Why Don't We imagines

By mianeedsbread

488K 6.3K 1.4K

( NOT SAFE FOR RAMADAN) Why Don't We imagines Just a bunch of imagines a girl can only dream of Please know t... More

rainy days- L.P
inscure- L.P
Nightmare- L.P
Period- D.S
Late night talks- L.P
Treat you better- L.P
Anxiety- D.S
Treat you better- L.P pt 2
Sick- D.S
Tell me- D.S
Morning routines
Dating him includes
Bad mood- L.P
Pianos, guitars and more- D.S
Thunder- D.S
Prefrences- L.P D.S
Las vegas (2-10-17)
Twister- D.S
Twister-D.S pt 2
Dance with me?- L.P
Gone girl- D.S L.P
Gone girl- D.S L.P pt 2
Caught- L.P
Beautiful- D.S
End game- D.S
Nightmare- D.S
Text imagine- D.S
Don't- D.S
Don't-D.S pt 2
Hoodies- D.S
Surprise- D.S
Fangirl- L.P
20 years- why dont we
Middle of the night- L.P
Surprise- D.S pt 2
Text imagine- L.P
Jealous- L.P
Jealous- L.P pt 2
Idiot- D.S
Truth or dare?- D.S
Leave me-L.P
Victoria secret- D.S
Never be alone- D.S
Caught in the act-D.S
Hickeys- J.A
Turn on- D.S
Mornings- D.S
Over you-D.S
Hickeys- D.S
Cheater- D.S
Over you - part 2
Tag- Z.H
Empty- J.M
Ask- J.A
Really? - J.M
Party dress - J.M
Makeup- C.B
Empty- J.M pt 2
Come over- D.S
The girl next door- J.M
Mrs Herron- Z.H
The girl next door- J.M pt 2
Dessert- C.B
Empty- J.M pt 3
Take whats yours- J.A
Empty- J.M pt 4
What're these?- D.S
Empty - J.M pt 5
The girl next door- J.M pt 3
Chocolate- Z.H
Home with you- C.B
Why? - J.M
Pick up lines - J.A
Movie days - D.S
Three words - Z.H
Cooking - C.B
Mornings with you - J.M
Skateboard - J.A
Slip up - D.S
Tour bus - Z.H
Petty fights - C.B
Stood up - J.M
Drunk love - J.A
Save me - D.S
Through the phone - Z.H
Vine - C.B
Drive - J.M
Lucky - J.A
The floor is lava - D.S
Wisdom teeth - Z.H
Pranks - C.B
Bad for you - J.M
Bad for you - J.M pt 2
Memories - J.A
Late - D.S
Mine - Z.H
Helpless - C.B
Dressing rooms - J.M
Beautiful - J.A
Update on me
D.S - promise
Promise pt 2 - D.S
Infinity war - Z.H
Too much - C.B
Not ready - J.M
Tickles - J.A
Cake - Z.H
I'm sorry - C.B
Broken - J.A
Cuddles - C.B
The end


3.6K 51 14
By mianeedsbread

Here's the other version for the people who want it ☺️🖤


I sat down at the table across from my boyfriend picking up one of the menus.

Daniel had insisted on taking me out to a really fancy restaurant for our 2 year anniversary. I said no but here we are at what could probably be the most expensive restaurant in L.A.

"Daniel, I love you but you really didn't have to do this" I say glancing up from my menu

"I love you too but yes I did. Come on babe it's our two year anniversary I had to do something special" he smiled grabbing my hand squeezing it

That smile. That goddamn smile

"No. No. Don't you smile at me Mr if I smile at her I can get away with it. It's not working Seavey" I say trying my absolute hardest to not smile

"Daniel. Stop it. It's not working. Stop" I whined but he just kept smiling

Before I knew it I was sitting there smiling like an idiot.

"Fuck you" I said sitting back in my chair crossing my arms

"Baby, you have to wait till w-" he started but I cut him off

"Daniel James are you asking to be slapped?" I raised an eyebrow at him

Before he could answer our waiter came to the table to take our orders.

He looked at me and smiled then noticed Daniel sitting across from me holding my hand and his smile dropped slightly

I could already tell this wasn't going to end well. Thankfully Daniel wasn't looking when the waiter looked at him

"Hi I'm Aaron and I'll be your waiter tonight. What would you like to drink?" He smiled at me

I smile back trying to be polite. "Um just a water please" I said not making eye contact

"Ok one water. And you" Aaron said turning to Daniel

"I'll have a water as well thanks" Daniel smiled at him but he just walked off

Daniel brushed it off and continued talking to me

After a few minutes Aaron returned with our drinks. He placed them on the table and took out his notepad to take our orders

"what would you like to order?" He smiled at me again

"I'll just have (your order)" you said slightly smiling back

He turned to Daniel and rolled his eyes before asking what he wanted

"I'll have the same as my girlfriend" he smiled at me grabbing my hand again

Aaron rolled his eyes once more before walking away again.

I don't think Daniel had realised what was happening yet and continued talking.

A while later he came back with our orders.

"A (your order) for you" He said happily "and the same for you" He said a lot less happy, putting it in front of us

Daniel thanked him before starting to eat

We talked about random things that had happened over the last 2 years of us dating

"Oh remember that time you tried to impress me by diving into the pool and completely failed" I laughed, Daniel laughing along with me

"That wasn't funny. It's jacks fault" he whined

"Oh ok. How was it jacks fau-" I was cut off by Aaron putting the check on the table. He smiled at me again and walked away

I think Daniel had finally realised as he was watching him walk away.

"I've got it" Daniel said bluntly grabbing the check.

His mood had gone from happy to I don't even know in literally 5 seconds

He payed the check and grabbed my hand again walking out of the restaurant. No I was scared for what was about to happen.

We got out to the car park and Daniel let go of my arm and turned around to face me

"Y/n what the fuck was that!? Did you think I wouldn't pick up on the way he smiled at you and rolled his eyes at me!" He yelled leaving me shocked

Daniel hardly ever got angry and even when he was angry he never yelled. He only ever yelled if he got really pissed off. I didn't know what to think

"Daniel it's not like that. I wa-" I went to say but he cut me off

"What was it like y/n! You were what!" He yelled again

I was honestly scared but tried not to cry

"Can we please just go home?" I said quietly

Daniel didn't answer. He just stormed off towards the car

I followed a few feet behind him and got into the car. It took 20 minuets to get home and I was dreading it.

Most of the ride home was silent, only the music playing quietly in the background

We stopped at a red light and a tear rolled down my cheek. I quickly turned away and blinked back the rest so Daniel wouldn't see

"Are you seriously crying right now" Daniel laughed. Not in a good way

I just silently nodded hoping he would try and understand

"Wow. I can't believe you" He said putting his eyes back on the road

"What can't you believe now Daniel" I said glancing at him

"You were flirting with that guy the entire night and I had to sit there and watch it happen! It's our two year anniversary y/n!" He yelled again and I flinched since I wasn't expecting something so loud

"You have this all wrong Daniel" I said

"Oh I have it wrong? Oh ok. Let's just blame everything on me tonight huh?" He responded

I didn't respond and just sat silently just wanting to get home as quickly as possible

After the light turned green and we were half way across the intersection I heard a loud noise then I saw black. Nothing but black

Daniels pov

"Oh I have it wrong? Oh ok. Let's just blame everything on me tonight huh?" I responded

Y/n didn't respond and just sat there silently

After the light turned green and we were half way across the intersection I heard a loud noise. I looked to my right to see a car speeding towards us. I heard screeching tires then blacked out

I opened my eyes and looked around. Once my eyesight was clear again I could see everything. I was in a white room in and bed and there was about 4 people sitting around the room. Jonah, Corbyn, jack and Zach

"What? What happened?" I said and everyones head shot up, looking at me.

"Oh my god your awake" jack said smiling

"Don't you remember?" Corbyn asked looking at me

"No" I trailed off confused

"Daniel. You got in a huge car accident when you were coming home from your date with y/n. We got a call about three hours ago saying you were in hospital and came straight away" Zach said

Suddenly everything came back. Our anniversary date.

"Y/N! Where's y/n!" I yelled, realising she wasn't there

Jonah sighed before speaking

"We don't know. I've asked everyone. They won't tell us anything" he said putting his head back in his hands

"What? No, no, no no" I said slightly panicking

"What's wrong" jack asked

"Y/n and I got into a huge argument because my dumbass thought she was flirting with the waiter. I yelled at her and probably made her feel like absolute shit. What if something happened and I'll never see her again." I cried, whispering the last part

"Come on bro, don't think like that. I'm sure she's fine" zach tried reassuring me

A nurse walked into my room.

"Hi Daniel, nice to see you awake. I'm sure your friends filled you in on what happened. Thankfully you haven't broken anything. The biggest injury you have is a cut about two inches long on your arm" she smiled like it was a good thing

I just smiled and nodded

"Oh and who's the oldest here?" She asked looking at all of us

Jonah stood up and followed her out of the room and down the hallway

"Do you think you could follow them and see if she says anything about y/n?" I asked Zach

"I love you but I don't love you that much. Jonah will tell you everything when he gets back. Just be patient" zach said

"Zach how the fuck am I supposed to be clam and patient when my girlfriend could be dead and the last thing I did was fucking yell at her" I said looking at him

Just before he could answer Jonah walked back in

"Um. Jack I need to talk to you" Jonah said not looking at me.

"No. Tell me what she said. Is y/n ok?" I said trying to get Jonah's attention

He just looked at me and walked out of the room with jack

"I'm going to throw a fucking tantrum if I don't find out something about y/n by the time they get back" I said and laid back now

Jonah's pov

I just looked at Daniel and walked out of the room with jack. I felt bad but I couldn't tell him

"Bro what's going on?" Jack said following me

"Y/n is fine but she's broken her left leg badly and she's really bruised. She just woke up but I don't want Zach seeing her and Corbyn is probably the most calm out of all of us so he has to stay there with Daniel" I said walking into an elevator

"What the hell are we going to tell Daniel. 'Yhea Dani she's fine just broken her leg badly and is severely bruised but she's fine. Don't worry' We can't tell him that. The idiot thinks it's his fault" jack said

"Either we tell him the truth or come up with something else" I shrugged

We got up to the floor y/n was on and walked through the halls to find her room.

We finally found it and I knocked on the door

"Come in" She said

I closed my eyes and opened the door walking in.

I opened my eyes and was shocked by what I saw

"Wow. Are you ok?" Jack asked walking over to her

"Yhea jack, I'm fine. You know, just got in a car accident, shattered my leg and it hurts to move. Casual" she smiled

"At least your still yourself, ok?" I laughed sitting on the chair next to jack

We talked for a while until the question I was dreading came up

"Hey, wheres Daniel and the other two? Is Daniel even alive" She asked looking between us

"Um well. Corbyn and Zach are with Daniel" jack said

"You completely avoided my question" She said

"Fine. If you must know, daniel is completely fine but absolutely beside himself because he thinks you've died and it's his fault. I didn't want zach to see you because of what state your in and Corbyn is the most calm out of all of us right now so he stayed with Daniel in case he throws a tantrum" I said smiling at the end

"Oh ok. That sounds normal. Then why'd you two come?" She asked

"I came because Jonah told me to and Jonah's here because-I actually don't know" jack answered

"I'm here because I'm the oldest and jack is here because if you were still asleep I would've been lonely so I brung him in case i wanted someone to talk to" I said

"Oh ok" y/n shrugged

There was a knock at the door so I got up to get it. I opened the door to Zach, Corbyn and Daniel waiting there.

"For fucks sake can you let me in please. I had to fucking beg a nurse for them to discharge me" Daniel said impatiently.

"No you cannot come in. Corbyn can come in but you can wait your turn" I smiled at him before opening the door a bit more so Corbyn could get in

I closed the door before Daniel could say anything else

"Wow your really broken aren't ya?" Corbyn said slightly laughing

"Yes, yes I am" y/n responded smiling.

"Oh and you can bring Zach and Daniel in if you want. Actually no. Just Zach" She said looking at me

I turned around and opened the door "sorry. Only Zach" I said letting Zach in and closed the door in Daniels face

We sat around and talked for a few minutes until jack was getting pissed off by Daniel knocking on the door every 5 seconds

"Can we just let Daniel in, please? He still manages to piss me off from outside of the room" jack said making us all laugh

"Let him in but you four need to leave" Y/n smiled

We all stood up and I opened the door again.

"Can I please come in now?" Daniel said frustrated "yes you can go in now. Don't do anything stupid" I said walking out

Daniels pov

I walked into the room and what I saw shocked me

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry" I said

"Dani. You don't have to apologise. It wasn't your fault baby" she said looking at me

"Yes it was. If I didn't yell at you in the parking lot we would've left earlier then none of this would've happened" I said a tear rolling down my cheek

"No. No. No baby. Don't cry. It wasn't your fault ok? It wasn't our fault. The guy who hit us shouldn't have tried to run the red light. Don't you dare for another second blame yourself, please" she said and looked at me ( a/n holy shit that was cheesy)

I pulled a chair up as close to her as I could and held her hand.

"Daniel?" She asked looking at me


"Jack said that you thought I'd died. Is that true?" She said taking her hand out of mine and playing with my hair

I slowly nodded. Y/n lifted my head up to look at her

"Stand up and give me a kiss because I'm not allowed to move" she laughed

I stood up and cupped her face with one hand and leaned in. It got a bit heated until y/n pulled away

"Daniel. We're in a hospital" she laughed again making me blush

About 20 minutes later a nurse came in with and Jonah followed her in with some clothes for her to change into

Once she was changed the nurse discharged her and we were free to go home.

When we walking down to the elevator jack turned around to us and and said "Yhea Daniel. No making out, we're in a hospital" he smirked

"Jack Avery I am not afraid to hit you over the head with one of these crutches" y/n said staring at him. I tried my hardest not to laugh as jack stopped smirking, knowing very well that she would indeed hit him with one of the crutches


When they got home they all went to sleep tired from being in a hospital all night.
Nothing changed between y/n and Daniel and their as happy as ever
And yes, Jack did eventually end up being hit over the head with one of the crutches


Ok I love the first version but I think I like this one more

Mia ❤️

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