Four Years (sequel to Promise...

By LucayaPromise

113K 3.5K 1.4K

Lucas friar joins the army and leaves Maya alone in their New York City apartment. What will Maya do when she... More

Authors note
O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
Authors note
S e v e n t e e n
E i g h t e e n
N i n e t e e n
T w e n t y
Do y'all want another chaper?
T w e n t y - o n e
T w e n t y - t w o
T w e n t y - t h r e e
T w e n t y - f o u r
T w e n t y - f i v e
T w e n t y - s i x
Stick around
T w e n t y - s e v e n
The wedding - visuals
T w e n t y - n i n e
T h i r t y

T w e n t y - e i g h t

1.3K 42 25
By LucayaPromise

Authors POV

"I love you so much Maya, mwah," Riley mumbled dragging her feet up the steps to Mays's apartment.

"Thanks Riley but can you open the door." Maya whispered.

The door swung open to find three peaceful sleeping boys. Katy tiptoed across the living room to wake up Shawn.

"Oh hey. Back already?" Shawn yawned. "Sorry we made such a mess, we ended up playing pretend and ordering pizza."

"It's ok Shawn, we came back early because Riley passed out." Maya laughed lifting up Riley's hand.

"I love you so much." Riley said sleepily.

"Here I'll take her to your room." Katy offered taking Riley.

"No! I don't wanna go bed." Riley fussed, "I'm behave." She nodded.

"Hey you." Maya plopped down on the couch next to Lucas.

"Hey." Lucas smiled stretching his arms over his head.

"You ready for the wedding in 5 days?" Maya smiled resting her head on Lucas' shoulder.

"I've never been more ready." Lucas said intertwining his hand in hers.

"Wait, Lucas you can't see Maya on these next few days that are leading up to the wedding. You, Shawn, and Timothy have to gooooooooo." Katy said pointing to the door.

"What? Why? It's such a stupid rule." Maya whined.

"Oh! I know why! Pick me!" Riley said pipping up.

"Yes, Riley."

"It's-its so that when you are both apart, you will miss each other and when you reunite you will be happy and not second guess your decision because you will be blinded by the fact that you both missed each other while you were apart." Riley said smiling to herself.

"Um ok. That could be it." Katy nodded scratching the back of her head, "regardless, the men have to check into a hotel. Just for a few days, then you and Maya can live happily ever after."

"Ok fine... I'm only leaving you because I can't wait to start my life with you... officially I mean." Lucas said kissing my lips before gathering his things for the night, "come on, Shawn."

"Alright, I'll see you, kiddo." Shawn said giving me a hug and grabbing his bag.

"I'd feel bad for Timothy to wake up in a hotel and wonder how he got there. I guess he can stay with us girls and then I'll take him to the hotel tomorrow." Maya laughed closing the front door behind Lucas and Shawn.

"Alrighty ma ladies, we better get some beauty sleep so we don't look like trolls in the morning." Maya laughed hugging Katy and Riley. The girls agreed and got ready for bed.

"Guess you'll be sharing a bed with me, Katy!" Riley smiled linking arms with Katy.

"Heck no, I know that you are restless sleeper. I'll sleep on the floor if I have to." Katy stated grabbing a blanket off the couch.

"Hey I am not! I may subconsciously cuddle though." Riley defended herself pouting her bottom lip out.

"I ain't taking any chances." Katy scrunched her nose.

"Suit yourself...Peace out Girl Scouts!" Riley hollered hopping to the couch.

"Good night." Katy said turning off the light.

"Good night girls." Maya said blowing kisses to her mom and Riley.

"Nighty night." Riley said again.

"Riley...just go to sleep." Maya yelled from her room.

"Can I at least sing a lullaby?" She whispered.

"No!" Maya and Katy yelled at the same time.

Ok guys, Im writing only a few more chapters until this story comes to an end. Do you guys want me to write more stories? If so, give me some ideas in the comments!!
Amelie ♥️ 🌈☀️😘

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