
De StellaMarie183

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My name is Lilith. Abandoned by whoever, I was left on the outskirts of the Steel pack. Taken in, I was given... Mai multe

Chapter 1: Memories
Chapter 2: Good Morning
Chapter 3: Monster
Chapter 4: Blood
Chapter 5: If looks could kill
Chapter 6: Hello
Chapter 7: Lots Of Yelling
Chapter 8: In the Rainforest
Chapter: 9 My Purpose
Chapter: 10 My Pleasure
Chapter 11: The Same
Chapter 12: Exiled
Chapter 13: Silence
Just Keep Swimmin'
Chapter 14: Paws
Chapter 15: Run
Chapter 16: Its A Long Walk
Chapter 17: Bastard
Chapter 18: Kitten
Chapter 19: No Crust
Chapter 20: We Are One
Chapter 21: Goodnight
Chapter 22: Dummy
Chapter 23: I Promise
Chapter 24: Don't Stop
Chapter 25: Goodnight
Chapter 26: I Owe You One
Chapter 27: Hybrid Like Me
Chapter 28: The Myth, The Legend
Chapter 29: Staying
Chapter 31: Vampire, wolves and mages, oh my!

Chapter 30: Throw It Away

130 8 4
De StellaMarie183

*If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you.*

It's like my life moved in slow motion. I watched as Emma jumped up and down clapping her hands like a child, with a smile the size of Texas on her face, spewing words of crazy love shit. Lance had jumped from his seat and was stalking over to Knight who still wore his typical mischievous grin. He obviously had no fear for his Alpha for his body remained calm. Just before Lance had the chance to wrap his large hands around his Beta's throat, Emma decided to open her mouth and make matters even worse.

"I can't believe it!" She squealed loudly. I prepared for the worse, there was no stopping her now. The fairytale like sparkle in her eyes meant she was busy conjuring up some crazy fantasy, more than likely she was already planning my wedding. "Your very first kiss! What was it like?" She grabbed me by the arm and continued to bounce around, not even aware of the scene she was causing. The men in the room had gone deathly still. "Ugh, I wish my first kiss was with my potential. You remember Crazy Sandy right? That kid from my seventh grade class," she made a disgusted face, "he was like kissing sandpaper! You're so lucky! I bet there were sparks and everything. Momma always said when she and da-"

Knight interrupted her, "Lilith?" I almost preferred to hear his pet name for me rather than my actual name roll off his lips. Wiping all emotion from my face, I pulled out all the stops and worked up as much bravery as I could too meet his eyes.

Which, was a mistake.

Desire and bits of confusion stared back at me. It caught me off guard to see emotion so clearly though his dark eyes. "She's joking right?" I'm not sure if it was the overwhelming embarrassment or slow building anger but I refused to open my mouth. I wasn't even sure if I was capable of speech right now.

My eyes darted over to Lance. His fully changed Hybrid eyes darted back and forth between me and Knight. Anger, disappointment and sorrow is what I seen behind them. With each breath his lungs took, a deep growl rumbled from his chest on every exhale.

Emma finally caught on to the issue at hand when she look in their postures. Ever so slowly, she began pushing be back out of the door. "Riiigghtt.. So about what I just said.." She was trying to cover up her mess but it was no use. With each step we took back, the men took another step towards us.

I felt the familiar push of someone trying to enter my head and let my walls fall. 'I am soo sorry Lilly, I didn't even think about Lance being in the room. I completely forgot about the whole two potential mate thing.' I let my eyes slide over to hers and just shook my head. 'We need to get out of here, the amount of male testosterone in here is going to explode any second.'

"Lilith.." Lance rumbled out my name, "Please don't tell me that you're.." he faded out to let me fill in the rest. This wasn't really how I wanted to the 'the talk' about the birds and the bee's. Not that I ever wanted it at all but I think this made the top of the list of possible ways.

I called on my beast to lend me some strength or at the very least advice but she was happily content on watching from the sidelines. Taking a deep breath, I did my best to calm my every growing nerves. "My sexual.. experience, is my business. Not either of yours."

Knight snickered, "I'll be damn. You are a little girl, aren't you?" So glad he found this amusing.

"Silence Knight." Lance strode towards me and I matched his gain steps with my retreating ones with Emma in tow. "Kitten that's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's just not that often anymore that you find someone at your age who isn't.. at least a little bit experienced." His voice was soft and reassuring.

Shaking my head, I started to leave. "I don't need you to tell me Lance. I get it." I couldn't get out of there fast enough.

"Aw come one pure one," Knight laughed at his new pet name, "we were just surprised that's all. If you're embarrassed about being so pure, I would be happy to help you. We can add it into our training."

Lance snarled and I heard the sound of flesh hitting flesh. Emma gasped but I didn't bother looking back. I hopped they both got a good beating in.


Emma and I sent the rest of the day together exploring the grounds. Thankfully I haven't run into either of the boys but I did catch their scent once or twice. I think they were giving me space after what happened earlier and they were smart too. I wasn't in the mood to deal with their shit.

Lucas however, found us about an hour into our exploration and decided to give us a tour. They laughed and talked the whole entire time while I just followed in silence. It's not that I was in a bad mood or anything, this was just my normal routine when I was out and about. These past few days, I think I have talked more than ever, so I deserved a little silence.

We were introduced to many of the 'family members' as Lucas called them. I found it strange that they weren't called clan or pack members but I guess it suited the situation. This wasn't just vampire or werewolf. This was a family mixed of both plus hybrids.

Just about everyone greeted us with hugs and smiles. I, of course, politely refused any hugs but tried to put my best social smile on. There was however, a select few who did not welcome me in particular. Those select few being mostly younger unmated women.

Go figures.

Lucas introduced us a guest of Mr. Lance which gave us supposably a high level of respect. Apparently they didn't get very many guests but even with that 'respect', I caught quite a few dirty looks and snarky comments thrown my way from a very popular looking bitch squad. Rumor had it that Mr. Lance himself had taken such an interest in a young woman that he sent his Beta and best troops to go retrieve her. Gotta love rumors.

Not that they bothered me a whole lot, as sad as it was, I was used to the shit talk. I had a lot of practice in the Steel Pack on how to just tune it all out. But, be that it may, no matter where you go there will always be someone there who doesn't approve.

Speaking of the bitch squad.

"You must be Lilith." A tall blonde woman, with legs for days walked up to me with an entourage of women behind her. She didn't look much older than I did but with supernaturals it was so hard to be sure.

"That would be me." I tried to sound as friendly as possible. By the looks on most of their faces, they didn't buy it.

"My name is Andy and these are my friends," she gestured behind her, "we would just like to personally welcome you to our home." I didn't miss the way she drew out the word 'our'. She was here to make a point on this being her home. Oh how I felt so welcomed. "How long are you planning on being a guest here with us?" Her voice was sincere but her posture told another story.

I snuck a look around to try and find Emma but it looked like they continued the tour without me. "Lance has be gracious enough to let us stay until we are able to settle down somewhere else peacefully." I knew how to fake respect and avoid a fight. I learned overtime with the Alpha of the Steel Pack that you always choose your words carefully, no matter the situation. Think before you speak.

Though you only follow your rule half the time. My beast remarked. I just pushed her back down and ignored her comment.

Andy smiled brightly. "Well that's our kindhearted Mr. Lance. Always helping needy strays." It took all had to rein in my beast. She did NOT, I repeat, NOT like this random woman looking down on us like we were beneath her. She tolerated the Steel Pack doing their best to get a ride out of us for Emma but this however was a different story.

I wasn't sure if my eyes had flashed or they felt the energy shift but many of the women brought their wolves to the surface. Andy on the other hand was apparently another hybrid. Her eyes shifted a murky reddish brown color as she smiled, showing her growing teeth. "So it is true, I thought you smelt different." She ran her eyes up and down my body. "Some of the men who brought you in said you were a pure hybrid, able to change fully, is it true?"

Her beast feels threatened.

I honestly didn't give a damn what either of them felt. "Does it matter?"

"Well of course it does child, I can't have some kid coming up to take my place now can I?" A few of her girl friends laughed.

"Look," I crossed my arms and smiled. "I don't give a shit about your place, or this place all together as a matter of fact.." Goddess did it feel good to speak freely for once. "I'd happily walk right out of your lands but your Alpha has his own agenda and has made it very clear that if I try to leave as of yet, he will drag my ass back here." I spun on my heel and began to strode away. "So you can take your insecurities and go somewhere else with them, I don't want to be here any more than you want me here."

A group of snarls and growls trailed after me as I put distance between us but I didn't bother to look back. I mentally told myself that today was going to be a new start for me, dead and gone would be the girl who took shit from everyone for being different. This girl was tossing away her filter and speaking her mind.

Goddess help us all..

*Well my updates are going to be few and far in between for a while. Please bare with me. I will update as often as I am able to.*

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