The assassin called Cedmi. [U...

By story-lover1423

1.2M 22K 13.4K

A Chaos story. His friends and family, including the gods all betrayed him for his own 'half-brother'. All of... More

CHAPTER 1 ~ the betrayal.
Chapter 2 ~ the escape from the once so called home planet.
Chapter 3 ~ the saddened and frustrated gods.
Chapter 4 ~ the good hearted assassin.
Chapter 5 ~ the army commanders.
Chapter 6 ~ the loving brothers.
Chapter 7 ~ the information.
Chapter 8 ~ the blue-eyed girl.
Chapter 9 ~ the kill of that jerk.
Chapter 10 ~ the smart trick.
Chapter 11 ~ the difficult decision.
Chapter 12 ~ the beginning of a new life.
Chapter 13 ~ the chase through the woods.
Chapter 14 ~ the past memories.
Chapter 15 ~ the bad news.
Chapter 16 ~ the new identities.
Chapter 17 ~ the meeting.
Chapter 18 ~ the return to camp.
Chapter 19 ~ the first story.
Chapter 20 ~ the daughter of Zeus.
Chapter 21 ~ the very powerful guest.
Chapter 22 ~ the spared mysterious girl.
Chapter 23 ~ the Kronos guy.
Chapter 24 ~ the siblings are reunited.
Chapter 25 ~ the shouting match.
Chapter 26 ~ the trip to the past.
Chapter 27 ~ the confession of love.
Chapter 28 ~ the many differences between them all.
Chapter 30 ~ the introductions.
Chapter 31 ~ the weird behaviour between the creator and his second commander.
Chapter 32 ~ the little talk with the fates.
Chapter 33 ~ the secret that has to stay hidden.
Chapter 34 ~ the cousins that are hiding in the woods.
Chapter 35 ~ the sea and its god.
Chapter 36 ~ the kidnapping story.
Chapter 37 ~ the huge disagreement.
Chapter 38 ~ the three stupid Titans.
Chapter 39 ~ the meeting in bunker nine.
Chapter 40 ~ the daughter of Aphrodite meets her so called dead half-sister.
Chapter 41 ~ the war meeting in the rec room.
Chapter 42 ~ the talk about a certain choice.
Chapter 43 ~ the massive prank.
Chapter 44 ~ the sector warriors arrive.
Chapter 45 ~ the 'party' on Olympus.
Announcement: Sequal!

Chapter 29 ~ the unusual request.

22.4K 391 64
By story-lover1423

Void's Palace.

Void's eight commanders all sat in the living room between their apartments in the Void palace.

They all had their hoods down and all of hem wanted to find their friend, Aliana, who has been missing for nearly a day now.

They we all really good friends and even thought they were in Void's army they were all kind.

Void was a cruel person in their eyes and they disagreed with the way he dealt with things, but they didn't dare to leave his army.

Knowing Void, he would probably have them killed for wanting to leave his army. They didn't know what they were getting themselves into when they joined.

But now it's too late for them to leave, because they are the commanders and the only way to leave Void's army is by death, or maybe if they joined Chaos's army.

The second commanders was a girl called, Delia Arquette. She was born on a planet called Orgen, which is like one huge city.

She has brown hair that goes to her shoulders, quite pale skin, she's kind of petite and has amazing hazel eyes.

All the commanders in the Void Army were eighteen, just like the commanders in the Chaos Army.

They had no idea if Void basically copied the things that Chaos did in his army, but again, they didn't dare to ask him.

"It's not such a bad plan," spoke Delia. They've come up with a dangerous, but necessary plan.

Maybe if they did it they would get more information and even some help to get out of the Void army. But their main priority right now was finding Aliana.

"But if Void ever finds out..." trailed of Alex Brown, the third commander.

He was born on Herat. He has light navy blue hair that is curly and cut shortly, stunning violet eyes and lightly tanned skin.

Alex was extremely worried. If Void finds out about what they're about to do then they would all be dead after they would see him next time.

He did not want to see his friends die because they tried to accomplish a dangerous mission.

"Alex... think about Aliana, what if they actually have her?" questioned Kira Forster, the sixth commander.

She is smart, and can make good tragedies, like Athena's children.

She has red long hair that she always wears in a high ponytail with a side fringe, really pale skin, a face filled with freckles and ice blue eyes.

Kira was born on a planet called Ponas, which is one of the colder planets. She is worried about Aliana as she had a very close friendship with her.

Alex looked worried, Aliana was a best friend to him. They have been best friends ever since Aliana joined the army.

There was no romantic stuff between them, just very close friendship. He even saw her as a sister sometimes.

Delia sighed. "We will do it tonight then, but Void must never know." She looked at faces of the seven commanders. "He must never know."

* * *

Camp Half-Blood. - 4 hours later.

It was still bright, as the sun was partly in the sky and the woods at Camp Half-Blood were all lit up by its light.

Adrien walked around the woods, his hood up, and his sword by his side.

It was 6pm. The commanders were all still walking around camp and searching for Percy.

They have no trace of where he might be, or any news from him. They can't even contact him using mental conversations.

Zoë was miserable and so were the rest of the commanders. Chaos even started walking around and searching himself, along with his commanders.

Adrien sighed. They didn't even know if Percy is alright. He might have been captured, if that's even possible, or worst... killed.What if—

Adrien suddenly felt eight powerful auras around him. He took out his short shaped sword, called Tenster.

He was sure the presences weren't the rest of the Chaos's commanders. The auras were new.

Adrien then watched as a cloaked figure came out of the bushes - a male by the looks of it.

What surprised Adrien, was the fact that the male had both of his hands up, as if to show he surrenders or something.

Adrian lowered his sword. "You're one of Void's commanders I presume. The rest of your friends might also want to come out, if they'd like," he said.

He knew they were Void's commanders. But he didn't know their identities though.

The male figure sighed and put his hands down. "We're weaponless. We won't try to hurt anyone, we just want to talk." Adrien could hear the honesty in his voice.

Adrien put his sword away and watched as seven other Void's commanders came out.

They were all cloaked with their hoods up.

A kind of petite female spoke, "We just want to talk, but we want to talk with all of the Chaos's commanders, if that's possible." It was Delia that spoke.

She looked at Alex, before she looked back towards the Chaos's commander. "Meet us here in an hour," she told him shortly.

She nodded towards Alex. Then all of the Void's commanders disappeared into the nearest shadows.

Adrien was a bit shocked and curious, as to why they wanted to speak to all the commanders.

But they can't. Percy was missing.

He ran back towards the middle of the cabins and asked mentally the rest of the commanders to come and meet him there as quickly as possible, without Chaos.

The commanders got there fast, wanting to know why he wanted to talk to them, and maybe if he has some news on Percy.

Zoë was the one to reach him first. "Do you have any news on Percy?" she asked in a whisper.

Everyone at camp was sent to their cabins early today, because of the search party thing the commanders are all doing for Percy, but they still had to be careful with saying their real names around.

The gods, had to go to Olympus for a while, so they're not here. Some kind of meeting they were having, was all they said.

Adrien watched as the rest of the commanders stood next to her, and he smiled sadly at them. He took down his hood.

"No, unfortunately I have no news on him. But I've come across something interesting, if you could call it that," Adrien said.

The commanders all looked at Adrian. They were sad that he had no news of Percy, but they were all curious as to what he found.

"Well, what did you come across?" Bianca also took down her hood. She was really worried about Percy.

"Not something." They all looked at Adrien curiously, and confused. "A someone, actually eight someone's."

The commanders all looked at each other confused, while Adrien held a serious face.

"I came across eight of Void's commanders." They all snapped their attention to Adrien.

"What?" they all exclaimed, by still kept their voices kind of low.

Adrien out his hands up to calm them down. "All they want to do is talk," he reassured them and saw some of them relax a bit.

"They said they're weaponless and they won't try to hurt anyone. They want to talk to Chaos's commanders," Adrien stoped for a split second, then he added, "All of us."

Luke ran a hand down his face, with his hood still up. He looked at the other commanders.

"What about Per--" He looked around and coughed. "Cedmi?" he corrected himself.

Feria took her hood down and shook her head. "We'll just have to go without him and make up an excuse as to why he couldn't come."

She was extremely worried about Percy and just like anyone else she wanted to find his quickly.

Michael nodded. "Yeah, but what about Chaos? The Olympians are away on Olympus till tomorrow, so we don't have to worry about them finding out about this... but Chaos?"

He looked at his friends, most of them had their hoods up along with him.

Luke grinned. "Leave that to me." He looked at Adrien. "Where are meant to meet then and when?"

Adrien looked at his watch. "We've got forty five minutes. They'll met us, at about ten meters east from Zeus's fist, there will be a little clearing there," he said.

The commanders all nodded and went off, to have a last look around, while Luke went to take care of Chaos.

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