The assassin called Cedmi. [U...

By story-lover1423

1.2M 21.8K 13.3K

A Chaos story. His friends and family, including the gods all betrayed him for his own 'half-brother'. All of... More

CHAPTER 1 ~ the betrayal.
Chapter 2 ~ the escape from the once so called home planet.
Chapter 3 ~ the saddened and frustrated gods.
Chapter 4 ~ the good hearted assassin.
Chapter 5 ~ the army commanders.
Chapter 6 ~ the loving brothers.
Chapter 7 ~ the information.
Chapter 8 ~ the blue-eyed girl.
Chapter 9 ~ the kill of that jerk.
Chapter 10 ~ the smart trick.
Chapter 11 ~ the difficult decision.
Chapter 12 ~ the beginning of a new life.
Chapter 13 ~ the chase through the woods.
Chapter 14 ~ the past memories.
Chapter 15 ~ the bad news.
Chapter 16 ~ the new identities.
Chapter 17 ~ the meeting.
Chapter 18 ~ the return to camp.
Chapter 20 ~ the daughter of Zeus.
Chapter 21 ~ the very powerful guest.
Chapter 22 ~ the spared mysterious girl.
Chapter 23 ~ the Kronos guy.
Chapter 24 ~ the siblings are reunited.
Chapter 25 ~ the shouting match.
Chapter 26 ~ the trip to the past.
Chapter 27 ~ the confession of love.
Chapter 28 ~ the many differences between them all.
Chapter 29 ~ the unusual request.
Chapter 30 ~ the introductions.
Chapter 31 ~ the weird behaviour between the creator and his second commander.
Chapter 32 ~ the little talk with the fates.
Chapter 33 ~ the secret that has to stay hidden.
Chapter 34 ~ the cousins that are hiding in the woods.
Chapter 35 ~ the sea and its god.
Chapter 36 ~ the kidnapping story.
Chapter 37 ~ the huge disagreement.
Chapter 38 ~ the three stupid Titans.
Chapter 39 ~ the meeting in bunker nine.
Chapter 40 ~ the daughter of Aphrodite meets her so called dead half-sister.
Chapter 41 ~ the war meeting in the rec room.
Chapter 42 ~ the talk about a certain choice.
Chapter 43 ~ the massive prank.
Chapter 44 ~ the sector warriors arrive.
Chapter 45 ~ the 'party' on Olympus.
Announcement: Sequal!

Chapter 19 ~ the first story.

31K 493 275
By story-lover1423

Camp Half-Blood. - the next day.

The commanders all groaned at the demanding Luke, who frowned in return at all of them.

"I know, I know, but we have to show up to breakfast. If we don't they might send one of the campers to ask us if we want to come," Luke said.

The rest of the commanders all looked horrified at that. They did not want one of the seven to come knocking on their cabin door.

"And we don't want to accidentally kill them now, do we?" Luke added with a smirk.

He looked at them challengingly to disagree with his statement. None did.

"Okay, off to breakfast then," Luke told them.

The rest of the commanders all groaned again. None of them wanting to eat at the dining pavilion.

"Hold on, where will we sit? We don't have a table to eat at," argued Zoë.

Luke thought for a second and then shook his head and chuckled.

"Remember who made this awesome cabin? I'm sure as soon as we walk into the dinning pavilion, a Chaos table will appear." Luke smirked again.

Everyone nodded and they all smirked as well. They knew Percy would do something like that.

They just couldn't wait to see the shocked faces of the campers as a table appears out of nowhere.

Eventually with still a bit of grumbling they all put their hood ups, to keep their identities a secret.

Then the commanders all made their way to the dining pavilion, while talking and joking around.

They didn't care about the shocked campers that stared at them, who probably thought they were all robots and couldn't joke.

They found out Luke was right, about the dining table at least.

As soon as they walked into the dining pavilion, a black table appeared with golden plates, golden cutlery, and golden goblets. Just for them.

The commanders all rolled their eyes as the demigods, Chiron and the gods all gasped, but they were amazed by the table as well.

Koster laughed a bit. "You know guys, we might just rent Cedmi to decorate and make everything for us, along with you Grett of course," He said.

It was directed to the other commanders of course. He said it without caring that everyone else there could hear him.

They made their way to the stunning table.

"I have to agree with Koster. The cabin and the table are both amazing!" said Grett, who being a son of Hephaestus, loved forging things.

"We just have to somehow kidnap Cedmi, and then make him create things for us," told them Alicia as they sat around the table.

They all laughed a bit at the idea of them trying to capture Percy.

They stared eating, until they heard campers whispering around them about not sacrificing food, while the gods looked at them in confusion.

Relia being the polite one who won't explode a tantrum in their faces, spoke, "We don't sacrifice food, because Chaos doesn't like it when people sacrifice to him."

The campers, Chiron, the hunters, and the gods, all seemed to take in the information.

* * *

After the commanders finished eating, they all left the dining pavilion, and decided to look around camp.

The six of them that've already been here before went around to their favourite places, while Feria and Adrien walked around all of it.

They all met up in the centre of the cabins after a couple hours of wandering around.

"It would be fun if there was a tutor or something to teach us about the history of it," said Feria, referring to the camp.

She may be furious about the old generation of campers betraying and banishing Percy, but Camp was truly beautiful.

"I'm sorry to interrupt this." They all turned around to find Chiron. "But you missed dinner," he said.

They looked at each other. Had they really missed dinner? They'll just have to eat in the Chaos cabin after they get back.

"Yeah, we wanted to look around camp a bit," Koster said for them.

Chiron nodded. "As it's Monday, we start story telling in the amphitheater for the next week. We talk about a hero that was lost a long time ago. It's a tradition we do each couple of years," he told them.

The commanders looked at each other and thought about this. They were officially intrigued.

Chiron then added, "We would enjoy it if you attended and introduced yourselves to the campers properly."

Koster nodded. "When does it start?" he asked after a second of thought.

"Right at this moment," informed them Chiron with a soft smile.

"Okay then, we might as well attend. Can you lead the way?" Koster said.

Koster remembered perfectly well where the amphitheater was, but he needed to play dumb like he didn't.

Chiron nodded and led them to the amphitheater. When they got there, the campers were already seated.

The commander sat in the first row away from everyone and looked around.

The gods, the hunters, and the three immortals from Camp Jupiter, were there too.

Everybody was looking at them.

Koster sighed and stood up. He looked at the commanders in front of him, who were seating like they were glued to their seats.

They really didn't want to move.

"Come on, up, up, up! We have to introduce ourselves," Koster told them.

The commanders all groaned quietly, but got up from their seats. They all looked at Koster, who looked back at them.

"You're in charge for now, so you start," told him Feria, as an evil smile appeared on her face.

Koster groaned. "You guys are impossible," he said glaring daggers at them.

Koster then looked at the demigods, gods and Chiron, and some of the mortals from the hunters or Rachel.

"As some of you know, I'm commander Koster. I'm the second commander of the Chaos Army and in charge of sector two," he said.

He then looked at Alicia beside him and smirked at her, making her roll her eyes.

Alicia sighed. "I'm commander Alicia. I'm in charge of the third sector in the Chaos Army."

Artemis and Thalia both thought that they recognised that voice from somewhere and they both frown in thought.

Relia then spoke, "I'm commander Relia. I'm in charge of the fourth sector in the Chaos Army."

Nico looked at her curiously... he knows her he was sure of it. He couldn't put his finger on where from though.

Grett was next. "Commander Grett, in charge of the fifth sector," he finished shortly.

Mari was nervous as hell. "I am commander Mari. I'm in charge of the sixth sector in the Chaos Army," she told everybody.

Clarisse looked at Mari with a bit of suspicion. She then shook her head.

Noah, just wanted to get this over with. "Commander Noah, in charge of the seventh sector," he said.

Will looked at him with curiosity as he thought that he recognised his voice.

Feria looked at them all. She was nervous too, but still spoke, "I'm commander Feria, in charge of the eighth sector in the Chaos Army."

Adrien was last. "Commander Adrien. I'm in charge of the ninth sector."

The commanders then all looked at Chiron who nodded, so they all sat down.

Koster watched as someone he wished he never had to see again walked down the steps and stood in front of the campfire.

Annabeth Chase took a seat in the chair that was already in front of the campfire. She looked at everybody.

Annabeth spoke, "As some of you might know, every couple of years we tell stories about a hero that has disappeared a long time ago."

Some of the oldest campers nodded while the newest one shook their heads in confusion.

"Not many of you might remember, because the last time we did this, was about seven years ago," Annabeth added.

The commanders were curios now. They looked at everybody, even the gods for clues on who that someone might be.

They were surprised though, to see the gods, the hunters and the three immortals from Camp Jupiter doing the same.

The only ones who looked liked they knew what Annabeth talking about were the immortal campers from CHB and indeed some of the oldest campers.

"He disappeared exactly four hundred and sixteen years ago," Annabeth continued. "His name is Perseus Jackson"

The commanders all stared at her in shock. They would have never thought that they would hear that Percy was their missing hero.

The commanders looked at each other quickly and they all started a mental conversation.

'Guys... what do we do?' Luke was terrified that one of them might do something impulsive.

Zoë sighed. 'Just listen, and no one says anything at all, okay?'

The all agreed and ended the mental conversation.

"For the next week, we will be telling stories about his life and today we will start with the first one." Annabeth looked at the satyr who came over and stood next to her.

Grover, though Luke, Silena and Charles, Zoë and Micheal.

"Annabeth Chase and I, Grover Underwood will tell the first story as we're the ones that know, saw and lived through most of it," Grover informed everybody.

Annabeth looked at Grover, who looked pretty sad. She cleared her throat.

She spoke, "Grover will be the one telling the first part about the story as he was there when it happened."

Annabeth then got off the seat, and sat in the first row - a couple of meters away from the commanders - in between the seven demigods from the prophecy of the seven.

All of them were there apart from Percy of course.

Everybody turned their attention to Grover who had a sad smile on his face.

This confused the commanders.

Why are they all sad when they are telling us about Percy? Most of them banished him, thought Luke.

Grover sat slowly on the chair and looked at everybody.

He spoke, "I met Percy in a private school called Yancy Academy. I sensed his scent and knew he was very powerful so I asked Chiron for help."

He looked over at Chiron, who as well was smiling sadly. He nodded to Grover as if encouraging him.

"Chiron and I, got ourselves spaces in the school using the mist. Me being a student and Chiron being a Greek and Roman mythology teacher. And I have to tell you all, the next year was the best and the worst year of my life in that school." He laughed a bit, with some other people.

Grover continued, "One day, our class along with Chiron and a... teacher, called Mrs Dodds went on a trip to a museum. When it was about lunch time, Percy and I sat by the fountain to eat our lunch when an annoying girl called Nancy Bobofit came along and dumped a sandwich on my lap."

People looked extremely annoyed at that, but Grover just smirked.

"Percy had enough of her." Grover smirked more and he saw some of Percy's old friends smirk too.

The commanders listened in carefully trying to memorise every detail of the story. This was actually quite interesting.

"Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, Nancy was siting on her bottom... but in the fountain," Grover said.

Some people snickered, while others looked confused, because the newbies didn't know Percy's godly parent.

Even Poseidon smirked, making his face light up a bit like it hasn't done in quite a long time.

Some of the gods smiled at that. Seeing Poseidon kind of happy again at the mention of his lost son.

Grover spoke again, "Of course she blamed it on Percy, and he got in trouble... real trouble." He frowned, and some people looked worried.

Grover resumed speaking, "Mrs Dodds took him inside the museum... and she turned out to be a Kindly One." Some people gasped.

The gods, the hunters and the three immortals from Camp Jupiter who somehow never heard the story before all looked at Hades, who had a big frown on his face.

The commanders did the same as they were also shocked. They had never heard of any of this before.

Grover not wanting an argument to start continued, "Fortunately, Chiron showed up and tossed Percy a pen."

Same people frowned in confusion. How was a pen gonna help? They didn't know just how wrong.

"When he caught it, Percy uncapped it, and a three feet long celestial bronze sword grew out of it called Riptide," Grover said.

Some people's eyes widened in shock. Alicia reached up under her hood and touched the hair pin in her hair.

"He had no experience in fighting so when the Kindly One launched herself at him he did the only thing he could." Grover shrugged.

Everyone, including the gods, and the commanders, were listening now.

"He swung the sword, and he defeated the Kindly One," Grover told them and grinned.

The people were awe struck. He defeated a Kindly One without any experience. He didn't even know the Greek gods existed yet.

"Chiron and I, tried to cover up the existence of Mrs Dodds using the mist, but Percy wasn't fooled." Grover shook his head.

The seven from the great prophecy smiled at that and so did the commanders. They knew it was really hard to fool Percy, especially now.

"His behaviour and grades both got worst after the attack. Eventually he snapped at his English teacher, and was thrown out the school." Grover smiled sadly to himself.

"When he got on the bus at the end of term to get back to his home I go on the bus with him and we drove away. Then suddenly, the bus broke down in the middle of the road, in the middle of nowhere," Grover said.

Everybody frowned at that, sensing something bad was going to happen.

"We had to get off the bus because of the smoke coming out of the engine, but when we did we saw something horrifying." Everyone looked at him curiously.

"On the other side of the road, sat three old wrinkly woman in chairs. The one on the right was making the biggest sock ever made out of yarn, the one on the left was holding a basket filled with yarn and the one in the middle had a pair of scissors."

The demigods, who are hearing the story for the first time looked at Grover questioningly as to who they all were.

Meanwhile the hunters - who all respect Percy - the three immortals from Camp Jupiter, the Chaos commanders, and the gods, paled a bit.

Especially Thalia, Alicia - which you couldn't tell because of the hood - Poseidon, Hades and Hestia.

"They were The Three Fates," Grover said and everyone's eyes widened in shock.

"They were looking straight at him." The three gods, the commanders, along with some of the hunters, and the Camp Jupiter guests, paled more.

"I tried to get Percy inside the bus, but I wasn't fast enough. He saw as they cut a life string in front of his eyes." Everyone looked really worried.

"I told Percy to wait for me when we got of the bus, while I quickly went to the toilet, but when I got back, Percy was already gone." Grover sighed.

Thalia rolled her eyes at her cousin but smiled sadly. What else had Grover expected?

"I finally found Percy in a cabin on a beach called Montauk where he used to go to with his mother, Sally Jackson." Grover looked down in memory of her.

Poseidon smiled sadly at the mention of her. It had been quite a while since anyone mentioned her.

"I told Sally that Percy needed to be taken to Camp immediately so we got in his step-father's car, and drove to Camp. Unfortunately, we got attacked on our way there," Grover said.

It was really quiet now, so the only noise was the fire cracking. Everybody was listening.

"The creature run after the car as we neared Camp, when suddenly the car was hit so hard it flipped over... we were hit by lightning," Grover said.

Everybody looked at the wide eyed Zeus. Grover again, not wanting any arguments, continued;

"The monster neared us as I was half conscious. Percy's mum told him to run to Camp, but Percy being himself, couldn't leave us alone."

The immortal campers, along with Reyna, Hazel, Frank and Thalia. Plus Poseidon, Hades, and Hestia, all smiled sadly at that.

"So he dragged me out of the car and we, along with Sally neared the Camp." Grover sighed.

"Then, the monster caught our scent again and it ran after us. It neared us, and we saw the bloodthirsty monster in front of us... The Minotaur." Some people gasped, while everyone was worried.

"The monster snatched up Sally, and squeezed her until she exploded into golden dust." Everyone gasped again, while Hades frowned at his actions.

"The Minotaur turned to me, as I was laying on the ground half conscious, but Percy was not going to just stand back and watch." Grover shook his head and sighed sadly.

"He got the Minotaur's attention and when he attacked Percy, Percy jumped on the Minotaur's neck and held onto his horn," Grover told everybody.

The demigods, the hunters and the gods were shocked once again. Even the commanders were a bit shocked too.

"The Minotaur jumped up and down, trying to get Percy off of him, but Percy had a good grip. Percy then pulled the Minotaur's horn towards him and... snap! It snapped off!" The people were more shocked.

"Percy flew backwards and landed on a rock, but he knew I was still half conscious so he still stood up, even if it made him grimace in pain," Grover said.

The people were surprised at his urge to protect his friends, while the commanders and Percy old friend smiled at that.

Grover sighed again. "The Minotaur turned to him again and he attacked, while Percy got in a crouching position with the horn in his hands and when the Minotaur got close enough, Percy plunged the horn into its side."

The people gasped and they all became wide-eyed. They were all shocked at how skilled Percy was even back then.

"The Minotaur then exploded into golden dust leaving nothing behind." Everyone was surprised still and it was dead silent.

"Percy got up, even thought he was in pain and he carried me over the borders off camp. And that's how Perseus Jackson got to Camp-Half-Blood," Grover said.

Grover then gave the story over to Annabeth, who started telling them about how they and Percy, went on a quest to find the missing lightning bolt.

* * *

"Wow, I didn't know Percy went through so much on his first quest," said Adrien as the commanders sat in the living room in the Chaos cabin.

Everybody nodded in agreement. They all still tried to take it all in and they all came to the conclusion that Percy is in fact too modest.

"I nearly killed him," whispered Luke, as silence took over.

Nobody there spoke, not knowing what to tell him. It's not like they could just tell him it was okay.

"I nearly killed him. This wasn't the last time I tried to and he holds no grudges against me!" Luke spoke in a louder voice.

They all looked at him as he slumped back on one of the comfy sofa chairs in the living room.

Luke shook his head. "Percy is too kind of his own good sometimes," he said.

They all nodded along with what Luke said as they knew that it was true.

"We all make mistakes Luke, we all do," said Silena. She was a spy for Kronos in the Second Titan War after all.

Everybody nodded in agreement. Then they got up and went to their rooms without another word.

* * *

Somewhere. - 2 days later.

A cloaked female run into the her lord's throne room. She couldn't believe what had just happened.

She stopped in front of the throne in which the lord was seated in and bowed. She was completely out of breath.

She took a huge breath before she spoke, to calm herself down.

"He has deafened them, my lord." You could hear the fear in her voice. She didn't like to be the one to inform him about something like this.

The mysterious lord jumped out of his throne. He couldn't believe it. Anger pulsed through his veins.

"Impossible! He couldn't do it on his own," he shouted. His voice held so much anger, that the female in front of him and the guards at the sides of the room all moved away a bit.

"My... my lord, but he has. What should we do now, then?" asked the cloaked female and didn't dare to look up at the angry deity in front of her.

The lord slowly sat on his throne again. He suddenly smirked. "Send out the Death Squad and my first commander," he order, knowing that will be a bit of a challenge for him.

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