Perfect ||G.D

By dolanstish

1.7M 29.2K 35.4K

Sequel to Cherish~ Five years later and their worlds collide again. Will they fix the broken pieces or be don... More

n i n e
question :)
lets talk
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
lets talk real quick
Hayden And Emercyn
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
Important talk please read
thirty eight
thirty nine
Bonus Chapter

thirty three

29.4K 582 552
By dolanstish

"I can't believe it's already October." Emercyn sighs as we push Grant in his stroller through a pumpkin patch. I nod my head in agreement because it's actually crazy just how fast time flies the older you get.

Grayson and Ethan are currently picking out pumpkins and putting them in a basket for us all to carve. Grant isn't old enough to but we also wanted to for fun.

Grant starts to cry so Emercyn tends to him while I sit on a bench and watch her mother her son. Grant instantly stops crying when she hands him a bottle. She picks him up out of the stroller and rocks her four month old as we watch little children play around in the pumpkin patch.

Grant is four months and Grayson and I have been married for two. It amazes me the way time works. Although certain things feel like they are so far away, they really aren't when you think of how fast time flies by.

I wrap my arms around my aching stomach but also because the cool breeze makes it feel colder than it actually is. I see Grayson from a far pretending to throw a pumpkin at Ethan which makes me laugh.

"Hayden, are you okay?" Emercyn asks as she puts Grant back in his stroller. I nod my head before shaking it. She gives me a concerned look and i give her a fake smile.

"What's wrong? Talk to me." She says a little quieter as we get off the bench and head to the boys. I grab her hand and stop her in place as I chew on my lip from being nervous. Why am I nervous?

"I don't really feel good." I groan.

"Like throw up not feel good or period not feel good?" She asks. I hold up a number one and throw my head back as I groan.

"Have you thrown up today?"

"This morning."

"When was your last period?"

I shrug my shoulders and groan from annoyance. Telling her my problem turned into 21 questions and I just want to go home and lay in bed. She gives me wide eyes before turning to the boys.

"Are you gonna tell Grayson?"

"Tell him what? That I'm pregnant? We don't even know for sure. I don't want to get his hopes up because he really want a baby." I explain to her. She nods her head before telling me that we'll have the boys watch Grant tonight while we go to buy me a pregnancy test. I nod my head as we walk to the boys.

"I got you this one and this one for me." Grayson says, pointing to the pumpkins in the wagon. I give him a thumbs up and a kiss on the cheek before looping my arm through his.

We walk to where you buy the pumpkins and after we do, we say our goodbyes to Emercyn and Ethan after Em asks Grayson if he'd hang with Ethan tonight while Emercyn treats me tonight. The boys were absolutely clueless because they asked no questions and Grayson was all up for it.

I hug Emercyn and whisper for her to text me when we should do it. I wave to Ethan as he holds Grant before getting in the car with Grayson.

Immediately when Grayson turns the radio on, Perfect begins to play. I look over to see him already staring back. I give him a smile and reach over the console to hold his hand. He intertwines his fingers with mine before bringing my hand up to his and kissing my knuckles.

"Okay now pay attention to the road, babe." I laugh, pointing at the dirt road ahead of us.


"Babe, are you ready?" Grayson asks me from downstairs. I shout back yes as I slip on my handy dandy converse and grabbing my purse.

As I reach the end of the stairs, Grayson hands me one of his hoodies so I could have something to keep me warm. I take it in one hand before wrapping the other around his neck to bring him close to me. I kiss him softly a few times before he tells me lets go.

We walk next door and Emercyn opens the door quickly. She gives Grayson a hug and he is quick to walk into the living room and pick up his baby nephew. Emercyn and I both awe quietly as the two grown men gush over the beautiful curly head baby.

"If you are you know it wont be a bad thing." Emercyn nudges me and I nod my head.

"Bye babe, I'll text you when I'm home." I tell Grayson, waving. He nods his head and waves his hand before bringing his attention back to the precious baby.

Emercyn practically drags me out of the door to her car. I jump into the passenger seat and the whole way to CVS, I couldn't stop feeling jittery. Emercyn practically glared at me to stop bouncing my knee when she knows its something I do when I'm anxious

If I am pregnant, I'm going to be so happy. I also know Grayson will be ecstatic since he's been begging me to let us have a baby. If I'm not? well I'm not sure. I know I'll be a little disappointed but I know it wont be the end of the world. Maybe it's just not my time if I'm not.

We pull up to the CVS that seemed to be the least bit amount of busy. It looked to me that there was one other customer here other than us when we walked in. I can't help but chew on my lip as Emercyn leads me to the pregnancy test section.

"This one. It's two in one so you can take two test to be sure." I nod my head just following along. I grip my stomach as my nerves begin to shoot through the roof when we reach the register.

Before I could even reach into my wallet, Emercyn had already paid. I give her a funny look. We thank the employee before we get back into the car. I open the packet as Emercyn zooms down the streets of Jersey and begin to read the instructions.

"Emercyn, what if I am? What will Grayson and Ethan's fans think? Will they be mad? How will I raise a baby and keep him or her away from the media?" All these thoughts begin to wonder into my brain and I feel like I could vomit. Personally if I am, I don't want my baby to be raised up in the world of media. Eventually he or she will because Grayson is known worldwide but at a young age, I don't want him to be hated on or brought up in that world.

"Hayden, calm down. The fans will either accept or have to learn to get over it. You're Grayson's wife and have been the love of his life since he was fifteen. This was bound to happen at some point; if you are." I nod in agreement because after all she is right. He's going to become a dad some day and if it's now, it' now.

We arrive at the house and quietly exit the cars so they don't know we are home. We run over to mine and go into the guest bedroom outside.

"Here, do as the instructions say or it wont work." Emercyn says.

"All I have to do is pee on it." I roll my eyes.

"Okay sassy, I meant correctly. If you dont it wont read correctly you ding dong." Emercyn slightly smacks my head. I let out a huff of air feeling nervous all over again.

"I'll be out here. Let me know when your done."

"NO! Come in with me." I plead.

"While you pee on a stick?" She laughs.

"I pee in front of you all the time. Only different is I'm peeing on a stick this time. I'm just scared I'm gonna screw this up." I lightly throw my head back against the wall. Emercyn sighs and opens the two stick packets and hands them to me.

"Stop over thinking. You've got this H." She tells me. I nod my head and she shuts the door so I can pee on the sticks. Here goes nothing.


"How long has it been?" I ask Emercyn.

"About time. Lets go check." I nod my head and Emercyn grabs my hand to walk with me to the bathroom. I open the door and look at her before walking in. I let go of her hand and reach for the sticks on the counter.

I feel like my breath is taken away as I read the results. Two line means positive. One means negative. On both sticks read positive. I drop one and cup my mouth to turn to Emercyn who is screaming at me to tell her what the results were.

When she see's the happy tears in my eyes, she pulls me into a hug and squeals. I had to look at it again to make sure I'm not just imagining it. I show Emercyn and she screams again with excitement.

"You're pregnant." She says.

"I'm pregnant." I whisper still shocked. I'm beyond excited I just can't believe this is real. I am going to be a mommy with my best friend.

"Let's go tell your boy." Emercyn says and I nod my head. I put the sticks in my hoodie pocket as we walk across the street.

Emercyn unlocks the front door and we walk in. The boys are on the couch with Grant watching a movie. Grayson turns to look at me and almost immediately jumps up when he see my puffy face. It's obvious I had been crying because my face gets blotchy and red.

"Baby, are you okay?" He asks walking over to me and giving me a hug.

"Yes. I just need to tell you something." He nods his head and I bring him to the couch and set him down.

"I lied." I bluntly say. He gives me a confused look and I realized I probably scared him.

"Em didn't take me out for a treat. She took me to take these." I pull out the pregnancy tests and hand them to him.

He stared at them before looking at me and back at the test before tears breamed in his eyes. He jumps up and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" He says with so much excitement. I nod my head and laugh.

"You're gonna be a mommy." He whispers looking down at my tummy. He cups my face and brings me in for a kiss. "I love you so fucking much, Hayden." He tells me.

"I love you too, Gray." I kiss him once more and turn to Em and Ethan who stare at us in awe.

"Congrats guys." Ethan gives us both a hug. "Now my baby boys got a friend on the way." He adds. We all laugh at Ethan's comment before Grayson pulls me in for another hug.

"Can't wait for our little family." I whisper to him, kissing his cheek softly. I love this life I have been given.

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