Our Story -- A Donnie X Reade...

By -Pyro_Mania-

42.9K 1K 633

You were a girl with a secret, a secret that you swore to keep in fear of being hunted down or rejected. You... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Cosplay confessions - One Shot
👻🎃Halloween special 💀🍬
Christmas and New Years special
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
(A/n) - New Title Page?
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Long Live Stan Lee
Chapter 23
Character Info
Chapter 24

Chapter 16

993 30 9
By -Pyro_Mania-

Chapter 16: kidnapped

[Your POV]

Staring out at the beautifully lit streets of NYC, I sat on the edge of a building, I had told the guys I was going out for some fresh air and had been running around and jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

I took a deep breath in and sighed happily, I suddenly heard movement behind me and I stood up and turned around, grabbing out my (f/w) and getting into a battle stance.

"Whose there?! If your hiding I already know your there! You weren't being quiet enough!" I called out to whoever was hiding, then I heard a low chuckle.

"Your very smart aren't you (y/n)?" The voice said, walking out from their hiding spot.

Their voice sounded feminine so I assumed it was a girl, she walked out of her hiding spot and my eyes widened when I realised who she was.

"Karai?! What are you doing here!?" I questioned in shock and slightly angrily.

"You'll find out soon enough..." she said smirking evilly.

Then both of her eyes turned green and the pupils of her eyes turned to black slits, snake fangs appeared on her top canines and she changed into some sort of mutant snake creature. She had white scales and purple armour like scales and two snake heads for hands.

She hissed loudly and lunged at me, I quickly rolled to the side and out of the way, she hissed angrily and threw one of her snake hands at me, I went to dodge but I didn't dodge in time and the fangs of her snake hand bit onto my forearm.

I winced in pain and started to feel dizzy, nauseous and light headed, before I knew it, I fell to the ground and onto my side, my head pounding from impacting with the ground, my eyes grew heavy and my vision grew blurry, I struggled to keep my eyes opened but they soon closed, darkness covering my vision.

[Donnie's POV] [time skip]

'It's been 5 hours since (y/n) left... where is she?' I wondered as I walked around the lair, checking every room to see if she was hanging out with anyone or training in the dojo.

I checked everyone's rooms and everyone said they hadn't seen her since she had left, I checked the dojo and the only person in there was Splinter who looked like he was in a deep meditation and finally I checked (y/n)'s room, but her room has completely empty.

Worried out of my mind, I asked the guys to come along with me to see if we could find (y/n) anywhere, they all agreed and we set out to find her.

'Where could she be?' I questioned in my head, I saw something in the corner of my eye and went to go check it out due to curiosity.

I stopped on the rooftop the object was lying on and my eyes widened, picking it up to take a closer look, I soon realised it was (y/n)'s (f/w).

Panic surged through me as I turned to face my brothers.

"Well? What is it?" Raph questioned with an agitated tone.

"I-I think (y/n) has been kidnapped...." I say to them with wide eyes.

Their eyes widened as Leo immediately started ordering everyone to split up and search for her, but his words soon became inaudible for me. I was lost in thought, staring at the floor with wide eyes, until I snapped out of my thoughts when someone placed their hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, don't worry, we'll find her" it was Leo, he gave me a sad smile with worry filled eyes.

Nodding my head slowly, I began searching for (y/n), hoping that she would be ok.

[Your POV]

Waking up with a pained groan, my eyes fluttered open. When my vision cleared, I realised I wasn't on the rooftop or back at the lair, I was in a cell in some sort of lab in the air, chains holding me in the air by my wrists and chains around my ankles to stop me from moving or escaping.

"W-where am I...?" I said out loud to myself.

"Your in Master Shredders lair non his lab idiot" I heard a male voice speak up, with a combination of what sounded like a fly making an annoying buzzing sound.

"Whose there?!" Looking around, I see some sort of mutated fly person.

"The names Baxter Stockman" the fly person 'Baxter Stockman' replied.

"Baxter Stankman? What kind of name is that?" I said raising a brow.

"It's Baxter Stockman!" Clearing his throat, he continued.

"Anyway, onto the point.... Master Shredder has kidnapped you and brought you here to request you on joining us, telling us where the turtles location is and fighting alongside him"

"I would never turn my back against my friends so he can forget even bothering to ask me that!!!" I spat furiously, my eyes full of fury.

"That's what he had hoped for you to say... guess we'll have to force you to comply" he said smirking.

He flew over to a lever, grabbed the lever with his right claw hand and pulled the lever down, sparks of electricity flew through a cord towards my chains, the electricity hit the chains and ran up the chains to my wrists and ankles, causing the electricity to electrocute me.

A pained yell erupted from my through as my head flung back, a strong tingling sensation running through my ankles, my wrists and through my arms and legs. Baxter smirked and pulled the lever up, stopping the electrocution. My head fell forward slightly as I sighed in relief.

"Have you changed your mind now~?"

"N-no..... I-I will never sell out my f-friends.... n-no matter how many times you hurt me.... or electrocute me...."

Shrugging, he said "Looks like we'll just have to continue until you break"

Pulling the lever down once more, the same feeling of being electrocuted coursed through my limbs.

'I will never give give up on my friends.... let's just hope they haven't given up on me...' I thought as I yelled in pain again.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it was a bit late and a bit of a long time since I last updated.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter (sorry if there's any mistakes)
Leave a comment, a vote and I'll see you! In the next chapter...

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