don't want us to be upset. On Boxing Day we're going to London. We'll forget all about this and just have a good time." Alec looked up from Magnus' chest and saw that the warlock was trying so hard not to cry. He reached up and brushed Magnus' tears away.
"As long as I have you..." Alec began, his voice barely above a whisper. "Then I know everything will be okay..." Magnus smiled and kissed Alec softly.
"I love you. This will work out. I just know it." Magnus said. He and Alec spent the rest of the day on the couch, holding each other close with the occasional outbreak of tears.

Christmas came and went quickly and before they knew it Magnus and Alec were in London. Magnus insisted on going shopping whilst they were there and bought an awful lot of clothes. It was New Years Eve and they were standing near the London Eye, waiting for the spectacular firework show that would signal that the new year had begun. They were both in warm clothes and Magnus had his glitter and makeup on due to it being a special occasion. It was five minutes before midnight and the area was packed with people of all ages. Magnus was stood behind Alec with his arms around him. They got some funny looks off other people around but they couldn't have cared less. The sadness they'd had about not getting the baby still lingered in both their hearts but it was pushed aside.
"Not long to go." Magnus said just loud enough to hear. Alec nodded and leaned back against Magnus' chest.
"This has been the best holiday ever. I love you so much." Magnus smiled and placed a kiss on the top of Alec's head.
"I love you too. There isn't anyone on earth that I'd rather be here with." They then stood there in silence until the countdown began. Both of them joined in with the countdown and cheered when the clock struck midnight. As everyone started singing Auld Lang Syne, they joined in. Both knew the song word for word and when it was over, Magnus made Alec turn around to face him. Alec looked up and met his eyes with a smile.
"Alec, I love you. No matter how much we fight, I will always love you."
"I love you too Magnus. There is no-one else I'd rather be with. You are the man I love with all my heart." Then Magnus lowered his head and let his lips meet Alec's. Alec put his arms around Magnus and kissed him back, keeping their bodies as close together as physically possible. Around them, people gave them looks of disgust but neither of them cared. A woman doing a news report walked past them and the cameraman following her aimed his camera at the two of them for the whole world to see. Magnus wanted the world to see how much he loved Alec so he broke the kiss and faced the camera. Alec blushed and anxiously chewed his lip.
"This man, right here." Magnus said as he indicated to Alec beside him. "Is the man that I love. He is my best friend and my boyfriend and I couldn't imagine my life without him. People look at us like we're freaks but we don't care. I would go to the end of the world and back again just to see him smile and hear him laugh. I cuddle with him in bed every night and I can't bear to think about him not being there by my side. He is my one true love and I want the world to know that. I don't care who judges us." Around them, the people were moving off to do their own thing. Alec looked at Magnus in admiration.
"Oh Magnus..." Alec said, it was all that he could think to say.
"Alec, I've been wanting to ask this for a long time. And after everything that's happened recently I couldn't think of a better time than now." Magnus turned to face Alec and dug a small box out of his pocket. He then got down on one knee and looked up at him. "Alexander Gideon Lightwood. You make me the happiest man on earth. I don't care what anyone says, I just want you by my side forever. So Alec, will you marry me?" Magnus asked as he opened the lid of the box. Alec's jaw hit the floor.
"B-but my parents... They..." Magnus shook his head.
"I don't care. We can deal with that another time."
"Then yes. Yes Magnus, I will marry you. I love you so much." Alec said as he helped Magnus to his feet and threw his arms around him. Magnus put the ring on Alec's finger and then kissed him gently. Alec couldn't stop smiling until long after the cameras had moved on.

As the two of them made their way back to the hotel that they'd been staying at, Alec couldn't stop admiring the ring that graced his finger. They were less than five minutes away when Alec looked around and noticed a tiny bundle on the other side of the street.
"Magnus wait." Alec said as he forced Magnus to stop. "Look, over there." Alec pointed over towards the bundle.
"It's probably nothing Alec. Come on, it's cold and I want to cuddle." Magnus started trying to pull Alec along but he broke free of his grip.
"It's not nothing Magnus." Alec said as he ran out into the middle of the road.
"Alec!" Magnus called but Alec wouldn't listen. As Alec got closer, he could hear a faint noise though he wasn't sure if it was coming from the bundle. When he was mere feet away, he could tell that the noise was a child crying. He dropped to his knees beside the bundle and very gently picked it up. Alec carefully peeled away what he now saw was a blanket and a tiny hand reached out as it came away. Alec's eyes went wide as the hand gripped his little finger, refusing to let go. As the rest of the blanket came away, a tiny baby was revealed. Acting entirely on instinct, Alec readjusted the blanket around the baby and held it close.
"You are so precious..." Alec said quietly. "Who would ever leave you here all alone?"

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