Because I Love You

By TerriMcGuire

35.6K 1.4K 288

Magnus and Alec want a baby, but can they decide what they want to adopt before their relationship crumbles? More

Because I Love You
Church, The Eavesdropper
Magnus' Dream
Unpleasant Memories
Hit Me If You Want
Pointless Fights
Fight Me For Real
Alec's Shopping Trip
The Glitter Faerie
Demon Attack
Magnus' Threat
Alec Gets A Makeover
You're Dead Magnus!
The Pillow Fight
Alec Goes Missing
The Room
The Letter
I Don't Feel Well
Two Weeks Today
Vanessa Youngblood
New Year
She Hates Me
Nakey baby!
Unexpected Visitors
I'm Your Grandma
The Wedding
Say Daddy?
Why Am I Afraid?
Explicit Content
Get Warmed Up
Dada! Dada!
Two More Minutes
Don't Give Up
Magnus... I'm So Sorry...
Stupid Warlock!
I Want To Help You
Chairman Meow
The Past
I Love You Baby Boy
Thanks Sis
It's My Fault
I'm Proud Of You

I Hate You!

764 31 4
By TerriMcGuire

"Jace what're you doing in here?" Alec asked as he lay back down on his bed. Jace shrugged and lay by his side.
"I can't come and see my parabatai?" Jace questioned. "That's seems unlikely." Alec looked at him briefly before looking away.
"I'm guessing you know what happened?" Alec bit his lower lip. Of course Jace knew what had happened, Alec wouldn't be at the institute if something hadn't happened.
"Well, considering you're shivering and also the fact that you're here at the institute and not with Magnus," Alec stiffened at the mention of his name. "I'm guessing you two had a fight. Am I correct?" Alec nodded slightly and curled up on his side so Jace couldn't see the pain in his eyes.
I have to move on, Alec thought to himself. I have to move on, I can't let my life collapse because of this.
Jace put a callused hand on Alec's shoulder.
"Alec, you're my parabatai for a reason. You can tell me anything and you know that. You don't confide in me enough." Jace was being uncharacteristically kind, but he was right. Alec almost never confided in him and the rare times he did he was often teased about it.
"You always tease me when I try to confide in you. That's why I don't do it." Alec mumbled.
"What?" Jace asked, he didn't hear what Alec had said.
"I said that you always tease me when I try to confide in you. That's why I don't do it." Alec said louder so Jace could hear him. Jace sighed and rolled onto his side so he was facing Alec.
"That was when we were younger. We've grown up since then. I promise I won't tease you about it." Alec glanced at him over his shoulder.
"Swear on the angel. Then I'll tell you." Jace laughed.
"Seriously?" He asked, but Alec remained silent. "Fine, I swear on the angel that I won't tease you about your problem." Alec remained silent for a few more minutes before deciding to tell Jace.
"Me and Magnus were fooling around... And I realised he put makeup on me last night so I chased him to get him to take it off me."
"Since you have no makeup on right now, I'm guessing you succeeded?" Alec nodded and then carried on with his story.
"I'd been in the shower before I noticed, and I had a towel around my waist. We were sat on the bed and Magnus..." Alec clenched his fists. "Magnus..."
"It's okay Alec. Tell me in your own time." Jace soothed, trying to calm his parabatai down. Alec had tears in his eyes and he was glad that Jace couldn't see his face. He felt so weak.
"Magnus tried to move the towel..." Alec whispered after a few minutes. Jace barely heard him but he knew what he'd said. It was at the point where Alec couldn't hold it in any longer. "He promised Jace, he promised he'd never force me into anything. He knows I'm not ready, he knows that I can't handle things like that." Alec's speech was getting faster by the second as sadness and anger set in. Jace slipped his arms around his parabatai and pulled him against his chest.
"Calm down Alec." Jace said quietly. "Just calm down." Alec and Jace had never been so close before and when Alec realised it his body went rigid.
"Jace..." Alec's voice shook uncontrollably.
"Don't worry Alec. I've seen him do this before to calm you down. I'm not into you or anything like that, I swear. I just wanted you to calm down." Alec relaxed against his parabatai's strong body, he was extremely thankful that Jace had referred to Magnus as 'him'.
"Why would he do that Jace? He promised..."
"I don't know Alec. I don't know. But, I know what will make you feel better."
"What's that?" Alec asked, but he already knew what Jace would say.
"Training." Jace said simply.

Less than five minutes later, Jace had managed to (literally) drag Alec from his room and into the training room.
"Jace stop it! I'm not in the mood to train!" Alec protested loudly.
"You're never in the mood to train, but it'll get this out of your system and help you forget." Jace said calmly. Throwing the door to the training room open, Jace dragged Alec painfully up the stairs. Once they were inside, Jace released his hold on Alec's leg. Not bothering to help his parabatai to his feet, Jace walked into the centre of the room, turned to faced Alec and started bouncing lightly on the balls of his feet. Alec clutched the back of his head.
"Goddamnit Jace!" He yelled.
"Oh Alec don't be such a wuss. It didn't hurt." Alec glared at him.
"Fine! Next time I'll drag you up the stairs and see how you feel!" Jace shrugged.
"I would honestly love to see you try." He countered. With that, Alec shot to his feet and started trying to pin Jace down. However, with Jace being Jace he'd always wait until the last possible moment before dodging Alec's attack. "So," Jace started as he swiftly dodged an attack. "What do you want for Christmas?"
"Seriously Jace? You're asking that at a time like this? After what I've just been through!" Jace swore that he could see steam coming out of Alec's ears.
"Woah woah woah, calm down dude." Jace decided it was time for him to let Alec get a blow on him. Alec hit Jace full on and they both crashed to the floor. Alec pinned Jace to the floor, he had a look of pure rage in his eyes. It was something that Jace had never seen before. With a quick push off his elbow, Jace flipped them over and pinned Alec down. "Calm down." Alec fought Jace as hard as he could, but his parabatai was too strong, and too heavy, for him to move.
"Get off me!" Alec shouted. He moved around as much as he could, trying to find a way to catch Jace out so he could get up. However, Jace didn't budge, no matter how much Alec moved. He just sat there, patiently waiting for his parabatai to stop his temper tantrum. When Alec stopped fighting back, Jace loosened his grip ever so slightly.
"Are you calm?" Alec glared daggers at his parabatai. Now that Jace's grip was looser, Alec took his chance and started to fight against him once more. He made little leeway, all he managed to do was put Jace slightly off balance which he was able to quickly regain.
"I hate you! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" Alec screamed. No matter what Alec said, Jace refused to let go. Instead, he yanked his parabatai to his feet and shoved him against the nearest wall, pinning his arms next to his head. Jace kept his distance as he'd allowed Alec to have his legs free and knew he wasn't above kicking him. Alec also had more movement in his head and a headbutt or two would force him to let go.
"Look in my eyes, and say that again. Then I'll know that you mean it." Jace challenged.

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