Forbidden Fruit

By MUVAmajesty

58K 2.7K 1K

Student Lauren finds herself struggling as she begins a new year. Can a new woman, professor Normani Kordei a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34

Chapter 19

1.4K 66 17
By MUVAmajesty


It had been a great weekend. I knew that I'd be spending it at Normani's place, but for her to come back to my apartment on Sunday evening just topped our time off perfectly. I was wary, I'm not going to lie, but once she was behind my door, and away from everyone else, that worry melted and disappeared faster than a track and field athlete hitting the finish line. I know that we have to be careful, and I plan on maintaining that attitude, but seeing her makes me feel everything I'd never thought imaginable.

Sure, we are doing good at remaining distant during campus times, and I figured that even if we were opening together, it would still be the same, but I just want to touch her. Smile at her. Throw her one of my sultry winks. But I can't. I can't, and that's okay. It's okay because I get to wake up next to her gorgeous body, and I get to hold her every night. So, yeah, Lauren Jauregui can live without the touch and the attention of Normani Hamilton for eight hours a day. It's totally fine.

Sipping on my coffee that my friends were too busy wrapped up in themselves to notice she had left me, I close my eyes and my mind takes me back to the very hot and very strenuous weekend I'd just been a part of. Dinah  had given me an odd look when I walked into the cafeteria this morning, and I know that she is just waiting to jump on my choice of clothing today, but I'm not worried. I'm pretty convincing when I have to be, and she usually falls for whatever lie I make up.

Opening my eyes, I find that my best friend has joined us and is now sat extremely close to me. "Hey." I smile and give her an odd look.

"Hey." Leaning in closer, she nudges my shoulder and raises an eyebrow. "You know that you look kinda weird wearing that turtleneck?"

"Why?" I feign confusion.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because it's freaking hot outside and you have that on." She laughs. "I can totally see the huge mark behind your ear, too."

"Shit. Can you?" I snap my head around and give her a pleading look. "Really?"

"Yeah. Pretty much. The makeup isn't doing the best job." Ally shrugs and I want the floor to swallow me up. "Good weekend then, huh?"

"Stop, Ally. I can't think about my weekend while I'm here." Blushing, I drop my head and smile to myself.

"You don't have to say anything, Lo. I can see it." My best friend smiles. Lowering her tone, she leans in closer. "I'm happy for you."

"Thank you." I smile. Turning my attention back to the others around me, I roll my eyes and see how disconnected they are from the day ahead. "Guys, we should probably head to class."

"What's the hurry, Lauren ?" Dinah whines. "You wanting to get out of public view with that hideous jumper on?"

"Just rather not be late." I shrug. "Catch you there then." Giving Ally a hug and promising to call her later, I head off out of the cafeteria and down the corridor to the gorgeous woman I've had all to myself for the past three nights.

Settled in my seat, I focus on the work in front of me. I've promised both myself and Normani that I would work hard, and I have every intention of standing by my word. I mean sure, I could sit and stare at her for my entire class, but I don't need to. I can see her whenever I want, and I know that she has a tonne of work on right now. Not wanting to distract her, I concentrate on what is in front of me and pray that the day goes a whole lot quicker.

"Hey, you're into girls right?" A voice whispers behind me. Turning in my seat, I give the unknown student a strange look and she smiles at me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

"Um, you didn't." I furrow my brow. I've seen her many times before, but we've never spoken. I don't even remember her name.

"So, are you? Into girls?" She questions me again.

"Does it matter who I'm into?" I scoff.

"Oh, no. I just, I was making conversation."

"Right." I give a nod and turn my back to her. Well, she's a little... forward? Deciding the think nothing of if, I focus on my work again.

A few minutes later, I feel a tap on my shoulder and glance behind me once again. "Yeah?"

"Don't you think Professor Hamilton is kinda hot?" I can see her drooling over Normani, and although I want to knock her on her ass, I know that I can't. I also don't have the option of being openly jealous.

"Um, she's our Professor. I don't think of her as anything other than that." I give her a look and she smirks.

"I don't care what she is, I'd take her all day long." Watching her bite down on her bottom lip, I actually want to kick her very hard in the shin. She can think again before she starts undressing Normani with her eyes.

"Whatever keeps you entertained." I laugh and turn away. I catch Normani watching me, so I give her a simple smile and drop my gaze.

Thirty minutes later, and a clearing of the throat from the beautiful professor, I look up to find her leaning back against the edge of her desk. She has that freaking skirt on again, and I swear she's opened an extra button on her pale blue silk shirt. Fixing my gaze on her, I allow my mind to take me back to this morning. It was perfect. Waking up next to her, her showering in my bathroom, her scent around my apartment... It was just, I don't even know.

Walking to campus this morning, I'd wondered why the hell she would want to be at my apartment when she had a beautiful home of her own, but I quickly pushed those thoughts from my mind when I remembered how nice it was to have her snuggled next to me last night while we watched a movie. That's what I want. Someone to just hold at night. Someone who doesn't need conversation to feel connected. Just the simple touch of her hand is enough for me to know that I'm connected with her, and I know she feels the same. Sure, we had hit the sack and had hot and steamy sex, but we didn't get carried away before that. We didn't pounce on each other like a pair of teenagers whose parents were away for the night. She may be seven years older than me, but she doesn't show it and neither do I.

I could see she enjoyed just kicking back with me. It could be that she wasn't one for partying every night. Even though she seemed extremely professional when we first met, you could even say your typical up her own ass teacher, that couldn't be further from the truth. Outside of campus, she was a totally different woman. Perky, happy, and very sweet. I know that I've totally fallen for her, and I know that anyone else is now ruined for me.

"Miss Jauregui?" Her voice bringing me out of my thoughts, I blink a couple of times and narrow my eyes. Shit!


"Are we keeping you from something important?" She raises her eyebrow and I can't help but blush. She knows what her facial expressions do to me, and right now, I could take her on that desk her perfect ass is resting against.

"N-No." I shake my head.

"So you will be ready and fully prepared for your test on Friday?"

Clearing my throat, I remove my gaze from her perfect cleavage and smile. "Of course."

"Good." She gives a nod and turns her attention back to the rest of the class. "Okay, guys. Pack up and get out of my hair."

Giving myself a few minutes to calm down, I slowly pack away my things and scrape my seat back against the hardwood floor.

"Professor?" That same voice from earlier calls out as she passes me, almost knocking me against my desk.

"Yes, Kehlani?" Normani glances up from the papers on her desk.

"H-How do you know my name?" She stutters. Ugh! Don't even bother.

"Well, I'm your Professor. I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't know each of my students. What can I do for you?"

"I heard that you provide extra tuition to students that need a little help. I, Uh, I was wondering if I could get in on that?" My eyes widening, I want to run at the lil bitch who is now standing extremely close to my Normani.

"Sure. What is it you are having problems with?"

"Oh, everything, Professor Hamilton." Uh, could she be any more desperate? It's actually sickening. I know I asked for help, but I genuinely did need it. I genuinely wanted it. Falling in love wasn't a part of my plan, to begin with. Wait, what? Falling in love? Behave yourself, Jauregui.

"Okay, well I have another student that I tutor, and I'm a little busy with other things at the moment, but I could spare an hour a week if that is something that would work for you?"

"Maybe I could sit in with the other student? Save you some time?" Kehlani suggests and Normani quickly dismisses that idea.

"That wouldn't work. I'm sure you both have different educational needs, and I don't want you or my other student to have to sit through unnecessary work that you are perfectly capable of doing without my guidance."

"Okay, I'll take the hour a week." She smiles and runs her finger along the edge of the desk. Oh, please tell me she isn't falling for this? Seriously, Normani? Open your eyes, baby!

"Excellent." Normani smiles as she pulls her bag up onto her shoulder. "Wednesday, 2 pm?"

"Perfect." Kehlani's smile reached her ears and I swear my teeth were about to crumble in my mouth the harder I grit them together. "See you Wednesday, Professor."

Watching her sashay away and leave the class, I stand with a look of pure disbelief on my face. Normani notices this and gives me a look of confusion. "Everything okay, Lauren?"

"Oh, yeah." I move closer to her and stand with my back to the door. "Just perfect." Rolling my eyes, I slip out of the door and head off for a much-needed coffee. I'll see Normani within the next hour for my session, so I figured I'd leave her to think about what had just happened before bringing it up. How she didn't see Kehlani's behaviour I don't know.

Sipping on my second coffee in forty minutes, I make my way through the quiet corridors of Mount University. I have about twenty minutes or so before my session starts, so I slow my pace a little. I don't need to get there any earlier, even though I want to, and I'm sure Normani had enough work to be doing without me interrupting her.

Pulling out my cell, I balance it between my coffee cup and my fingers and hit the screen.

Lauren: Hey, study tonight?

Ally: Sure, if you aren't busy with Professor hot-ass

Lauren: Nope. We always study together, that won't change.

Ally: Glad to hear it. Should I bring wine?

Lauren: Like you even have to ask.

Ally:Well okay then. See you around six.

Lauren: Great. Headed off to my session. I'm no longer Normani's only one

Ally: Huh?

Lauren: She's taken on a new student for tutoring.

Ally: So? She's a professor Lo, it's her job.

Lauren: I know, but I know the girl isn't doing it for her education. I saw right through her.

Ally: We will talk about this later. DON'T do anything silly

Locking my cell, I slip it into my bag and take the steps up to Normani's office. Checking the time, I'm only five minutes early, so I knock gently and wait for her to answer. "Come in." Her voice making me weak at the knees, I fix my bag and open the door.

"Hey." I smile.

"Hey, yourself." Her dimples popping, I place my bag down and take my usual seat across from her. "Coffee?"

"Oh, yeah. I needed it." I state as I sip on my caffeine relief.

"Hmm, thought you may have returned the favour from this morning." She shrugs. "Silly me."

"Oh, sorry. Wasn't sure if Kehlani would be here. Didn't want to seem unprofessional by bringing my professor coffee." Pulling my textbook from my bag, I place everything I need on the desk in front of me and flick through the pages.

"Lauren." Normani gives me a hard glare.

Looking up from my book, I give her a small smile. "Yeah?"

"What was that about?" Scoffing, she goes all teacher on me and waits for an answer.

"What was what about?"

"You know what." Removing her glasses, she removes herself from her seat and rounds her desk. Flicking the lock on her door as she approaches me, she takes a seat next to me and gives me a sad smile. "Talk to me."

"About what?" I ask.

"About whatever is on your mind."

"You really think Kehlani is coming here for extra tuition?" I scoff. "Really?"

"Well, yeah." Her brow furrowing, she places her hand on my arm. "What's wrong, baby?"

My heart pounding at her term of endearment, I drop my gaze and shift in my seat. "Nothing is wrong. I just don't want her wasting your time."

"Why would she waste my time? She has asked for help."

"Yeah right." I laugh. "Did you not see how she was flirting with you? Ugh, I wanted to punch her."

"She wasn-"

"She was. She had already told me that she thought you were hot, so I know exactly what she is doing." I shake my head and remove Normani's hand from my arm. "Maybe we should just get started here so you can get back to your work."

"She said that to you?" Chocolate eyes desperate to meet my own, I glance up to find her smiling at me. "Lauren, I don't prey on my students. That wasn't what happened with you. I'm not trying to recruit girls to sleep with in my office. I can assure you of that."

"That's not what I meant, Normani. I just know that she isn't coming here for help." I sigh. "She will try it on with you."

"Oh, I can promise you right now that she won't. I won't allow her to. I'm her professor, Lauren. Nothing more."

"Okay." I shrug. Clearing my throat, I continue to flick through my textbook. "So, what do you want me working on today?"

"Can I come by tonight?" She blurts out and I give her a smile.

"I have to study with Ally."

"Ally knows about us. Maybe I could come by when she has left? I'd really like to spend some time with you tonight, Lauren." Her hand dropping to my thigh, she ghosts her fingers over the denim and I feel my body shudder. "Please?"


"Hmm?" She sighs as her right-hand dips further down between my thighs and her left arm is hanging across the back of my chair.

I attempt to protest but all that leaves my mouth is a low moan as I grip the edge of the desk in front of me. "I-I"

The button on my jeans popping and my zipper being lowered painfully slow, I gasp as I feel her cup me through my jeans. Oh god. "I can stop?"

"N-No." I close my eyes and shake my head. "Don't stop."

"You sure?" I can hear the confidence in her voice and it only makes me want her more. "Wouldn't want you to lose concentration."

"Mm, I'm sure." I gasp as I feel her slim fingers slip past the waistband of my panties. Shifting in my seat, I lean back and spread my legs a little. I know this shouldn't be happening but right now, I don't care. I don't care about anything other than Normani's touch.

"You know, it's kinda hot when you get all jealous." She husks as her lips meet the spot below my ear. "Very hot."

"I wasn't jealous." I grit my teeth as she drops her hand a little lower.

"Mm, you keep telling yourself that." She smiles then gasps as she discovers just how aroused I am. "Wow. That is all for me?"

"Only you," I state as I bite down on my bottom lip. Her eyes have darkened, and I'm desperately trying to hold back the moans my body is aching to release. Her fingers running through my stick folds, I move my own hand to her thigh and run it up under her tight black skirt. My grip tightening, she pushes inside of me and my breath catches in my throat. "Oh God."

I know I won't last long, and that's okay. We can continue this tonight since she so desperately wants to see me. Her hot breath washing over my ear, she places light kisses down my neck and increases her thrusts. "Jealousy will get you everywhere, Lauren."

"I wasn-" Cut off by her thumb grazing my clit, she can believe what she likes right now. I don't care. She is working her magic between my thighs, and that is good enough for me. "Fuck, Normani."

"You're so wet." She moans as I grip her thigh harder. Feeling myself tighten around her, my breathing becomes laboured and I swear this is the only thing in the world telling me that I'm alive right now. "Come for me, Lauren."

"Oh, fuck. Yes!" I husk. Hearing her demand what she wants causes me to topple over the edge and I swear I can barely breathe right now. Turning my head and resting it in the crook of her neck, I ride her hand and savour every moment of it. I know we shouldn't be doing this, but being locked away in her office turns me on like never before. "God, don't stop." I pant as I come down from my high.

"I won't ever stop." She smiles as she places a light kiss on my forehead. "So, can I come by tonight?" I catch her smirking as I remove my head from her shoulder.

The loss of contact between my legs immediately felt, I groan and give her a wide-eyed smile as she brings her fingers to her mouth. "You probably should, yeah."

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