You Stole My Heart With Your...

By fckingxfuentes

212K 8.3K 3.6K

When Kellin Quinn is kicked out and forced to go to boarding school, what happens when his roommate is Vic Fu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Not a chapter but please read it's important.
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Not a chapter, an annoucement.

Chapter 26

4.3K 235 61
By fckingxfuentes

 hello everyone i hope you're having a good day


[Kellin's POV]

"It's so good to see you Kells." Matty said, and getting a few grunts of agreement from the boys.

We were currently sitting in Justin's basement, just hanging around and catching up with each other. When I arrived the guys were already here, surprising me with a welcome home party, I'm eating some of the cake Gabe cooked now. He's always liked to bake, and he was good at it too.

"It's good to see you guys too, you wouldn't believe how much I missed you jackasses." I joked.

"Hey!" Jack spoke up, pretending to be offended.

"Boys, the pizza is here." Justin's mom came in and alerted us. We all hopped up off our seats and rushed up the stairs, taking a little longer than needed since everyone decided to go at the same time. We would eat downstairs, but we're not allowed to eat greasy foods down there anymore after we ruined their sofa with chicken wing grease.

I was the last one up the stairs, like normal, with Vic right in front me. I hadn't really talked to Vic that much since we got here, I've been busy with catching up with all the boys. I hope he's not mad at me and understands that I have a lot of people to focus my attention on. He didn't seem mad or upset, which is good, but you never really know with Vic.

He seemed to be getting along with everyone as well, which was a surprise for me. When Vic meets knew people he tends to act cold and distant a lot, but he's doing really well with being friendly with everyone, and I appreciated that. He and Jesse hit it off the most though, which made me even more thrilled.

We were at the top of the stairs now and he reached for my arm to hold my hand, but I pulled away because of being around the boys. They all expect me for my sexuality, but some of them like Jack and Gabe get creeped out with the PDA so I don't like to do that in front of them.

Vic gave me this look, it was a cross between offended and angry. I gave him an apologetic look in return, spinning around and walking away from out silent conversation.

I instantly regretted it though, I regretted everything that happened just now, me pulling away and then walking away, I was being a douche and Vic had every right to be mad right now.

Preventing an argument I'm sure would've happened later, I went up to him and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips when no one was looking. I pulled away and Vic gave a less than impressed look, crossing his arms.

Okay, now I was irritated. I try to apologize and he blows me off like that? I didn't even bother saying sorry like I planning to, I just walked off to sit down next to Jesse, leaving Vic to fend for himself. But at the moment I didn't care, he was being childish.

I didn't let the whole situation bother me that much, instead I decided to focus on the guys and their stories, while eating Jesse's crust. I don't eat pizza, and Jess knows that, so he just gives me his crust if I'll eat it since he doesn't like it. It was a pretty good system we had going, I have to admit, but after the third crust, I stopped. Too much carbs.

I looked over to Vic to see how he was doing, and he seemed fine. He's really good at putting on an act when he's upset, and if I didn't know him as well as I did I wouldn't have caught the little glimmer if annoyance in his eyes.

I made a mental note to talk about this later with him, wanting to know why it made him so upset. I mean I get what I did was a little rude, but he's blowing this way out of proportion. Plus, I even apologized.

"So Kell, how long have you and loverboy over there been dating?" Justin asked, taking me off guard because I didn't really think he cared about my relationship since it was with a guy.

"About a month ago." I said, reminiscing back to the day where we finally became official, smiling at the memory.

"Who asked who?" Gabe jumped, making me even more surprised than Justin, because he gets really weird about that stuff.

"I asked him." I said, getting a little red in the face. I looked over a Vic to see him eyeing me from the corner. When we finally made eye contact, I sheepishly looked away while he chuckled.

"You guys are adorable." Jesse said, looking back and forth between the both of us, making me blush even more.

"You guys, stop it." I whined dramatically, hiding my face in my hoodie I was wearing, getting a laugh out of everyone in the room, even Vic too. Hopefully he got over his little bitch fit and would start acting normal now.

After teasing me some more, the boys decided to go downstairs again since we were all done eating.

"What do you guys wanna do today?" Justin asked the group after we all sat down. He got a few mumbles of, 'I don't know,' and, 'It doesn't matter to me.'

"Alright, how about we flip a coin. Heads, we go to the arcade downtown, tails we stay here." Justin suggested.

"Sounds good to me." Jesse said.

"Same here." Jack seconded.

Justin flipped the coin and caught it, and it landed on heads. "Okay! Arcade it is."

After piling into the car, we were on our way to the arcade. We had a van so it was possible for everyone to fit, but with 7 teenage boys in one car you can imagine how crazy it got. Jack sat up front with Justin, who was driving, and being the idiot he is he stuck basically his whole body out of the car aside from his legs, and almost fell out when Justin swerved on purpose. I was laughing along with everyone else in the car, even Vic, who I was sitting next to. But the laughter all stopped when we heard the police sirens behind up.

"Shit, shit, shit." Justin cursed under his breath, while pulling over off the side of the road.

"Dude just calm down, you don't know what they saw. They could just be pulling you over for speeding, I mean you are doing 60 in a 35 zone." Matty said, trying to calm him down.

"But what if he saw that jackass over there with his whole fucking body hanging out of the car?! My mom will literally kill me and take away my licenses." He said, and everyone went quite for a moment, even Matty. Justin looked out the side mirror and looked at the cop sitting behind us. "Everyone buckle up, he's not looking. Hurry!" Justin said impatiently.

We sat there for another five minutes until the cop came over to Justin's window. He rolled it down and put on his charming smile, the one that he uses to get out of bad situations.

"License and registration please." The cop said, while taking a peak in the rest of the car, seeing who was all in it while Jack and Justin scrambled for the registration. He gave it to the cop so he could inspect it, and we sat there in suspense as we waiting for the cop to get done and tell us what's wrong.

"Justin Hills, age seventeen, more than likely lives with his parents, and this is more than likely his parents' vehicle." He said, looking away from the licenses to him at the end of the sentence. "Well Justin, does your parents know that you were going approximately twenty-five mph over the speed limit?"

"Uh no sir, they do not." He said, looking up at him with a charming smile.

"Smiles don't work on me Mr. Hills." The cop said, with a smile of his own, which made Justin's disappear. "Anyways, I'm going to give you a fine of three hundred dollars for speeding and reckless driving, pay it in thirty days or spend a night in prison. Your choice." He said, while writing out the ticket.

I could feel the relief in the car since the cop didn't see the Jack incident, but it still sorta sucked that we got a ticket. Although Justin's parents are rich they're still somewhat strict with him and make sure he's going on the right track.

The cop us our ticket, gave us a 'have a nice day,' which we returned, and then walked away. Justin whipped around the face Jack, glaring in faux hate right at him. "I hate you."

"Me?! What did I do?" Jack cried.

"You gave me a fucking heart attack. Do you know how dead I would've been if that cop saw you sticking out the window?!" Justin said dramatically. It was amusing watching them two go back and forth like this.

"Well you never told me to stop or get in." Jack said smoothly with a little grin.

"Whatever, you're just lucky I don't make you walk there." Justin retaliated, holding back a grin of his own.

And just like that, things went back to normal. That's what I love about our little group, we don't hold grudges, nor do we let a little bump in the road ruin our good time. So with that being said, we were on our way to the arcade once again, this time going the speed limit.

When we got to the arcade, we all raced out of the car and into the building. It was pretty cool in there, the place had black lights, and this galaxy themed carpet with planets on them, typical. When you walk in there's a big desk, that's where you get your tokens at, and that's where we were walking to.

While everyone was getting the tokens I looked around, my eyes sparkling at the sight of everything. I love going here, and it's been a while since I've been here. There's a ton of games, games like the claw machine where you try to get the stiffed animal or whatever, air hockey, skee ball, racing games, and a lot more. Anyways, what I'm trying to get at, is you can spend hours at this place without even thinking twice about it.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder, and when I turned around I was face to face with Vic. He gave me a smile, which told me he was over what happened earlier. I didn't really talk to him that much in the car since the cop thing, and then I was talking with Gabe and Matty, and he was talking to Jess.

"I got your tokens." He said, handing me the cup, and I smiled at the gesture.

"You didn't have to babe, how much do I owe you?" I said, pulling out my wallet, but he snatched it away.

"Nothing, you owe me nothing." He said before I could speak, and put the wallet in his back pocket.

He grabbed a hold of my hand and laced our fingers together, giving me a little squeeze. "Now come on, let's go play skee ball."

Well, 12 tokens and 6 rounds of skee ball later, Vic was the official champion of skee ball. I sucked at the game, I'll admit it, but next to Vic I looked like a 5 year old trying to play.

"This is dumb." I said, pouting.

"Aw come on, don't be like that." Vic said, coming over to me and wrapping his arms around my crossed ones from behind. "It's just a game." He said, kissing my neck a little and making my face go hot. I stepped out of his hold and whipped around to yell at him, but my lips soon became occupied because he kissed me instead.

I instantly melted into the kiss, like I always do. His kisses are magical, nothing like I've ever experienced before and they always made my stomach explode. I was starting to get affected with the way he was moving his lips on mine, and I went to brush my tongue against his mouth, asking for entrance, but I got interrupted before I could do so.

"Alright that's enough lovebirds." Jesse teased, walking past us to what I assume another game.

We pulled away and smiled at each other, happy that we were back to normal. I was thinking about apologizing again for earlier, but I didn't want to bring and up again and him get mad.

The rest of the time there was basically spent with Vic beating me at the games and me pouting. In the end he had twice as many tickets as I did, but that's okay because he ended up buying me a big stuffed animal, and I brought him some sour patch kids since they're his favorite. All and all it was a good day, and when we all met up at the front of the store to go home, we were all exhausted from the activities. We take gaming very seriously.

"Justin, can you take Vic and me back to the hotel?" I asked him, it was about 9:30 and I was tired, and I'm pretty sure Vic was too.

"Yeah that's fine. Which one is it?"

"The Hampton."

"Wait, don't you need to get your luggage from Jesse's car?" He asked.

"We switched it before we went to the arcade." I informed him.

"Oh, okay then!" He said driving us to the hotel, which was only like five minutes away.

When we got the hotel we said our goodbyes, and made plans for tomorrow. Since we didn't have a car Jesse would come pick us up and then do whatever tomorrow, which is fine by me, it's not my gas.

"So what do you wanna do tonight?" Vic whispered in my ear in the elevator, we were alone in the small space, but he just did it because he knows it drives me crazy.

"Hmm, you tell me." I said, feeling a little hot myself since he started kissing my neck much like he did earlier.

"Well," He said pausing, to place a hand over my slowly growing bulge, "I was thinking we do a little bit of this," He said, pausing again to softly rub circles against me, causing me to buck my hips, "and then some of this." He attached his lips to mine, making me moan at the contact.

We stopped before anything serious could happen because the elevator dinged, telling us that we were at our floor.

We dashed to our room, luggage in our hands, and throwing it across the room once we were inside the room. Vic slammed the door, and threw me onto the bed. The action took me off guard, but I quickly got over it when he climbed over on me and slammed his lips into mine.

His hands were everywhere, well I should say hand because he kept one on my bulge, slowly rubbing it. He attacked my lips in a frenzy, and invaded my mouth like it was no tomorrow. I was completely defenseless under him, I was so turned on at the moment I'm pretty sure I'd let him do anything with me.

I sat up to take off his shirt, revealing his toned tanned chest that I was practically salivating over. I ran my hand over the hard surface, admiring how built he was. He took mine off next, and laid me back down on the bed. I didn't expect what was coming next though as he moved his lips to my neck, finding my sweet spot with ease, and unbuttoned my pants.

A little alarm went off inside of me, and I instantly put my hand over his, stopping his actions completely.

"I'm sorry, I should've asked first." Vic apologized, guilt across his face.

"No, no, it's fine. I'm fine, go head." I said nervously, not really wanting to do this, but not wanting to say no to him at the same time.

"No. You're not ready yet, which is completely okay. I'll wait, I don't want you doing anything you're not comfortable with." Vic told me, which had more of an effect on me than I thought it was going to.

"Thank you." I told him softly, giving him a short, sweet kiss to the lips to which he returned.

"Anything for you, my love." He said with a wink, making me laugh.

The rest of the night we just cuddled, content in each other's arms while Vic played with my hair. I was kinda mad at myself for stopping what was gonna happen. I don't even know what came over me to be completely honest, I thought I was ready, but I guess I wasn't. And that irritated me, because I wanted to please Vic the way he pleased me that one night. But he didn't seem to mind though, so I just let it go. Happy that I had an understanding boyfriend. I was never going to let him go, that's for sure.

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