MacGyver Imagines

By jordan_nachol

115K 1.9K 213

"A good relationship is a lot like a car, it'll work if you put some effort into it." -Angus MacGyver A compi... More

Wilt Bozer "Failed Dates and Mad Cashiers"
Jack Dalton "Happy Birthday!"
Cast "Assassin" Part 1
Cast "Assassin" Part 2
Cast "Assassin" Part 3
Director Matty Webber "New Friends"
Riley Davis & Jack Dalton "Long Time No See" Part 1
Riley Davis & Jack Dalton "Long Time no See" Part 2
Riley Davis and Angus MacGyver "Sisters"
Angus MacGyver- "Lunch Dates and Cheating Boyfriends"
Angus MacGyver and Wilt Bozer "Just Like High School" Part 1
Angus Macgyver and Wilt Bozer "Just Like High School" Part 2
Angus MacGyver "Movie Dates"
Cast- "Partners In Crime" Description (Coming Soon)
Cast "Lost and Found"
Cast- "Partner's In Crime" Part 1
Cast- "Partners in Crime" Part 2
Cast- "Partners in Crime" Part 3
Angus MacGyver- "Revenge Plan"
Wilt Bozer- "It's Not Worth It"
Riley Davis "Murdoc's Partner in Crime" Part 1
Riley Davis "Murdoc's Partner in Crime" Part 2
Riley Davis "Murdoc's Partner in Crime" Part 3
Riley Davis & Jack Dalton "Murdoc's Partner in Crime" Part 4
Riley Davis & Jack Dalton "Murdoc's Partner in Crime" Part 5
Cast- "Short Imagines"
Angus MacGyver "I'm Always Here for You"
Cast- "The New Job" Part 1
Cast "The New Job" Part 2
Cast "The New Job" Part 3
Cast "The New Job" Part 4
Cast- "Black Widow" Part 2
Angus MacGyver- "Secrets" Part 2
Wilt Bozer- "It's good to be home"
Cast- "Forensic Scientist"
Angus MacGyver - "You're Alive!"
Real Life Cast- Theatre Kids
Angus MacGyver- Resurfaced Memories
Cast - "Short Imagines"
Murdoc- Puddin'
Jack Dalton- "Imaginary Friends"
Jack Dalton- "Unscathed?"
Wilt Bozer- "Home"
Cast- "Welcome to The Team"
Angus MacGyver- "What have I done?"
Jack Dalton- "Cairo Days"
Angus MacGyver- "Secrets"
Cast- "Black Widow"
Angus MacGyver- "Saved"
Angus MacGyver- "A Baby On The Way" Part 1
Angus MacGyver- "A Baby On The Way" Part 2

Angus MacGyver- "All in The Christmas Spirit"

2.5K 38 8
By jordan_nachol

For Courtnie


Dear Santa

I have never been the best at writing letters, but at least I am trying!

My name is Olivia Ryan, I am 4, and I was born without a dad. Instead of toys, I ask for a father, because that's all I want.

My mom said she stopped talking to him, not because she wanted to, but because she was about to have me and felt it was best for me without him. She's told me stories, and talks about him like she's scared of him. I've seen the marks on her wrist and arms, although she tries to cover them.

I've asked her about them before, and she told me that she would explain when I was older, and they're the reason my dad is gone.

I don't know what my dad looked like, so I dont have a preference, as long as he makes mom happy; I hate seeing her sad, she's not herself.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart,


That's all the letter said, and that's all it had to say.

The day Mac found it floating around the streets of Los Angeles, was the first day he'd ever felt so bad for someone he never met.

Twenty-Four Days Until Christmas

"Earth to Mac?" Maddie screamed in my face.

"Oh sorry, what is it?" I looked up from the piece of paper grasped in my hand.

"I was just congratulating the team about the success of the last mission, where were you?"


"Stop stuttering, what's on your mind."

"I found this flying around the streets this morning," I handed the paper to Director Webber, "It was written by four-year-old Olivia Ryan, who never met her father, the letter suggests that he was abusive; her mother left him and took her with her. I can't imagine what she's going through."

"Why don't we all step in and help, bring them a little Christmas magic." Jack jumps into the conversation.

"I like that, we could do that." Cage sits down next to me.

All of us look at eachother, and then at Webber, "Fine, why the hell not, but nothing too extravagant."

Eighteen Days Until Christmas

"Okay, I found the mom's name. Her name is Melissa Ryan, and her married name is Reese. Umm, let's see, her husband name was Liam, and was arrested three years ago for abuse and child indangerment. He's still in prison where he will remain for another seven years. Melissa and Olivia currently live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin."

Twelve Days Until Christmas

"So what's your plan, Mac?" Riley sits on the couch next to me, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I have no idea, to be honest." I shake my head, resting my forehead against my palm.

"Why don't you play dad for a day?"

"What?" I look up at her, confused.

"Play dad for a day, go to the house introduce yourself to Melissa, and tell her you are there to grant Olivia's wish, but for only a day."

"And how do you expect I do that?"

"I just told you."

"What do I do with her?"

"You play dolls with her, go play in the snow with her, take her to walk around the neighborhood and shit to see Christmas lights, take her out to dinner where ever she wants and then go home and watch Christmas movies with her and Melissa. That's what you do."

"Good idea," I jump up from my seat and run out of the door, but not before turning over my shoulder and screaming, "Thanks Riley."

Six Days Until Christmas

The plane wheels screeched as it landed.

I grab my carry-on and walk off the plane.

When I make it to the terminal, I grasp the letter in my hand, and sit in a seat in the waiting area. I throw my luggage on the velvet seat next to me.

This is going to be a long week.

Christmas Morning

I knock on the door of Olivia and Melissa's house. A young woman answers, "Hello, how may I help you?"

"Are you Melissa Ryan?"

"Yes, and you are?"

"My name is Angus MacGyver, I'm from Los Angeles, California. I work for a think tank under the United States government," I pull the letter out of my jacket pocket and hand it to her, "I was walking to work about three weeks ago, and found this flouting around the streets. It was from your daughter, Olivia. My team and I wanted to grant her wish for the day."

She read over the letter a couple times, and looked up at me, "Mr. MacGyver, that's so sweet of you, thank you." She smiled and let me into their home.

Their house was neat, considering there was a four-year-old living here.

The small brunette was sitting at a large tree, wrapping paper was scattered on the floor around her. I stood in the back, so she couldn't see me.

"Hon, you have one more present."

Olivia smiled and asked what it was, "Santa found your letter and decided to make your wish come true for the day."

She turned back and looked at me, and I walked forward next to Melissia. The little girl smiled and ran up to me. I knealt down and she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me half to death.

That day had to be the best day of my life; we talked played and laughed oour hearts out the entire day. I have never met such a wonderful family, after day's end, I almost didn't want to go back to LA. Melissa and I exchaged numbers and I promised the little girl I would be back.

As I was getting in my car, Melissa asked me, "Why did you do this? Why didn't you just dismiss this as another kid wishing for the impossible?"

"It's all in the Christmas spirit."


I'm back and better than ever, well kinda. A lot has gone on since the last time we've spoken, personal stuff that really pushed me to start writing again, to go back to my getaway. Everything will continue as normal:

Updates on Sundays, authors notes at the end of every chapter, and requests are still and always will be open.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I will see you all next week


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